Темный дух. Дух эчеро вовхед

Spirit of Eche'ro - Item


Comment by feanya

Ghost of moose obtained via archeology. I guess it was tauren project

Comment by Haverok

Can you call ghostly moose a goose? Ghoose?

Comment by Vampluva

Ooooh an Archaeology mount! =D

I'm so excited for Legion, it's going to be Awesome!

Comment by Reignac

Huln Highmountain was the tauren leader in the War of the Ancients.

Comment by Magmy

Ghostcrawler promised us a Moose.

Here's a Ghost Moose.

Pretty sneaky Blizzard.

Comment by SoCalWoWGal

It is a ghost version of Reins of the Grove Warden.

Comment by HolsUldum

New mount Archaeology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nb1OK1SX-U

Comment by w1llei4m

I have to get that

Comment by Difdi

I hereby dub thee Bullwinkle.

Comment by jjanchan

UPDATE: Rare solves in Legion will be obtained in a different way than previous expansions - see below!

This mount is one of the new Rare solves in Legion Archaeology. Note that these Rare items can be obtained with an Archaeology skill level of 1!

There will be 3 new races of artifacts to unearth - Demon, Highmountain Tauren, and Highborne. This mount will be a Highmountain Tauren Archaeology project.

The achievement for unearthing all of the Common Legion archaeology finds is Handle With Care.The achievement for unearthing all of the Rare Legion archaeology finds is A Keen Eye.

Three other moose mounts are currently known:

Obtaining Rare Solves in Legion

Based on the latest information, Legion Archaeology Rare solves WILL NOT be obtained from surveying, but rather will be part of an ongoing story questline. Every 2 weeks a quest will appear from the Archaeology trainer (Dariness the Learned), granting a Rare project at its completion. Note that level 110 will be required for these quests. Source: Legion Profession Q & A with Paul Kubit - Video

In older Dalaran Dariness the Learned was in the Legerdemain Lounge, but she is now located in Things of the Past, a shop on the northeast side of the Magus Commerce Exchange, between the Forge of Fate and the Like Clockwork, the Engineering shop.

Below is a list of all of the new Rare Archaeology solves:

Crystalline Eye of UndraviusDemonicToy. Turns the appearance of other players and NPCs into Demons. (5 Min Cooldown).
Starlight BeaconHighborneUnique Item. Use: Draw the outline of a Starlight Field. Players inside the Starlight Field can fly.
Spear of RethuHighmountain TaurenBoA Polearm. BoA Agility polearm, item level 605.
Crown Jewels of SuramarHighborneVendor grey. Vendors for 5000g.
Imp GeneratorDemonicTrinket. Item level 815. Requires Level 110. +1220 Critical Strike. Equip: Your damage and healing spells have a chance open a portal to Mardum, sending a stream of imps at your target or your target's opponent.
Key of KalyndrasHighborneUse: Gain access to a secret side room within Black Rook Hold (one of the new 5-man dungeons in Legion). Uncertain whether this is consumed on use (and whether the unlock is permanent).
Wyrmy TunkinsDemonicBattle Pet. Teaches the Humanoid pet Wyrmy Tunkins, a Treasure Demon with a little pack and books on it's back.
Shard of SciallaxHighmountain TaurenRelic. Item level 805. Various types. Binds to Battle.net Account. Can be placed in an Artifact Weapon to increase its item level (by 31) and grants a rank of a Minor Trait.
Prizerock NeckbandHighmountain TaurenNecklace. Item level 815. Requires Level 110. +789 Stamina. Has 3 Prismatic sockets, with a Leech Socket Bonus.
Blood of Young MannorothDemonicPutting this in your Obliterum Forge will produce some Obliterum + Obliterum Ash.
Key to Nar'thalas AcademyHighborneUse: Visit a time-lost version of the Nar'thalas Academy. Use the keys again to return to the present. (5 Sec Cooldown). Nar'thalas Academy is an area in the middle of Legion zone Azsuna. Using this will unlock access to a number of quests and minigames.
Spirit of Eche'roHighmountain TaurenMount. A ghostly moose. "The spirit of Huln Highmountain's pet moose."
Purple Hills of Mac'AreeDemonicConsumable item. Use: Read the book to empower your artifact weapon. Grants Artifact Power to your Artifact weapon.

This mount is one of a few profession mounts coming in Legion. Below is a summary list (of those not previously mentioned), sorted by profession.


  • The Enchanting mount appears to have been removed!
  • It seems the Blacksmithing mount, Steelbound Harness, is not BoP, and does not require Blacksmithing, suggesting it can be bought/sold on the Auction House.



Below is a breakdown of crafted mounts. Note that "profession specific" mounts are those for which either having the profession or using the profession (e.g. Fishing, Archaeology) is REQUIRED to learn the mount. Non-profession specific mounts are those where the profession is not required to learn them - either non-soulbound mounts that everyone can use, like Vial of the Sands, or mounts available from other sources, like Riding Turtle.


TOTAL MountsProfession specific mountsNon-profession specific mountsNew in Legion

NOTE: *Mechano-Hog/Mekgineer's Chopper are faction-specific; Geosynchronous World Spinner and Depleted-Kyparium Rocket require Gnomish and Goblin Engineering, respectively, to craft

Quick numbers:

  • 5 total professions (3 primary, 2 secondary) are required to get all profession specific mounts
  • 11 crafted mounts are usable by anyone, and are typically available on the Auction House

    This doesn't include the 1 Non-profession specific Fishing mount, Riding Turtle, which is a Trading Card game mount and thus is available online, on eBay or on the Black Market Auction House.

Only 5 professions have no associated mounts - Enchanting, Inscription, and the 3 gathering professions3 of the new Legion mounts are profession specific, and 1, Steelbound Harness, is not and can be learned by anyone.

Comment by PEBETON

If you plan on getting this mount come Legion, but you haven't done any Archaeology I would suggest to roll a Dwarf in order to benefit from Explorer. This will not only allow you to gather more fragments, but you will get only a 0,5s cast time when using Survey, effectively speeding up the process a lot if Spirit of Eche'ro is as RNG based like previous archeology rare projects we've seen.Also there are some other cool vanity items and achievements attached to Archeology which will be easier to get as a Dwarf if you ever plan to get them.

In the meantime while waiting for Legion you can try to farm the other Archeology mounts:

Vial of the Sands crafted via Alchemy with Recipe: Vial of the Sands gathered through archeology ,you need to be an Alchemist in order to find the recipe (2% drop rate) inside Canopic Jar. Tol'vir archeology project.

Scepter of Azj'Aqir. Tol'vir archeology project.

Fossilized Raptor. Fossil archeology project.

Comment by BReal85

Whoaaa. Awesome looking mount. It is a must-have one. :)

Comment by Excecutable

Emote Bow in 3d viewer, is that what wow will do?

Comment by Velak


Comment by codyheadshot

Finally! Another awesome Archeology mount! :D

Comment by Darkchilx

Absolutely jaw-droppingly gorgeous. Cannoooootttt wait!

Comment by M4rtin

How i obtained Spirit of Eche'ro

*My Archeology skill was 1/800*

Unsure if this was just added recently or not, but currently in Beta i logged in to an available questline in dalaran at the archeology trainer. Its possible this is like previously described in the other comment where you will get a rare questline every week or two related to archeology. However this is the first time i have seen a quest appear on my map for archeology.

I received "The Right Path" Where i had to fly to Thunder Totem to talk to a tauren there about archeology.Upon arrival and talking to her i then received the next quest

"Laying to Rest" "Find 600 Bone Fragments of Eche'ro and return them to Lessah in Highmountain. Then observe the burial ceremony Lessah performs."

Upon surveying in my first digsite in Highmountain these are the items i found:1. Bone Fragment of Eche'ro x2, Highmountain Tauren Archaeology Fragment x6 2. Bone Fragment of Eche'ro x1, Highmountain Tauren Archaeology Fragment x73. Bone Fragment of Eche'ro x2, Highmountain Tauren Archaeology Fragment x84. Bone Fragment of Eche'ro x3, Highmountain Tauren Archaeology Fragment x85. Bone Fragment of Eche'ro x2, Highmountain Tauren Archaeology Fragment x76. Bone Fragment of Eche'ro x2, Highmountain Tauren Archaeology Fragment x97. Bone Fragment of Eche'ro x3, Highmountain Tauren Archaeology Fragment x88. Bone Fragment of Eche'ro x2, Highmountain Tauren Archaeology Fragment x99. Bone Fragment of Eche'ro x3, Highmountain Tauren Archaeology Fragment x7, Highmountain Ritual-Stonex1

On my second digsite i spawned an Angry Tauren Spirit. Usually this will drop a number of Highmountain fragments however he also dropped Bone Fragment of Eche'ro x16, a nice chunk of fragments to count toward this quest.

Once you complete this quest, you will receive Spirit of Eche'ro.

Most key point here is that working towards this mount is separate from ordinary archeology finds, and you will loot both the currency and the quest items at the same time after accepting the quest.

*Another key point is that all my digsites are in Highmountain. Probably related to taking the archeology quest for this area. When i complete a digsite another will spawn randomly in Highmountain. Maybe someone will know more about digsite spawning in Legion, as this is the first time i have done archeology this expansion.

Comment by Extremity

This is not a random Archy solve but is rather obtained from a quest that you will randomly be given in Dalaran's archy building called The Right Path. It will direct you to Thunder Totem in Highmountain, where you will be given the quest Laying to Rest, which awards the mount upon completion. I cannot link the quests at this time as they are not in the Wowhead database yet; I will do a data upload myself now that I have them and hopefully it will be updated.

Comment by Zabianyt

The Spirit of Eche'ro mount is obtained through the Archeology secondary profession. Note that you do not need to have already leveled archeology to get it, you can do it from skill 1/800.

Head over to new Dalaran and locate the Archeology trainer, If you don't have archeology already learn it from the trainer. You can find the trainer over here: https://gyazo.com/bc9c47194d0afb63ecf1f6d8c581285b

This same NPC will now have a Quest available. However it only has a chance of being 'The Right Path' which is the quest you need. If it is 'The Right Path' pickup this quest and head over to Thunder Totem in the Highmountain's. THIS QUEST ONLY HAS CHANCE TO ROLL AND YOU WILL ONLY GET ONE QUEST WEEKLY. IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON AN ARCHEOLOGY QUEST AT THE TIME IT RESETS IT WILL BE REMOVED FROM YOUR QUEST LOG.

Once you have handed the quest in there, you will receive another quest, this quest will give you the mount upon completion hand in.

For this quest you will need to farm 600 x Bone Fragment of Eche'ro. These can be obtained by doing the dig sites around Highmountain. I was generally getting around 20 - 30 bones per dig site which is around 1 -5 bones per survey (you can sometimes get none). It's all RNG based so you might get more.

A cool thing to note is that the actual dig sites have been done differently in Legion, instead of it being 3 or 4 per continent. Broken Isles has 3 or 4 per zone! However it will only be in one zone weekly.

It's a pretty nice mount and also a pretty easy farm, I hope the guide helped! Goodluck!

EDIT: I noticed some mis-information that I forgot to change, so I have updated this post.

Here is a video guide for those who prefer videos:


Comment by prescribed

wow i should have came here first spent 3 days of leveling my arch for this mount :( lol

Comment by Critem

The name is a tribute to former Seattle Mariner, Ichiro Suzuki. He was a fan favorite on the team before heading to New York. The Mariners' mascot is a Moose.

Comment by variien98

Got this quest today. Will post picture of mount later.

Comment by Meak

This was kind of pissy. After hitting level 110 I started farming for this and got 405/600 before I went asleep. Next day in Dalaran I accepted this quest, and apparently the moose quest is gone and I obtained a similar one but in Stormheim. :C

Comment by tehza

Does this mount fly or is it a ground mount only?

Comment by outstanding

Managed to get this mount on live day after release before the quest was rerolled to the Stormheim one. It took me around 3 hours to collect all the fragments and I only got digsites in Highmountain while doing it. The mount is ground only.

Comment by CuddlyCorey


I can't seem to get the quest giver to show. Is there a chain you need to complete first? I have "Legion Master" for Archaeology and have never taken a quest from that quest giver.

I checked my logs and no archy quest either. It's "reset" day, and still no quest?

P.S. I do see dig sites in Azsuna, but not on any type of archy quest.

What am I doing wrong?


Comment by Sarthorius

This week was Highmountain Tauren quest time, but we get the BoA Spear right now. I think we should wait for next week to wait and see if we get this mount's starting quest to pop.

Comment by Sogonzo

I just got the polearm quest again this week (same as last week). Bummer, was really hoping for this mount quest.

Comment by tmptfate

Based on the information seen so far that the archeology rare items are being offered on a non-repeating schedule (meaning every rare item is being cycled through), the next time the Spirit of Eche'ro mount will be available is on February 14th, 2017.

Note: This is of course based on the fact that the very first Archeology rare item offered when Legion went Live was this mount, and once all rare items on the non-repeating list have been offered, the assumption is the list will start back over with this mount.

Comment by Wyo1

so blizzard triggered the quest to only those who were able to reach 110 within legion in the very first one day(s) or week? Why is that?

Comment by lemmetrix

This mount DOES NOT fly.

Comment by kizzaren

Just a few things I observed while doing farming this.

-Took about 2 and a half hours total of bouncing around the dig sites.-Each find yields 1-4 fragments.-There was a few times where I received no fragments at all from a find.-Average yield per dig site seemed to be around 20-35ish.-Angry Tauren Ancestors that occasionally spawn dropped anywhere from 13-16 fragments.

Best of luck to your moose bone farming!

Comment by leowow

It is a spirit ghost. It should fly.

Comment by skyshipper

It's sadly not a flyingmount :(Strange though the moose mount from HC can fly.

Comment by Difdi

I have Bulvinkel as my pet on my Beastmaster Hunter, with Hati's appearance duplicating him. I just got this mount. Does anyone know of a battlepet that has the same appearance? I could use a fourth ghost moose.

Comment by remotettl

Ive visited many different digsites, in total -20 (and a half) different spots. Took me 2 hours to finish this quest!There was 12 Angry Tauren Spirits after digspot was revealed. Twice got two spirits in same digsite. They drop only to the person who is responsible for digging, rest dont get a thing; they drop from 7-16 pieces of needed quest items. Per dig max Ive found is 4 pieces. its different....1...3...4...2.....1.....Started when my archeology had 320 skill points, when finished it was at 648 skill points.And Ive solved 22 project pieces, two of them is to put on wall in dalaran archeology room.

Comment by dkoor

This is just like Leatherworking mount, ghost variant.Now I'm even more glad that I actually ditched LW in spite of getting it to 800.

Comment by kyzenbka


Comment by ivanstrel

Just what the heck happened to him that shattered every bone in his corpse, spreading them all around Highmountain?

Comment by bayonnefrog

How long does it take to farm the 600 things needed for the mount if you are Archeology skill 1. Just wondering if its worth it for a not as good re-skin of the Grove Warden mount.

Comment by ModishVision

For the AMAZING "Ghost Moose" or Spirit of Eche'ro

Pick up the weekly Archaeology quest in Dalaran The Right Path and fly to ThunderTotem, in Highmountain.Once you turn in the quest to the quest giver pick up Laying to Rest and You need to farm 600x Bone Fragment of Eche'ro by surveying digsites in Highmountain.

Some people are faster than others, and some like to do it over the period of a couple days... it took me about 3 1/2 hours.Archy Addons are great, Pro Tip: Kill the archaelogy ghosts that spawn.. they give about 15x Bone Fragment of Eche'ro.

You can also watch this if you are lost. https://youtu.be/Ii5dYVhBoToHappy Grinding!

Comment by JamesMartigo

This mount does not appear to give credit towards the Mountacular achievement. I am awaiting an answer to my ticket.

Comment by Purgatorywolf

DOES ---- NOT ---- FLY

Comment by QualityJeverage

Worth noting: Despite seeming to share animations/skeletons, this mount doesn't have the strange animation of Reins of the Grove Warden -where your character wobbles back and forth as though bolted to the saddle.

So that's good news! But makes that weird quirk of Reins of the Grove Warden all the more confounding/frustrating.

Comment by Cetax

Took me 1:30h-2h to get it, i would suggest to use your Majestic Elderhorn Hoof , and Flight Master's Whistle on cd.. Also some tip Bear Tartare is some great addition when engaging combat with mobs,and keep an eye open for critters around they also trriger the speed buff from the food..

GL n have fun..

Comment by aitchy

Husband: "How's it going?"Me: "Good. I got a ghost moose."Husband: "Uh. What?"

Comment by Fataliny

If you have a Disgusting Oozling summoned you and your mount turn bright green. :)

Comment by kiakotos

Can someone tell me when it will be available again? i miss the one from the start, i also miss the february one, so now can anyone estimate when there will be again the quest ?

Comment by Allyrion

The page says that you can only get this mount as Alliance, but I'm Horde and did that quest to get this mount. So maybe the page should be updated.

Comment by creulon

I'm confused. Says on the Quick Facts box that it' Side: Alliance. Is there a Horde version of it or is this quest for both factions?

Comment by Graknak

The quest line for this mount should be up again from 16th of August 2017 up to (and including) the 29th of August 2017!

Comment by Ryojinetic

As soon as I got this I immediately tried to fly with it, plunging myself off the area outside the cavern and falling to my death.

...worth it.

Comment by 6by6n6

Got it.. took me about 2 hrs with flying & a decent ilvl to not have to worry about mobs. Went from nothing in archaeology to 225.

THE ANGRY TAUREN SPIRITSOccasionally while digging a spirit will form at the site & fight you. They're crucial as they drop between 13-16 Bone Fragment of Eche'ro each (avg. 13). Also.. occasionally u get a flask while digging which on opening has a chance to summon either a spirit or give AP. Now these are important as they take u from 20 per dig site to 33 per site, sometimes even 46, if u get more than one spirit.

I noticed that when a spirit spawned for me once, a random stranger was able to simply tag the spirit & then loot it! In a few minutes it spawned again for me. They don't die very easily so I just looked around & waited for him/her. After a bit he flew in & then I could kill the spirit & we could both loot it.

Can definitely say he could loot it both times. Whether he got fragments or not I cannot verify. I apologise in advance if not.

Comment by shortlived1

All that effort....and it doesn't even fcking fly....

What a waste of fcking time.

Comment by shortlived2

All that effort....and it doesn't even %^&*ing fly....

What a waste of #$%^ing time.

Comment by m4dness86

All that effort and it doesn't even $%^&ing fly. What a waste of $%^&ing time.....

Comment by Rhacius

Anyone know when this will be up for EU?

Comment by Zevere92

Hey, i've just gotta ask, can the quest ''prock'' on different characters or does all of your chars get the quest shared? Cuase i just checked all of mine and all of them had the same quest. Peace!

Comment by atributz

Quest is available about once every six months. A calendar for the quest's availability to receive the Spirit of Eche'ro for 10 years ahead.16.08.2017-30.08.201714.02.2018-28.02.201815.08.2018-29.08.201813.02.2019-27.02.201914.08.2019-28.08.201912.02.2020-26.02.202012.08.2020-26.08.202010.02.2021-24.02.202111.08.2021-25.08.202109.02.2022-23.02.202210.08.2022-24.08.202208.02.2023-22.02.202309.08.2023-23.08.202307.02.2024-21.02.202407.08.2024-21.08.202405.02.2025-19.02.202506.08.2025-20.08.202504.02.2026-18.02.202605.08.2026-19.08.202603.02.2027-17.02.202704.08.2027-18.08.2027

Comment by atributz

Quest is available about once every six months. A calendar for the quest's availability to receive the Spirit of Eche'ro for 10 years ahead.


Comment by HikariAmaya

Ok so here goes my piece. I have 1/800 Archaeology skills. The quest was avaliable today 2/13/18 in the archaeology place in Dalaran. I'm just beginning the quest to get it. I am excited. I'll update when I complete the quest :)

Comment by richietheguru

The quest shows up on my maps but when I go to grab it I can't. I'm on US realms as well. Anybody know why?

Edit: Found out the reason, you have to do it on a 110 toon.

Comment by Ellysimo

So I decided to finally get around to do this today and here is what I found.At max level and with flying, it took me a total of just under 1.5 hours.On my run I ran into x7 Angry Spirits and x1 Digsite Devourer. This mount is extremely quick and easy to do.I recommend anyone, mount collector or not, to grab this mount while it's up!

Comment by sawier

once I have the quest can I do it anytime?

Comment by Royi

Just a heads up, you can group with a friend who needs this to make this go slightly faster.

You can both loot the Bone Fragment of Eche'ro from the Angry Tauren Spirit that will randomly spawn. I would just make sure to call out when you see one spawn, and hopefully they can do the same (if you're partied I don't think you need a tag, but would need to be close enough to loot). I ended up looting 5 ghosts from a single digsite this way (friend spawned 3 ghosts, I had two).

At one point I even shot a ghost another person had spawned (same faction) and I was able to loot the 12-15 or so Fragments too.

Comment by Semavi

I left it to last minute as always so i just went to a dig site and started to survey and i'm doin archeology for the first time, i made a raid group for myself and placed world markers basically drawing a circle while trying to find the bones and making a smaller circle with marks again wasted my 2 hour like this and only got 90 bones than i was like it shouldn't be that hard am i doing something wrong ..... after 8 years 15 hour a day playing i still don't know %^&* .... wasted 2 hours for nothing than i realized STANDING ON IT made a 800x600 weak aura for my dumb eyes now completed in 1.5 hour.


Даринесс Сведущая - НИП - World of Warcraft

Комментарий от jjanchan

This is the Archaeology trainer in the the Legion version of Dalaran. In older Dalaran she was in the Legerdemain Lounge, but she is now located in Things of the Past, a shop on the northeast side of the Magus Commerce Exchange, between the Forge of Fate and the Like Clockwork, the Engineering shop.

Other than training Archaeology, she offers the quests to unearth the Rare Archaeology projects in Legion (these Rare projects will be attainable this way and cannot be surveyed). These will appear every 2 weeks, and will further an Archaeology specific storyline.

Note that level 110 is required for these quests.

Below is a list of all of the new Rare Archaeology solves:

Комментарий от timo4545

Doesn't sell the Draenor fragments like it did in warlords of draenor for pandarian fragments.

Комментарий от lennux

Got level 110, 800 in archaeology and did the Brann quest..But still no quests available from her.

Комментарий от Lynixai

Oddly enough she seems to have the Female Night Elf voice lines instead of the Female Blood Elf befitting her model-

Комментарий от Sunjiang

Today she offered a quest called "Echoes of My Ancestors" which requires you to complete 25 highborne projects. We noticed that party members on that quest also got progress when someone else in the party solved a project. So if you want to speed things up, get a party of 5 people and solve 5 projects each instead of 25 on your own.

Комментарий от TegoZanduba

I was given a new quest by her last night, "The Reliquary Calls" which isn't in wowhead's database. First time I've seen that happen!

Комментарий от arbhatt

Baby got back.

Комментарий от rogi85

Duplicate archeology quests issue

After receiving quest Echoes of My Ancestors for the second time (and after second completion) - I've contacted Blizzard support regarding "duplicate quests". This is official response.

I see you have some questions concerning archeology and why there are duplicate quests.

There actually isn't a bug, it's how the arch quests work. They actually aren't weekly, they are every other week (in terms of a new quest), but your progress resets weekly.

This means that if you ran out of time or missed the quest in week 1, you can start over in week 2. Then in week 3 you get the next quest, and week 4 is like week 2, where it starts over for the same one, etc... Now then if you already did it the first week, you'd have a duplicate of that quest but then may not be able to turn it in due to duplicate item. Basically you can either not do or abandon the duplicate quest ones. :)

Hope this helps, and if you have any further questions or problems don't hesitate to contact us.

My personal opinion is that this is indeed a bug, and new quest shouldn't be offered in even week, if you completed it during odd week. Until Blizzard decides to correct this behavior, we'll have to complete every second given quest to avoid doing duplicates.

update 21.10.2016I've noticed on previous reset (on 12.10.2016) that my Archeology Quests buff is increased from 7 days to 14 days. But I wanted to be sure before updating this post.After completing quest for Crown Jewels of Suramar previous reset, I didn't get new quest on this reset. Also, I don't have buff anymore when I'm in the zone.I dare to say they corrected behavior and now quest is not offered again once you complete it.

Комментарий от lunamoonraker

She offered me a quest titled History of Highmountain with the objective to meet with Лесса Лунная Вода in Highmountain (actually she is in Громовой Тотем). I can't see this quest on the site yet.

It leads to another archaeology quest not yet on the site called Surveying Student.

Комментарий от inzain

new question to anyone who might know, is there a catch-up mode for these? for someone like me who focused on leveling, class hall, raiding etc.. who finally found time to do archaeology? every week will it offer one of the ones thaty have been offered already? or is it just a quest per 2 weeks, and we jump on the train at this stop, and continue around till it resets and do the ones we missed?

Комментарий от Nogrid

As of 7.1 this vendor will now trade Restored Artifacts for WoD fragments

Комментарий от LovisMirac

I want I want her dress for my mage... but not shown under Outfit.


Дух Ата - НИП - World of Warcraft


Комментарий от sajuuk17

The only Hydra tameable ingame.Proof here

Комментарий от Kweri

This guy is tameable, but is counted as a crocolisk and has crocolisk skills when tamed.

Комментарий от Zingao

Same as the others, use the http://www.wowhead.com/?item=39572 to summon him, L80 mob with 12k health.Summoned at 43,5 , 42,0 at the bridge by the water.

Комментарий от polargorilla

There is another tamable mob from the same quest that doesnt look much like a crocolisk. www.wowhead.com/?npc=29034.

Комментарий от milalyr

If you tame it, it keeps its transparent skin. Which is cool, but...

Be warned! It makes an idling animation very often, which comes fully packed with very obnoxious bellowing. I'm not joking when I say "very often". It plays so often it starts to overlap with itself and soon everyone in your general vicinity will be certain there's an army of angry hydras on the loose.

...Also, I'm pretty certain Blizzard will hotfix this and the Ooze, because... well, Oozes aren't even beasts! The hydra is passable, but still not usually tameable.

Комментарий от leth

The ooze spirit is also tameable and also counts as a Crocolisk. Look in the Quick Facts box on its Wowhead page in the upper right.

Edit: The bug wherein this mob and the aforementioned ooze spirit were tameable as Crocolisks has been fixed.

Комментарий от Boarwood

In my opinion bad attitude's a great spell for this thing to have, it has three heads to snap back at all surrounding enemies with, as opposed to the crocolisk with only one head. Hopefully rather than fixing these, bliz will add hydras and (maybe) slimes to the list of pets!

Комментарий от Vyrech

Omg, i wish my hunter was 80, because if the past has told us anything, we could probably keep this if we tame it, but tameing prob wont last long.

Комментарий от Blizzardking

That's a funny glitch. Imagine if the quest included a humanoid spawn, like a tameable spirit of a fallen paladin...

I hope Blizzard gets the hydralisk joke (if it wasn't intentional) and leaves this one tameable.

Комментарий от Ikayuro

I just tamed atha a few hours ago and discovered that it is an excellent tanking pet if trained properly. I really hope that I get to keep him.

-Meliari, Agrammar

Комментарий от Levesk

Tamed this beauty yesterday, here's my experience:

I set a freezing trap before summoning it, but it got resisted A LOT. I decided to keep taming and get some beating, but taming was interrupted all the time, I guess because of the knockback it does. After 3 attempts I was too OOM for another Tame, so I freezed her (him?) and went AotV.

I kept trying, but taming stopped twice after only 1-2 seconds. No idea why.

I managed to complete the tame at my 5th or 6th attempt, after having it fail at 0.9 seconds remaining...

The idle animation is constant, it never stops, and so does the sound. It's a cool sound, but you'll probably hate it after 5 minutes, and your friends will hate it even faster. Oh, and it makes the ground stomping sound like a Rhino too.

It looks translucent and very glowy, really cool IMHO.

Being level 80 with Crocolisk abilities (Bad Attitude), it serves as a powerful tanking pet. If you want to take full advantage of Bad Attitude I suggest taking all the stamina and armor talents, and also Spiked Collar and Last Stand. Then send it to aggro a lot of mobs, Misdirection, Bad Attitude and volley like a mad.

I agree with previous posters, Bad Attitude "fits" with this pet, and I really hope Blizz will find a way to let us have a Hydra pet, even if it's a glitch.

Комментарий от deolrin


"Yes, I know it looks like a hydra -- but this beast is convinced that it's a crocolisk. This ghostly 'hydradile' is summoned during the daily Oracles quest "A Cleansing Song". Yes, he really is see-through! "

So, it IS a crocolisk and nothing else.

Комментарий от Gramma42ton

Great thing about this (other than the fact you get a Hydra) is that it is a tanking pet which starts at level 80

Комментарий от Moyotoshi

I wish I had more than 5 stable slots so I could get this AND the ooze. Currently loaded with Humar, Uhk'loc, Blacksting and a random snake from ST.

Комментарий от gathayah

Like someone who posted before me, I had to try to tame the hydra several times before it finally succeeded. But it was totally worth it, despite the crazy noises it makes.

Also, an interesting thing just to watch, the three heads of the hydra periodically fight with each other.

Комментарий от lizbliz

I hope they don't 'fix' this like they did with making the amani bears untamable.

Some of the pet families are just bland and lame looking with every single one of their skins. The bears and crocs fit this. So the fact that i can't tame something that is a bear, and the coolest looking bear in the game at that, for no reason it #$%^es me off.

This is the a cool looking pet and there really is no reason for blizzards to make it un-tamable even if they didn't mean to originally.

Комментарий от thegamewiz

Sorry to burst your bubble guys, I'm really busted up over this.. I'm very sorry.. They're making both ooze and hydra.... Un..Tameable...

Комментарий от thegamewiz

I'm glad i got this guy before teh patch.. :O

Комментарий от Fruity

Just tamed it now on first try and it was easy as. ;o

But words of warning, if you found the core hound annoying you'll hate this guy, stomps around and make the hissing noise all the time. :/

Though he's still pretty awesome for a croc.

Комментарий от azurelith

Having tamed this mob and stabled it due to its annoying idle animation sound, i recently took him out of my stable to show my friend. The idle sounds no longer seem to happen as often. after abour three minutes, no sound was heard at all until i started walking.

Комментарий от cucumberzr4chump

Hey guys, can any1 tell me if bein able 2 tame the 2 rare "crocolisks" were intended 2 b released 4 a while and then made untameable? I just want 2 no if we can expect more things like this in the future or if this was just a mistake that probly wont ever happen again...

Thx guys,Happy Hunting

Комментарий от DoctoeJ

It was the only tamable hydra, but not any more. I just tried and says "creature not tamable". Very sad about this. Why does Blizz insist on taking away all the cool pets? :(

Комментарий от Sythas

I had this guy and the Ooze tamed back when they were tameable, but sadly due to limited stable space and my Spirit beast obsession i had to abandon one so i ditched the ooze. Wish the bug existed now with all the stable slots we have (even though mines already filled with rares) but never mind, still have this Hydra and it seems very rare these days, though with the changes to crocs (Bad attitude becoming Ankle Crack) i very rarely use him.

Комментарий от redsunrising15

Might be coming back as the only tameable ghost hydra in 4.1!

Комментарий от Troo

I have him and the ooze and after 4.1 went live today I opened up my stable and pulled him out.. He's no longer a crocolisk and is indeed a hydra. He has Bellowing Roar as his special ability. My ooze is still a crocolisk.

Комментарий от dyne313

Mine changed into a Hydra also, but only has 9 Talent Points.

Комментарий от Fred

Untrain your Hydra at the trainer and respec it. I had the same issue.

Комментарий от Martacus

If your lucky enough to have this fella DONT make it unlearn its moves or you will lose your tanking talents and only have the dps talents since its been change to ferocity but it still has it tanking moves I learnt this the hard way :(

Комментарий от Lazurianis

Blizzard just make them tameable its not that hard, I don't understand why they pushed it off. We've been waiting long enough to tame Hydras.

Комментарий от Iceh

I've recently retired my Hydra as my 'solo tank pet' as of this patch. I also found out the hard way that they made them Ferocity pets now instead of Tenacity.

It's a shame, because I loved taking my hydra out to tank mobs for me when i quested; now he's Ferocity like my other pets and I really...just don't want to use him over a wolf; I'm currently using a Wind Serpent with my survival spec even, so another Ferocity pet just doesn’t sit with me very well.

Ah well, time to hunt for a new Tanking pet. =/ I'm disappointed that he is considered Ferocity now.

Happy day to all the hunters who want to tame a hydra when they finally allow it; as for me, having them concsidered as Ferocity has put me off from using mine. My Spirit of Atha will now sit in my Stables. Sad day.

Комментарий от spicedapple

since this has become a dps pet i've changed him out for the wolf i was using, now my 5 pets line up like this:

Hydra: increased crit same as feral druid buffCat: agility boost, same as horn of winter or battle shoutRavanger: dmg bonus on targetFirehawk / wind serpent: spell dmg bonusSerpent: Armour reduction, sunder armour by any other name.

with this set up i manage to almost always have a buff i can use to help myself or any group, 5 man or raid.

Комментарий от Haphestus

Got this guy and the ooze:D before they were patched i get so many comments on them <3

Комментарий от Random0203

here is my tame videohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmDUxaGfO-U

Комментарий от bonzibuddy

I used to have both this guy and the ooze tamed, but since stable space was so limited back then I abandoned the hydra to make room and kept the ooze since I thought it was cooler. And boy, do I ever regret it now that they made it a ferocity pet.. I even tried ticketing a GM to see if they could restore it but they said it was purged. Oh well ;(

Комментарий от blaktank

Just tried taming it in 4.3.4 apparently no longer tameable?

Комментарий от Immoovable

For some time now (as of 4.1, according to Petopia), this mob has been reclassified as a Hydra for the purposes of hunter pets. It is still unable to be tamed as of the MoP release, but anyone who tamed it when it was available (and a crocolisk), will now see it as a Hydra instead.

Hydras have the Bellowing Roar racial ability, making them functionally identical to wolves now. So far as I am aware, pre-nerf tamings of this mob are the only method by which a hunter can currently have a Hydra pet.

Комментарий от holaithehunter12

i wish hydras were tamable! *crys*

Комментарий от ayligerwolf

ATTENTION!In WoD, hydras WILL BE TAMABLE!It seems they will have the mastery buff not the crit buff. However I'm not sure about this hydra, seeing how it was retired.. but the rest of the hydras will be tamable!

Комментарий от scourge2

Taming this the moment I can in Warlords!

Комментарий от Evolutionadam

Tameable again as of 6.02! Just got mine today!

Комментарий от ayligerwolf

These were spawning like crazy first couple of days, up to 5 at a time at that lake. Got myself two right then and there and I wasn't on the quest that is not so daily..

Been going back daily, and have yet to see more spawn in such numbers, and when there is ONE, it is dead, probably due to questers completing the quest.

Also, i checked out the ghost crocolisk that is also on the same quest as this hydra,.....not tamable.. The slime, as logic, not tamable.

Комментарий от Paradiddlar

If someone is sitting on this quest to help others. Please contact me on Herdehov at Grim Batol-EU, would appreciate it alot.

Комментарий от Paradiddlar

Contact me on Herdehov - Grim Batol EU if you wanna get helped with this tame. I have the quest.

Комментарий от Drynii

I tried taming Atha yesterday. My friend had the daily quest, my hunter is lvl 90, naked and it wouldn't let me tame the darn beastie... >.

Can anyone provide any insight or help, it would be greatly appreciated... =)

Комментарий от ayligerwolf

Players mentioning this pet is no longer tamable got me on the move to confirm this as I had made a video about getting this pet. Today, (11/19/14), this pet IS TAMABLE. Went out to the Basin myself and summoned the pet and started the tame no problem and even Beast Lore said it was tamable.. Could be the quest item or quest itself might of bugged with the recent hotfixes.

Комментарий от taizel

As of 16 February 2015 this pet is TAMABLE. You just have to go back to Оракул Су-ни until you get the Очищающая песня quest. I just wish I could get the ooze...::sob::

Комментарий от squiretoad

Confirmed: as of Warlords of Draenor, this transparent hydra IS, repeat, IS tameable. I just tamed him! Regrettably the slime and croc creatures, objectives of the quest, are NOT tameable. And Atha's grunting isn't that bad :-)

Комментарий от Shalank

Just tamed Atha 1 day after getting Revered with the Oracles. Cannot tame Koosu or Ha-Khalan.

Комментарий от Nabril

This pet allows others to tame it once someone with the quest summons it. I had this quest today and after I tamed it, I summoned it again so that a nearby hunter could tame it as well. I had to feign death to drop agro and then her taming worked.

Комментарий от DaMadKat

Is Atha tamable if you killed him during quest?

Комментарий от Thunderbelly

i have been forming a group finder for him for hunters to tame for a few years now.


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Комментарий от thehumanfly

These monsters are spawned from the patrolling Ancient Orc Spirits when http://www.wowhead.com/?item=28283 is used on them, for the quest "What the Soul Sees".

Despite their level, it is hard to solo them without kiting as a level 70.

Комментарий от agent8261

Solo-able as a prot Spec warrior in tank gear. Interrupt the consuming shadows with a shield slam, keep up demo shout and thunderclap, 5 sunders, and devastate them down. I usually ended the fight with a little less the half health.

Комментарий от Dena

These hit fairly hard on leather and have a hard hitting shadow damage ability (cant remember name) which is deadly for melee.Still soloed 15 of these as a 70 mutilate spec'd rogue.Kiting ftw, since these have no ranged abilities.

Комментарий от tosbanzai

It is especially fun to strategically spawn roughly a dozen or so of them or more if you can from max summon range.

Just watch your back ;-) They despawn if they chase you and you break their aggro.

Комментарий от Shadowhorn

If you stand around 36, 65 the ancestors will basically patrol right into you, and you can take as many as you need for the quest. About 5 walk by per minute, if not more.

Комментарий от Illuvar

Hard to solo,but every kind of CC work so locks,fear 'em!

Комментарий от KaoticKaos

Halaa guards do not help you if you spawn them there.

Комментарий от Dhazy

If a warlock were to enslave one of the elite demons from the Forge Camps, would the demon stand a chance against one of these?

Комментарий от Mitten

Solo'd these as a level 68 prot paladin (after patch 3). I found it goes a lot easier if you use Shadow Resistance Aura instead of Devotion Aura. You can obviously swap back and forth as you like but if you can't be arsed with that SR is the way to go.

Комментарий от Tabmoc

As a ful frost mage with Improved Blizzard and Chilled to the Bone (+85% slow) I was able to kill 4 at a time with ease. If somehow all 15 spawned at once, I could probably take all 15 down with some luck and these two talents.

What I'm getting at is these are VERY easy if you have any type of slowing or snaring ability, as stated above.

Комментарий от witherwax

Maybe they have been nerfed. As a weak level 70 discipline priest (no tier gear, no wotlk gear), I was able to solo these. Fear makes it easier.. but is unnecessary.

Комментарий от xesternos

Soloed as a 69 combat rogue .It is a bit challeging though.Try break down the usage of cooldowns to keep the pace fast.Potions will be needed at some points.Make good use of kidney shot.

Комментарий от RealUnimportant

These seem to spontaneously spawn now regardless of mirror ownership; I'm not at that point of the quest chain yet I'm running into them inside Oshu'gun already... Ah well, new bugs are to be expected; just be warned!

Комментарий от trombonish

For whatever reason, these seem to not give XP when killed... kind of disappointing, since they are elites...

Комментарий от Dorque

These will spawn upon killing Voidwraiths in Oshu'gun without the use of the mirror.

Комментарий от turrat

Solo'd as a 67 Spriest, without using any cd other than PW:S. Put up Shadow Protection and go to town. The only downside is their high health, so you'll probably be drinking / Dispersing every other mob.

Комментарий от imjusttryin

soloed as a 67 BM hunter with a beetle (turtle works well to) pet and rotated cower and harden Carapace (harden shell for turtle) and keep a heal on. easy as pie

Комментарий от TweakZ

Solo'd as a 67 arms warrior, charge, open with rend, MS, Slam, Overpower and Cleave. Use throwdown when they start channeling the first time.

Комментарий от zephyrangel17

Ok so, look for the invisible people on grass or gravel.Target them they should be neutral. Use your quest item on them and they turn into the Darkened Spirits.

It reaaaaly helps to make a macro../target Ancient

Комментарий от Wesi

Youre looking for Древний орк-предок and use the Зеркало Души on them


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