Oh! what doth that vessel of darkness bear?The silent calm of the grave is there,Save now and again a death-knell rung,And the flap of the sails, with night-fog hung! There lieth a wreck on the dismal shoreOf cold and pitiless Labrador;Where, under the moon, upon mounts of frost,Full many a mariner's bones are tost! Yon shadowy bark hath been to that wreck,And the dim blue fire that lights her deckDoth play on as pale and livid a crewAs ever yet drank the churchyard dew! To Dead-Man's Isle, in the eye of the blast,To Dead-Man's Isle, she speeds her fast;By skeleton shapes her sails are furl'd,And the hand that steers is not of this world! Oh! hurry thee on - oh! hurry thee on,Thou terrible bark! ere the night be gone,Nor let morning look on so foul a sightAs would blanch for ever her rosy light! ~ Thomas Moore We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and lootDrink up me hearties, yo hoWe kidnap and ravage and don't give a hootDrink up me hearties, yo ho Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me We extort, we pilfer, we filch and sackDrink up me hearties, yo hoMaraud and embezzle and even high-jackDrink up me hearties yo ho Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me We kindle and char, inflame and igniteDrink up me hearties, yo hoWe burn up the city, we're really a frightDrink up me hearties, yo ho We're rascals, scoundrels, villains, and knavesDrink up me hearties, yo hoWe're devils and black sheep, really bad eggsDrink up me hearties, yo ho Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me We're beggars and blighters and ne'er do-well cadsDrink up me hearties, yo hoAye, but we're loved by our mommies and dadsDrink up me hearties, yo hoА сумка могла бы быть и побольше. Затуманенный фонарь духов
Проклятый корабль "Вазувий" - НИП
Комментарий от Maelynn
See you, beneath yon cloud so dark,Fast gliding along, a gloomy bark?Her sails are full, though the wind is still,And there blows not a breath her sails to fill!Комментарий от Elladaryn
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for meКомментарий от Metabii
Countless years ago, while lost in barren seasThere whispered murmurs of a bloody mutinyWe took up arms and slayed the officers of rankAnd with swords drawn made the captain walk the plank
Now as we stand before the gallows waiting for the endI'll say these final words my friend
At Sunrise we will dance the Hempen JigSo raise up your pint of rum and take another swigThe curse of Captain Morgan has lead us to this fateSo have no fear and don't look backThe afterlife awaits
We returned to port with sorrow in our chestsAn evil shadow followed us on every questNever to feel joy again was our fateOnly misery and death, fear and burning hate
We broke the law, betrayed the codeNow time is running outAn unforgivable offenceOf that there is no doubt
Now as we stand before the gallows waiting for the endI'll say these final words my friend
At Sunrise we will dance the Hempen JigSo raise up your pint of rum and take another swigThe curse of Captain Morgan has lead us to this fateSo have no fear and don't look backThe afterlife awaits
Many years have passed nowYet the curse still lives onAnd now we rot in a black prison cellWaiting for our true calling in Hell
But for the lives we leave behindDon't shed a tear, don't cryThe only way to break this curseIs for us all to die
Now as we stand before the gallows waiting for the endI'll say these final words my friend
At Sunrise we will dance the Hempen JigSo raise up your pint of rum and take another swigThe curse of Captain Morgan has lead us to this fateSo have no fear and don't look backThe afterlife awaits
At Sunrise we will dance the Hempen JigSo raise up your pint of rum and take another swigThe curse of Captain Morgan has lead us to this fateSo have no fear and don't look backThe afterlife awaits
Комментарий от Icy2k
Drops Сказание о затерянном во времени мореходе.Комментарий от Voxxel
You can summon this rare elite ship by killing Вечножор, looting Затуманенный фонарь духов (which is a guaranteed drop for all players who involved in the kill) and using it at the Misty Strand @ 26.5-27.8.Комментарий от Lore
If you're interested in this or any of the other rare elites on the timeless isle, head over to the Wowhead Rare Elite Guide for more information including maps and loot lists.Комментарий от Rayanna
Also, the graveyard that you use the Затуманенный фонарь духов to summon this ship is not always present. It also has a one hour cool down after being used. I have submitted a screen shot of the graveyard so you can see what you are looking for on the beach.
Комментарий от mel9525
For those of you hunting rares, here's a little help. Copy them all, or just take the ones you need. I've arranged them by location, so you will have to adjust the macro spacing on your own (sorry!):(these co-ordinates work with WoW addons, such as TomTom)In the Water: /way 26.0 22.6 Dread Ship/way 34.2 83.7 Karkanos/way 61.0 88.6 Rattleskew/way 71.4 81.4 Stinkbraid/way 47.2 88.0 Zesqua
On the Coast:/way 66.8 65.2 Bufo/way 65.2 74.6 Bufo/way 25.0 36.0 Chelon/way 24.6 70.0 Furyshell/way 21.0 42.2 Furyshell/way 25.4 75.2 Spineclaw/way 65.6 78.4 Spineclaw
Inland Mid-Western Area:/way 44.0 70.0 Cranegnasher/way 40.5 82.6 Gu'chi/way 30.6 36.6 Imperial Python/way 25.8 46.4 Imperial Python/way 37.6 77.6 Zhu-Gon
Red Stone Run:/way 62.5 61.5 Golganarr/way 59.6 48.6 Spelurk/way 54.2 42.6 Tsavo'ka
Cavern of Lost Spirits:/way 43.6 30.6 Rock Moss/way 46.6 32.8 Spirit of Jadefire
Firewalk Ruins:/way 53.0 82.6 Jakur/way 57.2 77.6 Watcher Osu
The Blazing Way:/way 60.4 49.6 Champion Black Flame/way 64.8 42.4 Champion Black Flame/way 54.2 53.4 Cinderfall/way 66.7 58.3 Huolon/way 67.6 44.0 Leafmender
Ordon Sanctuary:/way 49.7 22.2 Archiereus of Flame/way 41.0 27.8 Flintlord Gairan/way 47.8 38.8 Flintlord Gairan/way 64.8 27.2 Garnia/way 44.6 25.6 Urdur the Cauterizer
Please NoteThese co-ordinates do not include spawn locations for:Evermaw he circles the Isle very quickly in a clockwise pathing. Ironful Steelhorn they are common spawns found all around the lower forest. Emerald Gander they are common spawns found all around the lower forest. Also, NPC's with 2 marked spawn points, such as the Great Turtle Furyshell, Monstrous Spineclaw, Bufo, Python etc. are known to spawn in multiple areas between or around those two points. So the co-ordinates I've listed are more of a point of reference than a place to stationary camp.
**I've tried for the best accuracy I could, but if you notice I've missed anyone or listed any co-ordinates very wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it asap**
Happy Hunting!
===================Gygz - Zul'jin USTaluka - Zul'jin US
Комментарий от Smu3
A priest on my server tried to summon it on its own. Didn't work out to well:Dread Captain Genest yells: No one can stop us! Onward to the open seas!
And the ship sailed away out to open seas. Epic!
We arrived just as it started to sail away, but we could not stop it. Guessing you have to be more people when summoning or that someone has to be within melee range.
Комментарий от IhaveNoLife
Do not cast corpse explosion on this mob when it dies. It will reduce its hit box. The knockback radius will not be reduced with it. Nobody will be able to loot the ship.Edit: It seems that when you kill the ship now, the loot automatically appears in your bags.
Комментарий от Random771452
Does Dark barrage to anyone in front of it, regardless of being in combat with it now, hits for 75k a pieceКомментарий от Brasso
Possibly a reference to Mount Vesuvius, since both the ship and volcano spit fire.Комментарий от byebyepunk
Soooo...the ship now sails away, and despawns if their aren't enough people attacking to kill it.Комментарий от LyssaWoW
Has a habit of instantly just sailing away when spawning lately, meaning it's unkillable. Might be due to lag or some weird bug.Комментарий от cimorenegal
Please for the love of god, let Evermaw die before you summon dreadship so people have a chance to kill both!Комментарий от Lireux
Corpse explosion works on this, although you'd think it count as mechanical, and pretty much makes it vanish. I've seen the Gin-Ji Knife Set used on large mobs like Huolon to good trolling effect, but it's worse on this one I think because if you die as Alliance, you have a long run from Tushui and may think the corpse despawned when it hasn't....but it feels really good to blow up the ship.
Комментарий от oozie
How does the Ghost Ship steer ?. . .by dead reckoning !
Комментарий от Wimbleton
Of course I'm so stupid, I haven't been able to figure this out yet and I would be thrilled to get a little input. The first several characters I brought to the Isle had little problem killing the ship - as long as you keep moving, you can dodge the Burning Pitch or whatever that stuff is; kind of a problem for classes that can't attack while moving but that's always been an issue from the beginning and this fight isn't different in that regard.Out of necessity (mages are pretty squishy after all), I now swim to the ship (Crystal of Insanity apparently prevents using the Water Walking Potion), fire a round or two to tag it while dodging the Burning Pitch (not too hard), get targeted by Dark Barrage and then try to scramble out of the water using a Swim Speed Potion (no Water Walking) and get as far as possible to see from how far the ship can still kill me. Last time was at 20.8, 44.0, south of the Horde Landing Zone. This is using a Master Healing Potion each time of course. I run through those like popcorn at the movies.
I always get credit (sometimes the loot is worth it; luck of the draw and last time I got a Burden of Eeternity, so this is not really a complaint), but always have to take a death. Knowing this in advance, I don't put on any buffs (What would be the point?), plan to spend 15G in repairs (the benefit of cloth; plate would be 24G) and burn up a bunch of time doing a corpse run. But here's my question: if the Vazuvius is doing this to me, isn't it doing this to everyone? Who is left to kill the ship?
Комментарий от apaul17
The ship doesn't summon immediately. You have time to swim into the water as the Captain yells some things, and the ship then appears. On my low pop server I didn't have anyone answering the call to help with this, so I went bear (tank), used my Cursed Swabby Helmet, and went under the ship.Ship has 175 mil health, but I was never hit once with anything. Took forever, but I just sat there pounding away on it. Eventually a few others came by and helped, but I think in 20-30 min I would have had it down. It was boring but doable. I should have stayed dps.
Комментарий от yuyang0224
If you don not kill it quickly enough, it will rush onward to open sea and vanish.Комментарий от Bighappykitty
They've nerfed the number of Timeless Coins you get for killing the ship. I used to get over 1000, now it's down to less than 100. Haven't tried killing Evermaw yet, but I'm willing to bet his numbers have been likewise lowered.After killing Evermaw, it still drops the 1k coins.
Комментарий от GazaC76
There are a lot of people wondering why the hell this ship has gone past the 1 hour spawn timer. Here is the reason why.The fact that some haven't figure it out yet, is that if your faction (i.e Alliance/Horde) spawn dread ship... then the opposite faction wont see it in emo "Yell".... only when your factions players spawn dread ship you will read it in yell... so by that it's not hard to figure out that alliance/Horde (opposite faction) killed ship.
so you will only see the captain spam /Y if your faction spawns the ship and not the opposite.
Комментарий от GazaC76
I sat and waited for a couple of spawns on the ship today. the 1st I looted. the second was an auto loot. I did however still have to manually loot the Камень Вечности. So those of you that are on the quests Сущность времени or Сила песочных часов , if the ship auto loots, still manually loot it for the stone Комментарий от Unadorned
Комментарий от Kandiyva
Spawned the ghost ship today and had it swim away and despawn.... Any others have this problem?Комментарий от seitori
If you're going to try to solo this, note that pets aren't enough to satisfy the "must have a target above water" requirement. If you leave a pet on it and try to go beneath, it will sail away.Комментарий от ettalyn
Killed today. Had 5 million health. Received the toy Rime of the Time-Lost Mariner on first kill. Dropped 1445 coins.ru.wowhead.com
Вечножор - НИП - World of Warcraft
Комментарий от Sunscorch
The Китовая акула's little cousin, currently circling the Вневременный остров.Комментарий от Bareno
There is a PTR bug though where he patrols though fatigue water though, killing your energy / mana / rage generation.
Комментарий от FuzzyFuzz9
We're gonna need a bigger boat ... againКомментарий от ZerOrbit
1. Whale sharks have about 3,000 very tiny teeth but they are of little use. 2. Whale sharks are harmless to people and usually indifferent to divers.3. Whale sharks are slow swimmers, going no more than 3 mph (5 kph).This shark is on steroids. It's teeth are digging into its bottom lip, causing it unbearable pain. That's probably why it's so aggressive. It needs to see a Whale Shark hospital asap.
Комментарий от Voxxel
As for all new rare elite mobs, you don't need to be in the killing PARTY or RAID to get a tag on this guy! Moreover, you don't need to be in the same faction either, there's no faction-tag on the Timeless Isle rare elites. So if you see a bunch of Horde killing it, you can join the fight as an Alliance or vice versa -- don't worry you'll still get the loots!No need healers or tank. Apart from the deadly frontal attack that oneshots anyone for 500mil dmg there's no more incoming damage at all. Evermaw is a moving dummy as long as you can stay on its side or back.
Important things:
Has a guaranteed drop for everyone: Затуманенный фонарь духов which you can summon Проклятый корабль "Вазувий" with.
Комментарий от Lore
If you're interested in this or any of the other rare elites on the timeless isle, head over to the Wowhead Rare Elite Guide for more information including maps and loot lists.Комментарий от Burnay
This guy always pats clockwise around the isleIf you want to be nice and tell others in general chat where he is, just simply call out a time "o'clock" (i.e. If he is by the sanctuary, 12 o'clock. If he is by Old Pi'jiu Village, 6 o'clock ect.) This makes it easier for everyone to say/find where he (she?) is.
If no one is being nice and calling out where he is, your best bet is to run or fly (if you want to get far enough out into the ocean to mount a flying mount) counter clockwise.
This whale shark is amazingly fast in the water. Faster than ground mount speed anyway. He can be slowed so if you know he is being killed expect that he is (slowed that is).
These item certainly help to kill him whether he is slowed or not:Плот рыболова
Комментарий от alpha17x
How the hell do you keep up with this thing? Do you get a special buff that lets you swim at 400 miles per hour like he does?Комментарий от Okamii
As a BM hunter, you don't need a Death Knight to keep up with this speedy swimmer. If you tame any water strider pet, you can use its water walking ability to stay on your feet for the entire battle as long as you don't get hit.A list of water strider pets and where to get them can be found at wow-petopia.com
Комментарий от Esploratore
Would like to point out that being in a group is actually detrimental for this and other rares, I was in a raid group for celestials, killed this, got 40 timeless coins, normally I get 800-1.000: being in a raid group reduces the coins you get, and you don't need a raid group to get credit.Комментарий от Rayanna
After you kill Вечножор you will loot a Затуманенный фонарь духов which will allow you to summon the Проклятый корабль "Вазувий" at the graveyard on the beach where the Танцор из нефритовых туманов elementals are at. Just North-East of the Horde flight point. If you have coords, the graveyard spawns at 26.4, 27.8. The graveyard is not always there. I would recommend that as soon as you kill Вечножор and get a Затуманенный фонарь духов that you head directly over to where the Проклятый корабль "Вазувий" spawns at, because inevitably if the graveyard is up someone will be summoning the ship.Комментарий от Danielfboone
The lantern is not a guaranteed drop for everyone. I killed him and didn't get one.Комментарий от geekygirlish
This is one fast fish! I have not been able to catch him thru normal means. I am going to brew up some waterwalking elixir for my hunter as I am MM and can't tame exotic pets. Sea turtle mount is also too slow, altho it says it goes fast in water. Guess I am going to have to get the anglers mountКомментарий от mel9525
For those of you hunting rares, here's a little help. Copy them all, or just take the ones you need. I've arranged them by location, so you will have to adjust the macro spacing on your own (sorry!):(these co-ordinates work with WoW addons, such as TomTom)In the Water: /way 26.0 22.6 Dread Ship/way 34.2 83.7 Karkanos/way 61.0 88.6 Rattleskew/way 71.4 81.4 Stinkbraid/way 47.2 88.0 Zesqua
On the Coast:/way 66.8 65.2 Bufo/way 65.2 74.6 Bufo/way 25.0 36.0 Chelon/way 24.6 70.0 Furyshell/way 21.0 42.2 Furyshell/way 25.4 75.2 Spineclaw/way 65.6 78.4 Spineclaw
Inland Mid-Western Area:/way 44.0 70.0 Cranegnasher/way 40.5 82.6 Gu'chi/way 30.6 36.6 Imperial Python/way 25.8 46.4 Imperial Python/way 37.6 77.6 Zhu-Gon
Red Stone Run:/way 62.5 61.5 Golganarr/way 59.6 48.6 Spelurk/way 54.2 42.6 Tsavo'ka
Cavern of Lost Spirits:/way 43.6 30.6 Rock Moss/way 46.6 32.8 Spirit of Jadefire
Firewalk Ruins:/way 53.0 82.6 Jakur/way 57.2 77.6 Watcher Osu
The Blazing Way:/way 60.4 49.6 Champion Black Flame/way 64.8 42.4 Champion Black Flame/way 54.2 53.4 Cinderfall/way 66.7 58.3 Huolon/way 67.6 44.0 Leafmender
Ordon Sanctuary:/way 49.7 22.2 Archiereus of Flame/way 41.0 27.8 Flintlord Gairan/way 47.8 38.8 Flintlord Gairan/way 64.8 27.2 Garnia/way 44.6 25.6 Urdur the Cauterizer
Please NoteThese co-ordinates do not include spawn locations for:Evermaw he circles the Isle very quickly in a clockwise pathing. Ironful Steelhorn they are common spawns found all around the lower forest. Emerald Gander they are common spawns found all around the lower forest. Also, NPC's with 2 marked spawn points, such as the Great Turtle Furyshell, Monstrous Spineclaw, Bufo, Python etc. are known to spawn in multiple areas between or around those two points. So the co-ordinates I've listed are more of a point of reference than a place to stationary camp.
**I've tried for the best accuracy I could, but if you notice I've missed anyone or listed any co-ordinates very wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it asap**
Happy Hunting!
===================Gygz - Zul'jin USTaluka - Zul'jin US
Комментарий от SilverDragon234
Dang. He's the biggest whale shark ever - bigger even that the ones in Vashj'ir. I might add him in a story, but this time - he'll be a mosasaur.Комментарий от Ardinur
Would everyone kindly stop calling Evermaw "the shark", since he is in fact a whale?Комментарий от Sallara
There seems to be a bug of sorts with death knights as I appear to not be the only one who gets this.When attacking Evermaw, death knight abilities sometimes become unusable as if you have no runes, despite having full runes. Only a few abilities become usable, plague strike seemingly to become one of them, which allows you to use an ability again for a while.Комментарий от Tugit
I have died while fighting Evermaw, and by the time I would catch up to him, he would already be dead and have no loot for me.Комментарий от larrieuxa
this is the *worst* idea for a rare boss blizzard has *ever* had!literally *every single time* i try to kill this boss, some no-life troll is inevitably kiting it nonstop through the deepest parts of the water and everybody on the island has to constantly run after it in order to dps it down! and half the people have no waterwalking and can't even keep up in order to get a kill in.
real nice job blizz, this is why you are losing subs by the millions! stop feeding the griefers! i quit! and i'm leaving a long drawn-out message on the official forums to tell you exactly why i'm quitting, too!
Комментарий от Jaldy
I'm beginning to wonder if Evermaw was a scrapped encounter. I have circled the island one hundred times and killed Evermaw about thirty times. Everything I've learned while chasing the dude truly leads me to the conclusion that this encounter is broken.Problem #1:While swimming around with Evermaw, you will occasionally receive a buff called Timeless Rapids. The problem with this is that you occasionally receive the buff. If I were smart, I'd wager that this buff is supposed to be applied to you everywhere Evermaw is. Think about the Dread Ship encounter...You don't lose the water walking ability if you're on the port, the bow, or any other part of the ship.
This ability makes it one hundred times easier to attack Evermaw, without having to rely on a player modifier such as Path of Frost or Water Walking.
Problem #2:The Time Rift and Time Lock abilities SEEM to be working as intended, but next time you're actually chasing the Time Rifts, try to pay attention to your debuff timer, and watch how many times the buff actually falls off, regardless of how many times you successfully enter a Time Rift, or have plenty of time left on the debuff. (I have noticed that once you reach 10 stacks, it seems to dissappear)
This leads to Problem #3:Think about it. Time Rift and Timeless Rapids are the perfect duo for attacking a whale shark that both swims faster than you, and never stops swimming. For casters, this is especially useful because stopping to cast only causes Evermaw to swim out of your range. Most of the time I'm attacking Evermaw, I'm just throwing DoTs on him because I can't keep up.
Which leads to what I feel is an oversight: Fatigue.
Problem #4:It's easy to identify areas of fatigue by the mini map. Any darker areas of the ocean are automatically fatigue zones, but would you really design an encounter around the deep zones of an island? Maybe they would, but I think it's an oversight. Well, wishful thinking anyway. While fatigued, you don't regenerate mana, are in constant danger of drowning, and you have to retreat to the island to rest before you can jump in again. Without a player modifier or an item like Cursed Swabby Helmet, you could run out of range of the encounter and risk not getting any loot drops.
Just my two cents!
Комментарий от Gyrafall
The one thing that makes this fight a lot easier is the Angler's Fishing Raft. If you don't paddle it then it moves about the same speed as the shark does (slightly faster -- occasionally you'll need to stop and let him overtake), and you can paddle it back to land quickly if your fatigue level is getting high. You can't take advantage of the white swirls this way, but you also avoid the dark ones.Комментарий от fonzatron2000
It feels like the white swirls under water were supposed to increase your speed and haste so that you can keep up with the boss, but the work experience intern that designed half the island must have forgotten to add the speed code :(Комментарий от Cowworth
This guy has been known to suddenly turn around and enrage, then turn back to his normal swimming pace for less than a second, try not to get startled if you hate sharks! :PКомментарий от TinyTerr0r
Going to need lots more chips, salt & vinegar for this fish!Btw, if you haven't noticed by now; those black swirly thingies under the water instantly kill you, the white ones give you the buff .
Комментарий от kirby40
for any 1 looking for spawn times, he spawns between 60 min after he is killed. the rare coordinator addon will show you how long ago he was killed so you can make a rough guess to when its time to start campingКомментарий от Shaid
The good news is he won't attack you if you stay out of his face. the bad news is, you'll have a hell of a time keeping up with him to fight him. He seems to be bugged.Комментарий от ghostiron
If he "disappears" after you kill him it's not a bug, on my realm DKs will corpse explode him and he becomes hard to find after he dies, a lot of people think that he despawned and they leave without getting loot. Some will troll and say that he's at the bottom and people will dive and try to find him. When that happens you can /target him but there is no target marker on the minimap, he's usually just a bit below the water line so watch carefully around the place he died if this happens.Комментарий от Deactivated1664
Evermaw is Mobus' cocky younger brother.Комментарий от Arjuana
Important, really important tip:Get your raft from the Anglers! I can't stress this enough, and somebody else already mentioned it, but without due emphasis. All classes and races can use it, and static casting abilities work while mounted on it. You don't need Path of Frost, provided you can use of these, and include the *jump* keyboard shortcut on your casting rotations to *pedal faster*.On additional note, you can use your Azure Water Strider to close on him, but after you closed the gap... raft away.
Thanks wonderboyjohnny on 2013/09/11 (Patch 5.4.0) for the initial quote.
Комментарий от Ruinour
Surprised no one has mentioned this but this mob may be a reference to the band http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evermore_(band)Or the song : http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Battle_of_Evermore
Комментарий от NFalcon
Where is Evermaw's wife?Комментарий от Gwiez
It takes Evermaw about 5 minutes, 50 seconds to do a complete circuit of the island.Комментарий от Gavin77
"Devour hit you for 406061 physical (536464851 Overkill).You died"I recommend not swimming into Evermaws mouth.
Комментарий от Greyvax
Even if you don't have water walking or the raft, you should pick up the as it will provide you with enough swim speed to catch up to him after killing ship.Комментарий от Toontang
Evermaw takes exactly-ish 5 Minutes and 30 Seconds to circle the isle.Happy Hunting
UPDATE: I have since found that Evermaw will change his speed during a fight or taking any damage and it seems to differ based on damage. Not certain of that. Bottom line if someone hits him, the timer will change.
Комментарий от Romire
Evermaw is one of the most hated fish bosses ever!Hes such a ass, he needs his swim speed nerfed!
Комментарий от Yogilaw
Basic rules of engagement:1. Stay behind when doing dps.2. Watch out for Fatigue, swim back into shallower water then rejoin fight.3. Use water buff/ability/add to help keep up with him.4. No danger unless you get directly in front of him.
Pretty easy, if rather tedious fight that gives good drops.
Комментарий от Stompa
Catching up to Evermaw: (A summary)The obvious methods like Path of Frost and Water Walking are of course not available to every class - although of course if you have a Death Knight or Shaman friend along you are set. Here's a summary of other ideas to get you in the fight:
EDIT for patch 6.0 and beyond: Some of these methods work best when others are helping. If you are trying to solo him, you need to keep "in combat" with him or he may reset. The Плот рыболова is my personal favourite tool for this when using ranged dps.
1. Nothing special required. Swim away from the island to the area where you get fatigued, get on your flying mount and fly *in the fatigue zone* until you are ahead of him. Then fly towards the island until you drop off your flying mount so you don't die of fatigue. Hit him at least once to get 'in' on the kill.
2. Elixir of Water Walking is not too hard to get, ask your local Alchemist. If you can manage to hit Evermaw without taking damage (not too hard) the buff stays active and you can mount up again if he gets past you.
3. Get a ride. Reputation with The Anglers can get you a few options - the Angler's Fishing Raft is a bit faster to get, and the Water Strider mount takes a little longer.
4. The Cursed Swabby Helmet was pretty much made for this; follow the link for how to get one.
5 (Hunters only) get a pet! Water Strider pets have an ability that will let you walk on the water.
6. (Engineers) The Watergliding Jets can help stay in the game too.
The first time I saw Evermaw I tried desperately to catch up and failed ... hope this helps someone to not have the same experience!
Комментарий от fhqwhgads
Don't forget to pull out your Angler's Fishing Raft when you're chasing this guy! You can cast, and if like me, you play a hunter, you can squeeze out your entire rotation while spamming spacebar to keep up to speed!Комментарий от BurningBatsu
Seems like he is bugged in WoD, He now moves faster than someone on a 100% mount, making it almost impossible to keep up with him and deal damage.Комментарий от Kimpira
This big fish is easily and quickly soloable at level 100.Портал Времени are swirling white clouds in the water which give a stackable damage buff when you swim through them, rather like the cloud race in the jade forest.
is easy to pick up around the coast for you to be able to keep up.
Keep an eye on your fatigue bar and swim back to the coast to let it drop off if you end up in a fatigue zone.
That's it. As a poorly geared level 100 priest the big fish chase-and-kill took me about 2/3 of the way around the island, so about 4 minutes.
It was all so much good fishy goodness and fun, I tried it again the next day. This time the Портал Времени buff was falling off after 1 second rather than after 15 secs so it may be a little buggy for you. Keep trying!
Комментарий от Gormadok
Easily soloable by a mage lvl 100. all you need is a raft and you dont need to worry about anything except a fatigue which may occasionally running low if you swim too far away from timeless isle.Комментарий от SgtGrumbles
Seems to be bugged to hell. Cursed swabby's helmet cant even touch him even after cutting corners and going round and round the island.Комментарий от jorogo
I had to wait for about an hour to see it.Комментарий от Cr00xY
OK, might seem silly, but is this soloable on 110? As melee of course. Asking primary because of that devour ability which instantly kills anyone in front.Комментарий от HBerak
This is one tough Fish to tackle alone. It will keep swimming even after you attack it, and you won't be able to follow it just by swimming after it. (He moves too fast).One tip is to stay as far out as possible, so that when he starts disappearing from you, you move out to "Fatigue" area, mount up, and fly after him - that way you will be able to launch several attacks over time.
Just make sure to stay away from his mouth - he will chew you to bits in one bite. Attack from the rear.
I beat him alone at Level 102 - Warrior.
Good luck all you solo-raiders.
Вневременный остров | WoWWiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Остров является PvE зоной для персонажей 90го уровня и находится восточнее Нефритового леса. Искатели приключений смогут здесь собирать Вневременные монеты, убивать редких монстров, участвовать в некоторых периодических событиях и, самое главное, вызывать на бой любого Небожителя.
Игроки, которые завершили предыдущие испытания Черного принца и собрали эпический плащ, смогут здесь завершить цепочку Гневиона и улучшить плащ до легендарного качества. С помощью легендарного плаща у игроков появится возможно убить мирового босса - Ордоса.
На острове существуют еженедельные задания, ежедневные задания, множество спрятанных сокровищ, битвы питомцев... и так далее.


Святилише Ордоса и Тренировочная площадка Небожителей.
Вневременный остров получил свое название из-за постоянного заката, наблюдаемого на нем. Раньше это было священное место пандаренов. Здесь они получали напутствие от Небожителей, мерились с ними силой, самые великие воины среди пандаренов готовились идти по стопам императора Шаохао. Местные пандарены, ставшие на путь гармонии, жили в мирной близости с яунголами и их полубогом Ордосом.
Но однажды... остров исчез. Как описывают в истории, остров то появлялся, то исчезал. Некоторые отважные путешественники в моменты появления острова ступали на его земли, но после исчезновения острова их никто не видел.
Сегодня остров вернулся и, будем надеяться, в ближайшее время он не пропадет вместе с нами.[1]
На остров можно прилететь на воздушном транспорте с юго-восточной части Нефритового леса. Если у игрока не изучен навык быстрого полета, он скорее всего не успеет добраться до острова живым. На острове находится распорядитель полетов. После разговора с ним игроки смогут добраться сюда воздушным путем сообщения из Монастыря Тянь.
Впервые игроки могут попасть на остров, взяв задание Бронзовый блик..., который автоматически предлагается при попадании игрока в Вечноцветущий дол после обновления 5.4.
На острове преобладает гористая и лесистая местности, такие же как и в Нефритовом лесу. Яунголы в основном встречаются выше основного уровня острова, на горах, между которыми протянуты мосты. Пандарены Тушуй и Хоцзинь расположили свои лагеря в западной части острова. В центре острова расположена тренировочная площадка Небожителей.
Карты и подзоны


Карта локации
Пути сообщения
Прилегающие регионы
Нефритовый лес | ![]() ![]() | 85-86 | Северо-восток | Воздушный |
Выдающиеся личности
Основная статья: Вневременный остров НИП Once you're on the Timeless Isle, it's open-world adventuring at your own pace. There are a couple quests on the island, but they're not going to tell you exactly where to go and what to do. Instead they exist to encourage you to explore caverns, discover underwater grottos, and battle all manner of frightful beasts for great rewards.
The island offers greater challenges as you move away from the serene forest surrounding the temple grounds and into the fiery Ordon Sanctuary, Cavern of Lost Spirits, Croaking Hollow, and other mysterious locales. As this is an open-world experience, everything except the raid bosses is designed to be taken on solo. Being able to take on large creatures by yourself also means that, when the number of people visiting the island dwindles, you'll still be able to bring new characters there and engage with everything it has to offer. While the Elites on the island are standard "group-tap", all of the Rares are "no-tap", so if you see anyone fighting them, even someone from the opposite faction, you can join in and both benefit from bringing it down. Everything on the island also drops something unique. For the easier enemies, it may be consumables that grant you Timeless Coins (see below) or aid you in your adventures into darker places, while tougher enemies can drop epic BoA tokens that can be used to gain Item Level (ilvl) 496 loot, upgrade tokens to gain ilvl 535 gear, Lesser Charms, battle pets, and more.[1]
Шаблон:Вневременный остров задания
Вневременные события
Вневременный вопрос | Низина Шепчущих Теней | [65, 49] | Вопрос | |
Разозленный дух | Восточнее Древнего Пи'джоу | [45, 75] | Ужасный дух появляется после убийства разозленных | Одуванчиковая резвунья |
Архиерей пламени | Святилище Ордоса | [56, 36] | Редкий элитный яунгол | Эликсир древнего знания |
Косохрип | The Barnacle | [61, 88] | Редкий призрак | Утраченная нога капитана Звездана |
Груз черного стража | Забытая пещера черного стража | [22, 59] | Охраняемый сундук (еженедельный) | |
Пылающий сундук | Западнее Святилище Ордоса | [47, 27] | Охраняемый сундук (одноразовый) | Бремя вечности |
Буфо | Лягушачья низина | [67, 66] | Редкая элитная лягушка | Юная хваткая лягушка |
Защитник Черного Пламени | Патрулируют Пылающий Путь | [70, 55] | Группа редких элитных яунголов | Кинжалы Черного Пламени |
Шелон | Вневременный берег | [26, 37] | Редкая драконья черепаха | |
Пеплопад | Путь Огнеходов | [54, 53] | Редкий элитный элементаль огня | Падающее пламя |
Журавлецап | Северо-восточнее Древний Пи'джоу | [44, 69] | Редкий скрытный тигр | |
Проклятый корабль "Вазувий" | Туманное взморье | [26, 22] | Редкий элитный призрачный корабль | Сказание о затерянном во времени мореходе |
Изумрудный гусак | Леса вокруг Турнирной площадки Небожителей | [31, 52] | Редкий журавль | |
Вечножор | Воды вокруг всего острова | Редкая элитная акула | Затуманенный фонарь духов | |
Большая черепаха Гневный Панцирь | Вневременный берег | [22, 46] | Редкая черепаха | |
Повелитель кремня Гайран | Восток Святилище Ордоса | [40, 26] | Рарный элитный яунгол | Ордосский смертный колокол |
Гарния | Рубиновое озеро | [64, 28] | Редкий элитный дух воды | Рубиновая капля |
Блестящая статуя журавля | Путь Огнеходов | [58, 60] | Парящие на платформах ящики (еженедельный) | |
Блестящий сундук с сокровищами | Тропа Красного Камня | [49, 69] | Ящик на платформе (еженедельный) | |
Блестящий мешок с сокровищами | Пиратский корабль Лягушачья низина | [70, 80] | Ящик на платформе (еженедельный) | |
Голганарр | Тропа Красного Камня | [62, 63] | Редкий элитный колосс | Странный отполированный камень |
Гу'чи Зовущий Рой | Восточнее Древний Пи'джоу | [37, 70] | Редкий прядильщик | Роевик Гу'чи |
Холон | Путь Огнеходов | Редкий элитный облачный змей | ![]() ![]() | |
Императорский питон | Леса Турнирная площадка Небожителей | [34, 74] | Редкая элитная змея | Детеныш смертолаза |
Твердорогий сталемех | Леса Турнирная площадка Небожителей | [32, 60] | Редкий як | |
Якур Ордосский | Руины Огнеходов | [53, 84] | Редкий элитный яунгол | Предупредительный знак |
Карканос | пристань Древний Пи'джоу | [34, 85] | Редкий кракен | Огромный кошелек с вневременными монетами |
Вневременный сундук Кукуру | Грот Кукуру | [59, 41] | Сундук со случайной добычей | Сумасброд |
Целитель листвы | Пылающий Путь | [66, 44] | Редкий дух | Малый дух ясеневого листа |
Огромный хребтохват | Вневременный берег | [31, 31] | Редкий элитный краб | Краб-хребтохват |
Смотритель Осу | Руины Огнеходов | [66, 61] | Редкий элитный яунгол | Ордосские церемониальные одеяния |
Сильно прокисшее пиво | Древний Пи'джоу | [37, 71] | Редкий хмеленталь (Чжу-Гонь) | Прокисший хмелементаль |
Пещерный Мох | Пещера Заблудших Духов | [43, 31] | Редкий элитный туманный скрытень | Золотой мох |
Перевязанный канатами ящик с сокровищами | Тропа Красного Камня | [54, 47] | Сундук на платформе (еженедельный) | |
Покрытый черепами сундук | Пещера Заблудших Духов | [46, 32] | Охраняемый сундук (единоразово) | |
Тлеющий сундук | Руины Огнеходов | [54, 78] | Охраняемый сундук (единоразово) | |
Тлеющий сундук | Святилище Черного Пламени | [69, 33] | Охраняемый сундук (единоразово) | |
Чароброд | Таинственное логово | [59, 49] | Редкий туманный скрытень | Проклятый талисман |
Дух Нефритового Пламени | Пещера Заблудших Духов | [46, 36] | Редкий дух огня | Дух нефритового пламени |
Вонекос | Пиратский корабль Лягушачья низина | [71, 81] | Редкий элитный пират | |
Затонувшее сокровище | Затонувший корабль Древний Пи'джоу | [40, 93] | Запертый сундук (еженедельный) | Проклятый шлем юнги |
Тсаво'ка | Пещера Тсаво'ка | [54, 42] | Редкий элитный тигр | |
Урдур Прижигатель | Запад Святилище Ордоса | [45, 30] | Редкий элитный яунгол | Закатный камень |
Виззиг | Турнирная площадка Небожителей | [35, 52] | Торговец редкими предметами | |
Зарим | Пещера Заблудших Духов | [45, 36] | Событие с фазированными ящиками духов | |
Зесква | Восточнее Древний Пи'джоу | [46, 88] | Редкий дух воды | Дождевой камень |








- Рыбная ловля (не в океане)
- Рыбная ловля (не в океане)
Приручаемые питомцы
Ниже представлен список питомцев, которых можно получить, находясь непосредственно на Вневременном острове:
[Исключительный искатель сокровищ] | Отыщите на Вневременном острове Блестящий сундук с сокровищами, Перевязанный канатами ящик с сокровищами и Окутанный дымкой сундук с сокровищами и заберите из них добычу. | Исследование |
[Смотри под ноги] | Поищите добычу в подозрительных местах на Вневременном острове. | Исследование |
[А сумка могла бы быть и побольше] | Найдите на Вневременном острове все перечисленные ниже редкие предметы. | Исследование |
[Убить время] | Победите всех существ на Вневременном острове, перечисленных ниже. | Исследование |
[Легенда прошлого] | Найдите один из потерянных пандаренских артефактов на Вневременном острове. | Исследование |
[Паломничество] | Получите благословения всех четырех небожителей в затерянных во времени святилищах на Вневременном острове. | Исследование |
[Загадка Роло (достижение)] | Решите загадку Роло на Вневременном острове. | Исследование |
[Вневременный герой] | Победите всех редких монстров на Вневременном острове, перечисленных ниже. | Исследование |
[Вневременное питание] | Съешьте еду из всех источников вневременного питания на Вневременном острове. | Исследование |
[Сокровища, везде сокровища!] | Найдите на Вневременном острове все покрытые мхом, покрытые черепами, прочные, тлеющие и пылающие сундуки. | Исследование |
[Где пираты, там трофеи] | Найдите на Вневременном острове Затонувшее сокровище, Груз черного стража и Блестящий мешок с сокровищами. | Исследование |
[Целый Зарим] | Помогите Зариму найти свое тело в Пещере Заблудших Духов на Вневременном острове. | Исследование |
[Небесное семейство] | Получите всех четырех небесных питомцев. | Бои питомцев |
[Всем мастерам мастер] | Победите всех укротителей боевых питомцев на Турнире Небожителей. | Бои питомцев |
[Турнир Небожителей] | Выполните сценарий "Турнир Небожителей". | Бои питомцев |
[Эмиссар Ордоса] | Воспользуйтесь курительницей вечной агонии, полученной от оратора Гулана на Вневременном острове. | PvP |
[Хранитель свечей] | Получите 10 окровавленных монет, будучи эмиссаром Ордоса или ордосским хранителем огня. | PvP |
[Почетный страж] | Получите 100 окровавленных монет, будучи эмиссаром Ордоса или ордосским хранителем огня. | PvP |
[Владыка пламени] | Получите 500 окровавленных монет, будучи эмиссаром Ордоса или ордосским хранителем огня. | PvP |
[Хранитель обжигающего огня] | Получите 1000 окровавленных монет, будучи эмиссаром Ордоса или ордосским хранителем огня. | PvP |
[Созерцатель огня] | Получите 10 000 окровавленных монет, будучи эмиссаром Ордоса или ордосским хранителем огня. | PvP |
[Небесное испытание] | Пройдите испытания всех четырех августейших небожителей, одержав победу над каждым из них на Вневременном острове. | Рейд |
[Ордос (достижение)] | Победите Ордоса, огненного бога яунголов, на Вневременном острове. | Рейд |
[Император Шаохао (достижение)] | Добейтесь того, чтобы вас превозносил император Шаохао. | Репутация |
Изменения в обновлениях
Руководства 

А сумка могла бы быть и побольше - Достижение
Комментарий от Shoadowolf
This will be an exciting thing to do on the isle!Anywho, each of these items are in hard-to-reach places, and may be tough to find.Wish you all luck and hope you get this achievement! ;)Комментарий от Nulgar
....If this patch doesn't introduce a new bag specifically for such items, this is going to be terrible.Of course you won't need to hold onto all of these items, you can vendor/delete them after obtaining them. And the pets are learned and thus removed from your inventory as well. But some of those, you may want to hold onto.Note: Even though several of these items already dropped from normal Pandaria rares, like Перчатки добытчика and Кристалл безумия, the achievement will not count them if you looted them before 5.4 and then vendored/deleted them. I think it will count them if you have them in your possession when 5.4 hits, but even that is uncertain.
Комментарий от Furydeath
"We don't want you holding onto every item in the game" ~BlizzSo we are going to add ton more items.
Комментарий от Arikara
This.This is MY achievement!
-A Collector
Комментарий от Daviddicks
It is interesting that you need the Reins of the thundering cloud serpent as a criteria too.Комментарий от Pwnzoar
Dammit Blizzard, I just did my spring cleaning.Комментарий от ED209
Many of these items can be found in different places: drops from rares on mainland Pandaria, drops from rares residing on the Timeless Isle, a newly discovered land located off the south-eastern coast of The Jade Forest. Some of the rares spawn during events on the Timeless Isle itself.Source information for a great deal of the new items can be found here:http://www.wowhead.com/news=217349/5-4-ptr-timeless-isle-vanity-lootКомментарий от Voxxel
Patch 5.4.8.: This achievement is now Account-wide.LIST OF LOCATIONS in alphabetical order:
Old MoP items - most of them are retroactive.
Timeless Isle items:New battle pets:Комментарий от mredovan
"You're gonna need a bigger boat."- Martin Brody, JawsLove the homage to one of the best ad-libbed lines ever.
Комментарий от Cryndie
Goddamit Blizzard. Why aren't these at least BoA!Комментарий от Hawkyyy
As someone who has about 5 free slots at the moment, i died inside a little when i saw this achievement. Its going to be tough.Комментарий от Wythr
This is getting crazy. With so many cool things like these in game, I think having more room to actually keep more of them would encourage people to get out into the world and seek these items out. Blizzard get more people out and about in the world, we get to play with our toy collection more without overflowing our bags, everybody wins.So, Blizzard, pretty please -
Vanity Items Spellbook Tab.
Комментарий от Soeroah
This achievement seems to be bugged currently. I looted a Big Bag of Herbs, have it sitting in my bags, have re-logged, and still the achievement is not giving credit for it. It did, however, give credit for a few rare items I got elsewhere.Комментарий от Nagassh
Be aware that this achievement criteria is NOT account wide, looting items on your alts (and using alts to camp spawns like Garnia, which is a pain to reach) will not give you credit and require you to farm that item again on your main.Комментарий от Smallfoot
The title makes it official: Someone on the dev team is a sadist.Комментарий от Mormolyce
Dear god in heaven, if they refuse to make vanity items BoA, give us more storage, more void storage, or an account-wide storage facility, AT LEAST make achievements like this account level progress.Комментарий от Taoma
I can confirm that looting Большой мешок трав from Лонь Бык does not count towards the achievement :(Комментарий от Faell
I bought an Ominous Flame pet from the AH pet this morning and learned it. I did not receive credit for it on the achievement. It appears you need to actually loot them items, or at least pets, to receive credit.Комментарий от oberondreaming
Like all achievements that aren't meta-achievements, progress toward this achievement is not shared across your battle.net account, so if you're going for this one, you probably want to pick a single character to focus on doing Timeless Isle stuff on. It would really suck to have to get, say, the mount a second time because the first time you looted it on a different character.Комментарий от DeathMaster
A bit of an underwhelming achievement is it not? Considering the time I've invested so far, and how many things I've been able to cross off the list... this is going to take about a year. If I'm lucky.- Not Account-Wide.
- Worth 10 points.
- No final reward/title.
It's like they don't even want you to complete it.
Edit: Account wide since 5.4.8
Комментарий от kellyislame
Given the rarity of some of these items this achievement should definitely award more than 10 points. I have been out on the Isle pretty much non-stop since the patch hit on Tuesday and I don't even have half of these items yet =/Комментарий от taohu
Worst drop rates ever for the items... I think i can get luckier farming 1% mounts.EDIT: I finally finished this... Zesqua was my last one, took 2weeks+ of camping just it for the stone. Worst drop rates ever.
EDIT2: Some help for the guys still trying out there. While doing the achievement, i noted that all rares except Golganarr have a respawn time between 30-60mins. With this in mind, make sure you note down kill times in a notepad as you circle around the island looking. For rares who have been dead for less than 30mins, don't make the detour to check the spawn, it won't be there.
At the start, focus more on actively hunting the items from rares that are in awkward spots to get to, such as Garnia, Rock Moss etc. Eventually, you want to narrow down the rares you need to a smaller confined area so you can effectively just patrol between spawns, to eventually camping them. In the final stretch of the achievement, you can simply camp an area and just logout for 30mins after the rares of interest are killed.
PS: All rares except Golgonarr are up right after a server restart.
Комментарий от culex69
They should rename this achievement to "Are you nuts?" because you pretty much are going to go insane trying to get all of these items. If it wasn't bad enough that you actually have to camp a rare to get a kill, the drop rate of these rare items are horrible. I have been out on the isle since the patch launched pretty much 95% of the time i am online with 11 different characters and have only seen a few of the rare drops. Huolon is the worst, i have been killing him on all 11 of my characters for 8 days now and still have not seen the mount >.> .Комментарий от IdTheDemon
Sadly, pets don't count unless you loot them from the mob on the character you're getting the entire achievement on. Getting them on an alt and mailing them to your main won't give your main credit. I assume buying the pets does the same thing.I had an alt logged at Ruby Lake for quick Garnia kills. After a ton of kills, I finally loot the Ruby Droplet. Mailed it to my main, and I got no credit for it. It worked for Elixir of Knowledge which I mailed from my bank toon, but not for pets.
So annoying. I hope they change that.
Комментарий от hixn36
Achievement should reward a new item 30-slot "Bigger Bag."Комментарий от Askevar
Regarding the Elixir of Ancient Knowledge - I had it on an alt and mailed it to my main and was given credit for it.Комментарий от Drobecek
Seriously, i don't understand why this achievement isn't account-wide..There are too many things u have to loot.. Thing which aggravate me aren't items but mount from Huolon and pet "Bonkers" from Kukuru's chest. These are really useless to loot manytimes. I looted Bonkers at alt chars 9x, I really don't know why it isn't tradeable and because it isnt account-wide achievement I need to loot it again on main character and I can delete it again-isn't it fantastic? Same thing is mount.. Blizzard don't you want to do something with it?Комментарий от hixn36
This achievement awards progress when the item ID of the criteria is in your bags. You do not lose credit once the item leaves your bags, unless it was removed before patch 5.4 in the case of the items that dropped from older rare spawns. This means that in the case of the BoA elixir, you can mail the item from an alt to your main and receive credit. This also explains why people have not received credit from the big bag of herbs with the duplicate item ID as well as caged pets, as they do not correspond to the criteria for the achievement.This also means that you will receive credit for obtaining an item even if you do not loot it if it is traded to you by another player who looted it from a mob that you had tagged. In the case of pets you can receive the item (not a caged pet) in a trade to get credit for the achievement, then trade the item back and buy a caged pet later, if you so choose. This method of receiving credit requires faith on the part of the player offering the item in trade if they expect to get it back and probably works best with friends and guildies, but people desperate to earn the achievement or obtain the item early may also be willing to pay for the item, creating a new market for hunting the treasures from rare spawns, especially during busy times on large servers.
EDIT: To clarify, you may need to rezone or relog in order for the status of your achievement to register the item in your bags.
Комментарий от hixn36
To revise and expand upon an earlier comment that I had made, you can receive progress toward this achievement by accepting an item in a trade from another player who looted a rare mob that you had tagged and then relogging. Credit is awarded instantly if you loot the item yourself but requires a relog if it is received in a trade. For single-use items like pets (whose caged form does not award credit), the giant purse, pandaren brews etc. you may wish to /yell that you are offering gold in exchange for an unused item once the target mob is at low health, as some players may be so excited to have finally looted the item that they use it on the spot.Комментарий от jamesmarcus
I have registered purely to say that this achievement is single handedly going to be responsible for my therapy bill. It really is soul destroying.I have ONE item left now. ONE. And in the process, I've probably turned in to a psycho, threatening to bomb people.
Take my advice.
If you do this achievement, be prepared for intense counselling after.
Комментарий от Monroe85
If someone in your party wins and trades it with you then you do not receive credit. Tried that on the pirate leg.Комментарий от Thalloren
Suggestions for how to get this achievement without going insane:1) Take some time to get all of the items that drop from normal (non-elite, non-rare) enemies, such as the Thick Pi'jiu Brew from Spectral Brewmasters. This is pretty easy, and can be done with minimal headache. You can also do this at the same time as you have the weekly quest to gather Epoch Stones, as the stones will drop from any enemy (I think) on the Timeless Isle.
2) Pick one elite enemy at a time to fight for their drops, only while doing Shaohao's daily quest to kill 20 elites. Some of the drops will still be a pain to get, such as the rare pet drops from overfarmed enemies like the Jademist Dancer, but it can still be done in time, and won't have you sitting there for hours on end bashing your head over not getting the drop from the 200th elite you killed.
3) While doing step #2, kill ANY rares that you have a chance to kill, as long as you haven't gotten their rare drop yet (or if you maybe want a chance at another Burden). This may not be many. If, for example, you're fighting the Jademist Dancers as mentioned above, you probably won't be able to get to any rare except the strong ones like Vazuvius (which you're right next to), Evermaw, possibly Huolon, maybe Cinderfall (unlikely). Also Chelon, which is right next to you, or the Monstrous Spineclaw and Furyshell if they happen to spawn near you. But, most of those rares do have special drops, so until you get those drops, it's still worthwhile to fight them.
4) Once you've gotten ALL of the drops from elite enemies (not rare elites), you should have also knocked out a few of the drops from the rares as well. Then, you'll have a smaller list of rares that you need to camp until you get the final remaining drops. This last step will still probably take the longest, but it will be more manageable.
Thoughts? Additional suggestions?
Комментарий от warconz
Do the things i have already aquired count towards this?Комментарий от bluemewgoddess
i have finished this achievement with a shared twin ticket with our toon names time we both hit the rare and that the other player wanted to give it to me which is in more detail in a newer post (was 115th kill)KILL CRABS BEFORE OTHER RARES ATLEAST THE OTHER RARES HAVE CAMP-ABLE SPAWN TIMERS AND LOCATIONScamped that crab for like 4months doing nothing else, im glad its finally overps:i sure am glad boa and vanity items get spellbook like tabs in 6.0 SERVER AND ACCOUNT WIDEi have like 300 toys and unable to fit them around and destroyed holiday clothing because of bag space before the spellbook was announced like 40days before it so wasn't in restore list(##RESPBREAK##)2060##DELIM##Sas148##DELIM##
Комментарий от jasongor
http://www.ui.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22525-ABiggerBag.html#infoThis UI helps alot!
Комментарий от da8ball
Buying pets from the AH does NOT count toward this achieve. You have to loot them.Комментарий от coolfreezer
"They" should make this Account-wide! 'nough sa(i)d...Edit:Finally our prayers were listened! With Patch 5.4.8 this will become finally Account-wide! <3
Комментарий от rippi
Can anyone please confirm that Ash-Covered Horn also drops from Flintlord?or only from High Priest of Ordos?Комментарий от nedezak
May i suggest we rename this place to Time-Sink Isle?I like the place, but getting everything is the biggest Time-Sink Blizzard implemented so far. Getting a character from lvl 85-90, and farming all the original MOP reputations with dailies would take less actual time probably. Isle giants with its 10-20 hour grind is a breeze in time-demand next to getting all this.
Still its great design and a great place IMO, lots of fun stuff everywhere, very varied, all kinds of events, and no obligations what so ever. A quick way to gear up alts, benefits for people that did the legendary quest, what more could we want? Only when you try to get EVERYTHING it is kinda a pain.
Комментарий от Amiaji
This achievment would seem a lot more satisfying to get if it, perhaps, ACTUALLY rewarded you with a bigger bag. Like a huge 40slot bag or something.Комментарий от karatechop
In my opinion this achievement is on par with "insane in the membrane"Spending roughly 5hrs per day on the isle, after a month~ of this, I have barely half the items, perhaps it's bad luck, but this is horrible.
Комментарий от Backtobasics
Hello! everyone i just completed this achivment on my warlock in bloodfether i got to say it was kinda easy and im kinda disapointed on itcompleted 10/18 2013
Комментарий от Marierierieee
Some items that are Bind on Account, like Ветроперый плюмаж and Дрожащее яйцо огненной бури can be sent to another character and count towards their respective achievement.Комментарий от Dusktide
This achievement feels like a Feat of Strength since so many of the droprates are so low. Getting every single one is ridiculous.Комментарий от Blackace26
Just completed this achievement today... /wrists Bishojo on Drenden. Took Zesqua 3 days to drop the Rain Stone when he was the last one left... Alot of friend help with tradeable items, at times 5 of us killing rares, of course for all of them, I just spent more time online then most of em.Комментарий от averagehero
If you're having issues with scrolling in the achievements window so see what criteria you're missing, I recommend linking it in a whisper to yourself so you can click on it and see the whole list.Комментарий от Mormolyce
My plan is to get this achievement on my 87th birthday, shortly before dying of cancer.Комментарий от 9taileddemon
So if anyone knows, which of the items if any are tradeable that drop from rares without needing a group. I know there were the few that got hotfixed so they weren't tradeable but are any of the other bind on pickup items tradeable without a group? I've been camping some of them for awhile and I just want to know if I should be badgering people to group up for all of them or not.Also damnit Rockmoss drop your trinket I'm at almost 45 tries on my own at this point discounting when I grouped with people!
Комментарий от SherriaRH
It would be nice if blizzard would make the "Reins of the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent" counted towards the achievement regardless which character on your account receives it since you can only have one of each type of mount.Комментарий от Bighand
Hate Blizzard for this achievement. Obtaining single item from this list is an achievement by itself....Комментарий от bluemewgoddess
could not trade to a friend in group on the same tag and kill, someone could not trade me "cursed talisman" same kill (killed spelurk like 400 items so far QQ) tried over and over and over didn't have 2hr trade text on it, someone said 5.4.1 make timeless gear non-trade-able, and i know a hot-fix made ash-horn golden moss burden mount and um like falling meteor non-trade-able, but i had all those, in 5.4 i was able to borrow and re-log and hand back sunset stone unused gu'chi item pet and death adder with no stats,MY QUESTION:how much better are the odds of the first kill each day?, a player and gm both said it but could nto find anything anywhere on exact numbers.
which items are no longer trade-able and which are?
EDITED FOR READABILITY (because i go full derp on rough drafts)
Комментарий от bluemewgoddess
could not trade to a friend in group on the same tag and kill, someone could not trade me "cursed talisman" same kill (killed spelurk like 400 items so far QQ) tryed over and over and over didn't have 2h trade text on it, someone said 5.4.1 make timeless gear un-tradeable, and i know a hotfix made ash-horn golden-moss burden mount and um like falling meteor un-tradeable but i had all those, in 5.4 i was able to borrow and re-log and hand back sunset stone unused gu'chi item pet and death adder with no stats,MY QUESTION:how much better are the odds of the first kill each day, a player and gm both said it but could not find anything anywhere on exact numbers,
which items are no longer tradeable and which are
edited for readability
Комментарий от rendarkin
If you can possibly hang on to all of these items until Warlords of Draenor, DO. We will get a Toy Box page on the spellbook to free up the bag space taken by all of these vanity items, as described here:http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/11502491/Warlords_of_Draenor_UI_Improvements-11_9_2013
So don't drop anything you might want later!
Комментарий от bluemewgoddess
PLEASE if you want the spineclaw pet and your on a non pvp server DO NOT kill crabs by the ally fp or in the oceon, theres an area right above ship you have 7 crabs to kill at and a pefictly good afk outlook stone if your npc scan camping with auto unmute on spawn, when you kill them all over the zone people farm for 4hrs without seeing it becasue you cant camp every area all over the island at once, this area has the most campers to share, so please alliance just come north and work with us 7 in a pool with 2 close north beats 3east + 3 in the water and 1 by turtle eggs -.-, you can even hit ship on spawns while camping! free coins on camp, multitaskКомментарий от Demec
Timeless Isle rare elites & events has dynamic spawn times.Low population = Slow respawnFull population = Fast respawn
And then there are these rare beasts that has chance to spawn after killing elite version, so choose a full population realm always when hunting rares in Timeless Isle if possible.
Комментарий от MABGamer6407
Items like Ashleaf Spriteling do not count if the pet was bought caged. The pet itself does not count toward the achiv, it is the Item you get from the Mob that drops them. The BOP version that is needed to unlocked said pet. Once the pet is unlocked it is worthless to give to others thinking it would work. So any pets you get from AH or trades won't do you justice unfortunately.Комментарий от bluemewgoddess
GOOD NEWS!looks like were getting some help with space management after all with todays login billboard annoucementthe first paragraph exactly as typed"In the Warlords of Draenor expansion, we're making a number of changes to key World of Warcraft features and systems with a focus on adding sought-after features and quality-of-life improvements—things like easier inventory management, account-wide storage systems for toys and heirlooms, new higher-quality character models, and more."this wont help for the 100 toys in my bag but it might help for the 200 in the bank...now if only they said this 2 months ago before i deleted 100 holiday clothing because i figured they were saddists and they were going to keep space an issue as it has always been (atleast for my 5-6years), im betting its too late to restore too =[Комментарий от Getafx
5 weeks ago I managed to finally get every item on the isle except for one: the Spineclaw Crab pet. It took 5 weeks for me to finally get it for this achievement. I spent 2-3 hours minimum killing Ancient Spineclaws every day. On a relatively low pop server, getting Monstrous Spineclaws to spawn is horrible!My advice, if anyone EVER sees one of these, go kill it! Even if you have to skip a Huolon kill for it! At least Huolon follows a somewhat predictable spawn pattern.
I've spent entire days killing Ancient Spineclaws in order to get the Monstrous Spineclaws to spawn, sometimes going up to 9 hours between rare spawns. Then for the pet to be only a 3% drop rate just adds more heartache to the problem. I really hope Blizzard increase the spawn rate of these rares as it is greatly skewed when in comparison to other similar mobs that have a chance to spawn from killing the normal ones.
Комментарий от Soeroah
There are so many problems with the way the Timeless Isle is set up that this achievement is particularly ridiculous. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been driven close to the point of unsubscribing from boredom.The only thing I want short-term are the battle pets, so of course they have to make rares have a terrible drop rate and spawn in place of dead normal mobs. Ugh. I miss the Isle of Thunder.
Комментарий от KingdomKnight
Because they probably won't give us any content until next expansion. I guess this is to keep people busy and give Blizzard something to suggest when people complain that they're bored. This should have given the Fairy Dragon mount people wanted. Instead they created two ploys to get more money. Here's hoping that WoD gives us more.Комментарий от tmptfate
Every time I work on this achievement... I die a little inside.Комментарий от bluemewgoddess
starting to have the theroy of spineclaw crab that i do of love rocket, the server drops 10 per server and never drops it again and thats why the droprates start decient and fall...2months of killing with double % first kill of the day91kills60x2 + 31 = 151% chance...still no pet and noone i have talked to on area 52 stormrage or trollbane has ever seen it most dont know it exsists and im very vocal in /s and /1 every kill about trying to get a barrow credit
.......92....no pet now eather for all 10 of us
Комментарий от bluemewgoddess
after killing the rare spine-claw 92 times over 2 months @3-10hrs a day i can say pretty safely that this pet does not exist (at-least for me) and that this achievement is not possible lol...how aggravating to be 1 credit away from completion longer than it took you to get all the other credits combined..Комментарий от Akitnaya
I know i'm going crazy. I've farmed rares for this achievement for about 2-3months now. I know where EVERYTHING on Timeless Isle is. Even the name of the Grummle mailbox (Hopswift!) I'm 6 items away from never having to go back to that God forsaken isle. UGHHHHHH! Spineclaw pet is like a myth. Hasn't dropped once for me. Blizz thanks for having me waste away my life for 10 measly achievement points. This should be worth 100, if not more!>=\
Комментарий от Morganos
Received Big Bag of Herbs from Champion of the Black Flame and it did NOT count towards this achievement >:(Комментарий от bluemewgoddess
if your farming for this ask around in /1 anytime you kill a rare with the item u need because if you and someone else make a ticket with the time stamp you both killed the same rare saying that you both want it transferred to you it will come in mail and you will get credit, that's how i got spineclaw crab on the 115th kill and finished my achievement (probably 300hrs on other items and 500hrs on crabs alone due to multiple spawn locations and erratic spawn timers even if you keep them all mowed down) this achievement and the spinecalw rare are without a doubt the worse designed achieve right above the shadow pan glitchs (know your role was broken for for like forever 1 of 100 times not taken damage on all finally gave it) and also getting all the items in 10min for the statue on thunder island back when the island was populated (1 lil a$$hole taking 1 of your 4 items is all it costs to ruin the speed run)so to summarize if you both hit the same mob both put the time and that you want your character name to have it they will transfer and give credit that way
Комментарий от Schadow
I created an Excel file which contains all the drop locations including if they are rare or require something special. I'll share it here, as I found it for myself quite handy, as I can hide rows of items I have obtained and keep it neat and cleaner for myself.Note that Microsoft Excel 2007 or higher is required. You can't edit it as I locked it, you can, however, download and view it through the link. Once you downloaded it, you can edit it.
Special thanks to Voxxel for all the locations and his work for it.
Комментарий от indieeee
What sucks about this achievement is that isn't account bound I have so many items on alts that I need on main . Like Jade mist dancer have gotten that on 2 alts yet my main who atm is farming for this achievement and kills over 100 aday has yet to get this pet sigh hope blizzard changes it and makes it account wide then I would only need to farm 2 items and not 10Комментарий от teebsalot
I have been using Глубоководный моллюск to help keep tabs on 2 locations at once. granted it has a 10 minute cd, but it has definitely helped getting a couple extra tags over the course of the grind.I would also direct you to the Падающее пламя followed by Золотой воздушный змей to stop flying forward, and if you dont have time to glide down you can cancel the glider and use Проклятый талисман to prevent fall damage (you need to click the buff off to attack when you land, similar to a bop).
This combo is great for watching and getting to rares in different spots on the island, I hope it helps you!
Комментарий от gonzuluz
I haven't really dug into anything recently, like how to find information on achs and quests.Does this go across all toons or is it just on one? I have one main toon that I play the I have 5 other 90s that I play once in a while.
Комментарий от gonzuluz
I haven't really dug into anything recently, like how to find information on achs and quests.Does this go across all toons or is it just on one? I have one main toon that I play the I have 5 other 90s that I play once in a while.
Комментарий от BitBasher
Anyone remember Basilisk hearts from vanilla? This makes that look like a walk-in-the-park. I've given up on this achievement because I think the drops rates are STUPID-LOW for a no-reward cheevo. I've been at Timeless Isle for months and still have yet to see many of these items drops. I don't really want the items, I want to sign off on a relatively simple achievement.Blizzard needs to wake up and realize that they can't just make simple stuff take months to get, hoping that we all keep playing. I just canceled my WoW subscription until the next expansion pack releases.
To anyone trying to get this achievement, enjoy the next 4 to 8 months of mindless grinding. :)
Комментарий от shihao0
Hey all big beggers baggers, by now some of u guys must be sick/pissed/whateveruarefeeling of the ridiculously low drop rates of the items. Of course not to mention some !@#$-er burns down Зесква or Целитель листвы the moment they spawn. So... we can't really do anything if people wants to burn down those rares but, there are actually some items in WoW that can help you get there faster!First on the list - Падающее пламя. Combined with Золотой воздушный змей, u can get to ANY part of the isle within seconds. Those with slowfall or levitate wont need the glider. Of course, not all of us have the luck of getting Падающее пламя. (Lucky me getting it twice!) NOTE: for those who are farming for Падающее пламя, u can actually farm for it even though u have one in your inventory. It will go into your mailbox and will last for 30days. So.. what to do if you dont have Падающее пламя? This leads us to the second part.
The second item on the list - UBER SPEED MOUNTS. There are 3 (not so rare, spawn time 5-10mins) elites in Pandaria that drop uber speed mounts.. some of u guys may know about them. The 3 elites are Пэнсун, Чудовище Солнечного Пастбища and Чжин. They drop Стеганая шкура яка, Необычно закрученный рог and Мешок бобов кафа respectively with a drop rate of 100%. Sadly, Мешок бобов кафа that is dropped by Zhing can only be used in Kun-Lai Summit. This leaves us with Стеганая шкура яка and Необычно закрученный рог for us to use on the timeless isle. Just killed Zesqua and Spirit of Jadefire spawned? No problem. Rushing to tag Huolon after killing Karkanos? Not an issue. In any case, u guys get my point. With 440% mounted speed, it is as though you are flying on land! And the movement speed stacks if u are using Ветроперый плюмаж. NOTE: YOU CANT USE THEM IN COMBAT So.. if i cant use them in combat.. HOW THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO GET TO THE DAMN RARES QUICKER? This leads us to the third part.
The third and last item on the list - Густой нефритовый туман. This item works exactly like a rogue's vanish. Perfect for classes without any means to drop combat immediately. One click and u will be able to mount up!.
Special mention - Боевое знамя сальинь. This item gives you a 1s stealth, dropping you out of combat. However, it is kinda sketchy as half the time u get pulled back into combat almost immediately. Use it with Осколок краеугольного камня for better results. For druids, macro it with prowl. (Check under comments section for Боевое знамя сальинь for the macro)
Good luck and have fun fellow Big Baggers!
Комментарий от Vorishgo
For rogues.If you want Покрытый пеплом рог from Верховный жрец Ордоса - choose talents:- Внезапный порыв to evade oneshot abilities of priest and/or others mobs in area.- Обман смерти save your life if you fail to evade oneshot attack.- Бросок сюрикэна combo-generator. Weak, but can attack from distance!- Смертельный бросок combo-finisher. Also can slow mob (need to check).Крабий панцирь will greatly help to evade additional mobs, when you kiting Верховный жрец Ордоса.
Good luck! :)
Additional information:
- don't break the cast of Прижигание, unless mob is nearly to die. Priest will heal, but the amount of heal is smaller, that DoT effect of Прижигание.
- always kill Вечный обжигающий огонь, cause if you don't do it, Верховный жрец Ордоса will speed, damage and cast up by 50% (Обжигающий огонь). You really don't want it.
Комментарий от Vorishgo
For rogues.If you want Покрытый пеплом рог from Верховный жрец Ордоса - choose talents:- Внезапный порыв to evade oneshot abilities of priest and/or others mobs in area.- Обман смерти save your life if you fail to evade oneshot attack.- Бросок сюрикэна combo-generator. Weak, but can attack from distance!- Смертельный бросок combo-finisher. Also can slow mob (need to check).Крабий панцирь will greatly help to evade additional mobs, when you kitting Верховный жрец Ордоса.
Good luck! :)
Комментарий от BlackStrat
This achievement becomes account-wide.Took them long enough...
Комментарий от Alicabob
Achievement is finally going account-wide in 5.4.whateverhttp://www.mmo-champion.com/content/3992-Patch-5-4-8-PTR-Build-18273-May-13-Hotfixes-Cosmetic-Helms-33-Off
I can finally do things on Timeless isle on my alts
Комментарий от Mormolyce
PTR update 15/5/14:Patch 5.4.8 PTR - Build 18273PandariaExploration
Going To Need A Bigger Bag is now Account Wide.
The heavens have heard our ceaseless &*!@#ing prayers!
Комментарий от perculia
This achievement has finally moved to account-wide progress in 5.4.8.It seems that tech limitations were the main culprit in keeping this achievement tied to one character's progress for so long:
"There were technical hurdles, but they were worth clearing to solve a major point of frustration for players." --Ion Hazzikostas, Lead Game Designer on Twitter
Edit: There is a bug that has wiped Bigger Bag progress--it is currently being looked into and is unintended.(##RESPBREAK##)2##DELIM##perculia##DELIM##
Комментарий от Chillihead
Looking for those who are actively trying to farm the Spineclaw Crab pet off Monstrous Spineclaw rares on the island for the achievement . Being able to have access to multiple server's spawns can reduce the time required for this achievement significantly.If interested add ************* and I will notify you if it spawns on my server. Vice versa if it spawns on yours.
EDIT: Finally got the crab today, thank you to all those who helped me. Credit goes to netherfury on Mok'nathal for inviting me for the winning kill.
Thanks guys and good luck!
Комментарий от Mormolyce
Patch 5.4.8 Official Notes:Going to Need a Bigger Bag is now an account-wide achievement and items obtained by all characters on the account now contribute credit towards completion. This means the achievement can be completed by obtaining all the required items across multiple characters instead of having a single character obtain all the items needed.
Live this week! Squeeee!
Комментарий от Atieno
achievement is now account wide as of patch 5.4.8.This means objects can now be gained across the whole account and will count towards the completion of this achievement and no more need to horde these things on one character, which should make it marginally easier. (only marginally though)
Комментарий от claireducky
As of patch 5.4.8, this is now an account-wide achievement-- so go nuts with your alts on the isle!Комментарий от Lisey
Today on 5.4.8, my achievement is indeed account wide...but all progress I'd made on it has been erased.Комментарий от Soralin
When logging in after 5.4.8 was applied, all progress on this achievement appears to be reset. Don't panic!Watcher (Blizzard Dev) has tweeted that this is unintentional:
We're working on a fix for missing "Bigger Bag" achievement progress - it will require restarts. No progress will be lost. Don't panic.
SourceКомментарий от uzumakiuke
With patch 5.4.8, this achievement is now account-wideGoing to Need a Bigger Bag is now an account-wide achievement and items obtained by all characters on the account now contribute credit towards completion. This means the achievement can be completed by obtaining all the required items across multiple characters instead of having a single character obtain all the items needed.
Комментарий от Cloudblueyes
I logged in and all of my progress was erased on all characters. However, I checked the forums and got the following info. We're working on a fix for this. No data was or will be lost - layman's explanation is that your account isn't properly picking up past credit earned by individual characters, so we need to make sure that the information is transferred to the account level. Your character still knows everything that it previously had gained, but your account doesn't (yet). The fix will require restarts, and we'll post to let everyone know once we have an exact timetable for that.Any new items you obtain towards the achievement in the meantime will count, and our fix will not overwrite that information. Apologies for the inconvenience, and any alarm from the apparent loss of progress towards such a challenging achievement.
--Watcher-Game Designerhttp://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/12877968280#20
Комментарий от Quadrophenia
Reward for this should be a Camper van mount imoКомментарий от Krystique
After 5.4.8, this is now an account wide achievement.They read some of the postings apparently. :P
Комментарий от dixilia
So this is now an account bound achievement (Yes!) so I take a look at what few bits I need as I have 2 chars on TI, and everything has been erased! I hope that they get this fixed I really do, especially for those who have already looted the thundering onyx cloud serpent already.Комментарий от horlicks
Not sure if this has been mentioned elsewhere (I didn't see it in this thread) but items required for this achievement DO drop while in a raid. I was in a cross-realm Ordos raid running to him and killed Leafmender on the way and he dropped his Ashleaf Sprite pet. Could prove to be very handy especially for people on highly populated servers such as myself.Комментарий от Atlantea
This is now an account-wide achievement! Oh bless you Blizz:)Комментарий от Taoma
If you are seriously considering getting this achievement and spending days and weeks on the island, here is a useful tip: get Покрытый пеплом рог first, allows you to move around the island much faster. I've also read that Падающее пламя can be useful to get to Garnia and maybe other distant places.Комментарий от Helzondre
Hi, i'm looking for those who are actively trying to farm the Пепельный камень off Watcher Osu on the island for the achievement .If interested add Helzondre#2802 and I will notify you if it spawns on my server. Vice versa if it spawns on yours. (I'm on it all the days from July 7) :}EU realm
Комментарий от excip
Also known as the biggest rng suckfest in the entire wow history.Комментарий от KryptoFreak
I've gone far beyond the point of insanity farming these items. Now down to my last two items from Jakur of Ordon and the High Priestess(farmable easy). With over 600 kills on jakur(farming over multiple servers) without seeing the item drop I'm starting to lose my humanity. I honestly don't know what to do if blizzard implements such a frustrating achievement again..Комментарий от maely
I know some people (myself included) have complained that this achieve should award more than 10 points and/or something like a 30-slot Bigger Bag, which admittedly would be REALLY cool.But I was chatting with a player with whom I frequently camp Jakur's spawn, and it occurred to me that this achievement is about the same as The Seat of Knowledge, a similarly asinine scavenger hunt to collect a couple dozen items with ~2% droprates. At least the Seat of Knowledge awards a title, though.
On the plus side, the Bigger Bag grind is perhaps less lonely of a grind. I'm down to 2 items left before I leave this Timeless Isle forever, but I've made a lot of new friends along the way.
Комментарий от IceWolfDK
Started getting serious about this cheevo, when I suddenly fand unexpectedly ound Spineclaw Crab. Then I went for the next annoying one, Ash covered horn, took about 15 kills of the Ordon High Priests to pop it.Then it has just been grinding the easy ones with rare camping. As of right now, Jakur of Ordon finally coughed up the Warning Sign. Now only the Rain Stone from Zesqua remains, the very LAST item on the list.
Spineclaw crab is pretty much what which makes or breaks completion of this ach, as its so annoying to get. A pet from a super rare spawn, with multiple possible locations where it can appear.
Комментарий от chelseaehawes
Does anyone know if this achievement is going away with the expansion? Its not listed as an achievement in the latest beta build. My overgrown lilypad is vendor trash.Комментарий от pauladin
In 6.0.2 (Warlords of Draenor) this achievement was moved to Collections.It used to reside under Exploration -> Pandaria -> Timeless Isle.
A fact that gave me a heart attack, and was never mentioned in the patch notes, or in the forum, or in the WowHead list of changes, or on Wowpedia, or in the WowHead comments.
Комментарий от itsnotemy
Given the RNG it takes to complete this (been stuck on Falling Flame for the last 4 weeks) I honestly think this should offer a reward. Maybe a title or get this, the biggest bag slot in the game :D (one can hope)Комментарий от Vyola
After almost 300 kills of Zesqua and still no Rain Stone, my last item for this achivment, I was glad to know that, the rares needed for Steamwheedle Preservation Society reputation in WoD, have a chance to drop Partially-Digested Bag.Based on user reports, all Bigger Bag achievement items have a chance to be contained in that bag, meaning that you can do stuff in WoD to get the items.Check here Rares and Exploration in NagrandКомментарий от Askevar
This achievement was moved out of the Exploration category and into the Collections one with Warlords of Draenor, for those having trouble finding it.Комментарий от Aurecante
The achievement should reward the title "Insane in the bag".Комментарий от inimbusi
If they removed the overgrown lilypad, does the wilted lilypad count towards this achievment now?Комментарий от nmb3000
I'm somewhat late to the game, but I figured others might be like me and, when looking for something to do, remembered this achievement.I was getting really tired of trying to track my progress against the unsorted list of items shown on the in-game achievement window. To make this easier, I made a macro to print out all the items you are still MISSING, in alphabetical order.
/run r={} for i=1,57 do t={GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(8728,i)} if not t then table.insert(r, t) end end table.sort(r) for i=1,#r do print(r) end
Now you have a sorted list that you can use to look up items in the helpful sticky post. Hope that someone else finds this helpful, and good luck! :)
Комментарий от Hyuos
Items grouped based on how they are obtained. Percents may change over time. General tactics:PANDARIA MAINLAND: (credit to Voxxel) better drop rates outside the Timeless Isle:ITEMS LOOTED FROM CONTAINERS:EMPEROR SHAOHAO REP: Bring Боевой штандарт координации. Rares are on 30-60 minute timer. Expect to hit Exalted with Shaohao long before finishing.GRINDABLE ITEMS: From non-Shaohao common mobs. Some also have a low drop rate off a rare.STANDARD RARES: 30-60 minute spawn timer (except Голганарр).EVENT RARES: Corresponding event must be completed for spawn:SHARED SPAWNS: After the common mob listed is killed and despawns, the rare version has a low chance to spawn in its place.Комментарий от bigboyscout
Does anyone know if these items will still drop if you are in a raid group? I am camping Zesqua for the last item (seems like an all too common task) and hopping realms at times, many of which are raid groups. If it will not drop in raid group, I would rather not waste my time doing that. Thanks in advance for any helpful replies.Комментарий от wowitsvyx
Re the Увядшая кувшинка:I couldn't find a definitive answer really regarding how the Overgrown Lilypad is tracked since the release of WoD so I opened a ticket regarding the item to check this with a GM.
The GM recommended I try killing Селе'на in Valley of the Four Winds instead of farming the Хваткая лягушкаs.
I camped this mob on and off. She has approximately a 40 minute respawn, same as the other MoP rares. When she dropped the lilypad I was awarded progress towards А сумка могла бы быть и побольше! She has a 20% drop chance so it's definitely worth doing!
Hope this helps someone!
Exact response from the GM below:
The lilypad should still drop and should still give credit for the achievement Going to Need a Bigger Bag. Sele'na should still drop the lilypad, just might need to take a little bit to get it.
Комментарий от pat33
Lets do an impossible achievement!Blizzard CEO: well people will do anything for achievement points, If we did a bag fo fit all those more ons out there doing this rat race for vanity we will definitly Going to need a bigger bag
Blizzard employees: hahahahaha yeah those more ons AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!
Blizzard CEO daughter: Will I get my Ferrari for Christmas Daddy? HAHAHAAHAHHAH!
Blizzard CEO: Of course my dear here is 30 grands for supper, keep the change.
Комментарий от pat33
STOP AND LISTEN: your not timeless! For the SPINECLAW FARMThe only way to do it is to do a DH on a very low pop server, then you farm crabs counter clock wise starting north-east (with the curse swabby helmet) you just kill them all (38 of them) and try to cover them all so that no one will kill them but you. Get several alts on the job like 5 to cover the toy cd timer so you can farm this 1 hr or endlessly.
Essentially it's like farming mine nodes at the moment they respawn but with the helmet.
A very low pop server? Argent Dawn.
Комментарий от colarama
Killing time waiting for Legion to drop and remembered this achievement, and in two days have gone from 16 remaining to 9 remaining.In my experience the drop rates for pets and toybox toys are accurate, in the 1-2% range, but the rates for other drops seems to be a lot higher than reported, like in the 5-20% range.
Sunset Stone - 8 killsAshen Stone - 17 killsBlizzard Stone - 6 killsCursed Talisman - 11 killsGolden Moss - 14 killsCaptain Zvezdan's Lost Leg - 6 killsOvergrown Lilypad - no drop from hundreds of gulp frogs, but got Wilted Lilypad with only 5 kills of Sele'na
I have a hard time believing I just got lucky on seven different "~1%" drops. My suspicion is that the drop rates for a lot of these items are skewed by numbers from the early days of Timeless Isles.
For some of my remaining items that I am actively farming, making me think the toys and pets numbers are accurate:Warning Sign - 78 Jakur kills so farBlackfame Daggers - 48 Champion kills so farAshleaf Spriteling - 66 Leaf kills so far
Комментарий от Catweazle
This achievement was hard enough when the content was current, but now you have level 100s literally one-shotting the rares. Unless you are camped out right at their spawn point at the exact moment they spawn with your finger on the fire button you have no chance of getting them. Hopefully when Legion is released everyone will go there and it will be less crowded.Комментарий от Aztecia
Finally finished this today. Don't give up if you are stuck on one! Keep at it. It'll come to you!Комментарий от shylee
I haven't seen anyone mentioning this (and sorry if I missed someone's post...I was looking): buying the caged pets off the auction house does NOT count towards this achievement. You have to get the item that "teaches" you the pet rather the learned pet itself. I don't know if all of these items are soulbound or can be traded, and if they can, I don't know that this would count towards the achievement (I have only tested buying a caged pet on this list and it didn't count for me). This is different than other achievements, such as Raiding with Leashes, where the item that counts towards the achievement is the learned/caged pet, and not the item that "teaches" you the pet.Here is an example for what I mean by item that "teaches" a pet, and learned/caged pet itself:Item: Spineclaw CrabPet: Spineclaw Crab
Вневременный остров (Часть 4) — WoW JP
Ссылки на предыдущие статьи:
6. Рар-элиты
- Изумрудный гусак появляется в случайных местах вокруг Небесного Суда.
- Твердорогий сталемех появляется в случайных местах вокруг Небесного Суда.
- Большая черепаха Гневный Панцирь патрульный среди черепах на западном берегу острова.
- Гу'чи Зовущий Рой появляется около Древнего Пи`Джоу.
- Зесква появляется у берегов Пи`Джоу, немного восточнее.
- Чжу-Гонь Прокисший появляется по координатам 37.55, 77.31 послt завершения мини-события Прокисшего пива в этой же местности.
- Карканос появляется после разговора с Финь Длинная Лапа на 34.08, 83.84.
- Шелон появляется после обыска мушли на 25.06, 35.98.
- Чароброд может быть вызван разрушением входа в Таинственное логово по координатам 59.0, 48.8. Разрушить вход можно использовав новую кнопку, которую Вы получите за нахождение и открытие объектов Легенды вне времени. Кроме того, Маги, с помощью Скачок, могут телепортироватся на другую сторону стены и использовать молот внутри пещеры, тем самым разрушив стену.
- Журавлецап должен быть вызван. По координатам 43.89, 69.89, Вы найдете труп мертвого Журавль-рыбоед. Обыскав его труп, вы увидите, что они - любимая еда Журавлецап. Это означает, что Вам нужно поставить живого Журавль-рыбоед на труп Журавлецап, для его вызова (найти журавлей можно к югу от трупа).
- Косохрип появляется после завершения мини-события "Бои Крабов" на 60.67, 87.91.
- Дух Нефритового Пламени появляется внутри Пещеры Заблудших Духов в нише справа, почти перед Заримом.
- Целитель листвы появляется на Пылающем пути возле дерева на 67, 43.
- Буфо появляется на поле с Хваткая лягушка возле 65,65.
- Гарния появляется на Красном Озере.
- Тсаво'ка появляется в логове Тсаво`ка на 54.09, 42.40.
- Огромный хребтохват патрулирует подводье у южного побережья острова.
- Императорский питон появляется в случайных местах вокруг Небесного Суда.
- Вонекос появляется на 71.58, 81.85, на палубе пиратского корабля.
- Пещерный Мох появляется в нижней части Пещеры Заблудших Духов.
- Смотритель Осу появляется в руинах Огнехода.
- Якур Ордосский появляется в руинах Огнехода.
- Champion of the Black Flame существуют 3 таких моба, маршрут которых лежит между двумя мостами на Пылающем пути.
- Пеплопад появляется на разрушенном мосте.
- Урдур Прижигатель появляется в западном суде Святилища Ордоса.
- Повелитель кремня Гайран появляется в случайных местах возле Святилища Ордоса.
- Холон летает вокруг Пылающего пути и руинах Огнехода.
- Голганарр появляется возле 62.5, 63.5.
- Вечножор не отмечен на карте выше, потому что плавает по часовой стрелке вокруг острова.
- Проклятый корабль "Вазувий" появляется возле 28.8, 24.5. Его можно призвать на ближайшем пляже с помощью Затуманенный фонарь духов, который падает с Вечножора.
- Архиерей пламени падает внутри Святилища Ордоса, так что игроки, у которых нету легендарного плаща, должны будут использовать Свиток вызова в Камне Вызова (34.4, 32.5).
Рар-элиты и мини-события, которые вызывают их, отображены на вашей мини-карти. У большинства из них здоровье увеличивается от увеличения игроков, которые вступают в бой.
Убивая рар-элитов, Вы получите достижение Вневременный герой.
7. Сундуки и сокровища
В этом разделе мы продемонстрируем все сундуки и сокровища, которые Вы сможете найти на острове. Поскольку все они связаны с определенными достижениями, мы просто расскажем Вам, как завершить каждое достижение.
7.1. Смотри под ноги
Смотри под ноги завершается сбором всех следующих объектов:
Чтобы Вам было проще найти эти объекты, ниже будут приведены их скриншоты:
7.1. Сокровища, везде сокровища
Для получения достижения Сокровища, везде сокровища!, Вам нужно открыть ряд сундуков вокруг острова. Чтобы облегчить это занятие, мы сделали карту, которая поможет Вам найти их.
- Сундуки покрытые мхом
- 22.20, 49.30
- 22.24, 68.08
- 22.42, 35.35
- 24.62, 38.63 (на пне)
- 24.75, 53.01
- 25.66, 45.84
- 25.52, 27.21
- 26.01, 61.45 (на пне)
- 26.85, 68.75
- 27.36, 39.09
- 29.68, 31.74
- 30.60, 36.55 (на пне)
- 31.00, 76.33
- 34.85, 84.22
- 35.36, 76.42
- 36.70, 34.03
- 38.73, 71.59
- 39.79, 79.53
- 43.56, 84.04
- 44.13, 65.46 (на пне)
- 46.76, 46.78
- 46.95, 53.69
- 49.71, 65.72
- 51.15, 45.72
- 52.75, 62.86
- 53.09, 70.77
- 55.52, 44.34
- 58.01, 50.70
- 59.91, 31.32
- 60.17, 66.03
- 61.64, 88.49
- 63.81, 59.15
- 64.91, 75.59
- 65.63, 47.83
- Тлеющий сундук
- 53.98, 78.05
- 69.57, 32.89
- Прочные сундуки
- 26.67, 64.95 (нужен Альбатрос)
- 28.19, 35.21 (нужен Альбатрос)
- 59.25, 49.46 (может потребоваться кто-то, кто откроет пещеру изнутри)
- 64.68, 70.47
- Покрытый черепами сундук: внутри Пещеры Заблудших духов
- Пылающий сундук: 47.26, 26.82 (западный суд Святилища Ордоса)
7.3. Где пираты, там трофеи
Груз черного стража охраняется несколькими враждебными пиратами внутри подводной пещеры, вход которых находится по координатам 17.07, 57.09.Блестящий мешок с сокровищами находится на пиратском корабле (71.60, 82.91). Чтобы заполучить его, Вам нужно прыгать по веревках так, как это показано на скриншоте ниже:
7.4. Исключительный искатель сокровищ
Чтобы получить Блестящий сундук с сокровищами, который находится по координатам 49.68, 69.41, Вам нужно будет прыгать по колонам с Руин Огнехода так, как это показано на скриншоте ниже.


7.5. Легенда прошлого и Легенда вне времени
До сих пор, мы знаем только 9 точек спавна, некоторые были найдены нами, остальные - на Wowhead. Карта ниже покажет Вам, где найти легенды. После карты можно будет найти их координаты.

- 30.7, 55.2
- 47.3, 80.8
- 49.9, 71.7
- 55.0, 72.8
- 55.3, 50.3
- 55.6, 59.3
- 63.1, 45.3
- 65.4, 51.8
- 68.4, 60.2
Нажав ПКМ на один из этих объектов, Вы получите бафф, который будет на Вас до смерти:
Эти баффы даруют Вам новую активную кнопку, которую Вы сможете использовать на протяжении боя, чтобы убивать монстров быстрее. Также, вы сможете использовать их для того чтобы пробить вход в Мистическое Логово.
7.6. Сундуки Мастера Кукуру
В одной из пещер возле разрушенного моста, Вы найдете Мастер Кукуру. Если Вы заплатите ему 500 Вневременная монета, он даст Вам ключ, с помощью которого Вы сможете открыть любой сундук в его пещере.У вас есть шанс получить с каждого сундук, в среднем, 400 Вневременная монета, либо часть Вневременной экипировки. Так что, нахождение этих сундуков - очень эффективный способ достать экипировку для своего альта без больших затрат монет.8. ПвП и ПвА
Обратите внимание на то, что Вы не сможете фармить монеты с одного и того же игрока, так как после смерти он получает дебафф, который не дает выпадать монетам на протяжении 10 минут.
9. Остальные достижения
Убить время - очень простое достижение, поскольку все мобы в списке спрятаны, либо их тяжело убить, Вам нужно будет просто полностью исследовать остров.А сумка могла бы быть и побольше - вероятно самое трудное достижение из всех. Для его получения Вам нужно будет получить десятки предметов из мобов или сундуков на острове.9.1. Целый Зарим
Чтобы завершить достижение Целый Зарим, Вам нужно помочь Зариму найти его тело. Он находится справа, после входа в Пещеру Заблудших Духов.После того, как Вы поговорите с ним, Вы будете отправлены в мир духов, где у Вас будет 5 минут, чтобы найти тело Зарима, которое находится в самой дальней комнате от входа в пещеру (на скриншоте ниже указано местонахождение Зарима). Для того, добраться туда, Вам нужно будет избежать много духов. Все они окружены лучами света. Если они Вас заметят, они изгонят Вас с мира духов. Если Вы провалите Ваше задание (из-за того, что слишком долго говорили, либо из-за того, что Вас заметил дух), Вы не сможете больше его повторить до начала следующего дня.

10. Выводы
Если у Вас хватило терпения и Вы дочитали гайд до конца, то мы хотим поблагодарить Вас за то, что уделили время и надеемся, что в этом гайде была раскрыта вся информация об острове, которая Вам была интересна.
Сказание о затерянном во времени мореходе - Предмет
Комментарий от syngry
Reference to the poem "Rime of the Ancient Mariner".A captain curses his crew to death because he kills a happy singing bird.
Комментарий от Urden
If the song sounds anything like this, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner!, I'm a fan for life!Комментарий от Effectrix
It is an ancient Mariner,And he stoppeth one of three.'By thy long grey beard and glittering eye,Now wherefore stopp'st thou me?The Bridegroom's doors are opened wide,And I am next of kin;The guests are met, the feast is set:May'st hear the merry din.'
Комментарий от Icy2k
Drops off Проклятый корабль "Вазувий".Комментарий от vindurza
three men and a gnome went out to sea to catch the great horned wale...Комментарий от shadra
Got the item on PTR, no music playing at the moment, but it converts you into spectral pink pirate skeleton, for unlimited time. (till you die - prolly ptr bug) has 2 hour cd. Cool thing is, shapeshifting, or mounting is allowed, and also paints your mounts as spectral pink. (shapeshifts just look same as u werent shapeshifted)Submitting a screen shot.
Комментарий от Voxxel
The best thing about this item is admittedly that it also alters your mounts look.The effect lasts until cancelled but goes off if you die. In return, it has a brashly long cooldown for 2 hours.Комментарий от MrMelbert4
Tsk, I was hoping for this to be a reference to good ol' Captain Placeholder yet again.Комментарий от Dragonthingy
As of the latest PTR build, the pink spectral effect no longer appears on mounts. :(Комментарий от Kraineth
Currently does not break on druid forms.Комментарий от Furydeath
Only last for 15 mins on live.Did you think blizz would put in fun items?
Комментарий от Narts
currently there is no ranged animationКомментарий от markw
Usable WITH Sandstone Drake as of US patch day 9/10! Turns pink and very unique!Комментарий от Soreleyn
Ghost Wolf form does break this. Sad panda..Комментарий от Zoeteklem
Not sure why it hasn't been mentioned yet, but the name is play-on words to the famous mount Поводья затерянного во времени протодракона. Not that they have anything to do with each other, just wanted to point it out.Lets hope it's easier to get Сказание о затерянном во времени мореходе than the mount, I am not sure if I can live long enough to get either one of them if the drop rates are the same?
Комментарий от Mormolyce
If you use this with Crimson Tempest as a Rogue, it turns the flying daggery things in the animation pink too. And I thought it looked like Salmon Nova before!Комментарий от Merlin77
Is there a sword out there that has the same model as the one this item gives you? :DКомментарий от Hildur
If you have glyph of ravens on a shadow priest, the ravens will also be "ghosty" pink.Комментарий от BrightBrown
Would have been nice to "disguise" oneself to those pirates with this item!Комментарий от snub999
Hunters feign death does the dying skeleton animation. On other players screens, feigning hunter skeletons have no pink glow.Комментарий от StrifeOr
The spectral form carries over when you use you Obsidian Nightwing. I will post screenshots shortly.Комментарий от Wowalonegod
Btw you do not lose the item after use.Also Blizz should make the spell last for at least an hour or shorten the CD by like 1.5 hours.Комментарий от Scaletta
Seems to be a high drop from Dread Ship Vazuvius; got it on my Hunter and Monk from their first kill of the crew.Комментарий от Arikara
If you use this, then Mr. Smite's Brass Compass, you will be a spectral purple Smite with a lantern and a pirate hat. Other shapeshifting items seem to break it though.Also not sure if you get one of smite's weapons in your mainhand, or if you always get the cutlass from the rime. So far i've only seen cutlass, but Smite gets that too, so.
E: This also appears to work with Krastinov's Bag of Horrors, which, in my opinion, gives a much more awesome result.
E2: As of WoD, appears to no longer work with Smite, but instead works with a number of other transformations. No more double pirate though.
Комментарий от fyremoon1965
If you have the celestial steed, it makes him look rather trippy! :) Check out the screenshot I made.Комментарий от tekketsertok
You do NOT have to be level 90, I managed to loot this on my monk today at level 61All you have to do is land a hit of something on the boat and this has a chance of dropping. If you feel like corpse running a lot on the island, dying a lot to get to the timeless isle from the shrine (where I got my port) then this item is apparently attainable at any level.Happy hunting :PКомментарий от HoroHoro3
Funny little thing i noticed, this can be used with Песчаниковый дракон, to make the user and anyone riding turn purple.EDIT: Seems to only happen to certain races, not sure which.
Комментарий от sydail
Stacks with Сфера сверхобезьяны and it also makes the bubble a bright pink :DScreenshot added.Комментарий от kintotech
And as always, druid shapeshifts (including the glyph'd boomkin one) breaks this disguise and blows your cooldown :\Комментарий от kintotech
Also, do not attempt to use your Skymirror after using this, it'll eat the skymirror buff and waste your cooldown, instead of combining, or the skymirror canceling the skeleton.Комментарий от HoroHoro3
Also, if you don't want it for the appearance, I highly encourage to use the /dance command, it wont disappoint.Комментарий от NobesCTRGuild
For a Truly EPIC look. Evocate as a mage while in this effect!Комментарий от iamjoe
Looks good and trippy when combined with the use effect on Ледяная коса повелителя АхунаКомментарий от Brophy99
The item augments many items including Жаровня танцующего пламени which makes a very neat looking purple Dranei with a pirate hat with fire around it.Комментарий от mayabe
Turns you into a pink ghost pirate saurok during the Primordius encounter. (see screenshot)Комментарий от togahsisoka
Mage's Mirror image makes 3 normal skeletons for your own private bone army...Комментарий от togahsisoka
Ever wanted to be a big pink Sandstone Drake? Well now you can!My question is what does it look like for a Shadow Form Priest as a Sandstone Drake, with a disgusting oozling out?
Комментарий от Chackall
Iron Maiden FTWКомментарий от Malebogia
Using this item with item=86571 will remove the glowing aura and make you look like just a grey skeleton.Комментарий от taohinton
This buff prevents Shadowform's normal shadowy effect from displaying on the player, but other aspects of the effect (such as trailing glow/sparkles) still occur, and the effect still displays fully on the player's mount.tldr; luminous bright pink skeleton pirates riding on gigantic shadow dragons are not only possible, but highly recommended. Yarr!
Комментарий от hebz
If you throw this away, it will drop next time you kill the ship.Комментарий от redwarewolf
Submited a screenshot about how it looks when you use it and mount an Argent Tournament mount for fencing. It changes the colour of the shield´s that surround you, flag but not the mount. The lance is not shown, instead you use the sword from the Skeleton itself. Very cool lookКомментарий от Woaden
Uses the same sound when as did Pre-MoPКомментарий от Padeen
Jeesh, everyone is talking about appearance! Does this thing add anything to dps, armor or health? Sorry if this was discounted long ago, but I haven't found any info on it.Комментарий от weibe23
i got this item from Груз черного стража yesterdayКомментарий от Heartblossom
You can use a potion of illusion with this and then you'll be in the purple ghost form of the person you transformed in :). (note that you must be close to another player)Комментарий от Chriah
It took me a while to catch the reference. My 12th grade English skills really kicked in.Комментарий от Mullygrubb
You can use both Сказание о затерянном во времени мореходе and Мешок ужасов Крастинова for a merged ghostly Doctor affect. Ghost DoctorBe interesting to find out what other appearance changing items can be merged.
Комментарий от AveryZan
Bone Shield looks so cool with this!Комментарий от Kendrubbin
This item can also stack on top of Glyph of Disguise for Rogues, leading to some amusing combinations.Комментарий от Leishai
I made a list of gimmick items which you can use to transform your character into a different form or race or even gender to play around with. I didn't add items like weapons that provide a procc with a transform effect that only lasts a few seconds even though I know about them. My intention was to list all items with controlable transformations. Feel free to let me know if I missed an item!I want to thank all the people below my lists who pointed out items I missed! This list grows thanks to your effort as well! Thanks guys, you're great!The following items you cannot get anymore. Only to complete the list.
Комментарий от Leishai
I made a list of gimmick items which you can use to transform your character into a different form or race or even gender to play around with. I didn't add items like weapons that provide a procc with a transform effect that only lasts a few seconds even though I know about them. My intention was to list all items with controlable transformations. Feel free to let me know if I missed an item!I want to thank all the people below my lists who pointed out items I missed! This list grows thanks to your effort as well! Thanks guys, you're great!The following items you cannot get anymore. Only to complete the list.
Комментарий от Dramfiolz
Just noticed today that when you use this in ghost wolf form, your wolf not only turns pink, but it's also wearing a little pirate's hat. Ghost Pirate Wolf. Arrrrrrrooo, matey! (I submitted a screenshot.)Комментарий от ThisGamingGuy
Hear the rime of the Time-Lost marinerSee his eye as he stops one of threeMesmerizes one of the wedding guestsStay here and listen to the nightmares of the sea.And the music plays on, as the bride passes byCaught by his spell and the mariner tells his tale.
Driven south to the land of the snow and iceTo a place where nobody's beenThrough the snow fog flies on the albatrossHailed in God's name, hoping good luck it brings.
And the ship sails on, back to the NorthThrough the fog and ice and the albatross follows on.
The mariner kills the bird of good omenHis shipmates cry against what he's doneBut when the fog clears, they justify himAnd make themselves a part of the crime.
Sailing on and on and north across the seaSailing on and on and north 'til all is calm.
The albatross begins with it's vengeanceA terrible curse a thirst has begunHis shipmates blame bad luck on the marinerAbout his neck, the dead bird is hung.
And the curse goes on and on at seaAnd the curse goes on and on for them and me.
"Day after day, day after day, We stuck nor breath nor motionAs idle as a painted ship upon a painted oceanWater, water everywhere andAll the boards did shrinkWater, water everywhere nor any drop to drink."
There calls the marinerThere comes a ship over the lineBut how can she sail with no wind in her sails and no tide?
She... onward she comesOnward she nears out of the sunSee, she has no crewShe has no life, wait but here's two.
Death and she life in death, They throw their dice for the crewShe wins the mariner and he belongs to her now.Then, crew one by oneThey drop down dead, two hundred menShe, she, Life in Death.She lets him live, her chosen one.
"One after one by the star dogged moon, Too quick for groan or sighEach turned his face with a ghastly pangAnd cursed me with his eyeFour times fifty living men(And I heard nor sigh nor groan)With heavy thump, a lifeless lump, They dropped down one by one."
The curse it lives on in their eyesThe mariner he wished he'd dieAlong with the sea creaturesBut they lived on, so did he.
And by the light of the moonHe prays for their beauty not doomWith heart he blesses themGod's creatures all of them too.
Then the spell starts to breakThe albatross falls from his neckSinks down like lead into the seaThen down in falls comes the rain.
Hear the groans of the long dead seamenSee them stir and they start to riseBodies lifted by good spiritsNone of them speak and they're lifeless in their eyes
And revenge is still sought, penance starts againCast into a trance and the nightmare carries on.
Now the curse is finally liftedAnd the mariner sights his homeSpirits go from the long dead bodiesForm their own light and the mariner's left alone.
And then a boat came sailing towards himIt was a joy he could not believeThe pilot's boat, his son and the hermit, Penance of life will fall onto him.
And the ship it sinks like lead into the seaAnd the hermit shrives the mariner of his sins.
The mariner's bound to tell of his storyTo tell this tale wherever he goesTo teach God's word by his own exampleThat we must love all things that God made.
And the wedding guest's a sad and wiser manAnd the tale goes on and on and on.
Комментарий от rrrof711
If you use the Сказание о затерянном во времени мореходе and then use Дупликатор Манашторма you turn into Millhouse Manastorm pirate extraordinaire!Комментарий от isendims
So today i found something weird. I used Rime of the Time-Lost Mariner and then changed my mind and used Jewel of Hellfire. The results were not what I expected. I thought it would swap over to to the new one or use the same until i had clicked it off. Instead the two fused together into something special. Image below.Imgur Link
So kinda wondering now if any other items will get mixed together with Rime of the Time-Lost Mariner.
Комментарий от Taramonia
Apparently they changed the graphics on this so it doesn't "combine" with other costumes like it used to. I will miss my glowing pink Arrakoa :(Комментарий от ns88
As of late december 2016, the purple glow effect is not appearing in most areas. It goes back and forth, sometimes shows you as a normal skeleton.ru.wowhead.com
Укротитель пандаренских духов - Задание
Комментарий от Nulgar
Well I expect the pet items to go BoP before 5.1 goes live, but if you have 3 alts, you can acquire all 4 easily. However, there'll also be a daily that rewards a bag which may contain one of those pets as well.Комментарий от vindurza
i'm so happy blizz is making these obtainable pets the models fit so well as companion and this shows in the pandaren starting zone when the spirits follow you aroundКомментарий от Sevenfournine
Does the Professor make you choose one?Комментарий от haoma
choose one? why blizz, why?Комментарий от Opilat
Anyone able to say if you can purchase the other ones from a vendor or ?Комментарий от Fatholien
All the pets are BoE and you'll have chances at them from Pandaren Spirit Pet SuppliesКомментарий от Cymre
You must defeat all the other Pet Tamers (on all the other continents) up to Aki the Chosen before you're eligible to do this. Two of the locations also require flying to reach so appear to be designed for level 90 (unless of course you're a passenger).This quest may be picked up from the Pet Trainer in the Vale of the Eternal Blossoms. Just head to your faction capital city - Gentle San for Horde and Sara Finkleswitch for Alliance.
Once you complete the quest the first time, you’ll be able to do it again as a daily which is account-wide, giving you a chance to get the other three pets from the corresponding elemental dailies - i.e the Pandaren Spirit Pet Supplies.
Note - the pets are BoE so look for them on the AH if you prefer to get them that way or are just that unlucky.
You'll also get the achievement - Pandaren Spirit Tamer
I recommend picking the Thundering pet as he's the toughest to beat imo. This will save one of the tougher battles in the long run leaving three of the easier tamers.
Комментарий от bluefoot
All of them have Legendary pets.Thundering Pandaren Spirit (Vale of Eternal Blossoms - 67.79, 15.21)- elemental - use aquatic
- critter - use beast
- beast - use mechanic
Whispering Pandaren Spirit (Jade Forest - 28.91, 36.03)
- dragonkin - use humanoid
- critter - use beast
- elemental - use aquatic
Burning Pandaren Spirit (Townlong Steppes - 57.13, 42.09)
- dragonkin - use humanoid
- elemental - use aquatic
- flying - use magic
Flowing Pandaren Spirit (Dread Wastes - 61.18, 87.52)
- aquatic - use flying
- critter - use beast
- elemental - use aquatic
Комментарий от Blaqlite
I was not prompted to accept this quest and have no idea where to pick it up otherwise. I have completed all the other required quest chains.Комментарий от Snowfield
I've Defeated Aki, Pre patch, how do i start the quest for these? i'm so lost.Комментарий от Ufologist
For Horde, you pick this quest up from Gentle San at your Vale capital.For Alliance, it is from Sara Finkleswitch.Комментарий от noaki007
I got the quest from the Shrine of the Two moons.Комментарий от Jonnyne
Burning Pandaren SpiritTownlong Steppes57.13, 42.09Thundering Pandaren SpiritVale of Eternal Blossoms67.79, 15.21
Whispering Pandaren SpiritJade Forest28.91, 36.03
Flowing Pandaren SpiritDread Wastes61.18, 87.52
Very excellent information on pet battles provided by: Kattiara17
Комментарий от Ozlem
You just can't wing this, unless you have a lvl25 of most classes (mechanic, elemental, magic etc etc) you are going to have a very rough time of achieving this. I scrapped through a couple with the "wrong type" but the thundering spirit tamer, IMHO, is a challenge and you want to have the right types for that fight.Just to clarify completing this you choose one of the four pets however you still have a chance of getting the other pets when fighting the spirit tamers daily as they award Сумка пандаренского духа с товарами для питомцев which is said to have a chance of these pets inside (so the fire award has a chance at the fire pet, thundering for thundering etc etc) the pets are also BoE so there is a chance to pick them up in AH as well since you can cage them.
Regardless of looks take my advice and pick the Thundering spirit pet first. Ask yourselves, do you really want to face him for his daily everyday till you get his pet to drop? *shudders at thought*
Комментарий от Praxidice
Somehow we all knew these tamer quests would end with facing the Elite 4. The pet that literally won the war for me? My rare rusty snail. (any snail will do) His dive, especially if it crits will murder these elementals. While it's on cooldown, shell shield should be kept up and absorb to keep some health coming in. If dive missed, it was instant restart for me. Good luck!Комментарий от aequalsb
from experience and these posts, there is one key approach to fighting the Spirit Tamers:1. choose pets that have strong DEFENSES against the appropriate tamer's pet (it's nice when they also have strong offense)for example: the Rapana Whelk is a critter, therefore takes less damage from the elemental (and it breaks the stun from Crystal Prison instantly) while dishing out heavy damage using the aquatic Dive attack
2. choose pets that have key abilities to your strategyfor example: the Foxling dishes out a lot of damage to the slime with Howl, and then uses Dazzling Dance before it dies so the Glowfly always attacks first against the rat for the remainder of the fight (critical in my comp)
for Thundering Spirit i use:Alpine FoxlingEffervescent GlowflyRapana Whelk
as long as you lead off with Rapana Whelk (world pet tamers always lead off with the same pet since patch 5.2)...
and as long as you use the Foxling's Howl to quickly kill the slime... then Dazzling Dance...
and as long as you use the Glowfly's Cocoon to absorb heavy damage AFTER dotting the rat...
you should have no problem with this fight
** this post has been heavily edited
Комментарий от jacemora
I have completed the quest line and went back and did each again for the daily.I have a post on my blog showing my pet lineup for each and the abilities I went with. For pet collectors out there with a large collection of pets I found after a lot of trial and error that these lineups were the most successful and efficient to winning each battle.
No offense to bluefoot but his breakdown of what type of pet to use is over simplifying these fights as they are pretty difficult. For example using an aquatic on Whispering is going to be tough as the elemental does flying family damage.
Комментарий от ryantruman
I really struggled with this at first, especially the Thundering Spirit (earth) and his main pet. I would highly reccomend geting one of the Rampana Whelk's from dreadwastes. Tamed at about level 22 they are critters with a strong aquatic attack. They are ideal as they have reduced stun time (great against the earth), reduced damage from elementals and have an attack that does massive damage to them.I used a rare level 23 one and it was good enough to beat the elementals pet of each battle without even being max level. I would reccommend leveling it up a bit though as I found mine missed a lot until it was 23. Good Luck!
Edit: Just noticed that silkbead snail from jade forest is a good option too. They start at a bit lower level and could have different attack/speed/health but they have the same moves so it should be just as good .
Комментарий от Zephytoth
Celestial dragon at 25 is supergood on the Whistering (jade forest one).I had the first 3 abilities equipped, and managed to kill the 2 other pets + take the spirit pet down to 50% with only the dragon.Комментарий от Lorax42
Follow up dailies seem to glitched.I finished this quest the day after 5.1 went live (Wednesday). Claimed the Earth Spirit pet as the reward, and then went right out to do the dailies for the other 3 again. I got lucky and got the Water Spirit pet while doing that daily.
Thursday I went out and tried to do the Wind and Fire Spirit dailies to keep trying for those pets, but they don't have the option to do a daily at all. It's not a time of day issue, because it's 6pm East Coast right now, and dailies rest in the morning hours.
Submitted ticket ... hope it get fixed soon.
EDIT: As of Saturday 12/1/12, the hotfix restart earlier in the day fixed this issue.
Комментарий от jek3
I was eventually able to defeat Thundering using a combo of Rapana Whelk, Skittering Cavern Crawler, and Nordrassil Wisp.The Rapana can usually take out the Elemental while keeping at least half health. The spider can kill the critter, but usually had low health for the start of the last pet and died quickly.
I experimented with quite a few last pets, and was able to one shot when I tried the Wisp. I used the ability that blinds the opponent, the ability that does increased damage on blinded opponents, and the ability that blocks damage. The downside of this strategy is that all these moves have three round cooldowns, so you'll have to pass a turn now and then.
Комментарий от Cyno
To beat the Thundering one, which is the only one of any difficulty, I used a team of:Little Fawn, but probably just about any critter would do, this was the only critter I had at 25Molten Hatchling, because it's just awesome healing and beasty goodnessDarkmoon Zeppelin. Yes it receives strong hits from Stone Rush, but I found that decoy more than makes up for it. The big thing here is to not let Bombing Run hit on the turn the opponent is burrowed.Now only thing we need is Blizz to fix the daily quests.
Комментарий от Draigars
Thundering Pandaren Spirit is without any doubt the hardest trainer I ever battled.Used Garden Moth, Lil' Deathwing and Crawling Claw, all 25 and rare.
Комментарий от tigerborn
Just got Thunder Spirit with Mirror Strider (Water Jet, Healing Wave and Pump) on thunder ele - and he is faster than ele; Alpine Foxling Kit (just Crouch and Leap) on sludge critter, and chose Celestial Dragon (Breath, Ancient Blessing and Moonfire) for that nasty little rat beast.A little bit lucky with some dodges and misses working in my favour. There are bound to be some specific pets such as those heretofore described that might be just right - I simply used Fox and Strider as appropriate for their opponents, and dragon for the big hp, heals and damage.
Keep trying - you're bound to get a lucky streak sometime!
Комментарий от Detection
(since my reputation isn't high enough to actually reply to it) In response to Bluefoot's comment on the Thundering Spirit,beast - use mechanic
While it is noted by Fatgai not to use a mecahnical type pet against the Thundering Spirit's beast type pet because of a certain ability disadvantage. If you were to use Wild Jade Hatchling, he comes with an ability named which is a pretty powerful mechanical ability.
It causes a weather effect which does extra mechanical damage with each attack to all pets on the field, and 25% additional mechanical ability damage.
To catch this pet though, you must be exalted with the Order of the Cloud Serpent faction.
With that said you might be able to use this pet to defeat the Thundering Spirit's beast pet with ease.
Комментарий от Quackerano
Managed to get a fairly good combination of pets for each fight:- Thundering Spirit Tamer; used a Rabbit, Clockwork Gnome and Effervescent Glowfly
- Flowing Spirit Tamer; used a Sea Pony, Baby Ape and Wildhammer Griphon
- Burning Spirit Tamer; used a Sea Pony, Clockwork Gnome (with Blitz) and Wild Jade Hatchling (with tail swipe)
- Whispering Spirit Tamer; used a Summit Kid, Pandaren Monk and Celestial Dragon
Комментарий от igooana
I went through these comments trying to find the best pet combo because I really struggled with the thundering pandaren spirit. Like all day. My eyes are quite dry. I leveled 3 pets to 25 just to try and beat this guy.Elemental: Rapana Whelk Critter blob: TURTLE (changed my life, swear to god) Darnak: Whatever steam was left in my turtle and fox.
Rapana whelk was the only one lvl 24, the others were 25.
To start the fight, make sure it's the elemental and snail, not the critter blob. The elemental will try to stun your snail, but it's a critter so haha just hit it with your acidic goo on the next turn. On the next turn, assuming the elemental hasn't stunned you (in which I would have started over), dive. If your dive misses, start over. If not, congratulations. Just hit absorb until he dies.
On critter blob use one last acidic goo and then mourn the loss of your snail. Enter turtle. Start off with head butt which should reduce him below 1/2 health. Bite and healing wave as necessary.
Darnak the tunneler is a beast that looks like a critter. Everything about this guy is counter intuitive. Every time someone kills this guy a child in Africa gets sponsored by Oprah Winfrey. Hit him with all you have in your turtle. My last pet was a fox. Use crouch first, then leap and then bite until he died. Fox is usually low on health, but stone rush also takes health from darnak, so as long as he has the first move and doesn't miss on every turn he'll come out on top.
I'd also like to note that this method works every time I use it and failures are few. The only things that need to be perfect are the whelk must defeat the elemental and the turtle must defeat the critter blob for the fox to survive darnak's stone rush. The whelk pulling off an acidic goo on the critter blob is optimal, but not necessary. Other pets I've tried as mentioned in other comments: crab, shrine fly, nordrassil wisp, bananas (or baby ape), clockwork gnome, pterrodox hatchling. All these other pets were destroyed swiftly. The turtle has the advantage of having hard hitting beast damage, a heal, and a lot of health. He's aquatic so he avoids the bonus damage from mechanical abilities.
Комментарий от savo72
I'm sure I'm going to be flamed for this but the strategy I use on the daily against the Earth Spirit is to take put my aquatic in the first spot (Aqua Strider). I forfeit if he starts with the ooze. The Earth Spirt will always start out with the skill that stuns. He misses about one in 5 or 6 times so I forfeit until he misses and it makes the fight MUCH easier. Cheating? Probably. But I think God forgives and I want to believe that digital creatures feelings are not easily hurt.Комментарий от dylacat
Idk if it was luck or what...but I beat the Thundering Spirit 1st time at it with a Fel Flame, Flayer Youngling, and a Dancing Water Skimmer (in that order).Комментарий от kaendyra
Burning, Whispering and Flowing were easily beatable using the same 3 pets:Lil' Tarecgosa, Rabid Nut Varmint 5000, and Spirit of Competition all level 25 raresThundering however is MUCH harder. I used a level 22 uncommon Rapana Whelk, a level 23 rare Sifang Otter, and my level 25 Spirit of Competition.
Rapana Whelks are really amazing against the earth spirit. I used absorb, shell shield, and dive, and I would hit my 2 dives before the Whelk would die. Then I finished off with surge from my Otter, and used Screech then Gnaw against the sludgling, until my otter died. I finished off the sludgling with my Spirit of Competition using tail sweep saving both ancient blessing and lift-off.
The last guy who hits like a truck always uses his burrow after the shield, so I used lift-off as my second attack and avoided his burrow all together. Using any kind of lift-off or avoid for that attack is recommended!
Also I fought these guys about 20 times, and never once did the opening stun on the Earth Spirit miss. The good news is that, if you are horde, the stable master, Tracker Lang, is a very short flight away.
Good luck!
Комментарий от Multiply
For those struggling to beat these tamers, here is what worked for me.1) Magical Crawdad is amazing for these fights. Surge is quite potent against each Tamer's elemental pet, not to mention it hits first during the stun chain of the Thundering Spirit so you attack when you otherwise would be unable to do so. Whirlpool hits like a truck, often removing 1/3 of the Elemental pet's health. And the magical crab has plenty of health and survivability of his own to withstand whatever these elementals can throw at you including the Flying attacks. I'm fairly positive a 25 Crawdad can solo each elemental.
2) The Thundering Spirit packs a nasty little beast with a combination of a Shield, Burrow, and Rampage. I found my go-to mechanical, the Clockwork Gnome, to be quite powerless as his Turret is ineffective against the Shield and the elemental nature of the Rampage would basically 2 shot my pet. Instead I opted for a fast rabbit. If the rabbit is faster than the beast (300 speed from what I saw) then the rabbit can use Dodge right as the beast goes underground for Burrow and completely negate it. The Rampage was not as threatening, due to it being Elemental damage while the rabbit is a critter, however you can still manage to negate 2/3 of it with the remaining turn of Dodge and a follow-up use of the rabbit's Burrow. Ultimately I managed to kill this pet with about 80% of my rabbit's health remaining.
3) Flayer Youngling was quite useful for me. Reflection was handy whether it was reflecting a stun or a powerful attack, and it set up pet swaps quite nicely. I also remember his Rampage move destroying one of the tamer's pets, I believe it was the Thundering Tamer's critter pet and I believe Rampage killed it in 2 shots. And I also think I remember one of the Tamers had a dragon pet, where the Humanoid attacks proved effective.
4) One of the Tamers has a pet with a moveset including Whirlpool and Dive. The pet timed these attacks to hit on the same turn, which would normally be close to a 1-turn KO against most of my pets. I believe I had a flyer who used Lift Off to simply dodge this. Either way I would recommend having at least one pet who can go "immune" for a round because I would not recommend trying to tank that if possible.
Whatever you end up doing, keep in mind that the best way to overcome these Tamers is not with one specific set of pets, but rather a collection of pets from a variety of families. If you only have 3 pets at 25 you will struggle to beat these Tamers, but if you have 5-6 different pet families at 25 then you will have the ability to customize your team to beat one Tamer and then switch it specificaly for the next Tamer. Good luck.
Комментарий от Schadenfreude
Spider/Crab/Snail vs. his Slime/Elemental/Mole (in that order) makes this fight super easy.Комментарий от asherkobin
What pet reward did people choose and why?Комментарий от aryon
Choose your pet carefully!You can get the others from drops from daily bags, but as the Earth spirit is hardest to beat it is probably best to take him as the reward, so you don't have to fight him for dailies.
Комментарий от Quartolo
Managed to beat them all, only one I had problems was the first elemental npc, the closest one into the mountains of the Vale (Thundering Pandaren Spirit).For that, it took me alot of luck and setting the fight at the begin.My pet team was composed of: Лазурный дракончик slow heavy attacking dragon. used Claw, Arcane Storm, Surge of Power.Огонек Нордрассила faster than 99% of the "legendary pandarian npc pets". used Beam, Flash, Soul Ward.Птенец темного феникса Elemental for multi role. Used Burn, Immolate, Dark Rebirth.
I forced the NPC to start with the critter mob while I had the Azure Whelp. With that I bursted a pair of attacks with Claw, then used Arcane Storm and finished with surge of Power. With arcane storm active, the stuns could not happen on the next elemental mob.
On the next elemental enemy, I used the Nordrassil Wisp. Being faster, had the advantage to shoot a Beam at first round (replacement), then Beaming and "nullifying" the incoming stun (thanks to the Arcane Storm weather). Then Flashed it, Beam, Beam, Soul Ward, Flash, Beam Beam Soul Ward (rinse repeat).
Killed the elemental came the third one (the mouse with self-damaging charge attack).Damaged it a little with the Wisp (you can foresee it's tactic, its shield-burrow-attack-charge-charge-repeat), when it died I swapped out the Dark Phoenix Hatchling.
Immolation at first, Burn (take 2 hits from charge burrow and charge). At that point I had enought health for the next charge, not for two tho:Thereby, since he would attack before me, I at first cast Soul Rebirth. On the next turn it would be still active when he charge attacks me so my Phoenix would rebirth with full health and be able to finish it.
Next three NPCS were a joke. third and fourth I could even swap a lv 20 mob as third mob to finish off the battles (gaining so over 3.500 xp)
Комментарий от Chibchub123
Wild Crimson Hatchling made this possible for me. I started with the Thundering and Whispering spirit tamers, using the level 25 rare Wild Crimson Hatchling (Breath/Healing Flame/Lift-off) made all the difference. It was fast enough to go first, and dealt with the mole on the Thundering all by himself (easily) as well as killing the moth and taking the dragon down to 40% on the Whispering. Less notably, he also dealt with the firefly of the Burning (What a joke of a last pet.) and took out most of the fish and about half of the elemental on the Flowing tamer.Комментарий от DanJack
You CAN sell these in the Auction House as of patch 5.1 or you can try to get them by doing the daily as well, if you'd want to sell or keep them.Комментарий от davesurfer
OK there are a lot of comments on Thundering, but here is what I did on the other 3. Below are the pets I USED against their petsBurning Pandaren SpiritTownlong Steppes57.13, 42.09Spirit of competition (Dragonkin Blue)Spirebound Crab (Aquatic Blue)Oily slimeling (magicd Green)Couple notes: Change the Spirit of competition lift off ability to Flame thrower. also i started dragonkin vs dragonkin and his whirlwind ability destroyed my aquatic before it even came out. I still won, but may not want to start the same way next time. edit: i started crab vs elemental today and it was much easier. Crab got through elemental and half of the Dragonkin
Whispering Pandaren SpiritJade Forest28.91, 36.03Infected Fawn (Undead Green)Fjord Worg Pup (Beast Blue)Spirebound Crab (Aquatic Blue)EDIT Note: Start Warg against Moth
Flowing Pandaren SpiritDread Wastes61.18, 87.52Oily slimeling (magicd Green)Fjord Worg Pup (Beast Blue)Spirebound Crab (Aquatic Blue)EDIT Note: I started with Oily slime vs the fish. This fish and strider of his do less damage against magic. The water jets hurt, so I went defensive with oily first and can get through the fish and half of the strider. Then bring in worg and finish strider and almost kill the elemental. Fight is easy this way
EDIT: Not sure why i was down rated, but will try to explain lineup better
Комментарий от dredde
I completed the thundering spirit by having a rare wanderers festival hatchling instead of the water strider because he still has pump but he has 1800 health at 25 which is very usefull when trying to kill him.Комментарий от illiterate
For thundering:Rapna whelk - dive and spam ooze touch on elementalKun-Lai runt - rampage kills critter in 3 hitsShrine fly - use cocoon to block big attacks from beastFor whispering:Kun-Lai runt - rampage kills critter in 3 hitsHopling - stun and fist dragonkinRapna whelk - didn't even need to use it, hopling killed the elemental
For burning:Hopling - stun and fist the dragonkinRapna whelk - dive should finish off elementalViscidus globule - spam ooze on flying
For flowing:Shrine fly - kill aquatic, cocoon big attacks Kun-Lai runt - rampage on the critterRapna whelk - dive on elemental, finish off with ooze
Комментарий от Kattiara17
The four Tamers you need to defeat are listed below. Note that all of their teams are Legendary quality, level 25 pets. You can defeat them in any order.Рокочущий пандаренский дух in Вершина Кунь-Лай:
Arguably one of the harder Spirit Tamers. Be warned that the Earth Spirit himself likes to start off by stunning you right off the bat - often twice - with Кристаллическая тюрьма followed by Разлом. Pets with high speed will definitely help, or Зажигательный танец if you have it handy. A Детеныш живодера or Императорский краб can also work well, or pets that can heal.Пылающий пандаренский дух in Танлунские степи:
Although you will want a strong Aquatic attack against the Fire Spirit, be aware that if you fight the Dragonkin first, Смерч can be devastating to back row Aquatic pets. People have been having luck using snails (such as Рапана), which are technically Critters instead.Парящий пандаренский дух in Жуткие пустоши:
Avoid using Elemental pets in your line-up here, since all three have strong Aquatic attacks. Flying and Beast types will work well, especially ones that have the ability to avoid damage for a round (such as Взлет or Закопаться) when Гейзер and Водоворот are about to go off for massive damage.Шепчущий пандаренский дух in Нефритовый лес:
Be very careful if you bring an Aquatic to battle the Air Spirit, since all three pets have multi-hit Flying attacks; with that said, Dragonkin are very strong in this fight. An Маленький изумрудный дракончик or Изумрудный протодракончик will do very well.After you complete Укротитель пандаренских духов and choose your pet*, you will unlock the Pandaren Spirit Tamer dailies. Note that the bags dropped by each of the Spirit Tamers have different item IDs and loot tables! For example, you can only obtain the Пандаренский дух огня pet from the bag that Пылающий пандаренский дух rewards. For a chance at each of the pets, defeat the appropriate Tamers' daily:
Парящий пандаренский дух rewards Сумка пандаренского духа с товарами для питомцев for a chance at Пандаренский дух водыШепчущий пандаренский дух rewards Сумка пандаренского духа с товарами для питомцев for a chance at Пандаренский дух воздухаРокочущий пандаренский дух rewards Сумка пандаренского духа с товарами для питомцев for a chance at Пандаренский дух землиПылающий пандаренский дух rewards Сумка пандаренского духа с товарами для питомцев for a chance at Пандаренский дух огня
* I chose Пандаренский дух земли just so that I wouldn't have to battle the Earth Spirit every day, as I personally found him the most annoying!(##RESPBREAK##)16##DELIM##asakawa##DELIM##This comment, while overall very good, has a few inaccuracies. Check the replies below for corrections and suggestions.
Комментарий от evelyneann
I beat the entire quest chain including all the spirit tamers with a lvl 25 Sprite Darter Hatchling, lvl 25 Heart of the Aspects and lvl 25 Celestial dragon.Reflection is the most OP thing ever, imo, it will now reflect the last stage of a dot or charging spell, such as whirlpool or geyser.Комментарий от Lupen202
I killed all four with the same team, and all of them I killed in one try as well, though I admit I got lucky with the thundering when he missed with rupture. The other three though were fairly easy.I used an uncommon Fluxfire feline (Supercharge + windup = OP, and waiting on my battle stone to upgrade him :( ), Onyxian drake, and a festering maggot. All 25.
Комментарий от Darxtar
A little helper for the first few days of dailies...#showtooltip Pandaren Air Spirit/way Townlong Steppes 57.13, 42.09 Burning/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms 67.79, 15.21 Thundering /way Jade Forest 28.91, 36.03 Whispering/way Dread Wastes 61.18, 87.52 Flowing
Комментарий от rookiea122
For me, I used this team:Chuck, Aquatic - Rip, Surge, Blood in the WaterLil' Deathwing - Tail Sweep, Call Darkness, CataclysmMechanical Pandaren Dragonling - Thunderbolt, Decoy, Bombing Run
All are rare and 25. Generally I used Chuck to clear the spirit pets themselves, and used what super effective attacks I could use. But, to be truthful I prayed that Cataclysm landed. I took out the water spirit with Deathwing alone, landed every one of my cataclysms, even one shot the fish rofl. Hope this helps somehow.
Комментарий от chrissierock
Let me apologize in advance if this has already been stated. I quickly read through the comments and didn't see anything, so hopefully this is useful.You can get multiples of these pets from the dailies to either sell or give to friends. I've been doing ALL of them even though I have 3/4 of the pets hoping to score a 2nd one. Today, I decided to cage my guys before fighting and wouldn't you know it? I got another air spirit. (I don't know if you HAVE to have yours caged or not to get another one, but that seems to give me good luck! I did the same thing in MC and got better drop rates.)
I plan on giving my extras to a friend. BUT... she will have to do the quest line and beat them all to get her own earth spirit. Because everyone needs to experience that fight! Bwahaha.
Комментарий от Ghostwhowalks
Beat all four using a team of:Onyxian Whelpling (can be substitued with a Crimson Whelpling for those who weren't around for the 5th anniversary) Tail Sweep, Healing Flame, Lift OffFossilized Hatchling Claw, Ancient Blessing, Bone PrisonPersonal World Destroyer Thrash, Supercharge, Screeching GearsThe Thundering Spirit took a bit of luck, but the other three all went down with only one or two attempts each. The Whelpling in particular has been a huge asset to beating all of the Tamers, with Tail Sweep dishing out big damage on faster opponents, Healing Flame aiding in survival and acting as an excellent counter to big damage bursts, and Lift Off allowing you to dodge more threatening attacks with proper timing.
Комментарий от GodofCorrosion
The cockroach Apocalypse spell is actually pretty amazing for all the legendary pet fights. The cockroach itself is pretty good against the spirits too since elementals hit critters for weak damage, and it will get out of stuns at the end of the turn it was stunned.Комментарий от Grukam
Took several tries but beat thundering with Fel Flame, Strand Crab and Spawn of Ony all lvl 25 all rares and did NOT get credit for the win. WTH? After that could not get another win against him no matter the line up. / fail.Комментарий от jek3
I just saw a blue post saying Stone Rush is being hotfixed to have a 1 round CD. This should make the Thundering Spirit's final pet a bit easier.Комментарий от matthewali
If you are having trouble with any of the Pet Battles, i have a really good team which never lost a single time1st pet - Mr. Bigglesworth(The Nuker): Pounce,Prowl,Ice Bomb (Usually, you start with icebomb and then on your second turn you prowl, and on the third turn you swap out to Lil'DW2nd Pet - Lil Deathwing(This guy here is a fking powerhouse) : Tail Sweep, Call Darkness, Elementium bolt (After the Icebomb from mister bigglesworth hits, just tail sweep 1-2 times and they will be dead, and when the second pet comes out just use 1 call darkness then use elementium bolt and Swap out to Magical Crawdad)
3rd Pet- Magical Crawdad(The Tank): Surge, Shell Shield, Wish (For most of the fight, when the your other 2 teamate are on low health, just use this guy, Open up with Shell Shield, then Use surge and when you reach about 60% health, Cast wish and be healed to full
Комментарий от Gendou
For TomTom users:/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms 67.79 15.21/way Townlong Steppes 57.13 42.09/way Dread Wastes 61.18 87.52/way Jade Forest 28.91 36.03/cway
This is a good route when starting from the Vale.(Jade Forest is going to be out-of-the-way anyway)
Комментарий от Confuzledish
My Set Up:The two power house pets for these guys are the Amber Moth and Lil' Deathwing. If you don't have him, perhaps the Spawn of Onyxia, Onyxian Whelpling or another powerful dragon would suffice.
---EARTH---1) Rabbit vs Pandaren Earth SpiritAbilities: Flurry / Dodge / BurrowUse Burrow to start off and every time it is off cooldown. This negates his stun. Dodge on cooldown after that just to mitigate two rounds of damage. Using flurry every other turn just burns him down nicely.
2) Lil' XT vs SludgyAbilities: Zap / Heartbroken / Tympanic TantrumThe reason you want Lil' XT against sludgy is his tantrum. It will hit Darnak the Tunneler for a ton of damage, and since Darnak is in the back line he can't use his Stoneskin. So use Heartbroken, Tympanic Tantrum, then spam Zap to widdle him down.
3) Lil' Deathwing vs Darnak the TunnelerAbilities: Shadowflame / Roll / Elementium BoltIf you used Tantrum to widdle Darnak down before, he should be hovering around 50% health. Start off by throwing out your Elementium Bolt, then Roll, and spam Shadowflame.
---AIR---1) Amber Moth vs DustyAbilities: Slicing Wind / Cocoon Strike / Moth DustI know, I know. A moth vs a moth? It works, you just need to use your abilities better than the other guy. Start out with Cocoon Strike to avoid Dusty's Moth Dust. The next round, use your Moth Dust to do a ton of damage. And use both abilities again on cool down.
2) Nexus Whelpling vs WhispertailAbilities: Frost Breath / Mana Surge / Arcane StormUse Arcane Storm and Mana Surge. Just burn this guy down using those abilities on cool down. It's not pretty, but it works.
3) Lil' Deathwing vs Pandaren Air SpiritAbilities: Shadowflame / Roll / Elementium BoltAgain, start out with Elementium Bolt, Roll, then Shadowflame spam. He'll die.
---WATER---1) Amber Moth vs MarleyAbilities: Slicing Wind / Cocoon Strike / Moth DustUse Moth Dust on cooldown, save Cocoon Strike for when his explosion abilities are about to go off and Slicing Wind the rest of the time. Dead.
2) Amber Moth vs TiptoeAbilities: Slicing Wind / Cocoon Strike / Moth DustUse Moth Dust on cooldown, use cocoon strike on cooldown to negate some damage, and slicing wind the rest of the time. Dead.
3) Amber Moth/Lil' Deathwing vs Pandaren Water SpiritAbilities: Slicing Wind / Cocoon Strike / Moth DustAbilities: Shadowflame / Roll / Elementium BoltMore times than not, I have had Amber Moth solo all three of these guys easily. But should he die, roll out Lil' Deathwing. Elementium Bolt, Roll, Shadowflame. You know the drill.
---FIRE---1) Magical Crawdad vs Pandaren Fire SpiritAbilities: Surge / Shell Shield / WhirlpoolThrow down your whirlpool, shell shield yourself, spam surge, and hope for the best. I am sure there are other water pets that could kill him easier, but I don't have any at max level. The point is, use water abilities that will burn him down quick.
2) Kun-Lai Runt vs CrimsonAbilities: Takedown / Mangle / RampageAgain, another humanoid based pet may be better here. The point is to burn him down before he kills you. Use Mangle, and spam Takedown until it's dead and hope for the best.
3) Chrominius vs GlowyAbilities: Arcane Explosion / Ancient Blessing / Surge of PowerAny magic dealer would do well on this guy. But I find that Surge of Power more often than not just one shots him. Should it not, heal up with Ancient Blessing after recovering, and spam Arcane Explosion.
Комментарий от Kelsen
The suggestions given here for fighting the various tamer's pets are just that. I have just completed five days of fighting all four, after beating them all for the initial quest. I have found that luck has something to do with it, as a hit that leaves an opponent with 70 points and gives him a chance to hit your pet for 800 points can be devastating. Misses can also make a big difference; also the luck of the draw in the order the tamer sends his pets.A team that beat a tamer handily one day can be devastated by one of that tamer's pets the next day. So keep trying combinations until you find what works for you more often than not.
After selecting the Pandaren Earth Spirit for my pet as a reward for the quest completion, I got that same pet the next day after defeating the Thundering Pandaren Spirit as a daily for the first time.
The other 19 defeats of Pandaren Spirits have not gotten me any pets at all. Disappointing to see only a 5% drop rate, which I hope will improve.
That note is from the 26th of December. The 27th, I had the fire spirit pet drop from my first fight, so apparently the gods were watching and listening when I complained!
Комментарий от Malvenue
I have not received this quest despite having defeated all of the continental master tamers including Akin in Pandaria. What am I missing?Комментарий от Kitaen
hi wowhead users,simply yet effective guide on farming all legendary spirits with only 2 pets! as a result you can level a 3rd pet on any trainer which gives insane amounts of XPyou will kill any legedary trainer first try unless you have an insane amount of back luck!
AIR: (hardcounter vs all 3: dragons)any dragon with tail sweep will do, healing flame is nice aswell, use 2 of them (e.g. Дракончик Ониксии)if you don't have a second dragon pet, don't worry, your dragon will almost kill 3 guys solo; any 2nd pet will do that is not aquaticchose your 3rd pet as desired (leveling pet or w/e)
WATER: (hardcounter vs all 3: magic)i strongly suggest the Омерзительный слизнюченыш since he can solo all 3 pets without dying using absorb/acidic goo/corrosionif you want backup, chose another magic pet or any decent flying pet such as Мотылек луюchose your 3rd pet as desired (leveling pet or w/e)
EARTH: (the is no real hardcounter sadly, but a fast critter will work wonders)get a critter that is faster than the earth spirit such as a Эльфийский кролик that can make use of strong defensiv cooldowns like dodge and burrowthe second pet is more tricky, since you need to kill 2 guys fast. i've done a lot of testing - long story short - Кошка текучего пламени is the way to gochose your 3rd pet as desired (leveling pet or w/e)
FIRE: (again no real hardcounter ;( )depends on that the NPC starts with (you might restart the fight if its the wrong pet) use your fast critter pet such as a Эльфийский кролик to kill the fire spirit and dps down the dragon as far as you canthen go on with a dragon pet yourself like Дракончик Ониксии once you have killed it, the flying pet is no match.
Комментарий от Grukam
All of the battles have their challenges but I have to agree Thundering is the most difficult.My lineup consists of, most of you know him, you love him and you ground those dailies at Therazane's Throne to rescue him from the cave. Pebble, he is a beast leveled to 25. I wait for the lineup so the Earth spirit is up first. Use Quake, not only hurts the elemental but does plenty of backrow damage. It's a 2 round ability with a 3 round CD. Then ground spikes, also strong against the elemental. Pebble holds up real well against being rock locked, the only thing that hurts this fight is if he gets stunned. Then it's a wipe. Otherwise it's rinse and repeat as abilities come off CD.
Next up is Kun Lai Runt works great on the critter, I just use his first 3 abilities starting with Rampage, the HP on the critter has already been knocked down some from Pebble and usually this is pretty much over by the time I get to use Thrash with enough left over for a shot at the beast. KLR is not real effective here but adds to the damage Pebble already did.
Fel Flame for the win. Setup with Immolate to put the beastie on fire and put on DOTs, follow up with Conflagrate and if there's anything left when that's done just spam 1.
This has been my most effective team against this Spirit Tamer bar none. As stated the only thing is if Pebble gets stunned.
On another note the crappy bags that drop are horrific considering what these fights are like. Rusty pet cage, really? Hairballs, please give me a break. Having done these dailies repeatedly I have yet to see a pet drop.
Best of luck to all, remember this is supposed to be fun. Yea, right.
Комментарий от Khoheed
I used Clockwork Gnome, Turkey, and Rapana Whelk for all four Spirit Tamers. The only one that I had to fight more than once was the Wind Spirit. I got lucky on the Water Spirit with the Rapana Whelk, barely won that fight. Thunder Spirit was cake, although after reading all the comments I think I may have just gotten lucky there. Good luck!Комментарий от carolschantz
I just beat the thundering spirit tamer as follows:first up earth spirit I used a rare quality bandicoot kit with bite counterstrike and powerball pet was lvl 23 used power ball first after stun to get a faster speed than spirit since it has 300 and my pet had 299 then bite till it died
next was lvl 25 water snake against the critter this pet was rare lvl 25 bite hiss and burrow
last I used lvl 25 clockwork gnome against beast metal fist repair rocket, hope this helps :)
Комментарий от Naifasa
Very helpful guide idd. Thnx a bunch.Комментарий от Sethdarkus
The fight was way to easy for me my pet team was a rare spawn of onyxia,soul of the asspects & a pterrodax hatchling. all level 25 i had np with each teams line up. i been pearing up teams fining good match ups well so far im a bit of a long way from doing so but so far that team i know works just got to aline the moves up right the hatchling you want to keep it to the first set of moves it learned the onyxia hatchling you want it to no the tail whip where it do more dmg if it hits last and make sure to keep healing flame along with deep breath.you may say o lift off that is a good avoid sometimes if your pet is about to die in 2 rounds a good power house move is the trick, for the soul of asspects you want its move line up to be Claw Refction &Surge of Light Solor Beam works to depending on what pets you be facing.hope that team works for you as well as it did for me. most of them i beat on one try some of them it took 2 trys well i beat 3 of them one try i messed up on a combo and ended up stuned long storyКомментарий от Zatie
Just a quick note for anyone who might be having a problem STARTING the fights with the spirits after you have the quest - when I got to the spirit trainers, the speech bubble showed above their heads and I could right click on them, but it just gave me dialogue when I actually spoke to them. If you're having this issue - reload ui did not help, I had to exit and load the game again. Happy hunting. :)Комментарий от Mitreja
Hey guys and girl! Today I got this achievement and decided to write how I managed to got it so fast.I used following pets (all rare, all 25 lvl)Emerald proto-Whelp (Breathe; Ancient Blessing; Proto-Strike)Shore crab (Snap; Renewing Mists; Shell Shield)Eternal Strider (Water Jet; Healing Wave; Pump)
I "spammed" with whelp untill she died, continued with crab (Use shield and mists, than damage!) and when crab died I used strider (pump is awesome! :))
I managed to solo one trainer only with whelp (I think it was the one in Jade forest).
Bassicaly, if you have any crab lvl 25 you can use it instead of shore crab. You will fight flying with aquatic (so in general he has higher damage towards you, but don´t let this scare you, you can win anyway!) ;) Just remember to put those shields on and heal as soon you can, and if you have add-on that shows opponents spells and cool-downs thats it ;)
good luck!
Комментарий от lorenzoaladin
You definitely have to have a wide selection of pets for this quest.But my ultimate weapon against them was my rare quality Rapana Whelk from Pandaria as well. It's dive hits for about 1k strong against elementals.I also used:-Infinite Whelpling (This one's just a really solid pet to have)-Spirit of Competition (Lift-Off great against aquatic)-Scalded Basilisk Hatchling (Great against critters)-Fel Flame (Strong Burst)-Water Elemental (I used this guy against the fire spirit)
Комментарий от energon
Just a quick tip for low level loks. By using Eye of Kilrogg you are able to reach all four of the Spirit Tamers in order to battle them before you reach level 90 and have flying.Обугленный символ Gets you up to them
Обугленный символ Gets you back down without dying
Комментарий от otter1006
For Thundering Pandaren Spirit I used:Rapana Whelk - Rare 25 - Absorb, Shell Shield, DiveSoftshell Snapling - Rare 22 - Bite, Healing Wave, HeadbuttAnubisath Idol - Rare 25 - Demolish, Reflection, RuptureWhelk makes very quick work of Pandaren Earth Spirit with Dive when it's up and Absorb other timesSnapling - start with Headbutt on Sludgy, then Bite and Healing Wave as needed until Headbutt is ready againAnubisath Idol - Reflection on big attack from Darnak, Rupture when it's up and Demolish when other abilities are on cd.
Only lost my turtle because Darnak had gone underground and I decided to let him take the hit rather than switch.
Комментарий от Lizlock
Here's what I used for each Spirit Tamer:Whispering SpiritSwamp Moth - 25 uncommon (vs. Dusty)Peddlefeet - 25 rare (vs. Whispertail)Water Waveling - 25 rare (vs. Air Spirit)
Burning SpiritPeddlefeet - 25 rare (vs. Crimson)Arcane Eye - 25 uncommon (vs. Glowy)Water Waveling - 25 rare (vs. Fire Spirit)
Flowing SpiritSwamp Moth - 25 uncommon (Sandy Petrel (25 rare) is a better choice) (vs. Marley)Arctic Fox Kit - 25 rare (vs. Tiptoe)Golden Civit - 25 rare (vs. Water Spirit)
Thundering Spirit - I forgot, I did that one yesterday and didn't write down what I used. lol
Peddlefeet is awesome against dragonkin.I mentioned Sandy Petrel because on my first attempt I used that and he barely took any damage. But on my second attempt he was dead so I used my other 25 flying instead.
Комментарий от Aglaia
BE AWARE!After finishing this quest I followed the '?' on my map to turn in my quest.
It can lead you as horde also to the Shrine of the Seven Stars. Instead of getting a nice pet I got flagged and killed within seconds.
Комментарий от babycute
pure power :) i beat the earth element with 1st Lil'Ragnros , 2nd Phoenix Hatchling and 3rd Dark Whelpling.because they are the only 3 lvl25 pet i have :pI actually beat all tamer NPCs with this team , just burn my enemies and conflagrate, tail sweep and life off
Комментарий от Furiyers
One thing I noticed while doing this quest is that after defeating a tamer you can continue to battle them over and over again as long as you don't turn in the quest (you cannot do this after you unlock the dailies). Since the air elemental tamer is very easily 2-manned (celestial dragon murders this fight) you can repeatedly battle it and power-level other pets to build up your army. Most level 4-5+ can take the first hit (usually around 200 dmg) and you'll get about 4k XP each time you win. The only downside is not being able to turn in the quest and unlock the achievement/dailies but it only takes a few wins to get a pet all the way up to 25. Very helpful for those (like me) that got to 25 with only 3-4 pets.Комментарий от Drinkinstien
For those trying to find where to pick up the quest. Сара Финкльшпунтик is located on the balcony of the Святилище Семи Звезд straight across from Шаринга Весенний Бег (the flight path NPC) on the opposite side between two targets. Her correct cords within the Shrine area are 307.8, 514.9 I will post a screen shot!Комментарий от Moru
Note that you can battle each ghost as often as you like when don't hand the quest in.That means you can level your pets with enormous speed.Probably 6-7 wins for one pet from 1 to 25
I recommend to fight the Air Spiritany dragon with tail sweep will do the job very well, healing flame is sometimes useful but not needed in every single fight, so you will use 2 of them (Onyxian Whelpling)
Step 1: get 2 dragons with tail sweepStep 2: level them up to 25Step 3: choose a pet for levelingStep 4: set this pet on first positionStep 5: start fightStep 6: you have to use one of this pets abilityStep 7: hope that it won't get one hit killedStep 8: exchangeStep 9: beat the guts out of the spirits pets.Step 10: you will win for sure unless you are very (very) unluckyStep 11: have a beer and enjoy that you can fight him againStep 12: vote this up!
MoruSorry for my english but i'm german :P
Комментарий от memezim
/way Townlong Steppes 57.13, 42.09 Burning/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms 67.79, 15.21 Thundering/way Jade Forest 28.91, 36.03 Whispering/way Dread Wastes 61.18, 87.52 FlowingКомментарий от Keepertje8
This guy can solo the Air Spirit with ease. Why? Because this trainer's pets use a lot of 2-3 wave attacks, which are negated by Sandstorm + the Humanoid native healing. If you are lucky, you might even get out of the fight with near 100% health.Tactics:
Reflect first hit, pass on the Cocoon Strike, apply a sandstorm, Crush, Crush, Crush.
Also use Reflection on the first round with the 2nd pet; it shatters the defenses of the 2nd pet. Then Sandstorm, Crush, Crush, Crush.
Move in the pet that you want to level on the first move of the 3rd pet, because the enemy will heal, which allows your low level pet to survive. Get the Anubisath Idol back in the game, start with Sandstorm this time, then Reflection, then Crush, Crush, Crush.
Very, very easy battle.
Комментарий от Shammymonkey
Just beat the Earth Spirit. Read through all the comments and then put together my team by re-scanning through to pick out which pets I could use. Took me three tries. First pets were were Rapana Whelk for Earth Spirit, Kun-Lai Runt for Sludgy, and Wild Crimson Hatchling for Darnak. Had more trouble with Darnak than the other two.Rapana using Dive and Acidic Goo, Wild Crimson Hatchling Lift-Off, Healing, and Breath, and Kun-Lai using Reflection and the great Rampage. Wild Crimson Hatchling died so tried again, and again it died.
Switched over to my Celestial Dragon using Breath, Moonfire, and healing and kept the other two previous pets for my 3rd try. This time it worked :)
Комментарий от Pyratewench
This quest bugged out on me last night. I had spent a few good hours getting the right pets after many wipes, beat the 4th one, then suddenly the quest disappeared from my quest log. No auto complete, nothing in my log. Another pet battle quest also disappeared same time (taming Kalimdor one, partially completed). I just want to cry in frustration. Flying back to the shrine yup, there was the pet tamer, offering this quest again. Now I have to do it all over again. sigh.Don't know how or why it bugged and disappeared from my quest log, just be warned, it may happen to you. Put in a ticket about it. :(
Комментарий от Velixowy
Just killed Pandaren Water Spirit with just 1 green pet on lvl 25 Amber Moth, they didn't even took 70 % hp form my pet :oКомментарий от pikamaster
So i gave my self a challenge to defeat all 4 Pandaren Spirit with those 3 petsNightSaber Cub with : Pounce, Rake, DevourPhoenix Hatchling with : Burn, Cauterize, ImmolationMagical Crawdad with : Surge, Renewing Mists, Wish
Pandaren Earth Spirit/Bullnaros/Tauronaros/Groundnaros : By judging people reactions, i thought he would be really hard, but with a bit of luck and RNG(aka dodge and miss, 2 in total) i was able to beat his entire team only with NightSaber Cub(he killed the mini BullNaros/TauroNaros and Sludgy by himself) and Phoenix Hatchling. i was quite surprised of the result, maybe i was extremely lucky to defeat him on the second try
Pandaren Water Spirit/Fishnaros: At first, i was REALLY worried about the Tidal Wave, which is not a powerful attack, but it does hurt the entire team!. Because of Tidal wave, of course my Phoenix Hatchling was pretty much useless, and he got defeated before i even use it, so in the end it was my Magical Crawdad Versus Tiptoe and Fishnaros, it was really hard and i had to pray for the RNG to be on my side for Tiptoe not using healing wave. But with Wish ability of Magical Crawdad and timing it perfectly because of the Geyser and Whirlpool of Fishnaros
Pandaren Wind Spirit/Windnaros/Flownaros : For me, he is the HARDEST of all 3 (didn't tried Catnaros/Burnaros/Pandaren Fire Spirit yet) this fight is really based on RNG for me at least, no matter how much i pray for the RNG, there always a dodge happening for the enemy team, or i crit when the enemy pet is low(like i normally hit 300 with one attack, the enemy pet is at 280, i crit for 560 -_-). after several try, i finally got him with 1 crit at an important moment, WITHOUT that crit, i would be defeated
Pandaren Fire Spirit/Catnaros/Burnaros : Quite easy, more difficult than the Water one. the Combo sting is really annoying with Swarm
tl;dr : difficulty of each fight depend of your team composition
for me the hardest to the easiest would be: Windnaros(wind),Catnaros(fire),Bullnaros/Tauronaros(earth),Fishnaros(water)
Pandaren Earth Spirit/Bullnaros/Tauronaros/Groundnaros was the easiest out of earth,wind and water, wind is the hardest since i got no dragonkin in my team :(
Комментарий от lordlight
The new carp (Aqua pet) added in 5.2 for fishing in the MoP zones work quite well vs these guys, but are not able to be caged.Комментарий от 0utcast
If you are leveling battle pets then before handing in this quest you can level up two pets at a time battling the Whispering Spirit using an Emerald Proto-Whelp (lvl 25) as main pet. Use two low lvl pets in spots 1 & 2 that can take at least 1 hit (lvl 10) then clear all 3 fights with Proto-Whelp using Breath/Ancient Blessing & Emerald Dream to top up health as needed.Комментарий от wereowl
sunreaver micro sentry. enuff said.Комментарий от kominmin
Is it just me or this NPC (Flowing Pandaren Spirit) not giving any XP for my low lvl pet? I noticed about 2 days already.Комментарий от zysis
I find the Thundering Spirit to be VERY simple...Rapana Whelk on the Elemental
Flayer Youngling on the Slime
Tiny Harvester on the Rat
Комментарий от kaseylette15
Where do you get this quest from?Комментарий от lacieladie
I usually don't do the spirit tamers unless I am leveling a 3rd pet .Of all the combinations above I have to say for me the best was Lil Tarecosa with the first 3 skills equipped,a snail ( which I didn't have to use) and my pet I wanted to level which happened to be a darkmoon zep, so I switched it in, dropped a bomb, then finished with Lil Tarecosa..and he still had life left ! so thanks for this info!Комментарий от togahsisoka
Those of you doing the pet power-leveling as noted below, be sure to beat 40 tamers first and get your +10% pet XP hat to make it a little faster... Don't forget to put it on either! :)Комментарий от gamer1494
I have missed 4+ times each battle im on the verge of tears this is mind numbingly frustrating and so full of BULL I am going to cry...Комментарий от SekceeA52
Which of the pets from the quest reward is the best?Комментарий от LTygress
If any of you are wondering why you can't pick up this quest - it's because you have to complete ALL of the zone-specific battle pet tamers first. In other words, you have to follow Audrey Burnhep's entire quest chain to defeat pet tamers in Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Outlands, Northrend, Cataclysm zones, and then Pandaria, plus the grand masters in each area.Once you have completed all of that, you should also have the "Tamer" title, receive a bag in the mail with 3k gold from "Aki" the last Grand Master you defeat, plus be eligible for daily battle quests in all of those areas.
Комментарий от Pathatlon
I have been very anxious about these spirit tamers.For all who had the same problems:
Just choose the pets that goes well against them. E.g. mechanical against beasts and flying against aquatic.
I was surprised at how EASY they turned out to be. I usually always beat them all with 2 pets.
However, my issue is what pet to pick.
Can anyone guide me? There are four options: air, fire, water and earth.
What are pros and cons for each? Which is used more often?Do you regret the one you choose?
Комментарий от boredguy88
If you don't complete this quest (i.e. don't defeat all 4) you can keep battling the tamers for 3-6k xp depending on the carry pet level. Once you kill all 4, the quest is marked as complete and cannot be abandoned, and then you can only fight once per day.This is especially nice as the Thundering Pandaren Spirit is easy to beat and is very near the Shrine of Two Moons Stable Master, allowing for fast cycling.
Edit: wow, the comments here are really not helpful and none of them mention that three are easily killable with the duo of Anubisath Idol and Emerald Proto-Whelp, leaving a 3rd slot open for whatever pet you want to give free XP. The Anubisath Idol drops from AQ, and old raid and easy fight in today's gear, and the Emerald Proto-Whelp can be found in Sholazar Basin - you want the P/P (all power) breed.
/way Shollazar Basin 46, 26 Emerald Proto-Whelp
Check out http://www.warcraftpets.com/community/forum/viewtopic.php?p=34208 for specific setup instructions for the Whispering, Flowing, and Burning Pandaren Spirit fights.
For the Thundering Spirit, you need a fast rabbit and the Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling, and then you can bring a carry along in the third spot. This is what I was doing to farm a crapton of XP.
Комментарий от Kevinem
Easy guide:Turn your perky pug to rare and lvl 25 and it will bring the thundering spirit down so easily ...
it is critter so it wont stun or anything
here is the rotation
1 = Perk Up2 = Burrow3 = Bite or Comeback til the Perk Up CD is over4 = Perk Up5 = Burrow6 = again Bite or Comeback
note : if spirit misses you will have your perky pug for battle of ooze ,fight with ooze till pug dies
and for that ooze thing
a rare lvl 25 Spawn of Onyxia will be so awesome
1 = Tail Sweep2 = Healing Flame3 = Tail Sweep4 = Tail Sweep5 = healing flame if u had chance for 1 more attack to that Rat
and rare lvl 25 robo-chick will eat that mouse
1 = Wind-Up2 = Overtune ( if the rat went to underground pass the round )3 = SECOND use of Overtune4 = then you will be at 1 or 2 % of your hp 5 = Use wind-Up6 = Rat will Kill you but you will be back to life and then7 = Cast Second Use of Wind-Up
And Bam! Curse is over
Wish this could help.
Комментарий от dardack
DO NOT COMPLETE THE OBJECTIVES.If you want to power level pets that is. My friend completed the 4 objectives but didn't turn in the quest and couldn't repeat the Burning Spirit Repeatedly.
So if you want to power level and haven't done this quest. Keep in quest log. Get an:
Anubisath Idol
This bad boy at 25 can solo all 3 on burning spirit 2-3 times before needing heals. With a crawdad or a second Idol, you never have to fly away to heal. For elementals you will need to level them to 7 to do this. Every other can be done at lvl 1.
Strat for burning spirit with Idol:
1st Pet) Opens with Cyclone, if you have a level 1 you will need to cast Sandstorm first to keep it alive, or you can level it quick on the wild pets near burning to get it over 1. Otherwise Crush.
2nd move he goes in air, so cast Sandstorm here. If you already did, you can pass.
3rd he obviously comes down, if this is a second fight without healing you might want to shield here, otherwise Crush. Another crush and it's dead.
2nd Pet) Opens with a huge move, so either Shield or swap in your other 25 to take the hit. He then heals, you crush, he then casts A small fire dot. When this Dot says 2 round left, SHIELD. Cast sandstorm when up to keep the dot in check.
3rd Pet) Opens with poison that is blocked by sandstorm, so you can swap in your lvl 1 here, or your Idol with the second poison he casts (6% of hp per round) you can take the first poison, shield second poison, make sure sandstorm has 2+ rounds, and bring in low level pet.
The 3rd pet does a flock type attack. The sandstorm blocks 100% of the damage on all pets except elementals. Bring Idol back in and finish job.
Or your other 25 can be strong against flying and finish it faster.
This takes about 8-12 minutes (depending on misses) to level 1-25 1 pet. And you can just stand there and repeat.
Комментарий от Tecco
Looks like the ability to repeatedly fight these trainers before completing the quest objectives was hot-fixed on Feb, 25 2014. I had only defeated the Рокочущий пандаренский дух for the quest and was farming him the week prior. Logged in on Feb, 26 2014 and the Рокочущий пандаренский дух would not allow me to fight him again. Flew out to the Пылающий пандаренский дух as I hadn't defeated him yet. Beat the Пылающий пандаренский дух for the first time. Afterwards he would not allow me to fight him a second time.That leaves two more remaining in my quest log, and both burning and thundering are not allowing me subsequent fights. So it looks like this has been hot-fixed.
Would love to hear any other comments towards this.
Комментарий от thulsadoom
My team:24 Rare Marsh Fiddler21 Rare Robo-Chick25 Rare Darkmoon Zepplin
I forgot to bring out my Robo-Chick. Basically did it with only Marsh Fiddler and zep.
Комментарий от Eddielouise12
Defeated all 4 of them and got no credit towards http://www.wowhead.com/achievement=8348. Anyone else having this problem?Комментарий от solitha
Mel has an excellent guide here for farming the Pandaren dailies, including the Spirits, and using them to level carry pets.Note that the Thundering is not as hard as you'd think with the right pets and strat, and this guide has that strat. With a hare of 301+ speed, and a Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling, you can easily beat the earth spirit each day and get another little pet some good xp as well.
As for the pet to choose for a reward, I'd recommend the Water Spirit. It's amazing for the Fable pet battles, and is also useful in the Celestial Tournament, for which Mel also has an excellent guide.
Комментарий от DakMonkeyz
Masked Tanuki Pup turned out to be amazing against the pandaren spirits. Worked way better than expected.Powerball until I was faster than the spirit. Tongue Lash for damage. Survival for extra turn.
I used Masked Tanuki Pup against all of the spirits, except Flowing Pandaren Spirit.
Комментарий от midobu
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pandaren daily quest / Pandaren Spirits / pet battle guide (Patch 6.0.3)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a guide for those who do not have luxury battle pets and do not want to spend a lot of time for doing daily pet battles. I made a guide to use only 4 kinds with 6 battle pets to defeat all Legendary Beasts, Pandaren Pet Tamers, and Pandaren Spirit Tamers with a leveling up pet! (In Pandaren Spirits each battle gives the level up pet experience: around 3375 XP or 5143 XP with a Safari Hat.) I hope this guide gives players more enjoyable experience with pet battles while leveling up your pets and even receiving surprising gifts of rare quality different type of Battle-Stones, unique battle pets, and other battle pet items by defeating Pandaren Spirits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- There are four Pandaren Spirits
The list order bellow is how I normally go around. (Please read bellow of my post to understand how the pet type and #Battle Sequence are used.)
- Whispering Pandaren (team)/battle sequence:Fixed ... Type:Faer & Type:Fox
- Thundering Pandaren Spirit (team)/battle sequence:Fixed ... Type:Fox(B) & Type:Zep(B)
- Burning Pandaren Spirit (Team)/battle sequence:Fixed ... Type:Fox(B) & Type:Faer
- Flowing Pandaren Spirit (Team)/battle sequence:Fixed ... Type:Faer(ABC) & Type:Faer
- In four Pandaren Spirits 3 kinds and 4 battle pets are used and those pets are all rare quality
1(*2) sets of Darkmoon Zeppelin (only 1 kind // H:1546 P:273 S:273) 2 sets of Nether Faerie (H:1465 P:305 S:260 // Breed: H/P)1 set of Alpine Foxling (H:1400 P:260 speed:325 // Breed: S/S)(*1 set of Brilliant Kaliri (only 1 kind and only keep 1 set // H:1319 P:322 S:273) or (you can substitute with stronger power with any Owls))
Note: I strongly recommend to have all 3 sets of Foxling, Zeppelin and Faerie because you need backups for failing some battles.*-Those are not used in four Pandaren Spirits------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Those pets also come with bonus pet ability by type
Alpine Foxling(Beast): 25% extra damage when under 50% healthDarkmoon Zeppelin(Mechanical): Comes to life once per battle to 25% healthNether Faerie(Dragon): Deals 50% extra damage with targets under 25% health Brilliant Kaliri(Flying): 50% extra speed when above 50% health------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Explanation of my type specifications slots for each pet
Alpine Foxling(Beast):Type:Fox = --Type:Fox(ABC) = --
Darkmoon Zeppelin(Mechanical):Type:Zep = --Type:Zep(ABC) = --
Nether Faerie Dragon(Dragon):Type:Faer = --Type:Faer(ABC) = --
Brilliant Kaliri(Flying): (or any Owls with strong power) Type:Kali = -- Type:Kali(ABC) = --
Note: The base type is my favorite setting for my battle pets. When I need to use a different setting for the 1st slot - I put (A), for the 2nd slot - I put (B), and for the 3rd slot - I put (C) in the end. For example, if I need to use different slots setting from my favorite setting for the 1st slot and the 3rd slot then I put (AC).------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Abbreviation used for Battle Sequence
Fox = (start with or)swap to FoxlingZep = (start with or)swap to ZeppelinFaer = (start with or)swap to FaerieKali = (start with or)swap to Kaliri(1) = 1st round of 1st enemy (2) = 1st round of 2nd enemy (3) = 1st round of 3rd enemy x = your pet gets killed at this round: = use this action only when the following condition meats:repeat = keep on repeating the same action(:repeat)x = keep on repeating till your pet gets killed! = require a luck (if you get stunned or sleep then reset battle and re-do again)# = special action you can not miss------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You can only battle with Pandaren Spirits once per day.I recommend to use Addons (such as PetBattleTeams) for organizing battle pets.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: Blizzard may change pets ability or battle sequence in the future, so my tactics here may not work at that time.Have a fun and good luck!Комментарий от Mysterayne
It really cheeses me off that you HAVE to do stupid pvp to do anything in the game nowadays. ..... To get the Spirits to speak to you, you HAVE to defeat 10 other players .... PVPWHY? Why can nothing on a PVE Realm BE PVE?
Комментарий от Iliya
So, if I want all four pets, I need to use Alts, it seems.Oh well.
Комментарий от albinoette
If you can't see this quest, verify you've completed other pet battles through Завоевание мира. Once you've tamed the world, Укротитель пандаренских духов and Звери из легенд should unlock.- All pets for this quest are level 25 and of Legendary quality.
- The order you defeat the tamers does not matter.
- You can forfeit without penalty (if you get bad RNG, wrong pet order, etc.).
- You will need a flying mount and Мудрость четырех ветров to get to the tamers.
- I've highlighted the types of pets each team member takes increased damage from and does reduced damage to. If you don't have a pet that meets that suggestion precisely, grabbing a pet from either of the listed categories will still provide helpful benefits to you in battle.
- There is a Pandaren Spirit in each battle. Having a (2,1,1) Рапана or other snail will be very useful in all 4 fights.
- Once you've completed the initial quest, the tamers have account-wide dailies that you can complete. The rewarded bags from these dailies have an ~10% chance to contain the other elemental spirits (or other treats/pets/drops).
Пылающий пандаренский дух is in Townlong Steppes/way Townlong Steppes 57.13, 42.09 Burning--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Рокочущий пандаренский дух is in Kun-Lai Summit/way Kun-Lai Summit 64.94, 93.78 Thundering----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Шепчущий пандаренский дух is in Jade Forest/way Jade Forest 28.91, 36.03 Whispering---------------------------------------------------------------------
Парящий пандаренский дух is in Dread Wastes/way Dread Wastes 61.18, 87.52 Flowing-------------------------------------------------------------------
Комментарий от Worgnoneshot
ive got one of the pandaren spirit pets already. how come i cant get the rest?Комментарий от sabrestryke
Is it possible to run this on other toons to get all four of the spirits? I had that idea this morning since I want all of them for my pet journal.Комментарий от im2cuteferu
Rare silkbead snail took down the burning one and the back pets as well! Didn't need the other two pets I brought!Комментарий от Xata
Para el espiritu pandaren de tierra utilice:- Buccino rapana (25 azul)- Alimaña de nueces 5000(25 azul)- Protocria esmeralda (25 azul)Комментарий от zeenthirteen
Just so you know, the question mark for quest turn-in can appear at either faction's major city in Pandaria. So if, for example, you were a Hordie who wasn't paying attention and landed to have a chat with some humans at the Shrine of Seven Stars...Ow.
Комментарий от SolidSnack
Looks like they've caught on. This quest can't be abandoned even if you didn't do all 4.Комментарий от Lisq33
Sludgy is magic, not critterКомментарий от Kraziebeoch
Easily solo'd by a Wildhammer Gryphon Hatchling P/P 1,1,2. Just use Lift Off to avoid Whirlpool, Geyser and Dive. I use my Bloodgazer Hatchling 2,1,1 for back up but rarely ever need it. Easily allows a carry pet-it just needs to have enough health to withstand tidal wave from Tiptoe and Pandaren Water Spirit (I'd recommend 1000~1200 health). I bring the leveling pet in on the first round of the Pandaren Water Spirit since it always starts with Whirlpool and Geyser. Good luck :)Комментарий от Chedrisbetr
Lots of great content here, I found some good combinations for those without all the top end pets. PS. I put the pets in order of use for my teamsThundering Spirit Tamer:Rapana Welk, Mechanical Dragon, Lil' Bling- After first pet dies, swap to Panderan and use him until he dies. decoy is great and he will take the first headbutt from 3rd pet. This allows lil' blin to not need anything but Make it rain and Smackthat.exe (he is faster and gets a bonus hit)Skills used: Rapana Welk = Absorb, Shell Shield, DiveMechanical Panderan Dragon = Breath, Bombing Run, DecoyLil' Bling = Smackthat.exe, Extra Plating, Make it RainWhispering Spirit Tamer:Combo 1 == Chromius, Anubisath Idol, Rapana Welk (or any other extra pet)- You really only need the first 2. Start with Chromius and howl, arcane blast, Surge of power (that order). Once he recovers, swap to anubisath and use sandstorm and crush to deal as much damage as possible before Idol dies. Swap back to chromius to howl and then Surge of power. fastest I have ever done!Skills used: Chromius = Arcane Explosion, Howl, Surge of PowerAnubisath Idol = Crush, Sandstorm, DeflectionRapana Welk = Absorb, Shell Shield, Dive
Cobmbo 2 == Emmigosa, Anubisath Idol, Rapana Welk- Very similar to the first one, except Rapana comes in so if he needs experience, he will get it cleaning upSkills used: Emmigosa = Breath, Wild Magic, Surge of PowerAnubisath Idol = Crush, Sandstorm, DeflectionRapana Welk = Absorb, Shell Shield, Dive
Crimson Spirit Tamer:Scourged Welpling, Rapana Welk, Emmigosa- I found this to be the easiest battle and self explanitory as to the choices/Skills used: Scourged Welpling = Shadowflame, Call Darkness, Dreaded BreathRapana Welk = Absorb, Shell Shield, DiveEmmigosa = Beath, Wild Magic, Surge of Power
Happy hunting!