Одежды духа волка. Дух волка

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Первое появление

Волк-дух - подчиняется Матери Лиц. Когда Мать Лиц, раз в сезон, появляется в реальном мире, она следует за волком. На груди волка как бы "нарисованы" глаза.

Икем встретил волка, когда поселился в долине Забвения, расставшись со своей возлюбленной Урсой. Через четырнадцать лет Икем вновь воссоединился с Урсой и привёл её в долину, чтобы она, вслед за ним, изменила своё лицо. Они поселились на берегу озера и спустя несколько месяцев увидели волка, а за ним появилась Мать Лиц. («Поиск, часть 1») («Поиск, часть 3»)

Встреча команды Аватара с волком. («Поиск, часть 1»)

Спустя семь лет волк напал на команду Аватара и Азулу, которые летели на Аппе в Хира'а, чтобы начать поиски мамы Зуко. Когда дух появился рядом с Аппой, на лице Аанга появилось выражение, схожее с "лицом" на груди волка. Сначала дух попытался откусить голову Сокке, затем сделал паузу, слушая Аанга, пытавшегося объяснить, что он - Аватар, но потом напал и на него. Тогда Катара, Зуко и Сокка атаковали волка. Однако магия и бумеранг не причинили ему ни малейшего вреда, а пламя Зуко дух просто проглотил. Затем в борьбу вступил Аппа и отбросил волка далеко в сторону. Поднявшись, дух выпустил изо рта рой моли-ос, с которыми расправилась Азула. С помощью молнии она создала гигантскую светящуюся сферу, к которой слетелись все моли-осы, а затем закинула сферу куда-то далеко. Моли-осы последовали за сферой, а за ними и сам волк. («Поиск, часть 1»)

Аанг вновь встретился с волком, когда переместился в мир Духов, чтобы разыскать Мать Лиц. Волк не стал слушать Аватара и побежал в сторону. Аанг схватился за его шерсть, и таким образом волк принёс его к Матери Лиц. («Поиск, часть 2»)

Волк-дух способен быть видимым для мира живых, и не только для Аватара. Его увидела вся команда Аватара, направившаяся в Долину забвения, правда, не сразу. Он способен проглатывать огонь и неуязвим для ледяных копий и бумеранга Сокки - они просто отскочили от тела духа, не причинив ему вреда. К тому же он способен вызвать рой моль-ос.

Интересные фактыПравить

  • Возникла небольшая путаница с полом духа: автор комикса Джин Янг после выхода первой части комикса назвал его волком, Мису также называет духа волком, а вот Мать Лиц обращается к ней "волчица".


Дух дикого зверя - Заклинание


Комментарий от Southrncomfortjm

These wolves have potential to be really great. They last for 45 seconds and only have a 2 minute cooldown, so they can be up a large amount of the time.

At this point I think everyone wants to know: how much health with they have? How much damage will they do? And what abilities will they have?

Hopefully "under the command of the shaman" means these wolves will have abilities you can control, like a warlock's pets rather than just being able to tell them who to attack.

EDIT - 9/30/08

Been playing with my shaman on the PTR and I am loving this talent more and more. The healing you can get with Spirit Hunt can be very helpful especially with how hard everyone is hitting at the moment. Run into battle, summon your wolves, hit spirit hunt and shamanistic rage and you can survive the initial burst and lay into them with your own burst damage.

At the moment, the Bash ability seems severely underpowered, but still useful since shamans otherwise lack a stopping ability of any kind (wtb Hex). The 45 second cooldown is too much however. A 30 second cooldown so you can at least stun twice every 3 minutes would be much better in my opinion.

The wolves also move incredibly fast. If the target you send them to attack is in range they will be there instantly which is a great help. Combine that with your own ghost wolf form and an earthbind to remove snares and shamans have a much easier time getting in range.

Overall this talent is looking to be very useful, but the 3 minute cooldown is kind of a bummer, plus the overall mechanic seems to make shamans more long cooldown dependant than before. Even with almost 400 resilience I can't seem to survive more than a few seconds in range of many classes without the healing and shamanistic rage.

POST 3.0 LIVE Edit: In a word, amazing. Popping these wolves has to be one of the coolest moves in all of World of Warcraft. The passive healing the wolves do plus shamanistic rage mean its going to be very difficult for anyone to kill you while both skills are active.

Just general stats from my wolves: They had about 10k hp and hit for anywhere from 200-250 on an S3+ geared warrior to hitting Zuljin in ZA for about 400.

In PVP their Spirit Walk ability is incredibly helpful when fighting classes that kite and helps save your pvp trinket for other situations.

In PVE, besides the added damage (which has the potential to be pretty decent... stack AP!) the healing is also going to be helpful on fights like Najentus where there is a lot of random damage.

But really, its all about the coolness factor.

Комментарий от Archdmon

This is most likely going to be similar to the Druid's Force of Nature spell.

Комментарий от chazkohler

This spell is probably modeled off of Thrall in W3, or the Far Seerer hero. I could see it being like the Priests' shadowfiend, where there are no commands, but I hope otherwise.

Комментарий от DoomFlame

I think shamans don't need any dmg pets...with dual wield we can do very solid dmg. But we do need any stun...I would be very happy with 3s (or more ofc) stun instead of this spell.

Комментарий от baayne

I think the point of this talent, as insofar as raiding enhancement is concerned, is to replace the all out dps on boss fight provided on 20 min cooldown from fire elem totem. since the totems that WILL al ways be down in a raid environment in WotLK seem to be; Windfury totem (20% phisical haste) Strength of Earth totem( +Str & +Agi) Flame Tounge? (+ spellpower/healing)and the classic mana totem

that being said the overall raid dps loss by swapping out one the aforementioned totem(s) will be greater than the personal dps gain from ye ole fire elem totem, so in short, use spirit wolves & "max dots" away!!

*edit for spelling

Комментарий от PseudoEthic

The spirit wolves will have special abilities attached to their pet bar, much like a water elemental.

"They'll have abilities (like a stun, snare etc.) and will serve as a DPS timer. "

Комментарий от Ogrich

Your previous post was most likely down graded because your descriptions of the different totems were innacurate, mostly being there is no fire totem to boost spell dmg, that is an air totem and would take the same slot as windfury.

Another reason is probably because you declared this a replacement for the fire elemental when it is really more of a supplement. Oh and I dont think anyone is going to argue that this is intended to provide some form of dps boost.

Комментарий от Necoia

You can command the shadow fiend.

Комментарий от patabe

If Blizz are going to retrospect on the warcraft 3 feral spirits, should we expect a high critical chance to strike, and an invisibility spell from these wolves? (same as Shadow Wolves from Far Seer)

Sounds an awful lot like a succubus to me.

Комментарий от velja27

If we could use Fire Elemental + Spirit Wolves at same time...It would be nice both in PvP and PvE.

Комментарий от Liax

Orc racial Command will hopefully include these at some point.

Комментарий от olss0nftw

They exist in the beta now. These are the spells they have:
  • Bash - Your Spirit Wolves stun the target for 2 sec. (45 sec cooldown)
  • Twin Howl - Your Spirit Wolves howl, forcing all enemies to attack them for 6 sec. (15 sec cooldown)
  • Spirit Walk - Removes all movement impairing effects and increases the movement speed of you and your Spirit Wolves by 60% for 15 sec. (25 yd range, 32 sec cooldown)
  • Spirit Hunt - Your Spirit Wolves' attacks heal them and you for 5 sec. (10 sec cooldown)

Комментарий от Babs12

These are now utterly leet, and will hopefully not get nerfed.i am looking forward to Spirit Walk the most, thats a huge pvp boost

Комментарий от baayne

Wow, those abilities are quite nice for PvP. no too sure about PvE yet though. I wonder what the base damage is based off of, the caster's AP i would assume with a modifer of some sort...

Can anyone get the math off of these abilities as well as the base attack numbers and attack speed?

Комментарий от rrmp1987

does twin howl work in pvp?

Комментарий от olss0nftw

No, Its a taunt. So does mocking blow work in pvp?

Комментарий от Porphy

Feral Spirit (Tier 11) is now implemented. 3 minute cooldown. Pet skills include :

Bash - Your Spirit Wolves stun the target for 2 sec. (45 sec cooldown)

Twin Howl - Your Spirit Wolves howl, forcing all enemies to attack them for 6 sec. (15 sec cooldown)

Spirit Walk - Removes all movement impairing effects and increases the movement speed of you and your Spirit Wolves by 60% for 15 sec. (25 yd range, 32 sec cooldown)

Spirit Hunt - Your Spirit Wolves' attacks heal them and you for 5 sec. (10 sec cooldown)

Комментарий от Southrncomfortjm

I've now tried them out a bit on the PTR. They are actually really cool and have great potential. Only thing I don't like is that they don't benefit from the 5% increased damage racial of orcs and they do pretty low damage overall. On level 56 mobs in Winterspring (Outlands was down) they were only hitting for between 75 and 90. Would definitely like to see a boost in damage, although the other buffs and debuffs they give are very nice.

Комментарий от Jeedar

Any screenshots?

Комментарий от Mirhawk

Looks like they will be more of a tank/buff type pet rather then a DPS pet and if so I see no reason to increase their damage. This talent sounds great to me, the Enhancement shaman does some good damage already and this will give you some neat abilities that are strong yet looks balanced as they cant be used at any time. They should benefit from the Orc racial though, even if my Shaman is a Tauren I think they should and it would make sense.

Комментарий от rrmp1987

Does Twin Howl work in PvP like Death Grip from Death Knights? I hope so.

Комментарий от Plaetolius

Does anyone know if these wolves will be able to be summoned in Arena? I find it annoying right now as of 2.4.3 - whether or not it was earlier I dont know - that Mages can summon elemntals in Arena, Locks get their minions, Priests get shadow fiends and yet Shammy's can't summon their elementals.

Комментарий от nymuel

You will able to use spirit wolves in arena.

Комментарий от iBeastMastery

Hmm...This combined with the Earth r Fire Elemental totem gives Enhancement shaman's three pets, similar to a moonkin's treants (except the elemental can't be controlled)

Комментарий от Heals4Meals

Yeah, although i play alliance (Dranny, FTW!) i think that would be a cool addition to Orc shammies. Also, if other level 60 or so enhancement shamans are anything like i was, you have super uber damage but sadly, despite your 'passive' aggro-keeping skills, you majorly lack the stamina, armor and other defensive stats that even a rogue of your level has, and so being able to summon two awesome tanking 'pets' to keep the aggro off you for when Shamanistic Rage and your trinkets are on cooldown, that would be so freaking sick!

Комментарий от olss0nftw

Blizzard Quote"I said Strength at one point, but they never did scale off of Strength. In fact they never scaled off of anything. They were the same no matter what your level or gear. We fixed that though, and they should scale very well (using AP, not Str). Let us know if that isn't happening. Then you're going to love them next build."

So they will now scale with AP and THATS a nice change.

Комментарий от Muhku

Ok, this is sweet against those damn mages. :) No more frost nova!

Комментарий от Orgmor

I was testing out the updated version of the wolves on the PTR's. The potential of these wolves are amazing, mostly due to their (now) constant 150% heal of attacks. In addition to the stun and sprint being very usefull for PvP, they're also the best addition to PvE i could ever imagine as enhancement. They can be considered as the same type of ability as Shamanistic rage only in this case regenerating HP instead of mana. I was able to run around for half an hour (that's as long as i bothered grinding) killing mobs without eating or drinking and i never ran out of mana nor HP. A great addition to the enhancement library since we now are less mana efficient (due to the increase in spellcasts) it serves us good to not have to use heals as often as we had to.

In addition i think, though i havent done enough testing on this, that the Sprint ability stacks with Ghostwolf (on the current PTR) i was only able to try this out a few times due to the trademarked lag on the Test-realms

Комментарий от Heals4Meals

Tried this out earlier today, first day of the patch. I must say, I was extremely disappointed to find that my wolves lacked Spirit Hunt, the move i was most exited to use. Just a heads up for anyone else who got their hopes up. :(

Комментарий от Danne206

You will be able to use this as the same time as Fire Elemental Totem.

Комментарий от griplar1123

With the wolves bash ability i found that when one bash is finished the other wolf uses bash as well so it's more of a 4 second stun cause when it comes to the wolves everything is sort of doubled because of the fact that theres 2 so monkey see monkey do

Комментарий от Hirojin

this is absolutely OP, my lvl 69 enh shaman can kill about 15 mobs solo now.....just run in, get these and fire elemental, and see the numbers flying.

They keep you at good health, you can tank several mobs without taking dmg because of the ridiculous healing they do. Also they jump on targets, stun them, taunt them, kill them ^^

Amazing skill

Комментарий от angelspire

Anyone got an idea on where to check for wolves abilities? Can't find the tab in my spellbook as hunters do neither anywhere else. Also, it was "Bite" ability mentioned here, though, I don't see it.

Комментарий от Moshpitt

I find myself asking can u have them out while you're in ghost wolf?

Комментарий от danroe

Thes wolves should be called "I Win Button"

I dueled an enha shaman out of Org today. He had crap gear -Blues and some PVP S2 thingies

The duel started, i slowed him, he summoned the wolves. (im arcane mage)

The next thing i knew, the wolves were hitting me. I used frost nova. They sprinted, And got to me. Reslowed the shaman, so he cudn't touch me. Got stunned. Blinked. They were after me.

Those damn wolves Dished 11k of my HP in 15 seconds, more or less.

Not to mention i had Mana shield Up as much as i could, and the shaman couldn't touch me due to slow, he was not in range for shocks

Комментарий от zagi

While the wolves are up shamans basically are the closest you can get to a mage counterclass, so just get used to it :)

Комментарий от raymix

I used the wolves as soon i entered outland at lvl 60. I was in party with my bro lvl 60 feral druid, doing quests together. Usually on slaying quests where we had to kill 10-30 mobs, i spawned my wolves, pressed Spirit Walk and agroed about 12-15 lvl 60-61 mobs at a time, kept using their taunt, so all enemies targets wolves only (together they have massive HP), combined with shamanistic rage, Strenght, Health and Magma totems, and just dpsed trough all enemies in few seconds. Leaving us with full HP and MP.

Just a tip for fast leveling....

Комментарий от dukanhetaemil

with x-perl ui-addon i cant see the pet actionbar. witch means i cant use bash and spirit walk, dont realy have room on my regular actionbars for two more spells. anyway, do anyone know how to fix this (and still use x-perl)?


Комментарий от hoosemenzatta

Feral spirit + flame elemental = zomg wtf Both together for me held a tower in AV after being pushed off by a druid. Wolfs alone make ret pali stun and burst allot less intimidating.Putting down earthbind and kiting is suprisingly effective because of spirit hunt, even more so with spirit walk active.These wolfs seem to get what looks to me like 80% of your life.

Комментарий от Ridethewind

ok so for all of u who dont know this spell can MASSIVELY OP PPL. i was watching my bro in law play his mage and a shaman that had this was there. the shaman won the fight ever time when he was doing this and MAN did this shaman make my bro in law look like a noob playing a lvl 70 mage. it was just amazing how much this spell got him mad at thsi shaman. this was how it was played most of the time.... shaman--Feral Spirit---attack attack...mage...ice bolt...dead so he does this a few more times and still dosent work this shaman looked very well geared but so is the mage seemed like a fair fight till the shaman busted this move out

Комментарий от Ickus

A very cool thing about the spirit wolves that I hadn't noticed before was they benefit from shaman totems, and heroism like normal pets.

Комментарий от Luciferian

Here is a macro I use to escape if I need to. It summons the wolves, then cast Feral Spirit, then Ghost Wolf, then Feral Spirit a second time after the cooldown is off.

#showtooltip/castsequence reset=45 Feral Spirit, Spirit Walk, Ghost Wolf, Spirit Walk

Комментарий от Remas

this talent works only on wotlk or can be on tbc 3.0.3 too ?

Комментарий от Vesicular

These are actually useful in normal 5 mans as CC. You can attack a target on pull and the wolves will gladly tank the mob for the 45 secs they're up. Just don't use their taunt, or they'll grab the aggro of all the surrounding mobs. While they can't really be used as main CC (because of the cooldown), on a large pull when CC is tight, this can come in rather handy.

Комментарий от Nivrax

Suprising, no one mentioned that they share skin with the infamous Ancient Grimtotem Spirit Guide, some hunters my still remember this "event" and not be happy seeing them. Read comments in the link for details.

Комментарий от maniacfox

These wolves are like a pocket party, they can tank, dps and heal to different degrees. If I get a bad pull and end up having to fight a crazy amount of mobs at the same time I can summon my wolves and my health doesn't stop bouncing off max for nearly for whole fight... easy. If I need to take out a group elite... you know the score.

You'd be crazy to pass this up for just one talent point.

Комментарий от amgyn

As stated earlier the wolves are currently bugged.

The spirit walk ability was supposed to remove snares and increase run speed, currently (3.0.3) they do not. however patch notes indicate this will get fixed.

The patch notes however do not indicate that a fix for the damage bug will be addressed.

The Wolves damage (and thus healing) are supposed to scale with your attack power. At this time they do not.

Not sure if the wolves health are supposed to increase or not.

we'll see by the time Ulduar patch is pushed on PTR.

Комментарий от AyaNatsume

sorry man but u just suck....Arcane mage cant even beat the crap out Enhance shaman '-_- ....Slow the shaman , freeze the wolf , ARCANE BARRAGE the shaman + fireblast + all *!@# u can do dude ur arcane pom pyro wow man....

or as me...u just can do a 12k frostfire bolt to the shaman....

mage got so many %^&* instant actually

and this arcane barrage do like 4k

Комментарий от Sgtown

Wolves now melee for about 300-400 non-crit each, in addition to having a 1 second attack speed, so yes, they do easily 800 DPS.

The bash included with the extremely fast attack speed AND run speed makes spell casting a nightmare, they're almost impossible to get away from.

With the right cooldowns, yes, this is an IWIN button.

Комментарий от shamanfang

i actively use this ability now, and i can say this.

it has a 3 minute cooldown, so you can use it often.

its great to use against speedy enemies, because if you make them attack that enemy theyll stay on him.

the ability spirit hunt is now a passive, so your recieving constant healing for 150% of the damage they do, which for me is anywhere from 300-500+

they are controllable, so its exactly like having a hunters pet for 45 seconds, but you lose control of them if you get too far away or one of them dies. when you lose control they effectively become nothing more than a "guardian" for the remainder of the time their out, attacking only what attacks you.

their great in warsong gulch because of their spirit walk ability, making you walk 60% faster for 12 seconds+removing all snare effects from your character, and you can send them off to deal with/distract anyone trying to kill you while you have the flag. their passive (forementioned) also helps with flag capture + defense a great deal.

they have a "bash" ability that stuns target for a certain number of seconds, i cant exactly remember how long, and they have a "howl" ability that draws aggro, so theyre good if your getting overwhelmed. they have roughly 7k health, and do damage based on AP. and yes, as you lvl they lvl with you.

im a lvl 70 tauren shaman, (i bought WotLK, havent had a chance to break it in yet, my internets out, im at the library D'X )and im also a goblin engineer, so i can effectively "summon" a small battalion. my mechanical dragonling (which unfortunantly serves as a minor distraction now) my wolves, and untill recently, my barov servant trinket. (summons 3 guys, but they only last for about 20 seconds) now i have a goblin rocket launcher which i must say is killer for defending in warsong because of its range, damage and stun effect.

Комментарий от Nighthawk3

Are these able to be feared etc? My friend says they r immune to cc but in many vids I've seen them be howl of terrored etc. They had a shadowfury stun on them 1st so I don't know whether that has anything to do with it.....

Комментарий от Roman291

These are the wolves you summon. ^^

edit: spelling

Spirt Wolves

Комментарий от DrChristmas

I think it's noteworthy to mention that they stay out and follow you if you're in Ghost Wolf form or mounted. They even follow you if you're on a flying mount. Of course, their timer is still running down.

Комментарий от Fantic

I did a little test today on my lvl 74 shaman. I wanted to see how well they scale with AP. First test was a base test. then the all out bells and whistles. I had to use the lvl 70 dummys though, as the 80 and boss ones were too high.

1643 Base AP - 13,868 damage (301.7 dps)2641 Max AP + Bloodlust - 25,716 damage (532.6 dps)

Комментарий от mrgummage

Is it just me or is Spirit Hunt retardedly overpowered? A normal PvP fight will not last more than 45 seconds a Spirit Wolf is active, and the passive healing from the pets would grant a massive amount of extra "health" to the shaman for the duration.

I fought a fully PvE geared shaman today, and his pets auto heal outhealed my burst - even with Lightning Generator.

Комментарий от Orcca

Feral Spirits easily rip anything you're targeting to ribbons. Elite mobs, Grouped Quests, other players? Lunch meat to the wolves. I've even off-tanked, or even taken over, tanking in instances after the main tank drops aggro or dies altogether.

Even on a terribly geared Shaman, you can usually heal more damage than you're taking. I was able to flawlessly finish all Outland and Northrend grouped quests up to five-player quests without using anything but Feral Spirit and Shamanistic Rage.

Bundled with Earth Elemental, an Enhancement Shaman is a one-man wrecking crew up to the current patch. This more than makes up for the horrible nerf taken during Vanilla WoW to Windfury. Enhancement Shaman are whole again.

Комментарий от Jahu

I got this off Elitist Jerks today.

Our 51 point talent produces approximately 100-200 DPS when used on each cooldown, around 300-400 DPS during each activation. Wolves scale with the shaman's Stamina, Hit Rating, Armor and Attack Power. Their attacks fall under the 1H/2H attack table and will reach the Hit cap on physical attacks at 8% (262 rating).Stat ScalingStamina 0.30Hit Rating 1.00Attack Power 0.30Armor 0.35

Комментарий от 4rchn00b

Another something from that same Elitest Jerks page:copy this macro into the game to see the wolves' stats once you activate them/run if not oldHasPetUI then oldHasPetUI = HasPetUI; HasPetUI = function() return true, false; end end PetTab_Update() ToggleCharacter("PetPaperDollFrame")

Комментарий от fantomex

You can also elect to simply cast Spirit Walk immediately after Feral Spirit by putting it on the next line, so you'd only need to click once./cast Feral Spirit/cast Spirit Walk

Комментарий от Devastated

So far it doesn't look like anyone has asked this, but I wanted to see if anyone knew if these wolves act like a Death Knight's gargoyle in the way that for it's duration it's power is based off the death knight's point of summoning and remains that strong until it dies or will these wolves get stronger if WHILE SUMMONED our AP increases?

Комментарий от Sihd

anyone thinking this would fit better in the elemental tree?I mean, they got this taunt ability, which will keep the caster free off the mob.

Besides that, in Warcraft III the Far Seer hero was elemental, and had this feral spirit spell, so it would fit better into story line.

Комментарий от Dala22

Are they passive now?How it works then i saw that they heal you.

Комментарий от moogledrink

Do they scale with on use Trinkets like ?

If so should I pop the Trinket, then Feral Spirit and then Heroism to get the maximised effect out of my wolves?

Also can they be buffed with say like Blessing of Might/Kings? Or do the buffs that are already on the Shaman who summoned them count towards the wolves as well?

Комментарий от xMadgoatx

I have to say these wolves are amazing on my shammy for lvling. Using Glyph of Feral Spirit I have been able to solo every group quest in outland so far (Im lvl 66) except ring of blood. My spirit wolves heal me for 200-300 just about every second and 400-600 on crits. Best spell I have ^^

Комментарий от SirVaksghn

Does the AP they get decided at the time of summoning or does it change while they are around. For ex, if I summon Feral Spirit and the use Bladefist's Breadth or Blood Fury will they get the extra AP too or should I use the items and summon the Spirits when the buff is still up?

Комментарий от Nightseer

A great macro for this spell:

#showtooltip Feral Spirit; Spirit Walk/cast Spirit Walk/stopmacro /cast Feral Spirit/sw/sw 45/sw play/in 45 /swFirst click on the macro will cast the Feral Spirit spell. In addition, the stopwatch will become visible (unless it is already shown), and a 45 sec timer will start, showing the remaining duration on the wolves. When the timer reaches zero the stopwatch is automatically hidden again.Furthermore, clicking this ability while the wolves are up (pet unit frame is visible) will cast the Spirit Walk spell, but will not interfere with the stopwatch.

As for the tooltip, when the wolves aren't up the tooltip for the Feral Spirit spell is shown, and when the wolves are up the tooltip for the Spirit Walk spell is shown. Very handy for displaying cooldowns.

Комментарий от eightysixlol

you mean bloodlust

Комментарий от tyrentofthought

Are the wolves classified as Elementals for things such as a warlocks Banish?

Комментарий от yuoflim

These dogs are so awesome! I popped shammy rage and wolves in a group quest because I was helping out a guildy and downed the elite in 20secs... Because I I had the wolves on aggressive I saw them jump behind me then run back.... when I turned around I saw a dead drenai... It was so hilarious :D My guildy said he was trying to kill me... hehe

Комментарий от Woogs

You can essentially get two two-second stuns (if used at least 15 seconds apart and no other stun DR from other players) from your Spirit Wolves during the 45 seconds they are up.

The autocast AI for Bash will stagger the wolves Bash usage so that the two stun durations won't overlap, giving you ~3 seconds of stun. If you use autocast for the first Bash, but turn autocast off before the second wolf uses Bash you can click to use your second wolves stun when you want even though it says it's on cooldown.

This is on the 3.3 PTR, can't test this is on live because I don't have a Shaman.

Комментарий от TrampHead

Hello! Can anyone give me all the details about the feral spirit spell, from the 3.3.0 patch , that includes , all commands the wolfs have, what are their stats, attack power, stamina...etc., if they benefit from the shamans totem, or any shaman buff, and what is the wolfs speed. Appreaciate all help, thank you!

Комментарий от Rankkor

hands down the most awesome and usefull spell blizzard has ever added to the game.............

for just 1 talent point, you get:

a 15 sec sprint (wich can be used twice)

two 2 sec stuns.

Inmunity to movement impairing effects for the duration of the sprint.

a massive boost in DPS.

and an even bigger ammount of self-heals.

when used in solo-pve, you can safely solo ANYTHING while the wolves are out, since u're basically, almost inmortal, the self-heal will greatly overlapse any damage u're recieving.

when used in group-pve, they boost your DPS by a large margin.

when used in pvp they increase your survival, boost DPS, and protect against snares/roots.

let's be honest, what more can someone ask of a single talent?

Комментарий от zadck

I just got the wolves on my shaman, and thought they would be underwhelming. What is not explicitly said in this thread is that the 3 minuet cooldown starts the second you summon them. This means that the "true" cooldown is 2 minutes and 15 seconds. Also, after doing some very simple math ((3*60=180 180/45=4)) you can see that the wolves have a one fourth uptime. That's really good. Not as high as the uptime for water elementals on mages, but ours does more stuff.The PvP benefit is huge what with heals, stun and sprint (sprint up to twice per summon!). But they even have their tanking roll. They are able to taunt all nearby enemies 3 times before going away. They are great life savers and elite mob helpers!

Комментарий от corpsecraft

really now? you saved me a lot of trouble there.*insert sarcasm*

Комментарий от Aaro

As of 4.0, these now have a 2 minute cooldown (down from 3), but only last 30 seconds (down from 45).

In my opinion, I view this as a benefit. We can use wolves more; we only have to wait 1m 30s for the cooldown to pop back up after our wolves disappear; for PvP, we'll have the chance to get off a second cast; for PvE, we'll be able to pop these boys more frequently for trash or questing.

There are negatives, of course. The 30 second timer only gives you two opportunity to use the abilities with a 15 second cooldown (Twin Howl, Spirit Walk), and because they don't last as long, you'll have less time available to soak up wolf heals. But all in all, I view this as a positive buff.

Комментарий от Eirtob98

These guys Move realy fast, so they can pretty much keep up with you, and apparently ( If you are as good as i am ) You can make them fly ;)

Комментарий от macros23

i added it up on the talent tree, you will have enough talent points at lvl 69!

Комментарий от kittypants

raped by wolves.

Комментарий от TheMav

The weird thing about feral spirit is that the healing scales weirdly at lower levels. from the level you get it to about 80, when your wolves are out you're technically invincible due to the massive healing they give you. the healing becomes insignificant later on though

Комментарий от CrittinRogue

It appears they heal 1-2 health points per attack now. Bug or nerf?

Комментарий от rodalpho

The devs told us exactly how Feral Spirits scale with Attack Power at the link below.


I'm pasting it here in case they retire the beta forums after release.

The one significant change that you probably won’t be able to datamine is an increase to Feral Spirits’ damage. They now get 50% of your attack power each, up from 30%. And their Spirit Bite ability’s damage has more than doubled. The net result should be that Feral Spirits are significantly stronger than before, probably somewhere between 70% and 100% stronger, depending on gear.

Комментарий от shamanfang

as of MoP 5.0.1, no longer controllable pets, with reduced time limit. now guardians out for 30 seconds, down from 45. Spirit Walk of theirs is now a learnable spell for your shaman, bash and twin howl is either automatic or removed completely.

in my opinion, decimated how much fun the ability was...

Комментарий от Bogdanov89

In MoP this became a DPS/Self-Healing cooldown, unfortunately Spirit Wolves do not perform either of those tasks very well... they still have scaling issues and are rather weak as well as fragile - they can also be crowd controlled by fear and almost any other CC.

Комментарий от sylancer


Комментарий от Taraezor

Still a part of our rotation.

These are the priorities in our rather long (compared to other classes) rotation...

(1) Покорение стихий - a Tier 4 talent many players take(2) Перерождение - very very important to use in rotations when off cool down(3) Your Fire Totem, either a if on a boss or a big burn phase or else your standard (But if using ST then you can let it go out but ensure that buff you get from ST (and FE) never expires)(4) Your if on a boss. Don't worry about dodgy taunts these days.(5) Your Tier 6 talent(6) Молния if on 5 stacks of (4 if you have the Tier 15 2 piece bonus)(7) Удар бури or Удар ветра(8) Вскипание лавы(9) exact use depends upon your Tier 6 talent(10) Земной шок or Дух дикого зверя(11) Fillers

and our beloved wolves come after Lava Lash now. I choose either Earth Shock or this if I need a bit of a heal or there is movement happening. Also if you got a Зимний горн buff or similar as that kind of thing is dog food!

Pro websites all say this: Use on cool down. Additionally, the T15 4 piece bonus, obviously meant to be useful, is Item - Shaman T15 Enhancement 4P Bonus. Blizzard would not have given us a dud 4p bonus. Always use your doggies!

Комментарий от Celellach

I was trying to find a list of all the minions and guardians available to players through spells, talents and glpyhs (not from items) and ended up creating one.Hope this is useful for others as well.

Рыцарь смерти: Ghoul - Available at level 55.Geist - Minor glyph that changes the appearance of the Ghoul to that of a Geist.Skeleton - Minor glyph that changes the appearance of the Ghoul to that of a Skeleton.Undead Monstrosity - Available at level 70. Transforms the Ghoul into an Undead Monstrosity.Gargoyle - Available at level 74.Legion of Ghouls - Available at level 80.Various undead - Minor glyph that changes the appearances of the Ghouls of the Army of the Dead into various undead minions.

Друид:Treants - Available at level 60. Four different versions: Balance, Feral, Gaurdian and Restoration.

Маг:Water Elemental - Available at level 10.Unbound Elemental - Minor glyph that changes the appearance of the Water Elemental to that of an Unbound Elemental.

Монах:Xuen, the White Tiger - Available at level 90.

Паладин:Guardian of Ancient Kings - Available at level 75. Three different versions: Holy, Protection and Retribution.

Жрец:Shadowfiend - Available at level 42.Mindbender - Available at level 45.Sha Beast - Minor glyph that changes the appearance of the Mindbender to that of a Sha Beast.

Шаман: Earth Elemental - Available at level 58.Fire Elemental - Available at level 66.Spirit Wolves - Available at level 60.Spirit Raptors - Minor glyph that changes the appearances of the Spirit Wolves to that of Spirit Raptors.

Чернокнижник:Imp - Available at level 1.Fel Imp - Available at level 75 upon learning . Changes the appearance of the Imp to that of a Fel Imp. Voidwalker - Available at level 8.Voidlord - Available at level 75 upon learning . Changes the appearance of the Voidwalker to that of a Voidlord. Succubus - Available at level 20.Shivarra - Available at level 75 upon learning . Changes the appearance of the Succubus to that of a Shivarra. Felhunter - Available at level 29.Observer - Available at level 75 upon learning . Changes the appearance of the Felhunter to that of an Observer. Felguard - Available at level 42.Wrathguard - Available at level 75 upon learning . Changes the appearance of the Felguard to that of a Wrathguard. Infernal - Available at level 49.Abyssal - Available at level 75 upon learning . Changes the appearance of the Infernal to that of an Abyssal. Doomguard - Available at level 58.Terrorguard - Available at level 75 upon learning . Changes the appearance of the Doomguard to that of a Terrorguard. Eye of Kilrogg - Available at level 22.

Комментарий от Filthly

A very curious thing about Дух дикого зверя is, that Spirit Hunt healing is from Shadow school instead of Nature, which would make a bit more sense in terms of Shamanism.


Приветствие духа Волка - Задание

Краткая информация


Комментарий от Baskin

He is in stonbreaker hold , in a round dome hut . 50,46

Комментарий от Marller

This quest is just to make the story right of the quest chain.

"Welcoming the Wolf Spirit" starts and can be completed at the quest giver "Malukaz" in Stonebreaker Hold.

When you activated the quest, use the "Ceremonial Incense" in the hut to let the Wolf Spirit come. Wait about 15 seconds, and talk to the quest giver when his golden ? shows up. By then you've completed the quest.


Комментарий от newsteadmission

I found this neat and a little interesting. If you notice, the NPC in the screenshot is weiring some tier gear, the shaman gear.

Комментарий от Aestrius

the rewards are flashy and are fitted mainly to~all of the cloth casters~rouge, feral druid~hunter~warriors, protection pally

Комментарий от Zentro

i completed the quest as it may be obvious but for some reason it acts as if i dont have the incents anymore, yet i still do, it acts like i dont have it meaning i cant turn in the quest because i dont have the required items anybody else had this problem? i paged a gm and of course it takes them 7 hours to respond...

Комментарий от blademasterjt

Blizzard sure loves their wolf-head helms, don't they?

Комментарий от Daystar

Does noone question how there were wolves in Draenor?

Комментарий от UnCorpse

Nice quest chain if you want a wolf hat.

Did I mention all hats look the same.

Комментарий от Serf

If you're a non-Leather wearer and you like the model of this helm, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T GET RID OF IT! it's the only source of transmog available to you!

Комментарий от Sooba

The 'ceremonial incence' is displayed in your bags as a stack of wood. It's indicated as a quest item, since it is one. Just let you know because I didn't expect this icon to be used.

Комментарий от GregorWowhead

Have You ever been upstairs at Malukaz's hut?1st floor is all empty, no even sleeping place. :(He's a man of work, this Malukaz. Another man-with-no-life.All the time in the WoW, just like some of us. ;)

Комментарий от Analillian

After I received this helm, I proceeded to run around /yelling ALL HAIL THE KING OF THE NORTH. Sadly no one quests around here anymore to laugh at my shenanigans.

Комментарий от GitGudGuides

Welcoming the Wolf Spirit http://youtu.be/4xBQlvgGj_8

Комментарий от WoWGnGP

I made i playthrough of this quest if anyone wish to see how to do it :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkuTHYA9gNI

Комментарий от pizzadad37

I wish Blizz would've put in an updated version of this quest in WoD. The Helm of Lupine Ferocity has been a staple of my warrior's xmog since xmog was released. I just wanna see an updated version, y'know? The wolf hat hasn't aged well.

Зажгите обрядовые благовония около свечей в хижине Малуказа и наблюдайте за церемонией. По завершении церемонии поговорите с Малуказом еще раз.


Я почти закончил свои церемониальные одежды. Осталось только добавить несколько завершающих штрихов, а для этого мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы подожгли это возле свечей, которые находятся у рунного камня слева от меня.

Эти благовония были сделаны еще во времена орочьих кланов, и я думаю, что они помогут привлечь дух волка. Я очень хорошо представляю себе, как мои предки использовали их для благодарственных церемоний после удачной охоты.

Я начну церемонию, как только вы воскурите эти благовония.

Восстановление связи с духом волка – это лишь начало моего пути, а никак не конец.

Невероятно! Я отправился в это путешествие, не будучи уверенным в том, что дух волка отзовется на наш призыв, а теперь мне кажется, что он был здесь все это время! Я почти уверен в этом, Хитендран!

Должно быть, он ждал, пока орки поймут, какие последствия имел их выбор.


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Одежды духа волка - Задание


Комментарий от enasima

These wolves are found all over the forest, but I suggest heading South of Shattrath and farming on the Alphas.

I suggest running the following quests at the same time as this one: http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=10027 and http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=10027

Комментарий от Krohr

After suffering their low dropping rate and the fact that they are in small groups in the forest, I found that a lot are located amongst the Warped Peons you need to kill for the quest http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=10000 around 66,50 in Bonechewer Ruins.

Комментарий от gigabit2

66,50 Confirmed

Комментарий от apparentbliss

Leads to "Patriarch Ironjaw" (http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=10023).

Комментарий от god8me

37,36 is a good area just outside of shattrath

Комментарий от unreel

Bad drop rate, but I found a ton of wolfs at 65,48

Комментарий от MusicJunkie

I also found alot of wolves at 65,48 and the good news is the Bloody Fangs you get vendor for a fair amount

Комментарий от ZombiePope

Don't do this quest all at once. Just kill wolves as you pass by them, while doing other Horde quests in Terokkar. The quest is easy, and not too time-consuming overall as you end up aggroing a fair number of wolves while doing other quests anyways.

But if you try to do it all at once, it will be tedious and boring.

Комментарий от Bumbaclot601

Terrible drop rate...

Комментарий от vulcanhalfbreed

Craptastic drop rate. This was such an annoying quest. I never want to kill another one of those things :p 3 gold isn't so bad though, it would've been nice if they threw in some tasty wolf bites or some nice wolf skin panties.

Комментарий от boo9ni

the droprate is great! its a werry quick and simple quest for fast gold its great! but kill the timber wolfes and not the alphas, the alphas has about 10% versus 80% on the timber

Комментарий от jagguar

Drop is decent at 45,34 --- and I agree the timber worg's are better than the alphas!

Комментарий от Gulorg

Worst quest EVER killed 89 wolfs to get my number 8 of the pelts and about 20 for the last 4..

Комментарий от nazgul64

I'm level 64 and Malukaz won't talk to me at all. Is there a pre-req for this quest series?

Комментарий от thrazat

yes, the regular wolfs seem to be far better than the alphas. found a lot jsut north, north-east of spinebreaker

Комментарий от lehcar

the normal timber worgs north of stonebreaker hold drop them better than the alphas.

Комментарий от Shivacode

Either way you slice it (regular or Alpha) you'll have to kill a LOT of Worgs.

This is great if you're a skinner, if not...meh. Do this quest along with Olemba Seed Oil and Magical Disturbance.

Комментарий от shyien

I cant get this quest. Is there something that i have done wrong? I am lvl 69 so i should be able for it.

Комментарий от Cernunous

I found the best drop rate...about 75%...right around 39, 34

Комментарий от Kaynos

Crappy drop rate, maybe 1 in 5-6 kills for me. I suggest you go near Bonechewer Ruins around 65,50, there are plenty of wolf and you can do An unwelcome Presence and What happens in Terrorkar stays in Terrorkar quests at the same time.

Комментарий от ochiee

Crappy DRop Rate....that's for sure...had to kill about 50 wolfs to get 12 pelts

Комментарий от PhoenixUnity07

After doing the allliance equivelant on several alts... I have concluded that they get a much higher droprate on their tails.

Комментарий от Gorgaro

This is by far one of the worst drop rates. It doesn't matter much whether you choose alphas or normal worgs. It still sucks. I have killed 35+ and still only have 8. Also had to make a trip back to base to re-supply drinks and food.

Комментарий от DeadKraz

Typical grind quest with an atrocious drop rate. 66, 50 has a large group of them among the Bonechewer Peons.

Комментарий от Garon132

68, 5066, 50Just about anywhere around the bone chewer ruins you will find alot of Alpha Timber Worgs dropping one pelt for me about every 3-7 kills. I also found this is a useful quest as a skinner i made about 30g from skinning. This is also a good place to do the following quests - An Unwelcome PresenceOlemba Seed OilWhat Happens in Terokkar Stays in Terokkar

The following up quest is Patriarch Ironjaw.

-Epictaco- Mal'GanisAlso watch out for Bonechewer Marauders which walked right by me and killed me.

Комментарий от paneras14

man bad drp rate it took me 30 min just too gather 6 of them !!!! XP

Комментарий от hystdude

I got an error, i cant turn in the quest even though im finished, someone know why?

Комментарий от Micke

Around 40, 35 I got most drops. First when I was doing quest like http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=10868 and killed at the same time the wolves which came in front of me. And when I was done with http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=10868 quest, I went to get those pelts, grindin like an hour with 4 drop! Then I whent to 40, 35 and got all the rest drops in 15 min.

Комментарий от IntrozeN

WORST @#$%ING DROP RATE EVER. Unable to buy this things at AH...

Edit: Timber Wolf Alpha has 1% more drop rate then Timber Wolf

Комментарий от Torte

I think people misunderstand this quest a bit.

This isn't a quest you're supposed to set out and focus on solely, rather, you do it while you do other quests. As you will probably notice the worgs are all over the place. My advice is to kill any wolves you run into on the way while doing other quests. It's a lot more managable that way, not to mention fun.

Комментарий от thistledown

I can't complete the quest either, I think it's bugged.

Комментарий от Tere

I have all 12 Timber Worg Pelts, but i can't talk to Malukaz. Can anyone help me?

Комментарий от Tusq

This ended up being my last quest for loremaster. God knows how the !@#$ i couldnt find it, for the 2 hours i flew around in terokkar.

Комментарий от MrSteak

Good news on this. It appears the drop rate gets significantly better as you kill more wolves. As stated above, get this quest and do other ones as you go, after a bit you will notice the drop rate being closer to 50%. This takes a WHILE to get but it does happen. I ended up getting the last 3 in no time at all as they dropped off of 6 wolves.

So take heart and keep going, they do drop more often eventually.

Комментарий от Ryukz

Did they remove this quest with 3.2.2? I cant get it.

Edit: Talked to a GM, deleted my cache folder and the game recreated it and the quest was there.

Комментарий от bobahop

A good bunch of them with a decent drop rate for me was at 40, 34.

Комментарий от raistlyn

Does this quest strike anyone else as odd?

Hey, I have an idea! Let's kill a bunch of wolves and skin them! That will make the wolf spirit come back to us!

I'm not sure if he's a shaman or a leatherworker.

Комментарий от Farzeer

Great quest for those who love skinning. I was able to gather about 120 knothide leather scraps and about 20 knothide leathers (Scraps sells for 5g for stack of 20 and leathers sells for 2g each on my server). I also did the quests Масло из семян олембы and Нарушение магического равновесия while doing this one.

Комментарий от cjmarsh

'Malukaz' is INSIDE the building near 'Tooki' at 'Stonebreaker Hold', directly south of the flight point.

Комментарий от GitGudGuides

Vestments of the Wolf Spirit http://youtu.be/OiprY8X6_J0

Комментарий от WoWGnGP

I made i playthrough of this quest if anyone wish to see how to do it :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90ZiVqV9Cf8


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