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Сущность привидения - Предмет - World of Warcraft
Комментарий от utimer
The trinket only seems to work if you actually put it on once on the Island (verify that you don't get an error when using it)The trinket allows you to start this questline:http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=5461
And allows you to buy/sell/repair at:http://www.wowhead.com/?npc=11278#M0zc
Комментарий от Bigblue
You can pick up a new Spectral Essence from the female ghost outside Scholo at any time (just tell her you lost it). Since you only need it when you're at Scholo, there's no reason to be carting this in your bags or bank.Комментарий от rays
Equipping this will allow you to see the vendor on Caer Darrow that sells the Transmute Water to Air recipe.Комментарий от orin
As of 2.0.1 you also need to dispell any tracking buffs you have on (like Track Herbs, Track Minerals) in order to see residents of Caer Darrow. I suppose their treating Visions of the Past like any other tracking buff now, and you can only have one tracking buff active at a time.Комментарий от Purebeef
I guess if you hot swap the trinket, it doesn't work. If you unequip the first slot item, then equip the spectral essence, while in Caer Darrow, you will get the buff and be able to see the ghosts.
While I had the spectral essence equipped, I was unable to keep the Argent Dawn Commission buff, even if I unequipped and reequipped the Seal of the Dawn.
Комментарий от adashiel
Though the quest line that rewarded it is no longer in the game, if you obtained your Spectral Essence before Cataclysm, then later discarded it, you can still pick up a new one from Ева Саркофф. She's inside Scholomance itself, now, not outside as she was in the past.Note that not only is it unnecessary to keep your Spectral Essence, it's actually a good idea to destroy it whenever you leave Caer Darrow. I used to keep it in my bank, and almost always forgot to bring it with me on Scholo runs. Because it is a Unique item and technically was still in my possession, I couldn't get it replaced from Eva. That made repairing inconvenient, especially on my Horde characters.(##RESPBREAK##)2056##DELIM##adashiel##DELIM##
Комментарий от Afflicting
Don't forget you need this to see the Scholomance Elder.Комментарий от speedywill
well i kinda have a problem i done all the quest as a lvl 70 warrior and when i equipt it i cant see a thing can anyone help me? i've even put it in both slots...Комментарий от Leioli
I just found Magistrate Marduke in front of the carage near Lucian and Eva Sarkhoff.Комментарий от Leioli
I just found Magistrate Marduke in front of the carage near Lucian and Eva Sarkhoff.Комментарий от Leioli
I just found Magistrate Marduke in front of the carage near Lucian and Eva Sarkhoff.Комментарий от Polarballs
A bit late on this but with the trinket equipped you can talk to Joseph Dirte, a 'Waste Management Specialist'. Obvious reference to the Joe Dirt movie. He is west of the road between the 2 walls with canon towers on them.Комментарий от Starlin
Although it can no longer be obtained, this item is still functional in 4.0.3a. And Магнус Хладоступ is still there selling his recipes, of which, only Чертеж: рукавицы Бури is non-bop.Комментарий от Ritmann1987
disagreed they have removed all forms of trinkets or other kind of items to see the vendors in patch 4.0.6 i've been taking all quests in Western Plaguelands and no items... not even a new Spectral Essence... i'd hoped for a quest that's allowing me to see Caer Darrow's villagers when i've had completed enough quests...Комментарий от mcjkaiser
If you read the comments the had been written on the vendor it says that you cannot get this item anymore but if you had it pre cata then it still works, and also a comment says that the trinket doesnt work unless u put it on after you have already gotten to the island but you can also switch it out while there if u had it on already or you can switch trinket slots that it is in and the buff will become active. hope this is usefull and good luck.Комментарий от tom79
If you already have this trinket before cataclysm, you can still use it.But you must wear it ONLY AFTER you enter the island of Caer Darrow, or you don't get the buff Призраки прошлого, that give you again the chance to speak with this two vendor:Baker Masterson that sold only common foods and drinks.andMagnus Frostwake that sold now rare recipes:Чертеж: рукавицы БуриЧертеж: изысканный ториевый одноручный топорРецепт: огромный флакон с зельем маныРецепт: трансмутация воды в воздухЧертеж: эбеновый ножЧертеж: огромный ториевый боевой топорКомментарий от botchitt
If you completed the quest for this item (Kirtonos the Herald) pre-Cataclysm, but deleted the item, you can STILL obtain a new one by speaking to the NPC Eva Sarkhoff. She is now located just inside the instance, on the left hand side as you enter.Комментарий от Catweazle
I was cleaning out my bank today and found this among my other junk. I decided to fly up and see if it still works in 4.3, and I can confirm that it does. As others have noted already you do not need it to see the crafting vendor now, though you do need it to see the Baker which could be handy if you need some food or drinks in a pinch. In any case it's still fun to have for seeing and talking to all of the other residents. It makes me glad that I am a packrat; this item will be going back into my bank.Комментарий от Eqweex
/run print("You "..(GetQuestsCompleted() and "\124cff00ff00have\124r" or "\124cffff0000have not\124r").." completed the quest for the "..(select(2,GetItemInfo(13544)))..".")
Пробуждающая сущность - Валюта - World of Warcraft
Комментарий от Drewskie
Are there any official announcements on what all drops wakening essences. Mostly I’m curious if they will drop from Tomb of Sargeras or only Antorus.I have been looking for the information for a while can’t seem to find it any help would be greatly appreciated.Комментарий от lovelywaz
These do NOT drop from Paragon Rep Chests that you get after every 20,000 rep past exalted like Сундук Фарондиса or Набор припасов Стража.I was holding onto two paragon rep quests turn in just to make sure and as expected those chests didn't contain these essence.
Комментарий от destruktoid1
Got 5x of these from Emissary cache. Need 50x of these for quest 'A Titanic Effort' which gives Пробужденная эссенция титана.Edit: You can also get these as a reward for doing a Random Legion Heroic in group finder
Комментарий от mshep02
Got 20 from the weekly mythic chest and 5 from the first daily random heroic.Комментарий от Gnomegurl
I just received 7 from my Highmountain Emissary. So do those WQs folks!Комментарий от Ceffoo
I was saving 3 faction reputations from being 10,000 before the launch of Antorus so I had most of them at 9,900 and did a WQ or two for those said reps and got the Paragon chests today unlike the others who already hoarded their chests. I got no Wakening Essence from the Paragon Chests.Комментарий от chaosloc81
Here's where to get them:Weekly M+ chest from +1 all the way to +15 = 20 essence.First random heroic = 5 essenceDaily emissary cache = 4-10 essence (was averaging 6 between 7 characters) **edited thanks to JimijetHave not tested bosses from Antorus as it's still early, but I'm assuming each one will drop a range of essence.
Here's what does NOT work:
Mythic0 bosses do not drop essence.Heroic bosses do not drop essence.LFR (ToS and before) do not drop essenceParagon chests from exceeding rep at exalted do not.Mythic+ chest per dungeon do not drop essences.Chests on Broken shore do not drop essencesChests on Argus do not drop them eitherRare spawns on Broken shore and Argus do not drop them (even when they are a WQ on Argus)Invasion points on Argus (greater and lesser) do not drop essences.
Hope this helps.
Комментарий от nerdyjesikah
Wakening Essence should be obtainable from:Weekly Mythic+ Chest Antorus the Burning Throne bosses Lootable once per week per boss, regardless of the difficulty Emissary caches First daily Legion heroic dungeon Weekly PvP rewards Awarded on the first 3 Rated Battlegrounds wins and 10 Rated Arena winsКомментарий от Xanaduzu
UPDATE: in patch 7.3.5 players have the ability to purchase Очищенная эссенция титана. This item costs 1000 essence. The values below are also multiplied by SIX (shown already)As of January 9th, 2018, players no longer need to have access to Титанический труд to acquire essence.Wakening essences can drop from sources similar to Извивающаяся сущность. This means that you can obtain Wakening Essence from the following:
- Weekly Mythic plus chest (120, highest level cleared doesn't matter).
- LFR/Normal/Heroic/Mythic Antorus bosses (18-36 per boss, per week, regardless of lockout)
- Emissary caches (24-60). Emissaries saved from before the quest do count, unopened boxes do not.
- Daily Legion Heroic dungeon (30)
- Weekly PvP rewards, ie: earn 1500 honor in 2s, 3s, and rated battlegrounds (50 from each)
- NEW IN 7.3.5; first random battleground win of the day (30) There is an additional 30 essence a day from your first win during PvP brawl weeks
As a bonus to those that will ask, here's what will NOT grant essence:
- Paragon reputation caches
- Mythic dungeons/individual mythic plus runs
- Emissary caches received before the day Antorus opened (caches before 7.3.5 will have 1/6th the essence)
- Previous raid bosses
- Order hall missions
- Rares, chests, invasion points, and world bosses
For those with twenty or more legendaries to upgrade, I wish you the best of luck, and remember to prioritize the ones you'll actually be wearing first.
Комментарий от shamrise
does these items drop from any raid bosses other than in the new raid?Комментарий от Blunttman
4-10 per emissary is ridiculous, why wouldn't they just make it a flat number instead of ^&*!ing someone over that gets unlucky meaning someone else can get their upgrade 2x+ faster than someone else. just because of RNG, *!@#ing pathetic blizzard as usual.Комментарий от brekthegreat
I got 2 legendaries that i use for raids. Not a mythic raider so there's no hurry for me to upgrade those. So yeah i expect to upgrade one this week and one after the reset next week.Комментарий от pengboy08
i just ran antorus each boss drops a varying amount of essenceКомментарий от Menelvagor
Watch this video for a summary of where to find essence across Azeroth and Argus.Комментарий от Eillesthis
Проклятый осколок > Проклятый осколок (optional) > Титанический труд > this currency > Пробужденная эссенция титана > repeat with Титанический трудIt seems you can start collecting these before you get to A Titanic Effort - I already had four.
Комментарий от Mabh
I see a lot of comments on how to acquire these, but I am curious as to where/how they can be used to upgrade your legendaries.Any insights?
Thank you.
Комментарий от Yogilaw
Just to clarify for those looking to gather these items from WQ runs. Only the Emissary caches reward Wakening Essence. Completing Q's that take you up to/over the 10k rep, which rewards Supplies, does NOT drop this item. So gathering 50 of these beauties from questing alone is gonna take some time.Actually, I struggle to see what great value these items really are. After all you can only equip 2 at a time (why? Surely 3 would make more sense?) & once you have got a couple that give you the best stat boost, what's the point of changing?Комментарий от oozie
looks like all the writhing essences my chars were building up to upgrade my 940s to 970s have all disappeared and I gotta start at 0 again with these new ones - sigh!Комментарий от Tharox
I upgraded a legendary before my guild run of Antorus normal on Thursday. Logged out immediately after raid, had a day off Friday, then did a daily HC and emissary sweep on Saturday with a friend. When he went to upgrade his second legendary I checked how far off I was an only had 1 essence. This had been left over after my first upgrade. I had not picked up the quest again after my first hand in to keep more space in my log since I knew there'd be raid quests. I'll be sending a ticket in to see if it's intentional that you don't get essence without the quest active. But for now I suggest you always take the quest, just to be on the safe side!I say this because the last upgrade system I never took the quest but still got the essences there, so I just presumed it'd be the same this time around. Also there's been several people in my guild telling me either they don't take the quest and get them, or that they even got some before they got the quest for the first time...if it had just been me then I'd have definitely thought I was just dumb for not taking the quest.
Edit: Got a ticket response:So the issue here is that there is the repeatable quest and the first time quest. Before you do the quest for the first time the developers made it so that you can't miss out on any Essences.
However once you are on the repeatable quest if you choose not to pick the quest up again then the items will not drop for you, you need to be on the quest after the first hand in because the items change to currency, and the currency won't drop if the game doesn't see the quest.
So this is intentional and behaves like any of the previous quests, so make sure you have it for getting more essences in the coming days.
So there you have it! Before accepting and completing the initial quest you CAN get the Essences, but once you've completed it you must have it in your log to be able to loot more essences.
Комментарий от norge
TL:DR - so how do you USE them?Комментарий от oozie
Looks like all the writhing essences my many chars were building up to upgrade their 940s to 970s have all disappeared and I gotta start at 0 again with these new ones - sigh - cant see why the writhing ones couldn't have run alongside - just to upgrade 940 to 970. Feel a bit cheated . . .Комментарий от Arbaxas
With 175 of this currency being used to purchase a legendary in 7.3.5, is there a way for a fresh 110 character to begin this quest and start collecting Essences? All of my legendaries are 1000 already, so I haven't found a way to start the quest.Комментарий от Prunes
Just a cautionary tale: As my bank is filled with WoW memorabilia, I had to find a spot to put all of the other legendaries that I have, so I put them all in void storage. If you do this and do NOT have an under 1000 legendary in your bank/packs, then the quest will not repeat. I found this out the hard way after upgrading the best two, and then getting nada. The minute I pulled one out, the quest popped.Комментарий от Inarius84
I don't know if someone already noticed it, but since I haven't find anywhere I will post this info.I just tried to copy one of my lvl 110 alts, a Paladin. Never had a legendary. I checked LFD tab and I saw that now the daily heroic dungeon rewards her the 5 Wakening Essences like my main that already has legendaries. She also went to Arcanomancer Vridiel who offered her a breadcrumb quest titled "Titanic innovation" (You can see it in the screenshot).Said quest rewarded her 5 Wakening Essences.
I suppose there won't be need to already have legendaries in 7.3.5 to farm WE.
Комментарий от wtfear
So if you already have your legendaries at 1000, this item is no use, correct?Комментарий от Monomatapa
Wakening Essences will be acquired 6x as fast in 7.3.5You can save up 1000 of them and use them to get a Очищенная эссенция титана.If you have all legendaries for your class, you will get a BoA legendary token for another class.Комментарий от oresteia
So I need to collect all legendary items as a druid for all specs that I don't use.Комментарий от jt1841
Sources for these as of 7.3.5Let me know if I'm missing any here and I'll update the comment
1. Argus raid bosses (18-36) (Once per boss kill not per difficulty? Not confirmed yet)2. Daily Heroic (30)3. First random battleground win (30)4. Emissary quest turn in (28-40)5. Weekly Mythic+ chest (120)6. Weekly rated arena/battleground rating (40?) (Not confirmed this yet)
Weekly Total 1118 on average:
1. 2972. 2103. 2104. 2385. 1206. 40
So you can get about 1 lego per week if you do everything and have average luck
Комментарий от Peter4730
19-JAN- 2018. Arcanomancer Vridiel (Blacksmith hall in Dalaran) no longer regards collecting these as a quest. Instead, you can use Wakening Essences to BUY the high-end Essences from him, just as if he were any other vendor.Currently, his pricing is
a) 300x Wakening Essence for 1x Awoken Titan Essence (raises a Legion Legendary item to iLevel 1000) Kewl
b) 1000x Wakening Essence for 1x Purified Titan Essence which "Synthesizes a L Legendary item appropriate for your loot spec" ........ whatever that means.
Комментарий от jrowland11
Currently, it seems like the Emissary's chests aren't dropping Wakening Essences anymore since last maintenance, not sure if that is intended or bug thoughКомментарий от klwest1113
You only need 300 to get Пробужденная эссенция титана and upgrade a Legendary that you already have. You need 1,000 to get a new Legendary with Очищенная эссенция титана.Комментарий от KissxMint
I had about 960 wakening essence. So I did two wings of ABT in LFR hoping to get 40 for a new legendary. After the first 3 bosses, I had 980 essences. The next three didn't give me any essence. I was not locked out so I don't know what happen.Комментарий от ChickenNoodles4U
The Wakening Essence is only lootable once per boss whatever the difficulty is.So if you do every boss on LFR and get Essence, then you wont be able to get Essence if you do the bosses on Normal, Heroic and so on untill after the reset
Комментарий от Giroone
Im just asking:So..with my Pally i have almost all legendaries (For all 3 talents. I'm missing 3 total:Prot Trinket+Holy Head lego+Amanthul Ofc...) Now i heard that somewhere,that if u have all legendaries for all 3 talents on 1char (crafted lego, quest lego and Amanthul doesnt counts in this), then u can get a legendary containing (accbound)Chace/Box (or whatever),that u can send to an alt, so u can open it and get a legendary for that alt for its actual spec/talent. Is that Chace/Box only another extremely rare drop, or will this work with Purified Titan Essence too? i mean having all legos will make me able to buy Purified Titan Essence like accbound and can i send it to alts?or the grind stays for the rare Chace/Box drop?... in a few week i get the answer by playing aniway but if it wont be an accbound thing and someone got some stable info about its working or not, then i wont run forit to get the last 2legos :DКомментарий от jjanchan
Below are the number of essences you can obtain from various activities:Activity | Amount of Essences | Essences per Week |
Antorus, the Burning Throne Raid Bosses | 18-36 per boss | 198-396 |
Weekly Mythic Keystone Cache | 120 | 120 |
Emissary Caches | 24-42 | 168-294 |
First Random Daily Heroic Dungeon each day | 30 | 210 |
First Random Daily Battleground win each day | 30 | 210 |
First Daily PvP Brawl win each day | 30 | 210 |
PvP Weekly Quests:Three quests are available each week (can be seen by mousing over the blue star on each bracket in the "Rated" PvP window):
| 42 per bracket | 126 |
Further notes:
- drops in all difficulties of Анторус, Пылающий Трон, LFR included.
- There is a per-boss lockout for this currency in the Antorus raid - as such, if looted from a specific boss on a particular difficulty, it cannot be looted from that boss on any other difficulty.This means clearing the raid on multiple difficulties will not provide any more s than clearing it once a week.
The you earn from the first PvP Brawl win each day is in addition to those you earn from the first Random Battleground win each day.If you participate in ALL of the above listed activities every week, you can obtain between 1,032 and 1,566 s per week (average 1,299). This will allow you to upgrade a maximum of 3-4 legendaries per week, or obtain roughly 1 new legendary per week.
- The rate of obtaining s is slightly higher in Patch 7.3.5, due to the addition of 30 essences for the first battleground win of the day and for the first PvP Brawl win of the day.
- If only participating in PvE activities, the maximum amount earnable each week is 696 to 1,020 per week.
Комментарий от Aireka
Just confirmed. Once you have all you legendary items for your character's class specs. You will start to get legendaries for other classes. Sadly, you may not have a character of the class the legendary is for. I don't have a warlock, but I did get an account bound warlock legendary item.Комментарий от Vyncent1982
Recommend that there be an update on this listing. The listing shows 'Contained In', however, all that is listed are several pieces of Dauntless Tokens and one piece of Hunter/Shaman token, which all is gear, not containers and would not be something to open an obtain the Essences from.ru.wowhead.com
Изумрудный Кошмар: сущность Силы - Задание
Комментарий от Arithawn
Don't know if this quest just came up because the raid opened today or if because I just reached Artifact Knowledge level 4....Комментарий от Windscar
It is possible to get more than one per boss in the Emerald Nightmare (0, 1 or 2).Currently you are able to loot on Normal and Heroic.
Essences do not drop in LFR and is marked as intended.
BREAKING NEWS: EMERALD NIGHTMARE RAID QUESTSWith the opening of the first wing of the Emerald Nightmare in Raid Finder difficulty this week, we wanted to mention that the quest items for Essence of Power and In Nightmares do not drop in LFR. The description for these quests will be updated with an upcoming patch and they are meant to be completed on normal difficulty or higher.
Will update the maximum amount of drops I can report/find.
- Nythendra - 2
- Elerethe - 2
- Il'gynoth - 2
- Ursoc- 2
- Emerald Dragons- 2
- Cenarius- 2
- Xavius - 2
Комментарий от Joejr82
The essence doesn't have a 100% drop chance per boss, so will take some time to gather all 30.Since the hotfix, they always drop from each boss now and can easily do this quest within one week!
Комментарий от Kimera666
I did the spider and dragon boss and not a single essence from either of them >.<Комментарий от Tadarlis
Not only does the Corrupted Essence not have a 100% chance to drop off each boss, but thusfar, it appears each boss can either drop 1 or 2.Ended up with 2/30 after a full clear of Normal, with a drop from Il'gynoth and Xavius a piece. Friend ended up with 5/30, with two dropping off of Nythendra.
Basically, looks like this is the new Titan Runestone-esque quest.
Комментарий от wowgamerpro
So can anyone tell me wtf this questline leads to? What is the end reward here?Комментарий от Keeyla
Does anyone know from beta if this can be done on LFR difficulty? (unfortunately LFR's not open on live until next week)Комментарий от tefadem
do we have the chance to collect them after the raid is locked for the week ?Комментарий от mamav
And I got 0 from full clear of normal EN... Is it some weird bad luck or it has happened to anybody else?Комментарий от Goreguttz
Does anyone know for sure by experience whether or not these will drop if you have already looted the boss for that week? I'm sure they probably don't as we have seen with past legendary-esque quests with raid drops.Surprised no has made this clear already! :/
Комментарий от LafzPyne
how do i begin this questline? i cant find itКомментарий от Roa92
And so the grind begins anew!Комментарий от nikimoney
Since lockouts are only "loot lockout" now, can you run the raid loot-locked and progress on this quest?Комментарий от Tantypops
I cleared EN N first and killed Nythendra on heroic this week. From normal I had 4 and got 2 more from Nyth H, so I think all modes have their separate lockout for this quest item as well.Комментарий от Rominiust
Might need confirmation, but nobody in my LFR group got any Essence from the first 3 bosses in my run just then. Although nobody could get Deathglare Iris from In Nightmares either, so it may or may not be a bug.Комментарий от BlizzardCS
Hello all,We just wanted to clarify that this quest cannot be completed in LFR; it can only be completed on normal or higher difficulties, and this is working as intended.
Additional commentary was recently offered here:
It is intentional that the quests “In Nightmares” and “Essence of Power” cannot be completed on Raid Finder difficulty. That quest chain is intended to provide a cosmetic reward for participating in organized, non-matchmade content. As such, we wanted to keep this step in line with the previous steps in the chain, which require completing Mythic Dungeons.
This restriction is specific to this quest chain, which has a cosmetic-only reward. Other quest chains, such as “The Stuff of Dreams” from the Suramar campaign, will be completable through Raid Finder. We’ll be making some additional changes in Patch 7.1 to more clearly communicate when and where these restrictions apply.
Комментарий от Averagejoedirt
Does not drop in LFR which for those of us who can't sit and play this game for hours on end, or hope to get accepted into a group is BS. I have 2 jobs and a family, I use this game as an escape from those responsibilities. At most I get an hour and a half to play a day, which most raiding guilds look for active players for multiple hours. This expac is awesome but this ruins it for me personally. Back to another 2 year hiatus if not more for me.Комментарий от Cropz
I do hope everyone realizes all this quest rewards at the end is an Artifact Appearance, you're not losing anything by not being able to complete this in LFR, there are multiple other appearances gated behind PvP or other activities that you'll probably not get as well, and I don't see outrage about those.Комментарий от Araxom
Additional commentary was recently offered here:It is intentional that the quests “In Nightmares” and “Essence of Power” cannot be completed on Raid Finder difficulty. That quest chain is intended to provide a cosmetic reward for participating in organized, non-matchmade content. As such, we wanted to keep this step in line with the previous steps in the chain, which require completing Mythic Dungeons.
This restriction is specific to this quest chain, which has a cosmetic-only reward. Other quest chains, such as “The Stuff of Dreams” from the Suramar campaign, will be completable through Raid Finder. We’ll be making some additional changes in Patch 7.1 to more clearly communicate when and where these restrictions apply.
Комментарий от BlackLeviathan99
... so it is an optional story quest? because i think it be pointless for those whove already trasmoged artifacts to other looks (like me) to do then if it is only cosmeticКомментарий от humankillerz
so like legion runestones, do you get more in heroic then normal? i remember it was way more comment to get tons per boss in heroic then it was in normal.so is heroic better to get your stones in? or can you get stones by clearing normal then clearing heroic as well? or are they locked once gotten?
Комментарий от Wizzierules11
Just adding a link to the reward for this chain as it was annoying to find - Улучшение знаний по историиКомментарий от beatforce
I just rerolled from being a DH tank to a druid healer. And Im having troubles getting this quest on my druid, is there anything I need to do before this, to get it in Aszuna?Комментарий от Silkdad
Does anyone know what is between completion of this quest and the "Balance of Power" quest that ultimately gives you the artifact appearance?After 2 weeks of full clears, I have 6/30. figuring it will take (probably) about 8 more weeks to get to 30/30.
Wondering if maybe we have to wait for the next raid to open and do something similar to get to "Balance of Power"?
Комментарий от Calda
I'd just like to provide some more stats: My first week I got 10 Essences (Full normal clear + Dragons H)Second week was 3 (Full normal clear + First 5 Heroic)
This week, so far, I've gotten 6, with Full normal clear and Dragons/Nythendra on H.
Meaning there is still hope for everyone to get it this/next week. However the drops seem extremely varied
Комментарий от Dreins
I just finished this quest. After handling the 30 essences, you'll receive a quick quest that awards an AP item (2375 @AK 7) and Kalecgos asks you to meet him at Shal'Aran.The following quest requires revered with the Nightfallen. You need to buy an item that costs 125g at exalted, then you finally receive 3 more mythic dungeon quests, which I couldn't find in wowhead at the time I wrote this post:Literary Perfection (Court of Stars)Rite of the Captain (Arcway)Borrowing without asking (Vault of the Wardens)
They all require an item found in the dungeon and to defeat the final boss, should be simple. I'll update this post once I finish them.
PS: for those wondering, it took me 18 heroic and 19 normal kills to get the 30 essences. Proof: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/character/1008266/latest/
Комментарий от artog
Next quest in the chain is Essential Consumption.After that Repaid Debt takes you to Shal'Aran in Suramar.There you get Lost Knowledge that have you get Scroll of Elun'dris, which requires revered with The Nightfallen.
After completeion of this you get three different quest to complete three different mythic dungeons:
Комментарий от sharpnova
Is there any reason, other than elitism, that no one has mentioned which wing(s) you get the items from?Комментарий от ResoLite
One thing worth noting about these drops is that if you miss out on an essence drop off a boss on normal mode, you do get another chance at it on heroic mode. My raid team completed Nythendra on norm at the start of a raid night last week; no corrupted essence drop. Towards the end of the same raid night we ran heroic mode nyth, who did drop an essence for me.Whether this means you just get another chance at an essence drop if you missed out on a drop from your norm kill, or that you can get two sets of essence drops off the same boss (one from norm and one from heroic) i'm not sure. Also not sure if this is 'working as intended'.
Potentially this works for mythic mode too, i.e. you miss out on norm, then miss out on heroic, then get a third chance on mythic mode. However I have not raided mythic so again can't verify this.
Комментарий от Wowsucksnowadays
Many of the ideas of the new wow is bull$%^& along with this quest chain, god damn they must be synical.Комментарий от Wowsucksnowadays
People say well "rng is rng" but that doesn't excuse at all the low prog occurance at any givin interval, which never sticks with their "%" chance they tell the player. Normaly you would observe then estimate %, now we get % and have to observe if it fits occurance, and it never does. 90% for the players succes is 50% at best, while 10% for an npc would be 50% too. And when it comes to RNG no !@#$ing machine can make conscious decision. They have just preset the occurance. So 5 out of 10 should be 50%, but again theoretically if their scale is like 500 out of 1000, and it is the last 500 of the thousands you would still have to do it 501 times to get it, and it would still be 50% chance, you would just have to do somehting a thousand times for it to actually be 50% for you, but in their program its 50%, even though it would be of no relevance to the player.So with corrupted essence the drop chance could be 50%, but its estimated out of a 1000, then they can say whatever % and make it drop at any giving rate and it seems random. random in computer games just means a predetermined order you dont know? its still fixed as @#$% ffs. RNG has really ruined that game.
Комментарий от Wowsucksnowadays
People say well "rng is rng" but that doesn't excuse at all the low prog occurance at any givin interval, which never sticks with their "%" chance they tell the player. Normaly you would observe then estimate %, now we get % and have to observe if it fits occurance, and it never does. 90% for the players succes is 50% at best, while 10% for an npc would be 50% too. And when it comes to RNG no &*!@ing machine can make conscious decision. They have just preset the occurance. So 5 out of 10 should be 50%, but again theoretically if their scale is like 500 out of 1000, and it is the last 500 of the thousands you would still have to do it 501 times to get it, and it would still be 50% chance, you would just have to do somehting a thousand times for it to actually be 50% for you, but in their program its 50%, even though it would be of no relevance to the player.So with corrupted essence the drop chance could be 50%, but its estimated out of a 1000, then they can say whatever % and make it drop at any giving rate and it seems random. random in computer games just means a predetermined order you dont know? its still fixed as $%^& ffs. RNG has really ruined that game.
Комментарий от theredsox
A lot of people in my raid group have this quest, but I still do not have it. It says it starts at Senegos, but he does not have that quest for me. A poster says it's from your class hall with unknown requirements. Does anyone know for sure what the requirements are for this? I'm exalted with nightfallen and well into revered on everything else, no order hall quests left, have both the normal and heroic quests for cenarius. I have a quest from Senegos, but its to do mythic eye.Комментарий от Fkhimagain
I mean WTF man blizzard how can you do this? Making 4 Diffrint (colors) Weapon appearances Locked by 1 fking achievement that not cant be completed until next year when NH is gonna be released how the fking hell can you make poeple wait that long for so much afford that they make FIX this its getting boring looking to the same Artifact for months and its taking away the lust to game !Комментарий от Rasengam
Took me "only" 36 Normal kills and 33 Heroic kills. Gotta love RNGКомментарий от Kukiel
Do I lose the entire quest chain if I change my faction to the Horde?I know all current progress on the quest is lost, but I want to know if I'd lose the entire quest chain.Thank you!Комментарий от Ceresc
I find it incredibly disheartening to have 16 kills and 0 (zero) essences. At this point in the tier, it seems a bit exaggerated :/Комментарий от rajtantajtan
Completing the quest leads to Поглощение сущности, which rewards you with a decent amount of Artifact Power. At Artifact Knowledge level 14, I received roughly 47k AP.Комментарий от Eillesthis
Previous: Ясность силыParallel: Изумрудный Кошмар: в Кошмаре
Комментарий от Firestar1111
shame the drop rate is so piss, have done EN every week still only have 9.... all well guess wont be gettin this skinКомментарий от tvl1234
do they still drop when you are saved? cos they are not in the loot table and nobody mentioned anything about itКомментарий от Iceleaf
"Each of these fiends carry within them corrupted essence, as Oakheart did, but far more potent. Gather all that you can, and we will turn their corruption against them."
Fool me once..well, jokes on me I guess
Комментарий от Vintus
Anyone noticed an increased drop rate on these since the 17th? Or was I just lucky? I got 7 total just from normal mode.Комментарий от Hsgames
Might be asking a dumb question but can you multi run N/H En runs to get the Essences or is it like loot...Once you kill you are locked out for that type per week?Комментарий от ModishVision
Turn in is at the Azurewing Refuge, in Azsuna 48.4 , 28I was so frustrated nobody mentioned it.. so here you go.
Комментарий от Foxies
IntroductionThis quest is part of a comment-size guide for "Balance of Power." questline. Quests are pretty much self-explanatory and all it takes is some time and good will to complete them. Completing this questline rewards Artifact Appearance (Appearance 3, Tint 1).Part 1Image of Kalec appears in your Order Hall and gives you the following quest:The Power Within (Meet Archmage Kalec at Azurewing Repose in Azsuna.)Reasons behind appearance of Archmage Kalec in your Class Order Hall are not yet completely understood but most people noticed him few days after they completed their Class Campaign.
Part 2From there you take a next quest from Senegos:The Heart of Zin-Azshari (Retrieve the Heart of Zin-Azshari and defeat the Wrath of Azshara in the Eye of Azshara on Mythic difficulty.)
Part 3After completing the previous quests you receive a few new quests (exactly 3: two from Senegos and one from Archmage Kalec).Senegos: A Vainglorious Past (Obtain a Vainglorious Draught from Veridis Fallon.)- You can purchase Vainglorious Draught from Veridis Fallon in Crumbled Palace in Azsuna for 150g (Requirement: Court of Farondis - Honored).
Fallen Power (Recover a Corrupted Essence from Oakheart and defeat the Shade of Xavius in Darkheart Thicket on Mythic difficulty.)
Archmage Kalec: Tempering Darkness (Obtain 30 Blood of Sargeras.)Should not be a problem since by the time you get that quest and if you did not spend any Blood of Sargeras you should have some stacked up simply by completing Dungeons and World Quests.
Part 4Archmage Kalec:Lucid Strength (Absorb the power from the Corrupted Essence using the Heart of Zin-Azshari.)Right next to you.
Part 5Senegos:The Wisdom of Patience (Await the opening of The Emerald Nightmare, then report back to Senegos in Azsuna.)
Part 6Archmage Kalec: In Nightmares (Obtain a Deathglare Iris and the Horn of the Nightmare Lord from The Emerald Nightmare.) NOTE: NOT doable with LFR. It has to be Normal difficulty or higher. In order to complete this quest you need to kill 2 bosses: Il'gynoth and Xavius and loot mentioned quest items.
Senegos: Essence of Power (Collect 30 Corrupted Essence from The Emerald Nightmare.) This quest gave me a weird WoD and Khadgar flashback. NOT doable with LFR. Only Normal or higher difficulty. Essences do not have a 100% drop rate and bosses can drop 1-2 3 Corrupted Essences at the time.
Part 7Senegos:Essential Consumption (Absorb the combined power of the Corrupted Essences using the Heart of Zin-Azshari.)Right next to you.
Part 8Archmage Kalec:Repaid Debt (Meet Archmage Kalec in the Shal'Aran in Suramar.)
Part 9Thalrenus Rivertree:Lost Knowledge (Obtain the Scroll of Elun'dris from First Arcanist Thalyssra.)- Costs 120g. Requirement: The Nightfallen - Revered).
Part 10Thalrenus Rivertree: Borrowing Without Asking (Recover a Containment Crystal from the Vault of the Wardens on Mythic difficulty.)
Syrana Starweaver: Rite of the Captain (Take Advisor Vandros' Eon Winder from The Arcway on Mythic difficulty.)
Lothrius Mooncaller: Literary Perfection (Find Lothrius' first edition copy of "Wards, Sigils, and the Nightborne Way" in the Court of Stars on Mythic difficulty.)
Part 11Syrana Starweaver:Twisted Power (Use a Greater Portal Stone to summon Vizuul the Twisted at the Altar of End Times in Faronaar and collect his runebindings.)
Part 12Syrana Starweaver:A True Test (Absorb the power from the Twisted Runebindings using the Heart of Zin-Azshari.)Right next to you.
Part 13Archmage Kalec:Seeking the Valkyra (Seek out Ashildir at the Vault of Eyir in Stormheim.)
Part 14Ashildir:The Mark (Prove your worth to the Valarjar, then receive the Mark of the Valkyra from Eyir.)
Part 15Ashildir:Retrieving the Svalnguard (Retrieve the Svalnguard and defeat Helya in the Maw of Souls on Mythic difficulty.)
Part 16Ashildir: A Feast Fit for Odyn (Acquire flank meat from Thunderhoof in Stormheim, Spinesever's spine in Highmountain, and a steak from Leytusk in Azsuna.)
Presentation is Key (Retrieve 4 Adamantium Casing Scraps and defeat Dargrul the Underking in Neltharion's Lair on Mythic difficulty.)
Part 17Ashildir:Odyn's Blessing (Obtain Odyn's blessing in the Halls of Valor on Heroic or Mythic difficulty.)- Use Grand Feast of Valhallas when you enter the dungeon - at the start. You can enter the dungeon alone, put the feast down, get out and then get a group to defeat Odyn and get his blessing. After you defeat him wait for him to finish his speech (RP) and then you can collect his blessing on the loot chest.
Part 18Archmage Kalec:Planning the Assault (Await the opening of the Nighthold, then meet Archmage Kalec in Shal'Aran.)
Part 19Archmage Kalec: Into the Nighthold (Collect 20 Nightshards from the Nighthold on Normal difficulty or higher.)- Try and complete this quest without killing Gul'dan because if you kill him before acquiring The Nighthold: Darkness Calls quest in Part 20 he won't drop quest item for you this week and you'll need to wait for a next reset to complete The Nighthold: Darkness Calls quest in Part 20.
Thalrenus Rivertree: The Nighthold: Delusions of Grandeur (Collect the core of Trilliax and Grand Magistrix Elisande's Millennia Tome in the Nighthold on Normal difficulty or higher.)
Part 20Archmage Kalec:The Nighthold: Darkness Calls (Bring one Gul'dan's eyes to Archmage Kalec on Normal difficulty or higher.)
Part 21Archmage Kalec:Balance of Power (Absorb the combined power of the Nightshards and the Eye of Gul'dan using the Heart of Zin-Azshari at the Lunar Crucible.)
Congratulations on completing this questline and acquiring new Artifact Appearance. Enjoy!Foxies, over and out.
Комментарий от Einsteinwv
Is this going to be revamped at all now that balance of power is going to be required for flying?They have always said it will be a cosmetic only thing, but legion flying is more then a cosmetic thing, and with this still not dropping on LFR and a horrible drop rate people who took a break are at a huge disadvantage for flying.
Комментарий от quarny
With the recent hotfix the bosses always drop between 1-3 , also you can get a new item called Сущность злобы which contains 5.Комментарий от 9361984
If you get Сущность злобы before you receive this quest, mind that opening the item will yield you nothing at all, it simply disappears, wait until you are actually on the quest.Комментарий от Jorvalt
Does the corrupted essence no longer drop on more than one difficulty per week? I went through Heroic EN only to be at 29/30 corrupted essence, then did Normal and didn't get even a single essence.Комментарий от Dravenor
It seems like they have raised the drop rate significantly. I did my first run some months back and I got 5. I ran it again today, and I got 30.Комментарий от angimal68
If the content isn't BRAND NEW, then these kids are NOT going to want to do it. When Blizzard decides to throw another expansion pack at us and all of this content is basically obsolete then what is the point in making it all interlocking? You MUST quest to raid/dungeon or you MUST raid/dungeon to quest seems like a foot-stomping, temper-tantrum throwing attempt by some graphics developer to get more people to see their stuff. And making achievements that solely follow this concept is not allowing room for future players because there is going to be NO ONE to run what will soon be old content. Already the kids are doing mythic+ and finding normal raid groups or dungeon groups is getting to be impossible. Why would someone run for 825 gear when their character is wearing 890+? LFR fills the need to get random players together who actually are just now building their characters or working on alts and it would be GREAT if random quest junk that we have to gather was included in this. Gathering 80 Lingering Soul Fragments on a one-by-one basis in mythic or heroic dungeons or gathering 30 Corrupted Essence is straight up BS if it isn't your main or you have a character that doesn't do great in raids or dungeons. Not exactly thrilled with being told I MUST do something in order to get my character non-sucky gear only to try to join a group and get kicked because they've already got the gear and turn their nose up at those of us who have actually got the Insurrection storyline completed or play more casually that the average sugar junky kid. Doesn't make us BAD players, makes us different players and we feel like Blizzard is punishing that.Комментарий от NoIexion
You are only able to loot the Оскверненная сущность once a week per boss regardless of difficulty.You will NOT be able to loot this item when killing the same boss on a different difficulty on the same week where you have already received this item.
Комментарий от The8th
Got mine from a LFR run and handed them into Senegos with no probsPerhaps Blizz have relentedКомментарий от Channelle
Don't know if I was either lucky or the drop rate is really high right now, but I only needed to do (less than) 2 full runs to get 30x Оскверненная сущность for the quest.You also get Сущность злобы frequently from bosses, which contains even more Оскверненная сущность. For me it was always 5, but I read people saying they got another amount.Комментарий от kimmuryiel
anyone know if the item is still only out of normal and higher as of 7.2? I really would like to get it on more than my main (and her only if I manage to stomach a pug for that long.)Комментарий от oplix
I easily did this in a pickup group. stop complaining.Комментарий от Magus2002
Just as a heads up for someone who might've gone for this quest a few months ago and became disheartened due to only 1 or 2 items from a full clear.. I got only 1 from a full clear 5 months back, went at it again today post-7.2, got TWENTY items, in one full Normal clear. So yeah they definitively buffed this :)Комментарий от gottabethebest1
I don't know what is happening, if my RNG is legitimately bad or what, but I just cleared a full Heroic in a group and I didn't get a single Essence? A possible reason could be that I had cleared Normal difficulty two days ago, but that was before I picked up the quest (I picked up the quest tonight). After getting the quest, I got right into a great pug group, ran through the whole place. I kept waiting for a drop, but nothing? Then I come here and people are saying the drop rate was increased?Was it because I had already run Normal this week? That doesn't make sense to me, since I hadn't picked up the quest when I cleared on Normal. I still got regular loot from Heroic, so why not Essences? My RNG cannot be that bad.
Комментарий от ChessieTiger
Hey all! I just ran EN normal and was able to go from 0 to 25 in that one run. So it IS POSSIBLE to get them in one run, RNG was on my side. I was with others who were not getting any drops. Or only got one from one boss.Good luck!
Комментарий от Dyzdaemar
Did Emerald Nightmare LFR got 23 essence. Completed norm and heroic EN and it said I had 30 essence at the end of heroic. I had also looted Horn of the Nightmare Lord which completed another quest I had there and turned that in fine but when I tried to hand in the Essence of Power quest it now says I have only 23 essence and it will not let me complete it..Комментарий от PlebTM
Ran Normal and got 24 essence, ran heroic right after and did not get a single one. I don't thing you can rerun higher difficulty and get more, one run only.Комментарий от Rapunzel11828
21/30 on Heroic. Guess they've increased the drop rate. They must have because I usually do not have any kind of luck whatsoever. ;)Комментарий от RewindDB
Just got exactly 30 in one normal EN run. Most bosses gave 5 each.Комментарий от LauraJayne
So, another quest i cant complete cuz i dont do normal raids, and only LFR. This is so unfair, they're forcing us to do somethin we dont want to, to continue with our artifact, complete bullsh*tКомментарий от DonStronk
Done this quest chain 6 times now, on every run i was left at 28 or 29/30 essences, truly infuriating to get cucked at 99% simply because blizz loves to troll, just raise the damn droprate to 100% already, it's bad enough we have to run every single awful legion dungeon :/Комментарий от Semavi
Don't know if they buffed this but, when i did it during 7.2 or something i had to do it in 2 weeks but today i got 2-3-5-5-5-5-5=30 in a single run, not sure if lucky or they changed it.Комментарий от Sambucca
As I get the whole understanding as it must be a regular raid and not LFR. Time constraints on many people does cause this questline to be slightly outdated with new content incoming. You really should release it to LFR as it will become useless soon. Im just saying.Комментарий от DraethDarkstar
There are several tertiary requirements that you'll need to meet to be able to progress along the Balance of Power quest chain at various points. You can and should work towards completing these as soon as possible if you want to complete the quest chain quickly. If you wait to pursue these objectives until you're forced to by a quest, you'll increase your total time required to complete this chain significantly, as, especially in the case of Reputations, progression is time gated.In the order they become relevant, they are:- Complete your Order Hall Campaign through Славная кампания, Закаленный для битвы, and Дополнительный защитник. This is required for Kalec to appear in your Order Hall and offer Скрытая мощь. It usually takes him 1-3 days after you've done this to appear.
- Complete the "Behind Legion Lines" quest objective of Азсуна Матата, beginning with В гущу боя and ending with Темные откровения to unlock and then complete the "Defending Azurewing Repose" quest objective of Азсуна Матата, beginning with Путешествие к Покою and ending with Конец голода in Azsuna. This is required before you can turn in Скрытая мощь to begin the Balance of Power chain in earnest.
- Earn Honored Reputation with the Двор Фарондиса. This is required to purchase the Зелье тщеславия from Веридий Фэллон for Былое тщеславие. This is the last tertiary objective you'll need to have done before you can begin Emerald Nightmare for your 30 Оскверненная сущность for Изумрудный Кошмар: сущность Силы. which will take you at least two raids to do unless you are extremely lucky.
- Complete the "Nightfall" quest objective of Помрачены, но не забыты, beginning with Открытие Кадгара and ending with Жаждущие магии, then complete Шал'Аран to unlock and then complete the "Moon Guard Stronghold" quest objective of Добрый сурамаритянин, beginning with Эта битва – не для них and Судьба Лунных стражей, and ending with Последний рубеж Лунных стражей in Suramar. This is required before you can complete Выплаченный долг and progress the Suramar portion of the quest chain.
- Earn Revered Reputation with Помраченные. This is required to purchase the Свиток Элун'дри from Первая чародейка Талисра for Утраченное знание which you'll need to do as soon as you begin the Suramar portion of the quest chain.
- Earn Revered Reputation with the Валарьяры to prove your worth to Eyir and receive the Mark of the Valkyra for Метка in Stormheim. This is the last tertiary objective you'll need to complete, and is required before you can progress the Stormheim portion of the quest chain.
Lastly, while not a requirement, it is recommended that if you manage to collect all of the Осколок Ночного Колодца for Цитадель Ночи: начало before you kill Gul'dan, that you return to Shal'Aran as soon as you have them and Цитадель Ночи: мания величия completed, because you will not be able to loot the Око Гул'дана during the same week for the next and final quest, Цитадель Ночи: зов тьмы, if you have already killed him.
Заменитель сущности - Предмет - World of Warcraft
Комментарий от Bwgmon
Looks like those Beast Masters who didn't want to have a Skoll lookalike following them everywhere can rest easy now.Комментарий от Gigabear
Thank you for this Blizz!Now I can finally bring forth my massive army of ridiculously oversized devilsaurs!
Disclaimer: use of huge pet army not recommended in instances or raiding.
Комментарий от spinnerdh
YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS! I am so happy! This is probably my number one request for hunters in Legion, dual pets! I know Hati was already sort of a dual pet, especially now that BW and KC will affect her, but being able to transmogrify her to be like any of your other pets is just icing on the cake! Especially since you will be able to use ANY pet you want without having to worry about the buffs they bring!Thank you Blizzard!
Комментарий от Tigronn
thank you blizzard, didn't think they'd listen to this from all thing but hey!Комментарий от llegrow
Question now is.... Where is this found and what do I have to give to get it?Комментарий от ChickNourish
"will instantly matyh your pet's" - typo :)Комментарий от Verenda
Does as the tooltip says; changes Hati (companion wolf from Titanstrike artifact) to look like your current pet. This is pretty good as you can now customize a bit more and not be just another hunter with a Hati next to you. I personally like to have mine as a green core hound, but each to their own! Enjoy!Комментарий от lanilani26
Now, the big question is, How do I return Hati to his original look?Комментарий от Eye4get56
I leveled my hunter to 110 three days into the beta. BM spec and no Essence Swapper quest. Can't find quest giver. Suggestions?Комментарий от PunterHunter
this Item is the Reward of the Quest Новое изобретение from Проекция Мимирона in Trueshot Lodge available after reaching 110, the item itself has infinite uses, and Hati is permanently changed to that form, speaking to Mimiron again after using the item will offer a dialog option "Mimiron, I miss Hati's old look, can you change it back?" which will revert Hati to the lightning wolf model(the color is based of which appearance you are using) will appear at a holopad to the right of your Scouting Table, beside the weekly Mythic+ chest and will only appear if approached in Beast Mastery Specialization.the quest requires you collect the following:Сущность чистого духа, from Стремящийся к морю мистик in HighmountainБезупречное перо гарпии, from Stoneblood Harpies in Val'sharahОтражающая чешуйка, from Hatecoil Naga in AzsunaШтормовая железа, from Взрослый шквальный охотник and Неистовый шквальный охотник in Stormheim
-Edited- thanks adorabull for the input-
Комментарий от Spitzem
I am super thrilled about this item and I am very pleased it's a thing. Don't get me wrong though, I think Hati is very cool but like others who would feel obligated to get Skoll to have the matching set I am really glad i can customise it and be unique so that i'm not one with millions of Hati wolves running aroundCan you also change Hati's name though? That would make me even happier. I get that there is lore and reason behind it but I would honestly just prefer to have a second pet entirely of my choosing or preference.
Комментарий от Boomsniped
Does anyone know of a way to revert Hati to the original look?Комментарий от thomashrb
Took me a while but I finally managed to complete the quest and use it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5glqOuw_iYКомментарий от Demonface
Once Hati has been given a new look she still retains the visual lightning effect which is pretty cool. Thankfully the constant electricity crackling sound is gone which is the main reason I wanted to get this item.It's also infinitely reusable.
Комментарий от Digsu
In case you somehow manage to lose your Essence Swapper, you can go back to Mimiron's image and ask him for another one.Комментарий от purenrgy
Edit: This was hotfixed Sept 13th and no longer works. Hati reverts to his original skin if you try it.How to get the Demon Skin (see screenshot)
If you have the swapper and want to get the Demon skin that looks like the old Warlock metamorphosis then you need to do the following (before they hot fix it).
1. Go to Orgrimmar2. Go out side to the cave near the docks. (Coord 53, 9)3. Make sure you have your pet out and go inside the cave.4. Kill the mobs in there by standing very close to them. You will get a poison buff.5. After a couple kills your pet will turn into the Demon.6. Use Essence Swapper. Win.
7. Like this comment. :)
Some notes about the Essence Swapper.1. You can use it multiple times. There is no limit.2. If you lose it, just go back to Mimiron's Image and get a new one.3. Once you use it you can not currently get the original Hati skin back (as far as I know of).
Комментарий от Doublez
Essence Swapper can be used multiple times.... is not a one shot thing...so don't worry to much deciding.Комментарий от darkfalcon09
Still no word of if we can change Haiti back to normal. However, you might hop over to Stormheim and tame Вожак стаи кровавых ловцов.The lightning effect Haiti comes with covers up some of the lost effects, so it should be passable until we get a fix.
Комментарий от Spaceberry
This is super fun to play around with. Like the Demon-skin mentioned below.Here´s another thing you can do;
Go into a duel with a mage and let it polymorph your main pet into one of the different polymorph critters available, while you channel the Essence Swapper and youll have a permanent critter pet.
The pig is super cute when it fights and is perfect for that "farmer look".Might want to go for the rare "baby" turtle if you want to stand out tho.
Also works with hex, (Snake, Frog, Cockroach)End of tip.
Комментарий от Renderos
You can get some ridiculous appearances like a baby murloc, lasher, warlock's metamorphosis or leper gnome :)Комментарий от thesamon
By using a discombobulator Ray, I have now my own Leper gnome pet who obeys his gnome masters every command. Please, for the love of god, don't change this item because it's fun!Комментарий от Aralnda
You CAN NOT change hati back to its original form after use. This has been in beta forums for a while now. Blizz never fixed. If enough of us tweet/complain then maybe they will fix this.Комментарий от Kurasu
When Hati is transformed, it causes him to have *all* the sound effects of the pet that you would normally have. This means that things like roaring devilsaurs, heavy turtle footfalls, flapping bird/bat wings, slobber-roaring cats, snarling and arguing hydra heads, and of course howling wolves will be duplicated as well.Be prepared for that, if you transform him into a pet that has ambient noises. It can become quite noisy!
Комментарий от ztshield
After the cursed sailor transformed hati into one of the cursed he was changed back to his original form when the debuff ended, so if anyone wants the original hati look back i think this is the way to get it for nowКомментарий от SpectralMurloc
I saw someone with Hati changed into a Murloc. HOW? Does anyone know?Комментарий от Bolthamos
When used on the teroclaw pets (such as Kil'uun) Hati will grow to TWICE your character's size. I'm not sure if this is a tauren scaling issue or the pet itself but it's certianly a sight to see!(The warlock demon was also very large. Other pets may have this bug but I can only confirmed teroclaw!)
Комментарий от applebear
For those looking to use this to get the baby murloc...wish for luck and hold onto patience. The murloc you are looking for is in Howling Ford //Оракул Стылой Межи/chillmere-oracle#abilities . You want the oracles.I had my pet go stand on one, then slowly kite it to the next cluster...grab one there and then went to one more cluster. Killed the ones that weren't oracles there and ended up getting two more that spawned. I had 4 by then end all beating on my pet.
After that, I just kept spamming the essence swapper. Since your pet is so high in level, they miss a lot and it can be a little time consuming and a lot of it is just pure luck on getting it at the same time they change your pet into a murloc . If he turns way before your timer on the swapper is up, they will aggro on you-no worries, just FD and they will go back to your pet. Also stand back a bit, as every so often they will ice you and that will interrupt the spell.
Took me about a half hour, maybe a tad more....so not all that bad. I suspect Blizz will either nerf this or just let it run it's course, since Hati is connected to your gun?
Until whichever, enjoy...he's worth the effort. lol Good luck!
PS BEEN HOTFIXED...my cute little murloc was gone today and I'm assuming it is the same with all the other unique skins people have found. Just wanted to make sure to note this, so no one wastes their time on it.
Комментарий от toxsick
For those of you trying to change it to a demon, undead, or skulking hulk.Its been hotfixed for atleast the demon. I havent been able to test the others.
Комментарий от iceth
I changed my Hati back to its original look accidentally. My original purpose was to achieve that favorite demon form on Hati.- First go to the cave near the harbor outside the Orgrimmar. - Attack humanoid mobs in there to stack 5 of poisons.- Your pet will look like a demon form.- Use Essence Swapper and make Hati look like that demon.
But when I relog my character next day my Hati was back to its original look. I hope it works for you guys who want to change it back to its original look.
Комментарий от dillybar
Had something odd happen today.Was doing Mythic Mogu'shan, and as I finished up on Elegon, something happened that changed my pet back to Hati's original appearance.
So just an FYI, not sure how it happened, also not sure if it happens everytime, or even if it was because of that boss, but something removed the pet appearance back to Hati's original look.
Комментарий от Luxking
There have been 1some reports of players having thier Hati skin reset back to its original form after the latest patch. This mainly happens if thier skin was changed to a non-beast swap such as the Meta-Locks and pre-cata worgen models.Mine personally was the Troll berserker model that could be used from Sunken Temple, which also reset after a feign death randomly.
I went to re-swap back to the model I used, only to find that my pet becomes an invalid target once it is changed, but if you cast the swap before your pets model changes to the model you want it still works and the swap will change your Hati to whatever you wanted.
I am unsure if it will reset again and also unsure if this method still works with the other special models besides the one I used
Комментарий от adorabull
I had used the swapper for a couple of days and most recently to a quillen. When I logged on this afternoon Hati was back to his original look. That is cool with me. I can use it and it resets.Комментарий от Suej
Sep 14th ninja hotfix removed the possibility to turn Hati into a Demon Form Warlock, a Murloc, and anything that isn't a regular (or exotic) pet skinКомментарий от Verenda
You can no longer use this item to transform your Hati into a polymorphed skin, such as demon form, murloc, undead, etc. If you do, it will automatically transform back into a wolf form. Thank you Blizzard for once again taking away the fun.Комментарий от GRISDUNNR
I don't know what they actually fixed, but today I logged in and Hati was back to the original appearance. Finally! I'll definitely not going to use the essence swapper again until I'm 100% sure that the bug is gone D:Комментарий от Undreadll
September 14 hotfix information from https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/20252902/hotfixes-september-14Hunter
Hati will now reset appearance to the default blue wolf form the first time summoned.
Developers’ Notes: Due to a bug, some hunters had Hati transform with the Essence Swapper into appearances that are unintended. A fix has been made for this to prevent future issues, but to get rid of any unintended appearances that players may already have, Hati’s appearance will be reverted to the default blue wolf when first summoned, and should retain any appearance changes thereafter. The Essence Swapper will continue to allow you to change Hati’s appearance to match that of your currently active hunter pet.
Комментарий от Oomie
Beware! Read that they fixed hati and decided to give the essence swapper a try. I was under the impression with the hotfix that the first time you summon hati after you log in, or equip your artifact she will be normal, thus reseting her.Oh how wrong I was. Nothing I do resets hati back to normal. Super bummed.
Комментарий от Ezzare
If anyone was wondering, this item copies pet transparencies as well. If you use the swapper on a pet like disembodied jormungar or snort, Hati will become transparent to match them. Electricity effects remain unchanged, however.Комментарий от Gorlath
If used on a crab pet, for example, you will not be able to use Заточка для краба on Hati.He will not count as a crab and I now regret using the swapper on him.
Комментарий от caedafera
Found a way to currently turn Hati back to normal.I've tried dueling someone with Polymorph/Hex, but that only reverts Hati temporarily. With this method so far it hasn't reverted back into any previous pet forms so this is what needs to be done:
Find someone to go along with you, you're going to need someone as a trigger-man essentially. Go to the cave in Durotan by the docks that have the Orcs with the demon blood. Stand far, away, and have your pets both stand on top of an orc on passive. Once they are standing, have your trigger-man attack and kill the orc. The pets will get a stack of the demon blood. Repeat this three more times for four stacks.
On the fifth stack, have the trigger-man pause before they kill the fifth orc. Start your cast with the Essence Swapper, and when it's about halfway done, have the trigger-man kill the orc. On the fifth death, your pet and Hati will both attempt to turn into Demons. However, with the hotfix Hati can no longer do this. Hati will turn back into the blue wolf.
I've hearthed (which is what turned Hati back into the previous pet before), and Hati was still the crackling blue wolf. Considering I had him turned into a polymorphed creature prior to this attempt, I think that the old skin has stuck.
I will update if anything changes.
Комментарий от DivineNight
You know I think they could have an easy fix for this. 3 easy fixes.- Why not change the essence swapper to a buff you know a on and off feature. when its turned on it copies the skin of whatever pet you had out at the time You used it and then when you use it again instead of doing the same thing it turns off the skin so you have to use it a 3rd time to reapply the new skin.
- Or make it so that Thorim always has Hati beside him as I am sure he does and if you fly over there click on hati and Use the essence swapper it will copy the skin. But only on Hati will it work like that.
- Finally, why not introduce a special quest to acquire him as a pet. I know they did something similar for Gara. That if you did the quest line to get him. and abandoned him by mistake and wanted him back. Well the quest will not be available anymore so they brought out a special version of him that only people who have previously tamed him can reacquire him,
Comment away guys if Blizz see this maybe this will give them their answer.
Комментарий от bazzyl
It was killing me not beeing able to go back to original look... Then I found a solutoin! I have made a video how to revert Hati's look - https://youtu.be/DV36mrKEcwsHope I helped :)Комментарий от Kaerfemagsh
How do i get the troll berserker look? is it still possible?Комментарий от Sarthorius
You can turn Hati into a Saurok too. Go to the Isle of Thunder, into Ihgaluk Crag... exactly, the area where you got turned into a saurok, and your pet into either a mini saurok or a blob, a roach, among other things.Just keep attacking the sauroks in the area to reset the transformation on your pet, or just make him use any non-attacking ability (like Хождение по воде), that he'll turn to his normal form, while he is not turned into any of the above IMMEDIATELY USE THE ITEM ON HIM, while channelling, watch if he turned into a saurok, if not you may cancel the channel and repeat with either sending him to attack or reuse any ability... rinse.
The fact that you need to channel while he's in normal form, is that you cannot start using the item on your pet while he's transformed into a saurok, but if you are ALREADY CHANNELLING ON HIM when he turns into a saurok, you win. :D
This strat may work with the demon too. Blizz should allow us to use that one, since the pet doesn't turn into a damn big demon, eitherway, you can use the diminish pet glyph, as I did, and still got a not so big demon Hati around.
Комментарий от Hallevelen
This is how I changed Hati back to Hati. I went to the cave next to Orgimmar. Killed orcs til I got 5 stacks of the debuff that made Hati & my mana saber into demons. After the debuff wears off, Hati takes it's original form. Easy.Комментарий от angeldefury
I just saw someone with a Hati that had a Val'kyr appearance, anyone know how to obtain this? Must of slipped through the cracks in regards to hotfixesКомментарий от Taylynn
As a side note, I leveled as survival. When I hit 110 and went back to Trueshot the quest did not automatically pop up. I had to speak with the image and then the quest was given.Комментарий от Laichzeit
Seems like Hati is bugged if you use this to swap her model to boss models like Thok or Chimaeron. I don't know what causes this though. I wanted to use Chimaeron's model and I just got this giant boss roaming dalaran. I reported it to blizz in hopes they fix this.Комментарий от Laichzeit
What happens when you use essence swapper with chimaeronКомментарий от Alkazair
Hati's too big *workaround*Hey, y'all. If your Hati's too big, there's a current work around. It's not ideal, but, it works.
1) Head shy south of Orgrimmar to Dustwind Cave.- Directly bellow Drygultch Revine.2) Have Hati and your main pet manually attack the local Orc NPC's.3) With each kill, allow Hati to stack up 'Fel Blood' to 5, turning into a Demon.4) Allow Hati's Demon form to roll off, reverting her form.
Комментарий от Shelassa
Currently on 7.1 PTR Live Проекция Мимирона has a new dialogue option that allows to return Hati to his default look.Комментарий от magiccozmo
I found out about the 'super size' Hati glitch about a day before the fixed it. During that brief time i made a humorous video taking advantage of ThokZilla.Enjoy {:
Комментарий от Humamage
The original look of Hati can be reverted by going to Skull cave near Orgrimmar entrance and transforming your pet into a demon (killing mobs)Комментарий от DeliriumRose
While the essence swap bug of 7.0.3 is well gone the idea of differing sizes of hati essence swaps came to mind while I was staring at my Thok swap and wondering why it was slightly larger than normal devilsaurs. So I ran some tests with a pair of wonderful spiders who share the same model and color but vary greatly in size, Terokkarantula and Mother Fang. To the surprise of either everyone or no one the size varies greatly. So for those looking for some larger or smaller versions of hati with a specific skin, keep in mind the scale of the beast you first tame. Creatures who are just generally large like devilsaurs may have a smaller variance from one to the next.It would seem after some additional testing with some core hounds, crabs, raptors and twitchy silithids that the original post is not actually the case and Thok and Tero simply have some sort of "I am become larger" stat for Hati. I may continue on to make a list of differently sized essence swaps as it seems there are certain cases they are differing size. A cool thing that should stay around, not sure if its intentional but its in the game.
Terokkarantula: http://i.imgur.com/SSB7Oz3.png
Mother Fang: http://i.imgur.com/8kLgoBo.png
Комментарий от Nimaris
Hunter. Can anyone tell me how to get to Felbane Camp. also is it a pvp zone. Trying to getEssence Swapper quest done. Cheers GuysКомментарий от Solo
Mimiron, at your Order Hall, can now change Hati's appearence back to her original form.Комментарий от DejikoChaem
for people that wonder how to change Hati appearance back, you can talk again with Проекция Мимирона , he will give option "Mimiron, I miss Hati's old look, can you change it back?" , just click on that option and he will change back Hati appearance (sorry about my english)Комментарий от Sarthorius
Okay blizz, too big pets, what about warlock's Doomlord? Since 7.1 they are way bigger than I remember. And what about UDK's Abomination pet? Too big too. Both pets bigger than most big mounts in the game.Комментарий от DrGrafenberg
How often can you change Hati's appearance? or is it a one shot deal?Комментарий от SnOoPz
For those who want to return Hati to his original look. He uses the same model as the wolves located in Vale of Eternal Blossoms (MoP), tame one of them, swop essence and Hati is his old self again.Комментарий от bluekami
I just wanted to mention that if you still have a pet that has a visual aura on it from a time when many could be tamed that way (i.e. boar on fire, wolf covered in oil, pink aura diseased bear), Hati will not take on that effect and look like the normal boar, wolf, bear, whatever.. You can, however, duplicate the slime pet from WOTLK if you have it =)Комментарий от JaydePhoenix
Now if only they would fix the issue with Hati scaling incorrectly with so many pet models... :/Комментарий от AlakeiThancan
Just in case, because I know I'VE been running around and even made a GM request ; to make the image of Mimiron appear, you have to be in Beast Master spec, even if you already have the quest. I leveled up my hunter in beast master so when I dinged 110 I took the quest, then respecced Marksmanship for dungeons and raids. The next day I did the quest (that was 3 days ago), and just turned it in because I just realized I had to be in the correct spec.Комментарий от Lokrosh
Am I the only person who wishes this would also work the other way around? I wouldn't mind having two Hati skinned wolves.Комментарий от Kalryk
ok, looked at a lot of comments until my eyes were fuzzy. One thing I didn't see was...If you want to make your pet look like Hati can it be done?Комментарий от Darclyghte
Does anyone have any pets that currently do not resize correctly. My thok is still way to big when in hati form and from time to time grows so big all I can see is his foot. Is anyone else having these issues with pets?Комментарий от Eightbitshik
If you delete this item you can restore it by talking to Image of Mimiron inside the Hunter class hall. In order to see him you have to stand right next to his image transporter so that he knows you are trying to summon him.Комментарий от jahf
The larger size on some pets (like Thok, which looks great with Hati's lightning) get quite large. I'm sure my guild's tank will just love this.Комментарий от Tarante11a
I'm so disappointed that the grow/shrink bug hasn't been fixed. I lucked out with my troll hunter, and her tigers are fine, but my worgen's ravens are all wrong.Is the problem completely random, or does it affect specific pet models? If the latter, has anyone gathered a list of models that actually work?
My troll tigers are the model introduced in Mists - Hati is the white version (sadly I can't remember exactly where I tamed it.)
Комментарий от Samifer
The drop rate must be extremely low, as I've cleared out the Seabound Mystic area quite a few times now and have yet to drop the quest item.ru.wowhead.com