Змеерогая черепаха. Дух черепахи в вов
Черепаха - Питомец охотника - World of Warcraft
Комментарий от Toldry
For hunters who love having Vanity Pets that look similar to their pet, this is the pet you are looking for. Комментарий от Kcired
LOL! It seem in WoTLK they can learn dash. Check the abilities tab. :D
Комментарий от yagerbomb
dont forget intervene lolКомментарий от Kazzaking
The turtle will be the top arena pet because1. It is a Tenacity talent tree and they have a key talent Roar of Sacrafice just put it on yourself or the focused target and the pet will take all the damage.
2. They will also get (if specced right) Last Stand which is just like the warriors last stand combo that with Roar of Sacrifice and you will survive longer like a Soul link warlock but even better because the pet takes all the damage.
3. Turtles are tied for the most health and armor in tamable pets and have the natural abbility...Shell Shield which reduces damage taken by 50% which even elongate the time of Roar of Sacrafice.
4. They will also get intervene which you can use on the focus target too for even for damage reduction to the group or just using while in waiting on your healer etc.
5. Last off they will also like many pets get dash and the permanent 30% speed increase to be able to stay on its target.
6. Cycle all these in with the 75% damage reduction to AOE attacks on it and its golden.
The ideal build for your turtle in arena would be http://wotlk.wowhead.com/?petcalc=MMkhzbhzboo
Комментарий от Magnathea
are turtals good pets well its not like i can have one im a rouge :( rouge's should be able to have pets aswellКомментарий от Kazzaking
alright firstartemis tenacity is meant to be a damage soak... like a Soul link warlock, you will get more survivability...its not at all like a prot warrior...damage done by a pet is neglegable thats why you keep a pet on a caster to slow them down at casting and finally yes Tencaity hasBoar's SpeedIncreases your pet's outdoor movement speed by 30%.
Arena's are outdoor GG check your facts before posting.
Комментарий от Kazzaking
thats each spell tahts a whole extra 1 second on each spellalso say you have 12k health and your pet has 9k health if it is a tenacity woah you jsut got 21k+ healthКомментарий от Alphanerd
If you don't want to get in trouble, I suggest not naming him clitortise.Комментарий от Nakumari
My question is...are turtles the best pet tanks in the game? I would beleive so because of their "Shell Shield" ability...anyone know if there is a better tanking pet?Комментарий от bluefeet
I'd expect it would depend on the situation. A pet that can absorb more damage isn't necessarily better than a pet that can get more threat. The Crocolisk skill (http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=52399) is pretty awesome for threat. The Gorilla skill (http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=55573) is also pretty awesome for increasing threat.Personally I'd rather a pet that gets threat more than one that absorbs damage. If you are using a tanking (Tenacity) pet you should have a healer around anyways as soloing with a tanking pet wastes a lot of time. So, damage reduction is, again, less useful IMO.
Комментарий от ideasamontonadas
My question is, you can learn the abilitie "Shell shield"?Anybody knows?
Комментарий от GammaBreaker
It's interesting that since the changes to tanks in LK with a focus on "Role over class" some of our old Hunter pets have taken up mimicking roles. The turtle in particular here, assumes the Warrior-Like position of single target with a solid Panic Button (basically, Shield Wall on a short CD). Meanwhile the bears retain the old three-target swipe for holding 2-3 mobs at a time, but not allowing much room for the DPS to hit the wrong target. And the now famous gorilla acts much like a paladin with it's AOE-glue.It's tempting to have both a turtle and a gorilla, honestly, and change them depending on what the situation is. I see the Turtle being a solid regular 5-man tanking pet where there aren't a lot of AOE packs due to Shell Shield being ready every pull. At the very least this makes it an attractive offtank in a 5-man to hold mobs that like to Mortal Strike and such. Better the pet eat such painful debuffs than a struggling tank.
Комментарий от hypehuman
I'm not sure I understood what you mean, but I'll try to answer anyway :)Shell Shield cannot be learned by players. It is a spell that all turtle pets have, but the hunter can choose when the turtle casts the spell.
Комментарий от anothdae
There seems to be a bug if you get a turtle below lvl 20, then put him in the stable, he will lose his Shell Shield ability. It comes back @ lvl 20.Комментарий от anothdae
For LevelingWhile at first this seems like the "best" tanking pet, I can tell you that it isn't needed in the old world at all. The problem with tanking pets isn't that they take to much dmg, its that they don't put out enough threat.
If you want a tanking pet, look for one that can do dmg, trust me, I have died more times with my turtle out than any other tenacity pet so far just because the others hold aggro better.
Комментарий от Koumaru
The gorilla's Thunderstomp ability has also become a 1-rank, tier-3 Tenacity talent on the PTR as of yesterday. If this change goes through, turtles and crocolisks rise to the top of the list for soloing old-world content. The turtle will be able to take it AND dish it out, while the crocolisk will be without peer for AoE threat.Комментарий от Cooma
Комментарий от Dongolev
I like turtles.Комментарий от Arctocephalus
Should I go for a turtle or a crocolisk as a tanking pet? I really can't decide which I like more (although I'm leaning slightly towards turtles) and I want to know which is better to lv with?Комментарий от Gruffness
I believe cowering is more for kiting than tanking.Alas, before we had pet classes, I was using my kitty for everything. Old habits die hard and my kitty (and I) suffered from many mini-boss fights in Outland and Northrend. Ferocity pets have good durability with some of their skills but can't handle burst damage too well (this is where tenacity types usually shine). With the proper glyphs and talents, tenacity pets can be some of the most survivable pets in the game. My worm gets healed for over 2.2K per tick of (Improved) Mend Pet (with a bit over 14K of total hit points/health) at level 80.
Комментарий от cucumberzr4chump
At the end of the day (for levelling/soloing) NOTHING beats a tenacity pet cos u can take on up 2 5-6 mobs and with the new TS available 2 all tenacity pets now, just volley away and grinding is so much easier.Now whether 2 choose a tank that can take dmg or deal threat is entirely up 2 u, here r the best pets 4 either:Crocolisk - When crocolisks hav ther ability Bad Attitude up, they are THE best tanking pet for dealing agro, however ther ability only has a 37.5% uptime maximum (53.6% uptime with longevity). Meaning you will hav bursts of large amounts threat then periods of low amounts of threat.
Bear - Bears r the 2nd-1st best tanking pet for dealing agro (switches back and forth with crocolisk) because the bears attack, Swipe is able to deal a more steady flow of threat seeing as it only has a 5 sec cooldown (3.5 sec with longevity) meaning that the bear will generate more AoE agro when the crocolisk's Bad Attitude is down but less when Bad Attitude is up.
Damage Taking:
Turtle - The turtle is the only pet that is designed to REALLY take dmg with ther ability Shell Shield. Already shell shield will hav a 20% uptime and 20% of 50% (or 50% of 20%) gives u the average dmg reduction wich is 10% (additional to armor), however with longevity the cooldown is reduced by 18 secs and the uptime becomes 28.6%, giving the new total dmg reduction of 14.3%.
Either way, these pets r all great at tanking and each hav ther pros and cons, just hav fun wiv them!
Anyways, happy hunting!
Комментарий от cucumberzr4chump
At the end of the day (for levelling/soloing) NOTHING beats a tenacity pet cos u can take on up to 5-6 mobs and with the new TS available 2 all tenacity pets now, just volley away and grinding is so much easier.Now whether 2 choose a tank that can take dmg or deal threat is entirely up 2 u, here r the best pets 4 either:Threat Building/Holding:
Crocolisk - When crocolisks hav ther ability Bad Attitude up, they are THE best tanking pet for dealing agro, however ther ability only has a 37.5% uptime maximum (53.6% uptime with Longevity). Meaning you will hav bursts of large amounts threat then periods of low amounts of threat.
Bear - Bears are the 2nd-1st best tanking pet for dealing agro (switches back and forth with crocolisk) because the bears attack, Swipe is able to deal a more steady flow of threat seeing as it only has a 5 sec cooldown (3.5 sec with Longevity) meaning that the bear will generate more AoE agro when the crocolisk's Bad Attitude is down but less when Bad Attitude is up.
Damage Taking:
Turtle - The turtle is the only pet that is designed to REALLY take dmg with ther ability Shell Shield. Already shell shield will hav a 20% uptime and 20% of 50% (or 50% of 20%) gives u the average dmg reduction wich is 10% (additional to armor), however with Longevity the cooldown is reduced by 18 secs and the uptime becomes 28.6%, giving the new total dmg reduction of 14.3%.
Either way, these pets r all great at tanking and each hav ther pros and cons, just hav fun wiv them!
Anyways, happy hunting!
Комментарий от theakismaniac
actually you forgot a few that stand out as tankswarp stalker - its warp ability cause the next 3 melee attacks to have a 50% miss (not dodge so it works as long as he has the buff like if he is stunned), its also on a very short 15 sec cooldown which can be made shorter with longevity, definitely has a lot of uptime and it works on autocast, he'll just keep jumping behind the target like shadowstep, i'd probably say this is better than the turtle for single target tanking, only downside is it goes away pretty fast when aoe tanking
gorillas - plain and simple pummel to interrupt spells on a 30sec cooldown which hunters dont have unless you have silencing shot
worms (BM only) - since warriors are the only class that willingly puts up the 20% armor debuff (rogues have expose armor but yet to see a rogue use it regularly), worms can do that for you with their acid spit which doubles as a dps ability which in turn is a fairly large buff to the hunter and pet's dps (mostly physical for both you and your pet) and anyone else you may be with
Комментарий от Happyfisherman
They are plain horrbile but are good tanks.Комментарий от Darkspearforever
As a marks hunter I find it very difficult to hold aggro on my dps pets while soloing/farming. I can use misdirection to secure aggro but I have found when it comes to aoe farming that my turtle is the victor. Farming leather is a breeze with my turtle over my bear not exactly sure why but he holds aggro better even without swipe. His shell shield is also a plus. I can misdirect with volley to him while he's on stay on groups of rhinos/mammoths/wolves or just send him in with his thunderstomp and have him chase groups down. I'm well geared enough to expect to pull aggro on occasion but it isn't as frequent with other pets and I rarely ever have to heal my turtle but as someone stated earlier crocs do hold threat well but I prefer my crab because if I pull aggro he pins and acquires aggro again easily. It's all relative to playstyle, moths are pretty good with their self heal+damage bonus. I've never been BM and don't plan on it so for MM I'd suggest a turtle or bear it helps a lot and you have silencing shot as an option (If you got it, I didn't) for casters.It is all up to the hunter to play with/experiment and figure out what they like, my pal loves to use his bear and crab for almost every situation and constantly tries to get me to switch but even as BM my turtle pulls aggro off his pets without taunt or my misdirection.
Just my random two cents as I love my hunter and my pets are what make me feel unique and enjoy it so much more. I see everyone with cats/raptors/spirit beasts so I feel pretty good when I bring a wasp/moth(replaced crab recently)/turtle/bear/spider to an instance raiding though I don't bring my tank pets haha. I'd probably enjoy my warlock more if their pets were visually customizable. Would be pretty cool to have your voidwalker look similar to the Khadgar's servant in Shatt;
I'm just bored at work, don't bash my post too hard as it is just an opinion.
Комментарий от supabilly29
cool pet for soloing stuff coolest after rhinoКомментарий от HuntinHunter
This is one of the best pets to have for PvE for these reason1.) Shell shield and cower and some of the best defense skill for a tanking pet since the pet doesnt lose gain agrro and gains 50% and 40% damage reduction. Plus if you spec it in armor (with natural armor and pet bard) the amount of damage that thing can take is amazing.
2.) Since it is a tenacity pet, it can learn thunderstomp it has a offensive special that generates alot of agrro and dishes it out.
So in the end the turtle is one of the few pets that can have an offensive and a defensive abillty, which puts it in the top of PvE pets.Now in PvP it is eh...since it every gets targeted and rarely fall below 50% health. Its ok and depending on the hunter its effectiveness varies(I like using for all my problems but some may not) from good to bad.
Happy Huntin'
P.S I got the white turtle and named him marshmallowP.S.S I just did the S.M chruch with my turtle, another hunter with a C.B and a preist and we raped
Комментарий от Imatree
I believe that people are missing out on a very useful tanking pet, although I did see one comment about it: Warp Stalkers. Warp Stalkers are great tanking pets, because of Tenacity, they hold threat very well, and their Warp ability is really great for avoiding damage, and immediately switching threat if need be.I've had a Warp Stalker as a tanking pet for a while, and while he doesn't do as much damage as most other tanking Pets, he can avoid a lot of the damage some bosses can dish out.
Комментарий от rrpaladin
quick question i keep seeing turtles can learn shell and thunderstomp yet my turtle doesnt even have shell which is supposed to be a TURTLE ability what do i have to do for my pet to learn it ? how do you teach your pet new abilities?Комментарий от Magnakilro
Shell Shield will no longer be unique to the turtle family...coming in Cataclysm, the new Beetle family will have the same move.Комментарий от jumprawt
Check it out. I have owned gomo out of BFD for over 4 years, he was abeast before they nerf'd hunter pets and he still is today. I named him diesel for a reason. He hits like a MAC truck and is
just as hard to tear apart. That and he is the only unique turtle which is awsome. What lurks in the deep. Go with turtle
share the love, take a chance on him. PvP'ers used ta run from him, not me. HIM! You wanna go with any of those
namby pamby pets go right ahead, you'll never know what you are missing. Diesel is my best friend other than my
precisly calebrated boom stick or my dwarven hand cannon, in WoW, PERIOD.
Комментарий от jumprawt
Check it out. I have owned gomo out of BFD for over 4 years, he was abeast before they nerf'd hunter pets and he still is today. I named him diesel for a reason. He hits like a MAC truck and is
just as hard to tear apart. That and he is the only unique turtle which is awsome. What lurks in the deep. Go with turtle
share the love, take a chance on him. PvP'ers used ta run from him, not me. HIM! You wanna go with any of those
namby pamby pets go right ahead, you'll never know what you are missing. Diesel is my best friend other than my
precisly calebrated boom stick or my dwarven hand cannon, in WoW, PERIOD.
Комментарий от Pauncristian
Hello there!Second day into Cataclysm (december 8th) i managed to get my hands on Terrorpene, the rare spawn lava turtle in Mount Hyjal. Named him Volcano cause he has some kind of volcano on his nose.Комментарий от pokemon45
i named my turtle tortarraКомментарий от Demesis
RE; Terrorpene how do u overcome teh ticking dot he does, kills me fast. even had sumone lvl 85 come and tnak it but couldnt tame then.Комментарий от Pauncristian
Was easy for me to tame it as i was lvl 84 when i did it, only got me down to 1/2 hp by the time he was tamed. You can try shooting a freezing arrow in his path before u start the tame, if you are lower lvl.For those wondering : hes a lvl 81 rare spawn, can be found in the lava pools where Ragnaros is shown in the Mount Hyjal cinematic.Комментарий от Drizzler
I picked up "Terrorpene" today at about 2:56 am PST.Dalveynger
Cord..47/71, Pit of Sulfuron in hyjal.
First time I saw him ,He was in the same spot at 1:35 pm PST....Death by mage,I skinned 1pc savage leather from it :(
Комментарий от piddi86
Rare pet from Mount Hyal (throne of fire) sulfuron spireКомментарий от Evabeast
Turtles are excellent tanking pets and can be used for this purpose in Cata now. I recommend as this pet looks spectacular.Комментарий от LeminaAusa
If you get this pet near some green slime it might mutate, start kicking your ass and develop a craving for pizza.Комментарий от TynanAD
Round lvl 30 i tamed the turtle Ghamoo-Ra (named him Bulwark,seemed legit :) ) am lvl 85 now and he's been tanking like a boss for me, imo turtles are really good tanks, Shell shield and Blood of Rhino you got yourself an unstoppable tank pet!Комментарий от Buckmoney
When I tamed Terrorpene, I gave him the usual Tenacity Pet build (which can be found http://www.wowhead.com/petcalc#McdMuMGz0zzbКомментарий от Kurasu
No pets get their special ability before Level 20.Комментарий от Scourgepretzels
I believe the Мягкопанцирная морская черепаха should be tameable,ive always wanted a nice sea turtle as a pet.Комментарий от Kaltzor
How exactly does a turtle growl... or charge... or taunt?Комментарий от ets1
I just tamed him today just use silencing shot on his first move then its easy i also died like 10 timesКомментарий от Virulas
used a turtle to tank a dungeon after our tank went linkdead. gotta say, with 52% damage reduction good ole Stonewall made an amazing tank. Healer got to take some good breaks, he loved the turtle tank. Stonewall earned his name last night.Комментарий от Ctarari
Gotta say, even in MoP, still loving Terrorpene as my solo PvE pet, Named Tank(yes I'm a brony). He'd tanked Benedictus, Tyrande, and Azshara in hour of twilight heroics, and now Raigonn as well due to tanks DCing. Now that I have first aid maxed he's nearly unkillable when doing the usual boring dailies/questing.Every hunter should have a turtle in their carry around pets. I only wish there was a way to give pets well fed bonus
Комментарий от mikedarling905
the tortoise from firelands was one of my favorite models.ru.wowhead.com
Змеерогая черепаха - НИП - World of Warcraft
Комментарий от Ravenei
A Close Cousin of this NPC: Crash Test Creature. It will cast System Failure if you don't kill it fast enough.Edit: As of a recent Beta Patch the turtle has been fixed and you will no longer experience 9-52 Fatal Errors while attempting to complete the quest!
- For those interested- here's a MoP Beta Thread from the WoW Forums suggesting that the Valley of the Four Winds Inn, when it is added, should be named "The Crashing Turtle" in commemoration of these joyous little fella's.
Thread OP Post:
Those of us in the Valley of the Four winds, who valiantly fought through the multiple MULTIPLE fatal exceptions to finish the "The Meat they'll eat" quest have a suggestion.We would like the Inn in the zone, when it's created, to be named "The Crashing Turtle" in a nod to our patience and suffering.
That is all. <3ps. Thanks to all of the people who are commenting, your comments are fun, whimsical, and I absolutely love them.
Комментарий от Luxurypriest
Farming Wyrmhorn Turtles, I got the following drops: Polished Sword of the Bandit; Growing Wristwraps of the Flameblaze; and Wallshield of the Whale. And Raw Turtle Meat of course.Комментарий от Banishment
People on my realm AoE these guys like crazy. They instantly respawn. I assume they're farming turtle meat. It's hard for me to tag these first to finish the quest, so I hope the drop rate gets nerfed.Комментарий от Minrad
Great place to AoE farm motes; no health, low level, no damage, instant respawns.Get your motes before it gets nerfed.
Комментарий от JohnEP
10-17-2012. This is a huge exploit that Blizzard will need to fix. The turtles respawn at an incredible rate, AoE well, are easily killed, and are good for motes of harmony, prismatic scales, and sha and exotic leathers. Also helps lvling a toon by the exp points. I sat there for 3 hours JUST skinning the leftovers from other peoples AoE. I mean no moving about more than 30 seconds to get to the next pile of turtles 20-30 in a skinnable circle. Prismatic scales are easily obtained which are going for 30 gold each on my server.I was warned by a whisper that Blizz are banning folks who are lvling here (but of course that was probably by another skinner).I got 7 full Harmonies in several hours of off and on work. Great for my Alliance hunter/engineer.Fortunately its mostly horde doing all the killing!Комментарий от KillaGuerrilla
These are great for skinning if you're not 90 yet. The demand on their loot is high, so all you have to do is wait for others to kill them and just skin all the bodies. I got like 100 in 10 minutes.Комментарий от Mormolyce
5.0.5 hotfix (October 19 2012):Wyrmhorn Turtles are no longer quite so prolific.
So that settles that.
Комментарий от AkaraBWR
As of 11/15/2012 I can confirm that these guys are still dropping Motes of Harmony, and at a good rate. They still spawn quite fast as well.These turtles are great to farm for a number of different things, not only the motes.
You can get a lot of greens, motes, Raw Turtle Meat (Used for Ironpaw tokens at Halfhill), and skins if you are a skinner.
A level 85 can farm this area with little trouble, with 85 pet classes being able to pull really big groups at a time.
I recorded a video today showing the current re-spawn rates and drops: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0Sk0q85DZo
I apologize for the laggy video. I have a pretty bad computer and my fps goes down the drain when I load fraps. Regardless, the information is all there and I hope it helps. :)
Комментарий от Nyatui
Farmed these for awhile for their meat, got about 200 turtle shells 80 Raw turtle meat, 5green items and about 8 motes of harmony.Комментарий от klumzyee
2012/11/23 - since there were farmers already in Jade I thought I swing by here.. in about 30min I got 67 Turtle Meat, about 10 motes?, and a bunch of greens.It may not spawn like before but if you're the only one here it is plenty. Currently a i480 Hunter and I'm just doing laps around the lake..
So.. I think I'll be here for a bit and back again for more.
Комментарий от Lainea
It seems like (or at least certainly feels like) the loot has been slightly altered on these turtles. The spot where they spawn had become my go-to farming spot for motes and exotic leather. Now tonight, so far, not a single mote has dropped, and I'm getting sha-touched leather, and maybe a few exotic every few mobs.Комментарий от Lethalmiss
485 is the skinning level when you can start skinning these turtles. I was searching around and couldn't find out, so I wanted to let you guys know ;)ru.wowhead.com
Как получить маунта Морскую черепаху?
Прежде всего позвольте сразу предупредить, что вы не найдете здесь гайда 100%-гарантирующего вам получение черепахи. Но вы найдете советы, которые помогут получить ее намного быстрее, проще и приятнее =)
Маунт Морская черепаха может быть получен лишь посредством рыбной ловли. Маунт увеличивает скорость плавания на 60%, требует 75 навыка верховой езды и становится персональным при получении. Кроме того, за получение этого маунта игрок получает особое достижение.
Хотя для езды на маунте требуется всего 20 уровень, лучше начинать ловить его при получении летающего эпического маунта, так как это позволит перемещаться между косяками рыбы намного быстрее. К тому же высокий уровень персонажа позволит избежать внезапных и неприятных смертей от мобов.Для ловли черепахи вам потребуется как минимум 1 очко навыка рыбалки, кроме того – потребуется установленное дополнение WotLK.
Поймать черепаху можно в любом косяке Нордскольской рыбы, за исключением квестовых. Но вся фишка в том, что это очень редкий маунт и шанс получить его крайне мал. Возможно, вам потребуется выловить рыбу из сотен и даже тысяч косяков, прежде чем вам повезет.
Морскую черепаху также можно поймать из лужи крови, доступ к которой можно получить, выполняя ежедневный квест. Если у вас еще нет возможности «Искать рыбу», постарайтесь как можно быстрее получить ее. Отображение косяков рыбы на миникарте позволит вам искать места для ловли гораздо быстрее.
Принцип ловли
Есть несколько различных стратегий ловли Морской черепахи. Но каждый сам решает, как ему пытаться получить этого маунта. Вот тезисы, которые могут быть вам полезны:
- Морская черепаха очень редка, но шанс ее получить есть у каждого. В целом, может потребоваться несколько дней для ловли, но везунчики смогут получить ее, закинув удочку всего пару раз.
- Маунт становится персональным при получении, но подтверждения для лута не требуется. Так что вы можете свободно поставить авто-лут и повторно забрасывать поплавок сразу после поимки рыбы.
- Следите за местом в сумках – вы не получите черепаху, если ее некуда будет поместить
- В каждом косяке лишь ограниченное количество рыб. Примерно каждые 3-5 рыбки, когда косяк исчезнет, вам необходимо будет найти новый. Постарайтесь избежать тех косяков, из которых ловят другие игроки, так как они будут слишком быстро пропадать и вы проведете больше времени в поисках, чем в самой ловле.
- Косяки возрождаются достаточно быстро – в пределах 10 минут. Если же в выбранной вами локации слишком много других рыбаков, лучше поищите место в другой зоне. Помните о том, что ваша основная задача – поймать как можно больше рыбы из косяков, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на успех
Кроме того, можно использовать:
Высококонцентрированные косяки
Некоторые косяки расположены очень близко друг от друга, плотными группами. Ловля рыбы в них позволяет вам намного уменьшить время поиска и бессмысленного передвижения. Наиболее высокая концентрация рыбных косяков расположена в Ледяном море на юге Борейской тундры. Однако в этой локации достаточно высокие требования к навыку удильщика. В низине Шозалар также много близкорасположенных косяков.
Востребованность рыбы
Для получения черепахи вам придется выловить не один десяток косяков, а потому стоит позаботиться о том, чтобы ловимая рыба была ценной и востребованной. Лучше всего для ловли подходит рыба, которую можно использовать для приготовления Рыбного пира и другой важной еды, бафающей рейд.
Рыбка не ускользнула
Постарайтесь параллельно выполнить достижение Рыбка не ускользнула Ловите рыбу в косяках Зубастой селедки, так у вас будет шанс поймать и Темную сельдь и Морскую черепаху.
Получайте удовольствие
- Не ставьте себя в четкие рамки, ограничивая время, необходимое вам, чтобы поймать черепаху. Учитывая низкий шанс на получение и фактор случайности, вы вряд ли угадаете. А вот загонять себя, рыбача с утра до ночи, явно не стоит.
- Рыбачьте периодически: в ожидании рейда, стоя в очереди на БГ или в Подземелье и так далее. Помните о том, что рыбалка не требует от вас экстраординарной реакции и фокуса, поэтому вы вполне можете рыбачить, попивая чай =)
Кстати, черепаху я так и не поймал, хотя рыбачил долго, упорно. Везде и всюду. Но видимо — не судьба.
Скитающийся остров | WoWWiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Жители движущегося острова - потомки редкой расы пандарены: исследователи, которые оставили их покрытую туманом родину в поисках знания и приключения.
Скитающийся остров - стартовая зона расы пандаренов в дополнения Mists of Pandaria. Крупный остров находится на спине у гигантской черепахи, известной пандаренам как Шэнь-Цзынь Су, и населяемый любопытными пандаренами и/или их потомками, которые покинули родину Пандария спустя века после Великого Раскола, чтобы обнаружить другие земли и расы Азерота; с тех пор остров дрейфовал в океане.
После разрушения Пика Безмятежности в Пандарии монахи Ордена Павшего Храма переместились на Скитающийся остров.
Описания с сайта

Скитающийся остров
Из описания зоны Скитающийся остров откололся от Пандарии много сотен лет назад и теперь рассекает воды океанов Азерота. Но вдруг погода резко меняется, и он устремляется к Водовороту. Древние в Храме Пяти Рассветов обращаются за помощью к четырем духам стихий в надежде, что те помогут им понять, что стоит за столь странной переменой. Героям нужно узнать, что послужило причиной этой внезапной болезни острова, пока он не погрузился в пучину! Из статьи зоны Лю Лан умер, но его последователи по-прежнему покидают берега Пандарии, чтобы увидеть мир. Черепаха значительно выросла и достигла размеров небольшого города. Именно здесь, на Скитающемся острове, учатся и тренируются юные пандарены, осваивая боевые искусства и сражаясь друг с другом в учебных поединках. Жизнь на Скитающемся острове оставалась мирной и полной просвещения до того самого дня, когда остров приблизился к Водовороту. Земля содрогается, поля увядают, а Шэнь-Цзынь Су, кажется, виляет по океану из стороны в сторону, и это странное ее передвижение может оказаться смертельной спиралью. Именно вам, одному из самых многообещающих странников-пандаренов, предстоит выяснить, что же именно угрожает Скитающемуся острову. Однако справиться с этой угрозой можно несколькими способами — и обитатели острова разбились на два лагеря в зависимости от того подхода, который им кажется более уместным. Нужно ли действовать немедля, пусть и опрометчиво, чтобы успеть спасти свой дом раньше, чем все будет потеряно? Нужно ли взвесить все варианты и найти самый безопасный (пусть и медленный) способ исцелить землю и справиться с опасностями? От вашего решения будет зависеть будущее… и тот путь, которым пойдут пандарены в изменившемся мире. Информация со страницы Пандаренов Среди пандаренов нашлось несколько смельчаков, которые решили найти выход из тумана. Несколько поколений назад пандарены-исследователи начали собираться на спине гигантской морской черепахи Шэнь-Цзынь Су, которая бороздила водные просторы Азерота. Такова была единственная связь пандаренов с миром. Но вскоре исследователи потеряли связь с утопающей в тумане родиной. Если вы решите играть за пандарена, то начнете свой путь на спине Шэнь-Цзынь Су. В один прекрасный день огромная черепаха окажется в опасности, и весь блуждающий «остров», который стал для пандаренов как дом, готов будет вот-вот уйти под воду. Придется тренироваться в ускоренном режиме и действовать решительно! Уже на спине черепахи вам встретятся представители и Орды, и Альянса. И тут вам нужно будет принять важнейшее в своей жизни решение: под флаги какой стороны встать, чтобы спасти мир? Ибо Азерот истерзан вселенским катаклизмом и уже стоит на грани новой войны.Происхождение
Пожалуйста, добавьте любую доступную информацию в этот раздел. The descendants of Liu Lang's followers, whom Shen-zin Su would dub the "grandchildren" of Liu Lang, still travel on the great turtle's shell to see the world. The turtle has continued to grow since Liu Lang's time to a truly massive size, supporting several villages, forest, and small mountain ranges. The settlers would appropriately call the sea turtle's shell the "Wandering Isle".
Ever since Wugou, the spirit of earth, fell asleep, the dirt of the Dai-Lo Farmstead started drying out and got harder and harder to get new seeds to sprout.
Some daring pandaren explorers such as Chen and Li Li Stormstout left the Isle to explore the greater world.
Mists of Pandaria

Shen-zin Su was originally swimming as usual in the seas, when the Alliance Skyseeker gunship crashed into his flank because of the thick mist. This injured the giant turtle and caused him to no longer swim straight, and Shen-zin Su started being dragged toward the Maelstrom. The various inhabitants of the Isle felt the change, and populations who usually kept to themselves such as the local Amberleaf sprites and Fe-Feng tribe of hozen understood something bad was coming, so they started giving trouble to the local pandaren, notably by stealing their supplies.
Sensing that something was abnormal, Master Shang Xi gave his disciples the task to find and unite the four ancient elemental spirits, which would help the pandaren talk to Shen-zin Su, a feat not done in centuries.[источник?]
Realizing that the source of Shen-zin Su's pain was the Skyseeker Master Shang Xi's disciples headed into the forbidden Pei-Wu Forest. There, the party helped triage members of the Horde and Alliance, as well as fend off the horrors from the depths of the Deepscale saurok. With the immediate threat taken care of, Ji Firepaw decided to blow up what was was left of the Skyseeker. Shockingly, this plan actually worked, to a point.

Монахи Ордена Павшего Храма поселились на Скитающемся острове, вокруг Храма Пяти Рассветов.
Карты и подзоны

Карта Скитающегося острова

Карта Скитающегося острова при размещении Ордена Павшего Храма.
Прилегающие регионы
Когда персонажи покидают Скитающийся остров, они не имеют права на обратный путь. Персонажи других рас не могут попасть на остров, как и в случае с Затерянными Островами и Кезаном являются стартовой локацией исключительно для гоблинов.
Монахи всех рас позже использовали Скитающийся остров в качестве своего классового оплота для Ордена Павшего Храма. Эта версия острова существует в отдельной фазе, не вмешивающейся на стартовый опыт пандаренов. В частности, Место падения "Небесного искателя" отсутствует в новой версии карты.
Известные персонажи
Смотри также: НИП Скитающегося острова Основная статья: Сюжетная линия Скитающегося острова Основная сюжетная линия Скитающегося острова - для пандаренов уровня 1-10. Как только игроки достигают конца сюжетной линии, они будут вынуждены принять единовременное решение, к какой фракции они хотят присоединиться: Альянс или Орда.

Пожалуйста, добавьте любую доступную информацию в этот раздел.

Скитающийся остров Mists of Pandaria