Картинки для поддержания морального духа

Добрые поступки (26 фото)

Надо творить добро и помогать ближним, в мире и так полно зла. Задумайтесь об этом и сделайте что-нибудь хорошее. Кто-то нуждается в вашей поддержке. добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

1. Спасение котенка во время войны. Несмотря на все ужасы войны, этот солдат нашел время покормить из пипетки котенка.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

2. Кто-то решил сделать приятное для незнакомца и оставил сдачу в автомате для покупки сладостей.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

3. Этот парень наехал на почтовый ящик незнакомцев и уехал…но вскоре вернулся с инструментами, чтобы починить его.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

4. Афганец предлагает чай американским солдатам. Обратите внимание на вторую кружку в его руке и на второго солдата на заднем фоне.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

5. Тысячи людей остались без электричества после урагана Сэнди. Некоторые разрешали незнакомцам заряжать свои телефоны, чтобы они могли позвонить родственникам и сказать, что с ними все в порядке.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

6. Фанаты дают возможность своему прикованному к инвалидному креслу другу посмотреть концерт группы «Korn» в Москве.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

7. Житель деревни спасает котят в корзине во время наводнения на окраине города Каттак. Мама следует за детенышами.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

8. Заботливые родители (от лица своих новорожденных детей) попросили прощения за возможные неудобства другим пассажирам самолета, на котором они летели. Они предлагали всем недовольным подходить к ним, чтобы получить конфеты и затычки в уши.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

9. Кто-то нашел iPhone в траве и расклеил объявления по всему району. Владельца нашли.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

10. Велосипедисты спасают коалу от жажды.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

11. В тот день в Австралии было 40 градусов.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

12. Одна химчистка предлагала безработным бесплатно почистить их костюмы на случай, если им нужно было сходить на собеседование по поводу работы.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

13. Звезда беговых дорожек в Огайо помогает своей подвернувшей ногу сопернице пересечь финишную линию.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

14. Мужчина рисковал жизнью, чтобы спасти кенгуру во время наводнения в Квинсленде.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

15. Одна девочка (3,5 года) отправила в компанию «Sainsbury’s» предложение переименовать «тигриный хлеб» в «жирафий хлеб» (это местная разновидность выпечки).

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

16. Компания прислала ей официальный ответ, что с удовольствием поменяет название. И выполнила свое обещание.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

17. Бесплатные обеды для бездомных.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

18. Мужчина спасает щенков из заброшенного дома во время наводнения в Маниле.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

19. Пожарный обеспечивает кислородом спасенного из горящего дома котенка.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

20. Храбрые парни спасают ягненка.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

21. Норвежцы рисковали жизнью, чтобы спасти упавшего в воду ягненка.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

22. И спасли!

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

23. Нью-йоркский офицер полиции подарил ботинки бездомному.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

24. Мужчина нашел бумажник в арендованном автомобиле и отправил его по почте владельцу.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

25. Морпехи приютили щеночка.

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасение

26. Опытные родители помогают советом и поддержкой молодой паре с ребенком, которую они увидели в кафе. «Я хотела предложить вам понянчить ребенка, пока вы будете обедать, но мой муж сказал, что это слишком навязчиво. Поэтому мы решили оплатить ваш обед. Хольте свое чадо – у нас дети-подростки, мы-то знаем, что вас ждет впереди, так что наслаждайтесь своим ребенком, пока можете».

добро, добрый поступок, помощь, спасениеИсточник: bigpicture.ru

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#67932789 - Support stamp. Grunge design with dust scratches. Effects can..

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Support stamp. Grunge design with dust scratches. Effects can be easily removed for a clean, crisp look. Color is easily changed.

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Routine misunderstanding. Exuberant attractive appealing couple asking for advice during therapy while smiling and relaxing on the sofa

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Woman Hand Writing What Are The Rules? on blank transparent board with a marker isolated over water background. Business concept. Stock Photo Фото со стока

#65224466 - Woman Hand Writing What Are The Rules? on blank transparent..

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Depressed moody woman expressing her anger

#88164814 - Depressed moody woman expressing her anger

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Pleasant attractive psychologist working in her office

#72577658 - Pleasant attractive psychologist working in her office

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Support stamp. Grunge design with dust scratches. Effects can be easily removed for a clean, crisp look. Color is easily changed. #71335012 - Support stamp. Grunge design with dust scratches. Effects can..


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Woman Hand Writing Assured reliance with black marker on visual screen. Isolated on bricks. Business concept. Stock Photo

#71606076 - Woman Hand Writing Assured reliance with black marker on visual..

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Teddy Bear on Isolate background. bow cute art nice love floor baby play child one joy doll studio toy object animal concept romantic retro worry young give apologize forgiveness plush single babe old white

#67248708 - Teddy Bear on Isolate background. bow cute art nice love floor..

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Support stamp. Grunge design with dust scratches. Effects can be easily removed for a clean, crisp look. Color is easily changed.

#67932787 - Support stamp. Grunge design with dust scratches. Effects can..

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Man Hand writing What Are The Rules? with black marker on visual screen. Isolated on white. Business, technology, internet concept. Stock Photo

#64598938 - Man Hand writing What Are The Rules? with black marker on visual..

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ASian girl playing ukulele wiyh her morther

#72274126 - ASian girl playing ukulele wiyh her morther

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Pros and cons signpost Фото со стока

#83824092 - Pros and cons signpost

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Silhouette of delighted therapist that raising her arms and expressing positivity while posing on camera

#90619076 - Silhouette of delighted therapist that raising her arms and expressing..

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Confident psychologist looking attentively at her patient and pressing lips while consulting him

#90619196 - Confident psychologist looking attentively at her patient and..

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Charity and help. Young blonde woman encourage to helping people and being volunteer. Lovely female with little small red hearts. Фото со стока

#99661209 - Charity and help. Young blonde woman encourage to helping people..

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Woman Hand Writing Regulation on blank transparent board with a marker isolated over water background. Business concept. Stock Photo

#65141888 - Woman Hand Writing Regulation on blank transparent board with..

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Handsome good looking man being at loss Фото со стока

#76171887 - Handsome good looking man being at loss

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Teddy Bear on Isolate background. bow cute art nice love floor baby play child one joy doll studio toy object animal concept romantic retro worry young give apologize forgiveness plush single babe old white

#67248707 - Teddy Bear on Isolate background. bow cute art nice love floor..

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Teddy Bear on Isolate background. bow cute art nice love floor baby play child one joy doll studio toy object animal concept romantic retro worry young give apologize forgiveness plush single babe old white

#67248756 - Teddy Bear on Isolate background. bow cute art nice love floor..

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Clear water. Selective focus of a glass of water standing on the table while being taken by a nice handsome man while being in psychologists office

#89636940 - Clear water. Selective focus of a glass of water standing on..

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Upset young woman wiping tears

#75402198 - Upset young woman wiping tears

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Teddy Bear on Isolate background. bow cute art nice love floor baby play child one joy doll studio toy object animal concept romantic retro worry young give apologize forgiveness plush single babe old white

#67248635 - Teddy Bear on Isolate background. bow cute art nice love floor..

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Charity and help. Young blonde woman encourage to helping people and being volunteer. Lovely female with little small red hearts. Фото со стока

#91415199 - Charity and help. Young blonde woman encourage to helping people..

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Severe problem. Experienced focused male psychologist turning to the patient who standing while positing on the blurred background

#91465120 - Severe problem. Experienced focused male psychologist turning..

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Women Hand writing What Are The Rules? with black marker on visual screen. Isolated on white. Business, technology, internet concept. Stock Photo

#63179095 - Women Hand writing What Are The Rules? with black marker on..

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Woman Hand Writing Regulation with a marker over transparent board. Isolated on Office. Business concept. Stock Photo

#68725321 - Woman Hand Writing Regulation with a marker over transparent..

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Interesting fact. Gorgeous pleasant male psychologist standing near the fireplace holding folder and pencil and listening to patient

#91464592 - Interesting fact. Gorgeous pleasant male psychologist standing..

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Young man showing smartphone and KNOW THE RULES! word concept on screen

#63193899 - Young man showing smartphone and KNOW THE RULES! word concept..

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Young man working in an office with tablet pc and searching KNOW THE RULES! word on internet

#62492389 - Young man working in an office with tablet pc and searching KNOW..

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Equality Fairness Fundamental Rights Racist Discrimination Concept

#64497929 - Equality Fairness Fundamental Rights Racist Discrimination Concept

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Happy patients. Cheerful positive young woman sitting together with her husband and expressing her gratitude to her therapist while feeling happy

#90503825 - Happy patients. Cheerful positive young woman sitting together..

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Curious female looking on her psychologist

#73282996 - Curious female looking on her psychologist

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Teddy Bear on Isolate background. bow cute art nice love floor baby play child one joy doll studio toy object animal concept romantic retro worry young give apologize forgiveness plush single babe old white

#67248536 - Teddy Bear on Isolate background. bow cute art nice love floor..

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Teddy Bear on Isolate background. bow cute art nice love floor baby play child one joy doll studio toy object animal concept romantic retro worry young give apologize forgiveness plush single babe old white

#67248638 - Teddy Bear on Isolate background. bow cute art nice love floor..

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Teddy Bear on Isolate background. bow cute art nice love floor baby play child one joy doll studio toy object animal concept romantic retro worry young give apologize forgiveness plush single babe old white

#67248709 - Teddy Bear on Isolate background. bow cute art nice love floor..

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Portrait of a sad cheerless woman

#88164868 - Portrait of a sad cheerless woman

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Nice blonde woman visiting a therapist Фото со стока

#88164956 - Nice blonde woman visiting a therapist

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Right or wrong signpost Фото со стока

#83824145 - Right or wrong signpost

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Man Hand writing Regulation with black marker on visual screen. Isolated on sunbed on the beach. Business, technology, internet concept. Stock Photo

#63510898 - Man Hand writing Regulation with black marker on visual screen...

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Drink it. Selective focus of a glass of water being given to a sad unhappy female patient while crying

#89635442 - Drink it. Selective focus of a glass of water being given to..

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Close up of man-child lying on pillows

#73283002 - Close up of man-child lying on pillows

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advocacy word written on wood block. Wooden alphabet on a blue background. Фото со стока

#74286855 - advocacy word written on wood block. Wooden alphabet on a blue..

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Social Awareness concept poster for Stop Bribe #79719086 - Social Awareness concept poster for Stop Bribe


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Social Awareness concept poster for Say No To Abortion #79719088 - Social Awareness concept poster for Say No To Abortion


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New perspectives. Smart optimistic redundant man coming home with a box full of his personal items and thinking of new opportunities of work together with his caring loving wife

#90299875 - New perspectives. Smart optimistic redundant man coming home..

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Cheerless handsome soldier listening to his therapist Фото со стока

#72578085 - Cheerless handsome soldier listening to his therapist

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Woman Hand Writing Regulation with black marker on visual screen. Isolated on Sunny Sky. Business concept. Stock Photo

#72126963 - Woman Hand Writing Regulation with black marker on visual screen...

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Teddy Bear on Isolate background. bow cute art nice love floor baby play child one joy doll studio toy object animal concept romantic retro worry young give apologize forgiveness plush single babe old white

#67248640 - Teddy Bear on Isolate background. bow cute art nice love floor..

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Social Awareness concept poster for Stop Black Money Practice #79719093 - Social Awareness concept poster for Stop Black Money Practice


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Do not cry. Fabulous upset female patient sitting on the couch looking aside while doctor proposing her tissue

#91465095 - Do not cry. Fabulous upset female patient sitting on the couch..

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Smart professional therapist taking notes

#85489456 - Smart professional therapist taking notes

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Feeling of stress. Sad unhappy young woman sitting in the armchair and hugging a pillow while having stress

#89635528 - Feeling of stress. Sad unhappy young woman sitting in the armchair..

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Positive delighted elderly man pointing on the bottle

#78313021 - Positive delighted elderly man pointing on the bottle

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Moral Фотографии, картинки, изображения и сток-фотография без роялти

Ethics word cloud concept

#41633379 - Ethics word cloud concept

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Cartoon businessman balancing cross and tick symbol on two weighing trays on both arms. Creative vector illustration for ethical dilemma concept isolated on green background. #47844808 - Cartoon businessman balancing cross and tick symbol on two weighing..


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Ethics Ideals Principles Morals Standards Concept

#47062099 - Ethics Ideals Principles Morals Standards Concept

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Cartoon man wearing full suit and bow tie balancing cross and tick symbol on two weighing trays on both arms. Creative vector illustration for ethical dilemma concept isolated on grey background. #44495568 - Cartoon man wearing full suit and bow tie balancing cross and..


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Ethics word cloud concept

#34094518 - Ethics word cloud concept

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Core Values Signpost Meaning Integrity Ethics Principals And Accountability

#26961969 - Core Values Signpost Meaning Integrity Ethics Principals And..

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This Way, That Way, Which Way, Right Way? words in a question on arrow road signs showing many choices for opportunity for moving forward and making a decision Фото со стока

#29799253 - This Way, That Way, Which Way, Right Way? words in a question..

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The Rules

#27420498 - The Rules

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3d imagen Core values issues and concepts word cloud background

#33350551 - 3d imagen Core values issues and concepts word cloud background

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Conceptual image - an opposition of angel and devil

#5042596 - Conceptual image - an opposition of angel and devil

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Man listening to the angel and devil self to make a choice Фото со стока

#41808598 - Man listening to the angel and devil self to make a choice

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Businessman holding compass showing direction concept for guidance, strategy and business orientation Фото со стока

#41771940 - Businessman holding compass showing direction concept for guidance,..

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stick man or figure holding up scales of justice - vector #3096472 - stick man or figure holding up scales of justice - vector


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Human life icon, from birth to death representing truth of life Иллюстрация #29069475 - Human life icon, from birth to death representing truth of life


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Tree of wisdom grows from the book with flat linear infographic design model for education concept, create by vector Иллюстрация #39581800 - Tree of wisdom grows from the book with flat linear infographic..


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business ethic ethical company corporate concept vector #43574358 - business ethic ethical company corporate concept vector


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detailed illustration of a blackboard with Code of Conduct text, vector, gradient mesh included #37266256 - detailed illustration of a blackboard with Code of Conduct text,..


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3D render of red devil brain on white background

#14095389 - 3D render of red devil brain on white background

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Businessman in dilemma choosing between right and wrong path. Metaphor vector illustration for business ethics in cartoon style. #36330485 - Businessman in dilemma choosing between right and wrong path...


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The word Integrity appearing behind torn brown paper. Фото со стока

#25448240 - The word Integrity appearing behind torn brown paper.

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Code of conduct concept image with business icons and copyspace.

#45157767 - Code of conduct concept image with business icons and copyspace.

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The phrase Do The Right Thing typed on a piece of paper and pinned to a cork notice board

#30768258 - The phrase Do The Right Thing typed on a piece of paper and pinned..

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core values - words in 3d silver grey metal gear wheels, business cultural riches concept

#29377120 - core values - words in 3d silver grey metal gear wheels, business..

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Freeway sign giving two choices

#1666803 - Freeway sign giving two choices

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business man or figure holding up scales of justice #3570469 - business man or figure holding up scales of justice


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Happy volunteer family putting their hands together on a sunny day

#44775551 - Happy volunteer family putting their hands together on a sunny..

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Justice Law Order Legal Graphic Concept Фото со стока

#62184969 - Justice Law Order Legal Graphic Concept

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Young man with badge helping an old lady. Elder people care and nursing. Flat style vector illustration isolated on white background. #54217160 - Young man with badge helping an old lady. Elder people care and..


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World philosophy and religion doctrine chalk handwriting doodle sketch design subject sign and symbol in blackboard background for education subject presentation or introduction with sample text, create by vector #52658979 - World philosophy and religion doctrine chalk handwriting doodle..


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Businessman refusing money, uncorrupted concept - soft focused Фото со стока

#42674878 - Businessman refusing money, uncorrupted concept - soft focused

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Tree growing on a computer keyboard Green IT and Computing

#93145686 - Tree growing on a computer keyboard Green IT and Computing

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Hands holding card with text Do what is right not what is easy on bokeh background

#61002433 - Hands holding card with text Do what is right not what is easy..

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Hand of hope encouragement. Support moral vector #62825488 - Hand of hope encouragement. Support moral vector


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outreach, 3D rendering, traffic sign

#72938402 - outreach, 3D rendering, traffic sign

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Business man in white mask wearing gloves and stealing computer and digital information - fraud, hacker, theft, cyber crime concept

#66136064 - Business man in white mask wearing gloves and stealing computer..

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Aeroplane Transport Travel Journey Graphic Concept

#60156127 - Aeroplane Transport Travel Journey Graphic Concept

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The flat concept of social support, help and rights for elderly people. Vector infographic about the elderly care. Design in thin line style. #70132863 - The flat concept of social support, help and rights for elderly..


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Set of various poses of Red clothing short hair boy ride on city bicycle #68381022 - Set of various poses of Red clothing short hair boy ride on city..


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Woman Hand Writing Law with black marker on visual screen. Isolated on nature. Business concept. Stock Photo Фото со стока

#70947391 - Woman Hand Writing Law with black marker on visual screen. Isolated..

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Concept or conceptual human rights political freedom or democracy word cloud in hand isolated on background

#80961775 - Concept or conceptual human rights political freedom or democracy..

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Religious Belief On the origin and end of moral and ideological ceremony was done based on the belief that many religions are described.

#91547171 - Religious Belief On the origin and end of moral and ideological..

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Honest honesty leads a long way find justice search truth, road sign.

#65446570 - Honest honesty leads a long way find justice search truth, road..

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Happy patients. Cheerful positive young woman sitting together with her husband and expressing her gratitude to her therapist while feeling happy

#90503825 - Happy patients. Cheerful positive young woman sitting together..

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GOLDEN RULES and Businessman drawing Landing Page on blackboard

#60385513 - GOLDEN RULES and Businessman drawing Landing Page on blackboard

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Woman Hand Writing Regulation with black marker on visual screen. Isolated on nature. Business concept. Stock Photo

#70567686 - Woman Hand Writing Regulation with black marker on visual screen...

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See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Vector illustration Иллюстрация #68964705 - See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Vector illustration


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Contemplation. Close up of pleasant woman being thoughtful while touching her temples with fingers and keeping her eyes closed

#94107346 - Contemplation. Close up of pleasant woman being thoughtful while..

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Women Hand writing Regulation with black marker on visual screen. Isolated on blue. Business, technology, internet concept. Stock Photo Фото со стока

#63666816 - Women Hand writing Regulation with black marker on visual screen...

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KNOW THE RULES person holding a smartphone on blurred cityscape background Фото со стока

#63675036 - KNOW THE RULES person holding a smartphone on blurred cityscape..

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Buddha statue

#83929953 - Buddha statue

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Intellectual rubber stamp. Grunge design with dust scratches. Effects can be easily removed for a clean, crisp look. Color is easily changed. #68532238 - Intellectual rubber stamp. Grunge design with dust scratches...


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Law - Hand pressing a button on blurred background concept . Business, technology, internet concept. Stock Photo

#62336888 - Law - Hand pressing a button on blurred background concept ...

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Good lessons sign with arrow on beach background

#61891141 - Good lessons sign with arrow on beach background

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Charity and help. Young blonde woman encourage to helping people and being volunteer. Lovely female with little small red hearts. Редакционное #82219722 - Charity and help. Young blonde woman encourage to helping people..


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Pleasant family psychologist sitting cross legged

#72132818 - Pleasant family psychologist sitting cross legged

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Charity and help. Young blonde woman encourage to helping people and being volunteer. Lovely female with little small red hearts. Фото со стока

#72424383 - Charity and help. Young blonde woman encourage to helping people..

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Women Hand writing Lies with black marker on visual screen. Isolated on white. Business, technology, internet concept. Stock Photo

#63295436 - Women Hand writing Lies with black marker on visual screen. Isolated..

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Berdsk, Novosibirsk oblast, Siberia, Russia - February 26, 2017: the Monument to the great Russian ascetic St. Seraphim of Sarov. Non-state educational institution - the Orthodox Gymnasium named after St. Seraphim of Sarov #73157692 - Berdsk, Novosibirsk oblast, Siberia, Russia - February 26, 2017:..


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Man Hand writing Human Rights with black marker on visual screen. Isolated on sunbed on the beach. Business, technology, internet concept. Stock Photo

#63114391 - Man Hand writing Human Rights with black marker on visual screen...

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Sad adult woman describing her problem

#88164959 - Sad adult woman describing her problem

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Cheerless sad woman taking a cup

#88165048 - Cheerless sad woman taking a cup

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The lawyer with the folder Иллюстрация #71898434 - The lawyer with the folder


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Dead fish in the water represents a bad environment.

#76799610 - Dead fish in the water represents a bad environment.

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Unethical rubber stamp. Grunge design with dust scratches. Effects can be easily removed for a clean, crisp look. Color is easily changed. #95689083 - Unethical rubber stamp. Grunge design with dust scratches. Effects..


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Two best friends working together

#75402140 - Two best friends working together

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Young man showing smartphone and BUSINESS ETHICS word concept on screen Фото со стока

#63207661 - Young man showing smartphone and BUSINESS ETHICS word concept..

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Set of various poses of school boy Green Blazer ride on city bicycle #68166947 - Set of various poses of school boy Green Blazer ride on city..


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Right or wrong signpost Фото со стока

#83824145 - Right or wrong signpost

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Delighted handsome man looking at his therapist

#73777603 - Delighted handsome man looking at his therapist

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Woman holding red hearts on blurred background. Volunteer concept

#98038247 - Woman holding red hearts on blurred background. Volunteer concept

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Modern volunteering. Top view of happy cheerful female volunteer posing on blurred background and carrying tablet while staring at camera Фото со стока

#97922611 - Modern volunteering. Top view of happy cheerful female volunteer..

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Teddy Bear on Isolate background. bow cute art nice love floor baby play child one joy doll studio toy object animal concept romantic retro worry young give apologize forgiveness plush single babe old white

#67248634 - Teddy Bear on Isolate background. bow cute art nice love floor..

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Law - Businessman press on digital screen. Business, internet concept. Stock Photo

#62340207 - Law - Businessman press on digital screen. Business, internet..

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Law - Hand pressing a button on blurred background concept . Business, technology, internet concept. Stock Photo

#62357793 - Law - Hand pressing a button on blurred background concept ...

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Integrity rubber stamp. Grunge design with dust scratches. Effects can be easily removed for a clean, crisp look. Color is easily changed. Иллюстрация #87530595 - Integrity rubber stamp. Grunge design with dust scratches. Effects..


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Cloud Hidden Dilemma Depression Bliss

#72420562 - Cloud Hidden Dilemma Depression Bliss

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Know the Rules circle word cloud, business concept Иллюстрация #71363154 - Know the Rules circle word cloud, business concept


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Dead fish in the water represents a bad environment.

#76915843 - Dead fish in the water represents a bad environment.

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Preachy scientist shaggy woman

#72856714 - Preachy scientist shaggy woman

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devil businessman office workers characters. Good and bad. Vector flat cartoon illustration #90299359 - devil businessman office workers characters. Good and bad. Vector..


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EQUALITY concept

#64085897 - EQUALITY concept

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Worried male person sitting opposite his doctor and holding hands together while explaining his situation

#90618945 - Worried male person sitting opposite his doctor and holding hands..

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Woman Hand Writing Correct with black marker on visual screen. Isolated on nature. Business concept. Stock Photo

#70571142 - Woman Hand Writing Correct with black marker on visual screen...

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Code Of Conduct - Hand pressing a button on blurred background concept . Business, technology, internet concept. Stock Photo Фото со стока

#60311618 - Code Of Conduct - Hand pressing a button on blurred background..

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Arabic Calligraphy of verse number 4 from chapter Al-Qalam of the Quran, translated as: And indeed [O Muhammad], you are of a great moral character. Islamic Vectors. #90405757 - Arabic Calligraphy of verse number 4 from chapter Al-Qalam of..


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Hand of a businessman putting a golden coin into a big green piggy bank with a tree - green saving concept Фото со стока

#68680507 - Hand of a businessman putting a golden coin into a big green..

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Man Hand writing Code Of Conduct with black marker on visual screen. Business, technology, internet concept. Modern business skyscrapers background. Stock Photo

#63123622 - Man Hand writing Code Of Conduct with black marker on visual..

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Positive delighted woman looking at patient Фото со стока

#73282794 - Positive delighted woman looking at patient

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Vector conceptual human rights political freedom. Democracy paint brush word cloud on white background. #88993197 - Vector conceptual human rights political freedom. Democracy paint..


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Na Dun at Maha Sarakham in Thailand

#79626427 - Na Dun at Maha Sarakham in Thailand

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A rifle bullet with red blood Bloodshed business selling weapons causing death Фото со стока

#64633906 - A rifle bullet with red blood Bloodshed business selling weapons..

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Business man pointing to transparent board with text: Conflict of interest

#64839843 - Business man pointing to transparent board with text: Conflict..

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Human rights word cloud collage, social concept background #80061013 - Human rights word cloud collage, social concept background


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Man Hand writing Morale with black marker on visual screen. Isolated on sunbed on the beach. Business, technology, internet concept. Stock Photo

#63116261 - Man Hand writing Morale with black marker on visual screen. Isolated..

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Morality Principle Virtuous Water Graphic Word

#78913794 - Morality Principle Virtuous Water Graphic Word

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Kampuchea Siem Reap Angkor Wat

#65070530 - Kampuchea Siem Reap Angkor Wat

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Woman Hand Writing What Are The Rules? on blank transparent board with a marker isolated over water background. Business concept. Stock Photo Фото со стока

#65224466 - Woman Hand Writing What Are The Rules? on blank transparent..

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