Ужасно большое приключение. Wow получить благословение великого духа животного в wow
Ритуальное грозовое облако - Задание
Комментарий от Bloodisblue
This quest causes my World of Warcraft to crash. Anyone else having this problem?
Комментарий от Visil
You can choose one of three buffs from the great spirits as a resultant of this quest. these are:Thistlebear gives a 10% Reduction in damage takenMoonstalker gives a 10% haste bonus, andStag gives a 10% increased movement speed
Please bear in mind these effects are only active in the Darkshore region.
Комментарий от troelala
The essence to use is in front of the quest giver. After activation the surroundings will become blur and you will see the three spirit around you with an exclamation mark. You will have to choose on of them.
Комментарий от Liquidmind
With this quest you can earn 'the Seeker' title with any character with the quest.. if you keep repeating the spirit quests.Комментарий от Gnomen
It would appear that the quest Twice Removed is a prerequisite for this quest if you are a rouge, warrior or druid. I, as a druid, was not able to do this quest until completing Twice Removed. The quest is obtainable from Seraphine, who is standing next to Karithus.
Комментарий от Peinuts
there is a little blue ribix cube thing where the incense should be for me!Комментарий от Liri
Spirit of the StagI am the caretaker for my kind, leading not through force, but through wisdom and swift action. Wisdom is what carries us into the deeper forest when danger beckons and swiftness is what leaves our enemies basking in our absence.In this wisdom, I see through to your true intentions, and I know that you are deserving of my blessing, the blessing of my swiftness. It can be your, but know that the other spirits will not welcome you once you proceed - consider this carefully before accepting my boon.
Комментарий от Liri
Spirit of the Moonstalkeri share these forest willingly, accepting night elf kind into my home, and on occasion calling them friend. Though they have been tainted greatly in recent memory, I can see in you the same strength, honor, and spirit that first endeared them to me.Комментарий от Liri
Spirit of Thistle BearFor countless ages I have walked these forests and lived in these mountains. Through snow and fire, I have watched civilizations crumble and nature press on. Now, the very earth turns against us, and it becomes apparent that we must fight if our legacy is to continue.Your heart is true, and I would chose you as our champion. If you value the thick hide and resilience of my kind, then accept my boon. Know the other spirits will not accept you once this choice is made, so chose wisely.
Комментарий от Liri
I think the spirits need an editor - a few too many commas in there.
Комментарий от Apoth01
well, the incense doesn't appear for me... i start the quest. and nothing happens. am I doing something wrong?
Комментарий от Vidikov
There is a bowl at the feet of the quest giver. Click on the gear and go into a smoky mist where you can choose your spirit guide.
Комментарий от Lizarumbk
Does the movement speed bonus stack with any others? Including mounts?
Комментарий от Zeast3
I have confirmed the movement speed increase does not stack with others.
Комментарий от damaru
I also took the Moonstalker buff without incident.Комментарий от nyctanessa
Spirit of the Moonstalker quest text:I share these forests willingly, accepting night elf kind into my home, and on occasion calling them friend. Though they have been tainted greatly in recent memory, I can see in you the same strength, honor, and spirit that first endeared them to me.If you place value in the ferocity necessary to overcome all odds, then I am willing to call you my champion. Know now that if you side with my kind, the other spirits will not accept you, so consider your choice carefully.
Spirit of the Stag quest text:
I am the caretaker for my kind, leading not through force, but through wisdom and swift action. Wisdom is what carries us into the deeper forest when danger beckons and swiftness is what leaves our enemies basking in our absence.Spirit of the Thistle Bear quest text:
For countless ages I have walked these forests and lived in these mountains. Through snow and fire, I have watched civilizations crumble and nature press on. Now, the very earth turns against us, and it becomes very apparent that we must fight if our legacy is to continue.Your heart is true, and I would choose you as our champion. If you value the thick hide and resilience of my kind, then accept my boon. Know that the other spirits will not accept you once this choice is made, so choose wisely.
Комментарий от DrCheis
To everyone having trouble seeing the incense, there is a bug in the game that was introduced in patch 4.0 which causes some models, textures, and sounds to be flagged as "expansion-only" meaning even if you have the expansions installed, you will be unable to see them when playing on an account without whichever expansion the object is flagged for. This was most noticeable during the Cataclysm launch event as many of the objects there appeared all green to players on classic accounts, but it was too late for Blizzard to fix it.TLDR; if you can't see any incense, just click the checkered cube.
Комментарий от decker12
At the level you're doing the quests in this zone, your best choice is probably the Stag 10% run speed buff. You'll get back and forth from quest locations faster, plus as stated earlier, the speed buff will return any time you're on-foot in Darkshore, regardless of your level.When you're in your mid-teens, due to your level and relative DPS, the percentages from the other buffs won't make much of a difference.
Комментарий от BlazeEagle
It’s a hard to notice smokey bowel BETWEEN Grimclaw & Keeper Karithus.
Комментарий от thewcloner
It is fairly safe to say that the haste buff is probably best. especially if your a caster of any sorts. if your melee then speed might be better. also as others have said the movement speed buff may be more helpful for faster questing. I know myself i was already over level 17 when i got this far so not far from mount anyway.
Комментарий от shaynehunsaker
I just did this quest and got the stag, +10% speed,and it does stack with Wargen's dark flight. 110% speed before and 154% after(40% of 110)
Комментарий от lavendera
For some reason, for me the Blessing of the Thistle Bear is not always working. Yesterday it worked just fine, but today all of the grizzled thistle bears are red again. D: Does anyone know why? Do I have to do something in order to activate it? And yes, I am in Darkshore still.
Комментарий от arabian
Chose the Moonstalker's blessing just because am a huge fan of Feline species.
Комментарий от celeratus
Комментарий от doomboot
as of today 10/30/11 stag buff does NOT stack with druid Feral Swiftness or any forms, worthless for druids, BUT it does stack with Night Elf racial Elusiveness in Stealth for RoguesКомментарий от mgramlic
The Stag movement speed buff does stack with Worgen Darkflight racial.140% without Stag buff154% with Stag buff
Комментарий от leadfeather89
You can get 3 completed quests towards Darkshore Quests if you complete one animal spirit, then abandon the quest, and repeat.Комментарий от FuseinaOokami
So I just wanted to bring all the information gathered here in one post:First off, the quest item that you need to right click is sitting at the questgiver's feet.
Second, you can only choose ONE of the three spirits. Here are the benefits of each spirit.Stag - Grants 10% increase with movement speed (does not stack with druid forms with increased speed, does stack with Darkflight and Nightstalker), Become friendly with all Stags in Darkshore (there are very few stags in the area now)Moonstalker - Grants 10% increase in haste, Become friendly with all Moonstalker (cats) in the area (mainly in the southern area)Bear - Grants 10% Damage reduction, Become friendly with all bears in the area (everywhere)
Third, bear in mind that once chosen that the buff will persist even after you level past this area, but only in Darkshore, and you will not get a second chance at choosing.
My Opinions:If you want to level quickly, choose BEAR. You actually travel a lot in Darkshore by Nightsaber provided by the Nightsaber Riders. There are far more bears in the Darkshore than any other creature. Plus the less damage will help in case that involves getting hit by a large group of mobs.If you ever foresee yourself need to gather herbs from this area, or fish... or whatever else you can do here.... and you really don't care about the buffs, STAG will by your best choice. While there are little stags in Darkshore itself the increased movement speed will help out when running around and gathering nearby herbs or dig sites.If your a druid or you can care less about speed and armor, then MOONSTALKER is your choice. Haste increases all extremely important stats.I will say this however: On PvP realms it should be noted that Horde may use Darkshore to get to Darnassus or as a refuge from a failed attempt on Darnassus. Thus making Moonstalker's effect a lot more wanting since it's usable at a higher level. Bear would also help in this case as well.
My choice, ironically, is Moonstalker. As a hunter on a PvP realm, that is high enough level to make this quest green, I really could care less about where mobs are. But the haste rating will help quickly killing my opponents. Every bit counts, and no one has confirmed that the Stag buff stacks with Aspect of the Cheetah.
Final note: Please don't vote mine down if you feel like it's repetitive (it's supposed to be just a place where to find ALL the information gathered) or if you disagree with what I'm saying, unless you feel that I am totally wrong about a mechanic of something. If that is the case please state why as a reply.
Комментарий от Salruhon
Which spirit would most benefit a feral worgen druid?
Комментарий от zeterai
A lot of the information on this page is out of date, now. As of the current patch, the Stag blessing does stack with both Feline Swiftness and Cat Form, enabling a druid to run at 158% move speed when shifted, or 126% in caster/bear form. A non-epic ground mount gives you 160% move speed, so it's a very viable choice now. Of note, despite the spell effect saying it increases Movement speed, this doesn't apply to Flight or Swimming speed, just running.Travel Form puts it up to 177%, which is in and of itself silly.
Комментарий от mariesgrdn
I you are completing the quest chain for the battle pet "Withers", chose your blessing according to which secondary pet you would like. I chose the stag buff so I could complete the quest chain faster. When I got Withers, I also got a rare quality fawn. I'm sure that it would have been a bear or tiger cub had I chosen the other buffs.Комментарий от Pureheart
Regarding achievements. Choosing one of the spirits, abandoning The Ritual Bond, then choosing another spirit, yielded the following results:* Quests completed on Statistics tab incremented by 1 only.* The Seeker achievement counter incremeted by 1 only.* Darkshore quests achievement counter incremented multiple times. This even continued happening when I went to the same spirit more than once.
Комментарий от GitGudGuides
The Ritual Bond http://youtu.be/jqmosqnVuo8Комментарий от Goodwinn
If you can't see very clearly through the fuzziness/blur effect you can type this to get rid of it:/console ffxGlow 0
Комментарий от Shadeflayer
For those who can't find the Keeper his location is at coord. 42.99, 39.10.
Комментарий от Mansooriko
Is there a way to change it after choosing a buff ?Комментарий от machina2413
How to do:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhL1rMxyVKcКомментарий от Boxofbeer
The Ritual Bond https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uFRilSfk6UКомментарий от VGPlays90
Here is a demonstration of the completion of this questhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bej-7gYdHU
Комментарий от Huntercraft192
its easy to miss the thing in front of the quest giver, you click it then go to an animal to complete the quest, then you go back to the quest give to officially complete quest for rewardКомментарий от WoWGnGP
Комментарий от CzechCloud
If you cant see it, just:/target Grovekeeper's Incense
Комментарий от bartzer
Click on the ritual bowl in front of that guy.ru.wowhead.com
Возвращение полубога - Задание - World of Warcraft
Комментарий от Kimiya
This is the final quest of the Druid Class Hall Campaign!Just a warning for those building up Г'ханир, Изначальное Древо: if you get the Life Artifact Relic reward, DO NOT immediately replace the current one on your Artifact! You'll immediately get a quest from Ренсар Большое Копыто which will unlock the last relic slot (as well as the new appearance for completing the campaign). G'hanir's third slot is for a Life relic, so once you complete this, you can add the reward to it.
Congrats, Archdruids! :)
Комментарий от Snormol
Is this quest bugged for anyone else? I don't receive the blessing from Malorne and can't hand in the quest at my order hall..
Комментарий от Meggies
To complete this quest you have to go find Malorne up past the flight master and talk to him. There will be a cutscene then you can turn in the quest to Keeper Remulos back in the center of your Order Hall.
Комментарий от Dapaco
This is flagged incorrectly as a Horde only quest, it is available to both factions.
Комментарий от OldWolf2
I was stuck in combat after receiving this quest; the only way I could find to proceed was to use Hearthstone and then port back to Dreamgrove.
Комментарий от SFFCorgi
Am I the only one wondering where Goldrinn and Tortolla were? I ran all over and found: Aviana (with flock), Ursol and Ursoc, Aggraman, Cenarius, Ashamane and of course Malorne. But Tortolla was not in the lake, and Goldrinn wasn't anywhere.Комментарий от Boxofbeer
So, this is the last quest of "main"druid class hall campaign. Get back to The Dreamgrove and find Malorne at 62.8 36.9 spot near a lake. As you come closer, there start a cutscene. Malorne says some words, everyone cheer, so all become happy etc. You get Archdruid title and some other candies. You just finished the druid class hall campaign, just 3rd relic slot quest left.Возвращение полубога — www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLpSHrxdOkM
Комментарий от Arugula
When Malorne says "this portal" he means the bushy flowy foggy mass of gaseous emissions on a stone plinth across a little stone bridge to his right. Hope this helps someone.
Комментарий от mymy379
Completed this quest today, but all the cutscene contained was a close up of my druid slowly waking up to Malorne, Malorne saying 'Farewell' line, and that's it. Yet other videos online showcasing this quest feature full-fledged Malorne text 'RP'. Puzzling.
Комментарий от Tygandre
If completing this does not appear to unlock your third relic slot, you may need to relog, as I did.
Комментарий от gamerunknown
Portal is 63, 69 in Malorne's area if you weren't paying attention to where you came in. Получите благословение Малорна.Описание
Пусть ты и <смертный/смертная>, доблесть твоя достойна древних богов.
В тебе живет дух природы – яркий, дикий и яростный. Я вижу в тебе самую суть природной искры – волю к жизни.
О нашей победе здесь будут помнить многие века, <имя>.
Теперь возвращайся в реальный мир через этот портал. Мы еще поговорим, когда вернемся в Рощу Снов.
Бианки, мы, старейшины Рощи Снов, посовещались и единогласно пришли к соглашению. Мы хотим видеть тебя во главе Рощи Снов.И сегодня присваиваем тебе титул Верховного друида Рощи Снов – высшее звание в нашем ордене.
Долг нашего ордена – защищать природу, и ответственность за это отныне ложится на твои плечи! Будь достоин своего высокого звания, Бианки.
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Благословение медведя - Задание - World of Warcraft
Комментарий от tstorm
Found appx at 45.5 76.5
Комментарий от HandsomeJack
Correction, the quest giver is in the grove, so instead of heading "North" like the quest says, head a little south (few paces) and you should see Fleetfoot. HTH.
Комментарий от cizrage
Kill the yellow bird named Fleetfoot for feathers. Then use the item at the Bear Statue.
Комментарий от federaly
I don't know why but I had a bit of trouble finding it. Most likely because the statue is only about the size of a Tauren but it is surrounded by rubble and trees. As @Bethuviel says it is SW of the Glaive but only about 10 metres or so. I got the same exact cords as @tstorm.
Комментарий от Waylo
Using Coordinates:45.66 , 79.07 Fleetfoot - kill for feathers45.31 , 76.74 Bear Statue
Комментарий от tbean67
As I was creating the herb bundle, I was attacked by a consumed thistle bear -- although it shows the completed item in my bag, it won't let me complete this quest. Any ideas? I've tried to interact with the shrine but it doesn't seem to work.
Комментарий от Michispichis
I've been trying for two days now and it just doesn't work?I have the tailfeathers and stand in front of the bear statue .. I'm going crazy!
Комментарий от gbage
You need both the Tailfeathers and the Bear Paw Bundle. Standing beside the statue of the Bear Head, simply click the Bear Paw Bundle in your bag.
Комментарий от brinakins74
For people without cords, the statue is just south of the grove and the bird is a little more south from the statue. I found the bird next to the corrupted watering hole.
Комментарий от brinakins74
Slight correction to my previous statement. It is not south of the grove of the ancients. The tallstrider and the bear statue are in the southern part of the grove.. They are out of the colorful circle of trees. but the mini map says you are in the grove. The bird and the watering hole are visible from the statue. Wisps are found easily around any trees in the area. a little fast and hard to catch though. Hope this helps someone.
Комментарий от Christena88
The coordinates where I found the statue was 45,76. :)
Комментарий от katieleigh522
The watering hole you find him at (same place you kill the Consumed Thistle Bears) is a great place for skinning. Really fast spawn rates and you can basically just go on killing and skinning around the watering hole indefinitely until you get bored.Комментарий от GitGudGuides
The Bear's Blessing http://youtu.be/FqHHgGzgHggКомментарий от machina2413
Sample video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzBIu_9UlIAКомментарий от VGPlays90
Here is a demonstration of the completion of this questhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uy6TDQdz-MКомментарий от Boxofbeer
The Bear's Blessing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPDbQZLlvhkКомментарий от WoWGnGP
I made i playthrough of this quest if anyone wish to see how to do it :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEH5-A09RTY&feature=youtu.be Старейшина Бролг из логова Чернолесья попросил вас принести ему пучок благословенных трав. Прилагается предмет:Описание
Чтобы использовать медвежью лапку для очищения зараженных, надо вплести в пучок трав еще кое-какие ингредиенты и благословить талисман. К северу от деревни бродит долгоног по имени Быстроног: именно его перья годятся для завершения талисмана.Принеси перья долгонога и пучок медвежьих лапок к древней статуе медведя, которая стоит среди руин в Роще Древних. Это на севере от того места, где бродит Быстроног.
Когда найдешь святилище, свяжи вместе перья и стебли травы. Пусть дух медведя благословит этот букет.
Ты нашел древнюю статую медведя?
Это именно то, что надо! Теперь, когда дух медведя благоволит нам, у моих братьев появилась надежда на спасение.
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Статьи WoW-Pets :: Ужасно большое приключение
Для того, чтобы получить достижение Ужасно большое приключение, вам потребуется победить ряд наставников питомцев, имея в своей команде совершенно очаровательного, но совершенно бесполезного в бою Плюшевого элекка.
Наградой за достижение станет новый питомец Хоботок и, несомненно, много фана в процессе прохождения.Несколько моментов, которые стоит отметить: для достижения достаточно, чтобы элекк был в вашей команде и был живым в конце боя. При этом не обязательно выполнять им какие-либо действия в самой битве, если вы не планируете получать им опыт. Однако если вы прокачаете уровень своего элекка, это значительно облегчит многие битвы, поскольку он сможет принимать на себя часть вражеского урона. Потребуется довольно много времени на сражения, кроме того, не получится сделать все в один присест, поскольку не все наставники питомцев доступны в течение недели в Турнире Небожителей.
Существует много вариантов команд и тактик, которыми вы можете выиграть бои, в данном руководстве использовались простые в получении и эффективные питомцы и универсальные советы для каждого укротителя, на основе которых вы сможете разработать собственные способы победы.

Укротители низких уровней
Это Ледяная Трикси в Зимних Ключах и Лидия Аккосте в Перевале Мертвого ветра. Для победы подойдут два любых питомца 25 уровня.
Ярмарка Новолуния
Джереми Фитиль:
Механический пандаренский дракончик (используем только Дыхание для убийства первого питомца, далее Приманку, Бомбардировочный заход и Дыхание до смерти дракончика) и Дирижабль ярмарки Новолуния (Приманка, Бомбардировочный заход и Ракета).
Кристоф фон Физель:
Полярный лисенок (Зажигательный танец, Шквал х2, Вой, Зажигательный танец - пока первый враждебный питомец не погибнет (если вам не повезло, и лисенок получил несколько критовых ударов за бой, лучше начать бой заново), далее Шквал до смерти лисенка) и Железная звездочка (Ликвидация, Клубок энергии х2-3, Ликцидация, Суперзаряд).
В случае возникновения проблем с данным сетапом рекомендуется иметь уже прокачанного Плюшевого Элекка (с уровнем здоровья, способным выдержать удар вражеского питомца), плюс Механический пандаренский дракончик и Железная звездочка: первый дракончик, Дыхание х2, Приманка, Дыхание - до смерти первого врага и далее до смерти дракончика, потом вызываем звездочку, Ликвидация, Суперзазряд, Ликвидация - до смерти второго врага, меняем на элекка, Милашка, Милашка (для принятия ударов врага), Шаловливые ручки - выводится звездочка, Супер разряд и Ликвидация.
Ники Мелкотех на Полуострове Адского Пламени: два любых питомца - элементаля.
Рыцарь крови Антари в Долине Призрачной Луны: Механический пандаренский дракончик (Приманка, Бомбардировочный заход и Дыхание, подойдет также любой механический питомец) и Рапана (Вбирание, Кислотная жижа, Нырок, подойдет также любой водный питомец).
Морулу Древний в Шаттрате: любые два летающих питомца.
Наррок в Награнде: любые два летающих питомца.
Рас'ан в Зангартопи: любые два механических питомца.
Почти Безголовый Якоб в Лесу Хрустальной песни: возьмите двух черепах с Клубком энергии и Волной исцеления или двух лягушек с Атакой языком, Роем мух и Волной исцеления.
Гатреч в Зуль'Драке: Порождение Анимуса (можно заменить другим механическим питомцем) и Зандаларский Пяткогрыз (можно заменить другим питомцем-животным).
Окрут Убийца Драконов в Драконьем Погосте: Фигурка Анубисата (Сокрушение, Каменная кожа, Отклонение) и Весенний кролик (Шквал, Закопаться, Уклонение).
Бигл Фитиль в Ревущем Фьорде: Дракончик Нексуса (Чародейская буря и Волна маны по кулдауну, Взмах хвостом в промежутках) и любой летающий питомец для добивания.
Майор Пейн в Ледяной короне: Блескотрончик (Дополнительная броня и Рог изобилия по кулдауну и UDAR.EXE в промежутках до смерти первых двух противников) и Пандаренский дух воды (Гейзер, Водоворот и Сильная струя воды).
Брок на Горе Хиджал: Дирижабль ярмарки Новолуния (Приманка, Бомбардировочный заход и Ракета) и Изумрудный протодракончик (Дыхание, Древнее благословение, Протоудар) или другой дракончик.
Гоз Гибельная ярость в Сумеречном Нагорье: Рапана (или любая другая улитка с Вбиранием, Нырком и Кислотной жижей) и Механический пандаренский дракончик (Приманка, Бомбардировочный заход и Дыхание).
Бордин Крепкорук в Подземье: Волшебный речной рак или другой питомец-хилер и Зандаларский Пяткогрыз или другой питомец-животное.
Обалис в Ульдуме: Птенец императорского орла или другой летащий питомец с Пронизывающим ветром и Взлетом и Изумрудный протодракончик (Дыхание, Древнее благословение, Протоудар) или другой дракончик.
Хюна Хранительница Святилищ в Нефритовом лесу: Фигурка Анубисата (Каменная кожа, Отклонение и Сокрушение в промежутках. Если вы вовремя будете избегать сильных атак, вероятность выигрыша велика) и Птенец императорского орла (Пронизывающий ветер для нанесения урона и Взлет в первом раунде против последнего питомца, чтобы избежать урона).
Шепчущий пандаренский дух в Нефритовом Лесу: Небесный дракончик (Лунный огонь, Древнее благословение для лечения, Огнемет в промежутках) и Изумрудный протодракончик (Дыхание, Древнее благословение, Протоудар) или другой дракончик. С использованием двух любых питомцев-драконов проблем в битве возникнуть не должно.
Рокочущий пандаренский дух на Вершине Кунь-Лай: Рапана (или любая другая улитка с Вбиранием, Нырком и Кислотной жижей - убиваем первого врага, далее до смерти улитки) и Механический пандаренский дракончик (Дыхание до смерти второго врага, далее Дыхание и Приманка (важно вовремя использовать для избежания высокого урона)).
Отважный Юнь на Вершине Кунь-Лай: Фигурка Анубисата (Каменная кожа - постоянно поддерживайте во время сражения, Отклонение для избежания сильных ударов и Сокрушение. При некотором везении способен убить всех трех врагов) и любой механический питомец, например, Дирижабль ярмарки Новолуния (Приманка, Бомбардировочный заход и Ракета).
Пылающий пандаренский дух в Танлунских степях: Фигурка Анубисата (одно Сокрушение, Каменная кожа, Отклонение, Сокрушение - пока не погибнет первый враг. Продолжайте в таком порядке, не забывайте постоянно поддерживать Каменную кожу и использовать Отклонение по кулдауну) и любой питомец с магическим уроном, например, Небесный дракончик.
Искатель Зусши в Танлунских степях: Болотный квакун (Сильная струя воды, пока первый враг не погибнет. На второго врага один раз Сильную струю воды, далее Пузырь и до смерти - Сильная струя воды) и Птенец императорского орла (стандартная тактика, Взлет против высокого дамага и Пронизывающий ветер в качестве урона).
Аки Избранная в Вечноцветущем доле: Фигурка Анубисата (Каменная кожа - постоянно поддерживайте во время сражения, Сокрушение до смерти Стрекотуна, с Бурехлыстом начинайте с Отклонения и убивайте его с помощью Сокрушения) и Птенец императорского орла.
Странник пустошей Шу в Жутких пустошах: Болотный кузнечик (Крючок, Прикосновение природы, Удар кокона) и Дирижабль ярмарки Новолуния (Приманка и Бомбардировочный заход по кулдауну и Ракета в промежутках).
Парящий пандаренский дух в Жутких пустошах: Птенец императорского орла (избегая высокого урона взлетом и используя дамаг по кулдауну, вы можете убить всех трех противников, однако для надежности стоит включить в команду также любого водного питомца).
Фермер Ниши в Долине Четырех Ветров: Зеркальный долгоног или любой другой долгоног (Сильная струя воды, Волна исцеления и Брандспойт) и Дирижабль ярмарки Новолуния или другой сильный механический питомец.
Мо'рук в Красарангских джунглях: Дирижабль ярмарки Новолуния используем до смерти питомца, затем летающий питомец, хорошим выбором будет Птенец терродактиля (Взлет и Древнее благолословение по кулдауну и Пронизывающий ветер в промежутках).
Турнир Небожителей
Сражения на Турнире отличаются сложностью, поэтому рекомендуется к этому этапу иметь прокачанного элекка, который способен принимать на себя часть урона в битвах.
Салли "Рассольный" Маклири: Болотный квакун и любой мотылек с высокой скоростью (Рой мух, затем спамим Атаку языком и используем Пузырь в неубиваемый раунд. На второго врага - Атака языком, Рой мух, спамим Атаку языком до смерти. Выводим элекка, пока действует Рой мух. Меням на мотылька, добиваем врага Альфа-ударом, на третьего врага используем в порядке приоритета Удар кокона - Пыльца - Альфа-удар).
Хранитель истории Чо: Чудесный дракончик пустоты с минимальной скоростью и Механический пандаренский дракончик (на первого врага Лунный огонь и несколько Чародейских вспышек, при выходе второго врага - Обмен жизнью и Чародейские вспышки до смерти. Выводим механического дракончика, используем Приманку и спамим Дыхание. Когда у врага осталось менее 296 здоровья - Удар грома. Меняем на элекка и ждем, пока пройдет кулдаун у Приманки. Используем Шаловливые ручки, чтобы вернуть дракончика и завершаем бой Приманкой - Ударом грома - Дыханием.
Доктор Ян Голдблум: Железная звездочка с низкой скоростью и Механический пандаренский дракончик (на первого врага - Ликвидация, Суперзаряд, Ликвидация. Второй враг - Ликвидация, Ликвидация, спамим Ядовитый дым до смерти. Выводим дракончика - Приманка, спамим Дыхание. Когда у врага остается менее 148 здоровья - Бомбардировочный заход. При выходе третьего врага вызываем элекка и держим, пока пройдет кулдаун на Приманку. Возвращаем дракончика Шаловливыми ручками, Бомбардировочный заход - Приманка - Дыхание.
Тажань Чжу: Рубиновая капля и любой мотылек с высокой скоростью (используем в порядке приоритета Пузырь, Кровоточащую рану и Вбирание до смерти первого врага, на втором враге сохраняем приоритет, но бережем Пузырь для использования перед тем раундом, когда вы будете ослеплены. При возвращении врага используем Вбирание. На третьем враге продолжаем до того, как он начнет использовать повязку и меняем на мотылька. Убиваем несколькими Альфа-ударами, при возврате последнего живого врага - Удар кокона, Пыльца, Альфа-удар. Если мотылек умрет, добиваем врага рубиновой каплей.
Чэнь Буйный Портер: Дирижабль ярмарки Новолуния и Детеныш живодера со скоростью 281+ (на первого врага - Приманка, спамим Ракету. Со следующим врагом - Ракета, пока он не заснет, далее меняем на детеныша живодера и используем Буйство. Третий враг - Отклонение и спамим Блиц до смерти. Возвращаем дирижабль, Приманка, спам Ракеты. Завершаем Взрывом, когда у него остается менее 618 здоровья).
Гневион: Фигурка Анубисата и Куньлайский коротышка с низкой скоростью (первый враг - используем Каменную кожу и спамим Сокрушение. Отклонение используем против бомбы. Со следующим врагом Отклонение бережем для пассивной способности драконов. На третьем враге Отклонение против болтов. Продолжаем до смерти идола, далее коротышкой используем Ледяной шок, Глубокую заморозку и Захват врасплох.
Тёмный мастер Кирин: Мерцающий спороскат или другой спороскат и Снеговичок (на первого врага используем Ползучий грибок, меняем питомца на снеговичка и кастуем Глубокую заморозку, затем Снежный ком. На следующего врага - Снежная буря и спамим Снежный ком. На вернувшегося врага - Глубокая заморозка и Снежная буря. Со следующим спамим урон до смерти снеговичка, спорокатом вешаем Ползучий грибок и спамим Теневой удар. На последнего оставшегося врага спамим Теневой удар.
Мудрый Марис: Фигурка Анубисата и Механический пандаренский дракончик (на первого врага - Песчаная буря и Сокрушение, второй враг - меняем на дракончика, ставим Приманку и спамим Дыхание. Используем Удар грома, если спиритус кастует Стража Души. С последним врагом по приоритету используем Приманка - Удар грома - Дыхание. При необходимости добиваем дракончиком.
Блескотрон-4000: Пандаренский дух воды и Рубиновая капля (Будьте готовы к длительному и скучному сражению. С первым врагом - Водоворот, Нырок и несколько Сильных струй воды. Следующий враг - Водоворот, Сильная струя воды, Нырок, Водоворот, Сильная струя воды до смерти. Выход рубиновой капли - начинаем с Нырка, далее в порядке приоритета Кровоточащая рана, Нырок, Вбирание. С последним врагом - Кровоточащая рана, Вбирание и используйте Нырок перед получением высокого дамага.
Гаргра на Хребте Ледяного огня: Порождение Анимуса и Дирижабль ярмарки Новолуния, но и два любых других механических питомца должны справиться без затруднений.
Саймре Сияющий Клинок в Горгронде: Фигурка Анубисата (используйте Отклонение каждый раз на гниль, Песчаную бурю и Сокрушение в промежутках. При хорошем стечении обстоятельство, анубисат с Отклонением будет жив к выходу второго питомца, поменяйте погоду с помощью Песчаной бури и меняйте питомца. Дракончиком спамьте только Дыхание до смерти.)
Эшли в Долине Призрачной луны: сражение очень легкое, большинство питомцев способны справиться со всеми врагами соло. Для надежности можно воевать любым дракончиком.
Вешарр в Пиках Арака: Хроминий и Механический пандаренский дракончик (на первого врага спамим Чародейский взрыв, подхиливаемся Древним благословением, когда здоровье достигает половины. На втором враге выводим дракончика, ставим Приманку, используем Удар грома, дальше Дыхание, пока не убьем врагов.)
Тарр Ужасный в Награнде: рекомендуются использовать сильного питомца-нежить, например, Зараженная белка и любого паука (вешаем Ползучий грибок на Мурчелота и Смертика, используем Поглощение. Получив оглушение просто пропускаем ход, не меняя пета. Снова Поглощение - Смертик умирает. Вешаем Ползучий грибок на Мурчелота. К этому моменту белка воскресает и последним ходом любой атакой снимает щит с Мурчалия. Пауком бьем ядом, после приземления Мурчалия вешаем Режущую паутину, затем Полчища паучков.)

Благословение Элуны - Задание - World of Warcraft
Комментарий от huntergenwedar
This is active as of right now, a friend of mine just finished this quest. For horde you can get the quest from a guy in or near thralls chamber in orgrimmarI think.Комментарий от Tylius
Here's how you summon him.1) Go to Moonglade (by using lunar festival invitation).
2) Bought 20 Green rocket cluster.
3) Go to "stormrage barrow dens" in Moonglade (about 65, 65).
4) Fired 5 Green rocket cluster in the two launchers.(then I summoned Omen Minions, and killed about 10 of them)
5) I now fired the last 15 rockets and used my gun "Elune's candle" on a minion and there he was.(you get the candle if you deliver 5 Coins of ancestry).
Комментарий от jorge
Just downed him with a 9 player pug, mostly level 67+. He has an AOE called Starfall (arcane damage) which you just need to avoid periodically. Tanked him near the summon spot (you can rez at the graveyard next to it). Took about 15 minutes to get him down, good to have a holy priest / resto druid. Omen's health doesn't reset if you have to start again, which is nice. You can also kite him into town and have the guards get him, but he can get bugged on the environment. Not a hard fight if you have the heals and DPS.
Комментарий от Okand
Did this with my guild. We had some level 70:s and the lowest one was me (level 63). We were 8 people and got him down after 15 to 20 minutes of battle. We only had one healer (level 68 priest) but we managed anyways. We died a lot but the graveyard is right next to the place so that was no problem. The rewards aren't that über but that lantern is pretty cool. Kill this guy if you can because having a raid with your guild is fun.Комментарий от karlthepagan
The level requirement for this quest is MUCH lower than stated. I have accepted it on my level 47 alt.If I remember correctly I have seen players in their low 40's participating in the quest.
Комментарий от entropicdragon
You don't have to participate in the raid that kills Omen in order to receive Elune's Blessing; all you have to do is stand on his corpse once he is dead, and you will receive the blessing. This works even if you are the opposite faction of the people who killed him.
Комментарий от Phazedout
.......wtf, I remember being IN the raid that killed him, and I couldn't get the damned blessing....
Комментарий от Taurendruid5567
we downed him with 10 today. theres 3 ways to get to moonglade if your a druid if not a druid then theres 2 ways 1st way run thru felwood 2nd way use invitation 3rd way teleport there. the GY is incredibly close you dont even need to walk! you just release and bam your at your body if not then its only like 5 steps. GLКомментарий от Nameme
Considering this boss is only active during the Lunar Festival, I find it incredibly suspicious that you fought him at the end of December, during the Feast of Winter Veil.Unless, of course, you're playing on a private server, in which case wowhead doesn't need conflicting reports from unofficial servers.
Комментарий от Feannag
It should be noted as of this post the elite guards around the festival grounds in Moonglade will NOT aid in killing Omen. He will also reset back to the Burrow area if he loses aggro on any player.
Комментарий от leyut
This quest awards 500 Cenarion Circle reputation at time of post.Комментарий от Nekudotayim
This is the link to the NPC that respawns: http://www.wowhead.com/?npc=15467Комментарий от Nekudotayim
Here's the the link to Omen, the bad Fluffy dog that respawns http://www.wowhead.com/?npc=15467
Комментарий от Churchburner
LOOOOOOOL lolololooloolololol
Комментарий от Katsume
Yes! Finally a quick easy way to get three X solid stone!!!Комментарий от toggie
There's a "Lunar Festival" achievement you'll get after completing this quest. And you need it to get To Honor One's Elders achievement. So you can't miss this one, if you want to get all achievements of "World Events" for a reward Violet Proto-Drake.
Комментарий от Dusktide
also note that you need to actually complete the quest this year, not just be near him when someone else kills him
Комментарий от inufin
Just killed him in bloodfeather by 30~ horde and 20~ alliance players at the same time. Good thing everyone gets the blessing. ^^Комментарий от Blackthundercro
Just walk trought his dead body and you will get blessing..He got 5.2M Hp..
Easy to kill.
Комментарий от slicendice101
You don't need to have the buff active when you hand in the quest, so if you get killed on your way back to the quest giver you can still hand in.
Комментарий от Losbullitt
Confirm. Just stand in the light and recieve the .
Комментарий от bullets3612
if u stand in the light after a different group has killed him you get free credit!
Комментарий от spim
Would just like to add, be careful of ressing anyone with their PVP enabled as the guards don't like it sometimes.Комментарий от stevebat
epic battle its considered a-ok to help people of the other faction kill omen. also there are no guards nearby so after omen is dead pvp to your hearts contentalso has 5 million health must have a raid
Комментарий от Beace
Tanked it with 1 healer (Actually was a moonkin) easily. Then we had about 10 random dps also there, fight took 5-10 minutes.
Комментарий от eightbityuri
Anybody know if this counts for Loremaster of Kalimdor?
Комментарий от Nonsens
long and boring fight this year, just as always. 5.6m hp, no abilities, solo healable...
Комментарий от Nebalee
If you still own a lantern from a previous event you have to destroy it, otherwise you get a 'Dublicate item found' error and can't complete this quest.Комментарий от Pancakes
Grab some rocket clusters and shoot about 5-10 in each launcher by the lake in stormrage barrows den in moonglade.There were about 15 people there, took about 6-7 mins to kill him.
Healing is minimal, he doesnt do much damage to the tank. Most of his damage is an AoE starfall.
Комментарий от pezz
He basically hits like a heroic boss, so he isn't very hard to tank. Unless you want to be sitting there for 20 minutes though, bring 8 or 9 dps with you. Also two healers might be good because starfall can be unpleasant.
Комментарий от illbills
made killing it with only 3 players, had a druid tank and me(pala healer) and a resto shaman, did great none of us got oom, and the boss is pretty easy
Комментарий от JediForce
you have to have the quest to get credit ive did it twice at 30th lvl, and no achievement lol
Комментарий от Pieofdeath
Just wondering: why are solid stones part of the quest reward?You can find them in a lot of zones in the game from a bunch of low level mobs.
Комментарий от jcarle
Just a little warning, although it may seem obvious to some, it's a little unclear why this quest has a level 40 requirement. I innocently showed up as a level 47 hunter only to have both my pet and myself one-shot killed. This quest should have been marked with at least a level 60 requirement.Комментарий от Jubjub
http://www.wowhead.com/?item=21713 - Hits him for about 900-1.4k. If you're a low level and can't do much DPS to him, just run around spamming this at him.Also on a side note, you don't even have to be ALIVE to recieve this blessing. I just ran into his body as a ghost and got the Elune's Blessing buff. - Doesn't count towards the quest complete though. Have to remove and stand in his body again to get quest complete.Комментарий от groharlem
This boss has about 6 million hit points as of patch 3.0.8 at level 80.I tried dual-boxing my resto shaman & balance druid while a feral druid tanked it & we only got him to 50%. After about literally 20-25 minutes of running around & innervating the shaman and healing everyone I finally went OOM & we ran away.
Oddly, the boss still remained at 49% health after disengaging him. It might be possible for you to re-engage him after another party wipes.
Комментарий от okspeck
I put mine on the AH and got 2s for them!Комментарий от Stigg
To complete this quest, you must defeat Omen, a ? raid boss in southeastern Moonglade (at Stormrage Barrow Dens). In patch 3.0.8 he got a massive buff, from being able to be 3 manned at 70 with ease to taking ~10 ish 80s. While I am sure it can easily be done with less than that, it would take quite some time to burn through his 5.5 Million health.He does not reset his health when he leaves combat (neither by evade nor if you wipe), and to get credit for the quest you don't have to have him "tagged". When he dies, a light will appear and you simply run through it to get the blessing.
Factions, groups, raids, -none- of it matters. You don't even have to be logged into the game when Omen dies, so long as the light hasn't disappeared by the time you get there. Simply run through the light and the quest is complete.
If you are not able to do much for the group to bring him down, run back to Valadar Starsong and get Elune's Candle. This will hit him for about 1k with a small global cooldown. It (to the best of my knowledge) always hits Omen.
Now if you are thoroughly in need of this quest, you can solo him as (at least) a druid. Pop into travel form and just use the Elune's Candle as you kite him. He will eventually evade bug back to his spawn location. With him having 5.5 million health, you will need to do this 5,500 times to kill him. But it CAN be done. :)
Комментарий от gotmilk
My tips on hi is to have the tank run around the circle, while that is happening have ranged and spellcasters run on top of the circle and shoot at him. Stay away from moon fire. Have some hunters cast aspect of the pack so rouges and all other close range can keep up with him.
Комментарий от lunali
This quest bugged out for me! I ran into the light and go the buff while a ghost. It didn't complete. Just make sure you are alive. :s
Комментарий от MadroxAoS
Soloable for level 80 aff/demo warlock with a whole lot of spare time. Just kite him around the den. Keep up fel armor on yourself and syphon life, coa, and corruption on him. If you keep close to the den he can't catch you, but as an escape put your teleport in the middle of the structure. If he gets too close than teleport to it and bandage for a sec. Not a whole lot to it but it's a very very very long fight alone. He'll probably evade every few times around which gives you a chance to eat. He doesn't regen health when disengaged so just pick the fight back up whenever your ready again.I wouldn't suggest it unless you can't find anyone to help or you enjoy a kiting challenge.Комментарий от Faithstalker
Can be done with 1 tank & 1 healer heroic geared at lvl 80, but takes a hell of a long time with his 5.2M Health pool. But we got bored halfway through and grabbed a load of dps.I just kited him back and forth between the second bridge and his spawn point over and over to keep out of the starfall which worked rather well. Just don't go past the second bridge or he'll reset. Or if your healer needs a mana break go past the second bridge and he'll reset but won't regain his health and you can just pick him up again.
Side Note: When buying the clusters to summon him, buy red one's and you can get the "launch 10 red clusters in 25 seconds or less" achievement.
Комментарий от Lashir
Boss has 5.6M HP.Комментарий от Kallnohae
I'd just like to note that at level 49 this quest gives 70 silver and 6550 experience. Which, between exploring for the elders and turning this quest in, was enough to push my would-be twink up to 50./whine
Комментарий от huck500
We 5-manned Omen with no trouble, 10-man Naxx geared, Druid tank, Priest heals, Hunter Lock Paladin DPS, took 10-15 minutes or so. Just stay out of the Starfall.
Комментарий от Muratsuki
Took my group a half hour to complete this, but we didn't wipe once. Four 80s, two 77s, one 72 and one 58. I used innervate about 5 times, but it was great. Just have to have a good main healer and a good main tank, and you're golden.Комментарий от ATgamer992
Just done this, and the easyist way is just to wait untill another group comes and summons him, help them take him down, then stand on omens dead body and get the Blessing Of Elune buff, then run back and hand in the quest.Simples :P
Комментарий от joster0
what level do you need to be to pick up this quest?
Комментарий от GhostlandsAndys
you need to shot 20 Green fireworks cluster and then he will be summoned, it does not require your raid to kill it. when he is dead a light will come on him , when you stand in the light you done the quest
Комментарий от Kitaeri
Confirmed, you can still just stand in the light if you aren't part of the group that tagged him. I just did it after a group of the opposite faction downed him. As we saw with Love is in the Air, though, Blizz may hotfix this, so do it while you can!
Комментарий от Spinx
Ok so, just spent the last 15 minutes killing him with 2 hunters a deathknight and me a Pally tank. It is a rough fight with out a healer, the hunters were pulling around 1500-2000 damage and one of them kept dying to the aoe. Omen was hitting for about 2.4k on a geared plate tank, and starfall was doing about 1200 damage per tick.Things we found out. 1. aoe is bad to stand in, its not much if you have a healer but with out one its death. 2. If your buffs fall off as a pally tank you start to die. 3 plenty of people watch and just show up to get the buff afterwords.My suggestions is to avoid what i did and bring a healer and several more dps lol.Edit, not the best way to grind solid stone.Комментарий от neonzebra
Just 3manned this, druid heals, a PallyTank and a random DPS (dk).. all 80's.. all Gearscore's between 4600-4950.. took 18.8minutes.No enrage, no real damage spikes, avoid the ice rain, and it goes smoothly.Druid heals: 2100+heals, rejuv and 3xlifebloom was up 100% on tank (rejuv only on dps and self), only needed to cast nourish once on the tank... cake heal.Pallytank: 560+def, 31.3khp, 20%dodge, 17%parry; not awesome gear, but enough to even out the dmg.No real dps necessary.. could have been 2manned.. would have just taken foreeeevvveeerrrrr....
If you're under lvl67, stay back.. you'll die from the 3k/3s ice rain... you get credit for walking into the aura of the dead thing.. not from doing damage.. even cross-faction slackers can get credit from your kill.
Комментарий от Nihl
Just downed Omen with an Alliance/Horde combo. On the Alliance side, there was only one 80, a Mage, then there were four low 70's and two high 60's. Horde Side there were four 80's. A Deathknight (Me), Paladin, Mage, and a Hunter, none of in a group.Alliance side was wandering around, so I decided to help them out, and summoned Omen for them, who I managed to get 10k damage on him before I died. I rezzed, and periodically attacked, but there wasn't much I could do by myself. Then the Paladin and Mage showed up, a couple minutes before the Alliances tank died. Omen then aggroed onto me somehow, and I could barely keep from dying, then I saw a big green +6139 come onto my character at about the same time I used rune tap. I assumed that the Paladin was healing me, then I held aggro on Omen untill he was at around 4700k and the Alliance tank somehow picked him up, and he died again shortly after. I held Omen untill the rest of the fight. I'm not sure when the hunter showed up, but I saw him when I was glancing around my screen. When Omen was down, all of us got the buff and /cheered, then went to turn in the quests to get our achievements. There wasn't any PvP afterwards either.
Took us 30 min to down him. (Most of us were undergeared for the fight, except for the Paladin, which i'm happy about.Possibly one of the funnest 30 minutes i've ever had in WoW on a PvP server.
Комментарий от Tryp33
Easily downed him with 3 level 80 druids, 1 bear, 1 tree, and 1 boomkin. Boomkin was pulling around 4.5k and the AoE was no match for the tree's rejuv. Saw some lowbies throwing the occasional ranged attack at him but most of them just ran in for the blessing lol. Fight took about 12 mins.
Комментарий от shadyz
did few days ago...had full raid just to make it go fast just get 2-3 healers, 1 tank and 10-13 dps :p then then just dps him down...
Комментарий от Prosthetik
Not that hard really all you need is a geared tank and geared Healer to complete. Some DPS is needed for time but just got done doing it with Druid heals .. Omen has 5.5 mil health. and if you follow the driections of the past comment it usually takes about 5 of those clusters to summon.Комментарий от Akashka
Just did this in a 10 man raid all lv 80s.1 Tank2 Healers (probably poss with 1)7 DPS
Took about 5 mins to do.
All you have to do is move out of the AoE Starfall he casts it's that simple.
Комментарий от Tigerstar214
Alright, so this is how I got him. First, my group of 7 set up our four tanks in a square. All the tanks were roughly around 7-10 yards away from each other. Now when we summoned Omen, he was in the middle of our tank square. Each tank would taunt Omen and then when he got close enough to attack another tank would taunt him. The whole time our DPS players were slamming Omen with damage. He never got close enough to attack anyone because of our taunting tank square. Real good plan. Try it out. There is no need for a healer. Just make sure you kill him fast because eventually you might make a mistake and lose a tank. GL!
Комментарий от tolight
just did it with a resto druid.took me 25 mins to kill him.but i had 45khp unbuffed.. and tanking spec on my dk..
Комментарий от tidus93
He has been buffed, he has 5.58m HP and is a level ? Boss. hits for 5-7k per hit to a level 85 dk.
Комментарий от MisterEver
The spotlight thing that gives the Elune's Blessing buff lasts for 5 minutes after Omen dies.Комментарий от archilles
An interesting thing to note...I already did the quest and received my lantern. Then I applied for a faction change and they gave me the quest again. While I was quite happy to be able to own two lanterns (double the Elune Stones), I was a little sad to find out it was unique.
I deleted my one and turned it in the second time to "replace" my lantern. =)Good times!
Комментарий от wxcvbn
noticied a nice bug doing it on my holy paladin : got 100% crit chance on exorcism ( have denounce in my spec ) have fun !
Комментарий от zero0911
Had 10+ people, just need a tank and healer. He isn't hard. When my group attempted this we had horde flag around us, killed them as soon as we killed omen. About 10 horde, i dont know. Al i know is, dont be dumb and taunt a group when they have more people, and higher levels.
Комментарий от ubbu93
You don't have to kill him yourself. If someone else kills him before you then you can just walk through the beam of light and you'll get it.
Комментарий от Zhorun
Where do i get this quest? is it a line ?
Комментарий от Mothrock
I am a lv 85 dk tank, 138k hpSoloed, took 30-45 minutes3k-4k dpsКомментарий от Exias
It's worth noting that you automatically get the Elune's Blessing buff by simply going near Omen's corpse after he's already been defeated. You don't even need to be a member of the group that defeated him.That made completion of this quest very easy since I flew in after he had just been downed.
Комментарий от pdxkristian
Tried this solo just now on my 85 DK, and shortly after I began I had an 85 warrior and 82 shaman jump in. I was in my tank gear and blood presence, and I could have done it alone quite easily. The shaman was alliance, and with me being horde I of course didn't receive any healing other than my own. My avg itemlevel in tank spec as of this writing - 1/24/2011 - is 359.Omen doesn't hit hard, but he's got almost 5,000,000 hp, so while it's certainly possible for decently geared folks to solo him, it'll go much faster if you bring a friend or two.
Комментарий от canyonvr
You can get the blessing even as a ghost.I saw a group of horde summon him and decided rather than fly around and wait for them to down him I'd lend some DPS.
Guess they didn't like that so after they killed me I thought I would rez in the light after they were done. So as a ghost I just sat in the corpse and before I rez'd I got the quest complete message.
Nice to know.
Комментарий от dopfeldecker
Really easy to solo as a 85 hunter.
Комментарий от methamp
Solo'd this with my geared Level 85 Blood Death Knight tank. Took forever.
Комментарий от dudeknight
easily soloable by a hunter but would take forever best to bring some dps along, i used a tutle pet as the tank never fell below 80% health
Комментарий от Aikanaka
Can be soloed as a fire mage with improved blink and firestarter. Kite around with scorch and blink away when the boss is near. Use mirror image when up to pull the boss and blow cooldowns. People will likely come along and help out.
Комментарий от bigworm2
bugged as @#$%, year after year, I get the quest, kill him, but it won't complete. pisses me off.
Комментарий от coml123
if u think u need like 10 man u dont me and 2 other level 85 deathknight soloed him we died 4 times but he just walks down the path and he dot recovers his life so he was pretty easy
Комментарий от Koheed87
I found a nice easy way, (takes a while but it works!), to solo this guy as a 85 mutilate rogue in decent gear. All you have to do is fight him near the fountain where he spawns, dps him untill u are starting to get low on health, then kite backwards, or just run depending on how low you are, or how much health you have left, up the ramp of the fountain and jump off the other side, run to the pillar where the Cenarian guy is standing. If you do this correctly, Omen will run towards you, stop, turn around and reset. BUT! His health will not reset, so sit, eat, drink, do what you gotta do, then pull him again. Rinse and repeat untill hes dead. XD
Комментарий от Lolythax
If you're level 85, awesome gear - don't try to solo this. :) Three 85s, however (in my case a pally, with a druid for each dps and healing, it took about ten minutes, no deaths. :D
Комментарий от Vanquisher
Does anyone have any accurate info as to HOW to summon this guy?
Комментарий от gosnellma
I soloed this guy with an 85 balance druid that has decent gear by strafing and spamming moonfire and insect swarm with the occasion shooting star and sometimes summoning my treants. When my health got to about half way i just used 3 lifeblooms and barkskin. I also used thorns when i could. This would probably be alot easier with a hunter.
Комментарий от Mcgraw
I'm not sure if this holds true for everyone, but just teamed up with a shaman, we two-manned Omen and he did not regenerate health, even after one (or both) of us died. He has over 5 million health, so it took us a while, but we did it. And don't forget to step into the light to get the blessing.Комментарий от AnnatarLG
Soloed him at 85 on my Prot Pally. No problem staying alive...just took 30 minutes. (Find a friend).Also, I can confirm his body does stay up for FIVE MINUTES. I relogged 5 toons to get the blessing.
Edit:My note about summoning. I read pretty much every comment and they all were either ambiguous or misleading. I bought 30 clusters, fired 10 and his wolves showed up. I killed a few around that immediate area and nothing happened, so I just spammed the other 20 and he eventually came. Not sure if any of that is related, or you just pound out 15-20 clusters and he shows up.
Edit as of MOP, obviously his HP and damage has been upgraded. You cannot solo him at 85. I do not think you can at 90 either.
Комментарий от Prudentis
SV hunter / ilvl 340 / catFight takes about 10 minutes @ 8-9 k DPSOnece you pull aggro off your pet just FD to aggro resetKeep mend pet rolling. On a dps cat it is about equal to the incoming damage.if you get low on health, wait for starfall to land on pet and bandage yourself(don't forget to refresh mend pet before bandaging)Should your pet die during the fight, just FD away from spawn point and rezz it.He doesn't regenerate health
Комментарий от Nahizai
lol, just did this with another two alliance players on PvP server ;D it's was nice cause we have the same mission and we've forget that we are enemy ;) either after the fight, they doesn't attack so it was really nice.
Комментарий от A7xremains
Soloed on my 85 hunter today. ilvl 335..... Longest fight ever. All I did was my normal dps rotation and keep heals on my crocodile who was tanking. He died once so I feighned death and ressed him, and bandaged myself. Long but easy fight. His aoe is kinda nasty after awhile and he was hitting around 5k on my croc. Good luck :DКомментарий от metalbunny
As of 4.03, this guy has 5.6 M hp and is most definitely not soloable as a caster, at level 85.Do note though, to complete the quest you only need to stand in the light and receive the blessing. Whether or not you're in a raid or not don't matter. Even if the opposing faction kills him, as long as you get into the light it works.
Комментарий от Brandon138
If you can pump out the damage before your main items break you can kill him just by running back asap. He takes a while to despawn if you die.Комментарий от PerryCS
WHAT TO BRING..., What to do :)Easy to solo with a Pally, Hunter, and DK. (thats all the toons I have done this on)
FIREWORKS:I looked around in Moonglade and sadly... cant buy any fireworks. You can buy for 5 coins the "package of fireworks" (from the guy who gives you the quest) but NONE of them in that package work in the cluster launcher to summon Omen. I flew to Darnasses (if you have epic flying you can make it across without fatiguing completely out but just by a hair - I was scared I'd have to take rez sickness it was pretty close) lol.
So, make sure you bring some before you use your 10 min summon invitaton...
I bought about 80 cluster rockets. 1 silver each I think it is. You will prob be able to do with 40 or less since I still have 2 stacks but for the hastle of going elsewhere to buy them - i brought 80 :). Launch them until you see wolves running around the outskirts. Attack them with elunes candle (88 charges). I killed a couple with elunes candle. BTW - it stuns them. I put my pet on passive and only killed them with the candle - (if it matters, i dont know). Repeated launching them. Killed 2 more. Launched some more. Omen appeared.
HUNTERS:If you plan on soloing this boss bring some bandages/potions. When he starfalls the bear tanking pet, use your bandages. The AOE doesnt do much but it slowly wears you down. I finished the fight with full health and my tanking bear full also. Lvl 85 gear 333 approx.
To the uneducated hunters - there are 3 classes of pets from what I remember. Get a tanking pet like the bear. Wolves are nice for dps but are in a different class. Saves time in healing (tanking pets) so you can dps the daylights out of the boss.
PALLY:Easy. Just use your Holy Word every 3 attacks. Cant touch ya! Takes a while but...
DK:Easy. Faster than my Pally. I used tank spec for the extra healing.
Dont forget to run through the light that appears over Omen when killed! Quest Completed will appear!
Hope this helps someone!
Комментарий от SpeedHighway
Decent information, but...You have always been able to purchase fireworks in Moonglade at the festival location where everyone is dancing around. The festival is right where you appear when you use your scroll to get to Moonglade.I just finished the two rocket achievements on a char and bought the fireworks to summon Omen from them a moment ago.
Комментарий от Trakernt
Lol, this guy has more HP then the Lich KingКомментарий от Meldoron
Easily soloed as an enhance shaman in about 12 minutes. Used glyph of stoneclaw and used that every cd and used shamanistic rage whenever I could as well. Both of them combined was a great way to take the time to heal up without losing cast time. Of course pop wolves on cd because by the time it's back up I am at half hp and use the wolves taunt to regen some hp.It was quite weird, though, because when I killed it, like 30 low levels came out of the woodwork to finish the quest.
Комментарий от thelostonesway
easily solo'ed as an aff lock using void as a tank, took about 15 mins
Комментарий от Ipfree549
Killed him today (On the 2011 Lunar Festival) was just me, 85 blood elf paladin, and an 85 Draenei Priest.I tanked and kept myself up with my Seal of Insight and a few Word of Glory`s. Priest DPS'ed him down.
Комментарий от mikeywest
patch 4.3 omen has 4.3 million HP but other than that its exactly the same fight as the last lunar eventsКомментарий от TheHeroOfTheDawn
Dirt easy to solo as a Blood DK.Starfall hurts though, so AMS those when you can.You'll need to keep a Vamp Blood Rotation flowing at that-- heal as much as possible after every Starfall you can't AMS.
Комментарий от longgone
"blessing of Elune failed - duplicate item found".....have Elune's lantern in my bank so the quest will not finish.....very frustrating experinace.
Комментарий от tassah
What is the minimum level to get the quest for Elune's Blessing for the Achievement?Комментарий от silverspear
at 85 as blood spec, with mostly dps gear wasnt too hard to solo, was more enjoyable watching the low levels trying to help and getting 1 shotted by the starfall. dont use all your cds at once, keep them spread out and you should be fine.i dont remember how many rockets i fired but i kept going back and forth from left to right and im guessing i used 20+ and then boom he emerged from the water, any bms try to tame him lol?
Комментарий от dimos47ki7
incredibly easy as blood dk...i forgot to use my dps gear and took just a bit longer (and when i mean longer i mean 7mins)i didnt even use AMS and didnt drop bellow 80-85% the whole fight.
as others said: dont forget to step over his body at the end to complete quest
Комментарий от Zurai
I'm not sure if this is normal, or an isolated glitch, but, for me, Omen did not despawn, reset, or regenerate health when I died or left combat with him. I was able to solo him as a feral druid in PVP gear by attacking him for a bit, then running out of combat to heal...lather, rinse, repeat. Took about 30 minutes.
Комментарий от T3hrabidcow
Able to solo on Ele shaman with Glyph of Unleashed Lightning. Kite him around the middle well.This may be of use.Комментарий от danz107
Nothing's really changed since last year. He is summoned either by firing between 15 and 30 rocket clusters in the launchers, or by stunning his minions (summoned after 1 or 2 clusters) with Elune's Cannon. The questgiver DOES tell you this....And Omen still does not regen health; so classes that can escape combat can, over time, solo him. Watch the Starfall, it hits for about 19k per tick.
Комментарий от Zeekufy
Just as a heads up, to summon him you have to shoot red blue or green rocket clusters, the lucky ones you get out of the letters DO NOT WORK
Комментарий от Mathrol
Just downed him with my pali I LVL 268 and a priest healer, pretty simple especially when you die his health doesn't reset.
Комментарий от Giliathriel
I pseudo soloed this on my 85 mage, got him to half health after dying who knows how many times when a Tauren Shaman showed up and helped me finish him the rest of the way. Took about 45 minutes. When I went into City Trade to ask for help, everyone just scoffed at me. But got 'Elder' anyway. You will die a lot, but it is possible to kill him with even two 85s.
Комментарий от temikel
I just soloed it...i'm also an ilvl 389 beast mastery hunter! woo!
Комментарий от fordfairmont
Just soloed as 85 MM hunter with a pig pet. MD to pig dps boss until pig dies then feign death. Get back up res pet start again. Took 10 minutes maybe.Комментарий от Hooie
I can confirm that as long as he is spawned before the holiday ends you will still get credit after the holiday is over.I spawned Omen at 2:59am and after 3 deaths, managed to solo him on my hunter with my trusty pet Terrorpene. I stood in the beam and got Благословение Элуны and To Honor One's Elders at 3:14am (14 minutes after the holiday ended).
Комментарий от Hooie
I can confirm that as long as he is spawned before the holiday ends you will still get credit after the holiday is over.I spawned Omen at 2:59am and after 3 deaths, managed to solo him on my hunter with my trusty pet, Terrorpene. I stood in the beam and got Благословение Элуны and To Honor One's Elders at 3:14am (14 minutes after the holiday ended).
Комментарий от akilleuss
If any BM Hunters wish to train Omen he is the same model as a low lvl Allie quest boss in a cave which some furblogs and some moonkin looking creatures are fighting over search for the Kurken hes from Azuremyst isle i got him in the Lunar Festival called him omen had hordies stopping in there tracks in org to look at him
Комментарий от eeedge
Remember to destroy your old Elune's Lantern if you want to be able to get the 19 gold 84 silver for doing the quest again this year. Otherwise you go back to Orgrimmar, and then back again to Moonglade.Комментарий от Ranloc
What level do you have to be to get the Omen Quest? 35? I went there as a level 32, and it didn't offer me the quest. I did it the other day with a level 57, so did I miss something, or is there a level requirement?Thanx in advance to any responses. :)
Комментарий от Wimbleton
The critical Phrase is "stunning the minions," not just killing them. A bunch of us today started killing minions but they just respawned and the number increased by two about every ten minutes until we were up to our elbows in them. They are labeled 89 and 90 but they have more health than typical 89 and 90 mobs so more time-consuming and annoying to kill. We did manage to drag some of them near to the Moonglade Wardens that were wandering around and they would then join in the fight. They didn't do a lot of damage but enough to be helpful.Omen now seems to have another AoE that slows everyone down, like you're running around in molasses. Again, annoying because even if you can see the Starfall coming, you can't get out of its way as quickly as you would normally. As if Omen needed another trick.
Fortunately he doesn't reset, as others have pointed out, because the "tanks" in our group kept dying multiple times (we had a number of classes but no healers). Fortunately we had a 90 Mage that stayed out of his way and just burned him down while the rest of us held suicide aggro.
Комментарий от alexutzu
What are "cohorts" ? :|Комментарий от Joviel
Let me give a tutorial on how to totally fail at completing this quest.1) First off, start with a petless, undergeared level 86 human hunter. Because I enjoy playing WoW, I endure playing under extremely laggy conditions as a result of having terrible internet . Therefore, I spend most of my game time doing low level quests and farming for rare pet spawns. This way I don't cause distress when I am suddenly booted from dungeons and raids because of my astoundingly weak internet. The only reason I've made it to level 86 is from the XP I've gained from Pet Battles. So this means that I don't have any good gear from quests, bosses or dungeons and I have no pet because I've been farming for Loque'nahak for three weeks with no luck.
2) Next, accept the quest. Because I am an achievement nerd, I accepted the quest and headed off to complete it to get the achievement before I realized that I probably forgot something (i.e. my pet, a group of friends, and some decent gear).
3) Then, forget to read the Wowhead comments about completing the quest and run around for 20 minutes trying to find Omen and killing Minions of Omen.
4) Notice someone shooting off fireworks and think, "Wow, what a silly thing to do at a time like this." This helps spawn Omen, by the way. But you probably already knew that.
5) Spot Omen spawn near the water, immediately get overexcited and start overzealously attacking the double headed demon dog level ? boss.
6) Die.
7) Thankfully, there is a graveyard nearby. Release spirit and repeat steps 5-7 a few more times.
8) Receive the Blessing after Omen has been killed. The blessing & achievement CAN be received while you are a ghost! Just stand on or near the body and Voila! Mission accomplished.
There were probably six level 90 players and 3 level 70 players also participating in the battle & the entire fight took between 10 and 15 minutes. I don't know who the other players are, but I want to thank them for helping me complete this quest despite my self-inflicted handicaps!
*Edit: Grammar edit.
Комментарий от GeneralMeow
I am finding some conflicting information on how to summon Omen, so I decided to experiment. I can confirm that you do not have to kill his minions in order to summon him. You just need to fire 30 rocket clusters from the cluster launchers by the lake, near Stormrage Barrow Dens. (You may fire less than that if someone was there shooting off rockets before you.) I tested using Blue Rocket Cluster, Green Rocket Cluster and Red Rocket Cluster. Also, in case anyone cares, it seems that the Lucky Rocket Cluster will also work. (I watched someone else use these while summoning.) I know that this is a little late this year to be much help, but hopefully it will help in the future.TL;DR: All you need is 30 rocket clusters. Killing his minions is unnecessary.
Комментарий от Westy543
As of Warlords of Draenor (6.0.3), Омен has about 5.4 million HP. Immune to slows, but if you have a move speed buff you can outrun him and kite him in circles. Don't try and pull him in a straight line, he'll eventually leash. He casts Starfall which targets an area on the ground and does AOE damage after a brief moment.As stated he does not regen HP, even when he leashes.
Комментарий от Kseides
Омен can also take damage from Целеуказатель ТЕРМОЯД, so if you can get a few toons with those in your inventories, he could go down in a few seconds as long as you keep him in ground zero.
Комментарий от Zettaraid
In 6.0.3 Omen can easily be defeated by a healer + tank. Bring a dps for extra damage.Комментарий от nirv
Since nobody mentioned at all:You buy rockets cluster rockets for SILVER (not Coins of Ancestry) from "Lunar Festival Vendor" at 36,58 in Moonglade. He's a tauren. I'm Horde so I'm not sure if it's the same for alliance.
Комментарий от Mydge
For 2016, he isn't a complete pushover. Bring a friend for safety.Комментарий от Zebix
This year I noticed something I've never witnessed the years before: you step into the moonlight and you don't get the credit for the quest.If this happens, just cancel the Благословение Элуны buff, and re-step into the moonlight until it gets validated.
Комментарий от snphan
At lv110 he has about 56m HP.Summoned him as a shaman and immediately regretted being solo, luckily there were a couple other people around by the time my Greater Earth Elemental ran out, so even a shaman can tank him if you have a healer.
Комментарий от kajba2
Soloed him as a 110 Warlock. Had no problem, but it took a while since had so much HP.ru.wowhead.com